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Conifer woodlands expanding into sage-steppe (Artemisia spp.) are a threat to sagebrush obligate species including the imperiled greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Conifer removal is accelerating rapidly despite a lack of empirical evidence to assess outcomes to grouse. Using a before-after-control-impact design, we evaluated short-term effects of conifer removal on nesting habitat use by monitoring 262 sage-grouse nests in the northern Great Basin during 2010–2014. Tree removal made available for nesting an additional 28% of the treatment landscape by expanding habitat an estimated 9603 ha (3201 ha [± 480 SE] annually). Relative probability of nesting in newly restored sites increased by 22% annually, and females were 43% more likely to nest within 1000 m of treatments. From 2011 (pretreatment) to 2014 (3 yr after treatments began), 29% of the marked population (9.5% [± 1.2 SE] annually) had shifted its nesting activities into mountain big sagebrush habitats that were cleared of encroaching conifer. Grouping treatments likely contributed to beneficial outcomes for grouse as individual removal projects averaged just 87 ha in size but cumulatively covered a fifth of the study area. Collaboratively identifying future priority watersheds and implementing treatments across public and private ownerships is vital to effectively restore the sage-steppe ecosystem for nesting sage-grouse.  相似文献   

Many grassland species coevolved with large herbivores and require habitats along the entire structural gradient created by grazing. Widespread declines of grassland birds, however, have prompted concerns about rangeland management. Conceptually, rest-rotation grazing functions as a conservation strategy to mimic historic disturbance regimes and create pasture-level heterogeneity in the absence of fire, but its utility for improving wildlife habitat has not been directly tested, particularly in the mesic mixed-grass prairie. We evaluated rest-rotation grazing as a conservation management technique compared with more traditional grazing systems, including summer rotation and season-long grazing, and assessed effects of different grazing systems and stocking rates on nest site selection and nest survival of sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus), an indicator species for grassland ecosystems. Both nest site selection and nest survival were directly related to vertical nesting cover, which was only weakly related to grazing management variables, including grazing system and stocking rate, at moderate stocking rates (≤ 2 animal unit month [AUM] ha 1). Cattle presence during the nesting period had a positive effect on daily nest survival, potentially through an effect by either the cows or rancher presence on predator behavior. Overall, our results suggest that rest-rotation grazing did not contribute to pasture-level vegetation heterogeneity and that both the selective foraging of cattle and inherent topographic and edaphic variability in our study area may be stronger drivers of heterogeneity at the small spatial scale required by female grouse.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(4):299-305
The status of waterbirds breeding in protected areas in North Africa needs constant monitoring because of a naturally fluctuating environment and permissive attitudes towards illegal activities likely to negatively affect population dynamics of threatened species. We present the results of a study conducted at a protected site, Lake Tonga, north-eastern Algeria, on a breeding population of Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca, a Near-Threatened duck subjected to considerable pressure from egg-pilfering and illegal hunting. Two distinct habitats within the lake were used by Ferruginous Duck: an Alder carr (Alnus glutinosa) and floating islets across the lake. The mean clutch size was 9.51±1.84 eggs (N = 51 clutches) with hatching rate of 80.7% for successful clutches. Breeding success was low (37%) with predation (33%) and clutch desertion (17%) accounting for the majority of failed nests. The probabilities of nest failure and nest desertion increased with a delayed onset of egg laying. Predation was not significantly associated with egg laying date and vegetation cover, but late breeders nesting in dense vegetation seemed to suffer less predation. Conspecific brood parasitism was positively associated with nest size, whereas interspecific brood parasitism was marginally associated with water depth. We discuss different hypotheses concerning nest desertion, and argue that illegal hunting and disturbance may best explain why birds desert their nests.  相似文献   

2011 ~2013年2~7月,对红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)的巢址选择进行了研究,结果表明:红嘴蓝鹊营巢最早开始于2月下旬,结束于6月下旬;第一窝出飞后,即开始另选巢址进行第二窝繁殖,原巢不再利用.红嘴蓝鹊营巢于树上,选择2~4月建巢,均为常绿树种;5~6月建巢既有常绿树种,也有落叶树种.巢树平均高度(11.12 ±4.15)m、胸径(26.23±12.85)cm、巢高(7.35±2.80)m (n=13),主成分分析表明,影响红嘴蓝鹊巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:巢树因子(主要包括:树高、树胸径、巢高)、隐蔽与食物水源因子(巢上郁闭度、巢距最近食源地距离、巢距最近水源距离)、光与人类活动影响因子(巢与巢枝朝向、巢距道路距离).繁殖期红嘴蓝鹊对人为干扰与噪音敏感,巢位较低和较大的暴风雨等均可能造成红嘴蓝鹊弃巢.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):274-278
The southern ground hornbill, Bucorvus leadbeateri, is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a ‘Vulnerable’ species with a decreasing population. Despite a myriad of threats, including loss of nesting sites, accidental poisoning and persecution, there has been no detailed study of the southern ground hornbill in Zimbabwe. We collected data on nest sites and usage for 42 nests over three breeding seasons in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park. For the active nests in the breeding seasons of 2008/9 and 2009/10 the mean nearest neighbour distances were 4.41 km and 3.53 km, respectively. Most nests were found in granite crevices (67%) while the remainder were found in five different tree species. Most nests (90%) were in areas of subsistence crop farming, the remainder (10%) were found in forests and open savannas. The high breeding density of the southern ground hornbill in the communal areas surrounding the Matobo National Park in Zimbabwe could be attributed in part to traditional Ndebele culture which, for the most part, protects this species. Food also appears to be relatively abundant under communal farming conditions.  相似文献   

The modification of natural habitats requires behavioural plasticity, which may be challenging for ‘specialist’ species. Quantifying habitat requirements and behavioural responses of specialists to landscape transformation is thus a priority for baseline data to inform conservation practices. Using camera-trap surveys of the forest-dependent Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata in conjunction with detailed microhabitat-scale covariates, we assessed habitat use during two periods in the year: autumn–winter and spring–summer (which largely encompassed peak breeding). We used occupancy modelling of forest-structural covariates to produce models of the probability of occupancy and detection of Lemon Doves in patches of the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt Forest of South Africa. The average occupancy and detection probability as indicated by the top-performing models was 0.39 ± 0.08 and 0.26 ± 0.05, respectively, during autumn–winter, and 0.37 ± 0.08 and 0.25 ± 0.04, respectively, during spring–summer. Although occupancy and probability of detection remained relatively constant between seasons, there was seasonal variation in the influence of individual covariates for both measures. The overall trend of positive influences on Lemon Dove occupancy was that of complex and diverse habitat structures and high plant species richness. The specific covariates that influenced occupancy positively during spring–summer may reflect the ecological requirements for nestling provisioning for both dietary needs and an avoidance of potential disturbance. Thus, while Lemon Doves may be less habitat-specific during autumn–winter, conservation management plans for safeguarding the breeding success of the species are advised to ensure adequate protection of large forest patches with complex and diverse interior structures and minimal disturbance.  相似文献   

The behaviour of polyandrous and monogamous pale chanting goshawks Melierax canorus was investigated to determine if co-breeders, by defending the territory and nest contents, helped to increase the fitness of polyandrous trios. Polyandrous trios consisted of a female and male breeder, as well as a subordinate co-breeding male. Pale chanting goshawk males performed most of the interspecific territorial maintenance duties, as well as participating in aggressive intraspecific interactions against other mates on territory borders. Intraspecific territorial interactions were almost exclusively recorded in high-quality habitat, Karroid Broken Veld, and probably functioned in the defence of foraging habitat and potential mates, In this habitat, males of polyandrous families largely occupied exclusive sections of a territory. It is suggested that the cost of defending territories in Karroid Broken Veld was offset by the co-breeder’s contribution to high-risk, intraspecific territorial defence. During the nestling period females of polyandrous trios stayed at nesting sites for longer periods than did monogamous females and all males, enabling these females to guard the nest and act as sentinels. Predation of nestlings was recorded at the nests of monogamous pairs, but not at those of polyandrous trios. Co-breeders did not guard the nesting site but contributed directly to nest defence by either coming to the female‘s aid when solicited, or attacking potential predators when present at the nesting site. Co-breeders may also have helped indirectly, through activities such as provisioning prey to females that relieved them of their hunting duties. We suggest that the female’s nest guarding and the resulting lower nest predation may hold reproductive and fitness benefits for polyandrous breeders.  相似文献   

Heights of nests and reeds in a colony of red bishops (Euplectes orix) in Phragmites mauritianus reeds on the Makabusi River, Zimbabwe were measured in two breeding seasons. Nests were placed high in the reeds with fewer above the mean and more below the mean than in a normal distribution. During the course of a breeding season, nest height increased in response to increasing reed height and the nest height/reed height percentage was relatively constant at 70%. Nest height had a higher correlation and regression coefficient with reed height in lower reeds than in reeds over 280 cm tall. Most nests were placed in reeds with diameters of 10-12 mm. Higher positions, where the diameters of the reeds were smaller than this, the reeds were weaker probably because of a lack of llgnificatlon. In one breeding season, nests used by females were significantly lower than nest frames left unused but breeding success appeared unaffected by variation in nest height. Nesting high in the reeds might be a response to ground predators and climatic factors, particularly the requirement for nest ventilation to remove excess water vapour.  相似文献   

Green sea turtles are one of the two species of marine turtles known to nest in the Maldives. The prevalent time of nesting seems to be inconsistent throughout the island nation. In this study, sea turtle nesting activity was monitored on the island of Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu in Baa Atoll over a period of 12 months. A total of 13 nests were confirmed with a median hatching success rate of 89.58% as ascertained by nest excavation. In one of the nests, a severely deformed hatchling with polycephaly, an opening in the neck area and a lordotic spine was found, and we investigated in detail with radiographic images and a necropsy. Our findings support the importance of consistent nesting activity and nest monitoring efforts in the country as a basis for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):180-186
The mesopredator release hypothesis predicts that reductions in top-predator abundance in a community will increase the abundance or activity of smaller ‘mesopredators’, and increase predation pressure on mesopredator prey, including bird nests. Top predators have been extensively controlled in rangelands managed for sheep in South Africa, because top predators prey on sheep. To test whether this control of top predators has increased nest predation risk for breeding birds in rangeland landscapes, I compared nest predation rates between rangeland areas subject to predator control, and large protected areas with no predator control. An artificial nest experiment found that nest predation by mammalian mesopredators was non-significantly higher in rangeland areas, providing weak support for increased predation by mammalian mesopredators as a consequence of mesopredator release. However, nest predation rates on natural nests of a suite of nine species did not differ between rangeland and protected area landscapes. Thus, control of top predators does not appear to reduce bird nesting success in this system. This result may reflect complex interactions between mammalian mesopredators and other predators of birds’ nests, particularly snakes.  相似文献   

Monoculture and mixed pastures in Florida provide habitat for a variety of resident and migratory bird species. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of grazing on vegetation structure and bird species richness and abundance in grazed monoculture and mixed pastures. Study pasture units were subject to four cattle grazing intensities: 0 = nongrazed (control), 15 = low, 20 = medium, or 35 = high animal units (AU) per pasture unit (no cattle, 1.3, 1.0, and 0.6 ha · AU?1, on monoculture pastures and no cattle, 2.1, 1.6, and 0.9 ha · AU?1, on mixed pastures). Monoculture pastures displayed a greater decrease in spatial heterogeneity of the vegetative community in the presence of grazing than mixed pastures. An increase in grazing intensity led to declines in total avian species richness and abundance and species richness within short-distance migrant, neotropical migrant, and permanent resident guilds on monoculture pastures. Declines in total species richness and abundance and neotropical migrant guild species richness and abundance were observed on mixed pastures subject to increasing grazing intensity. However, species richness within short-distance migrant and urban guilds and abundance within the grassland guild increased on this pasture type in the presence of grazing. Loss of spatial heterogeneity typically results in a lack of suitable habitat for birds that occupy the extremes of the vegetation structure gradient. This can lead to a loss of species richness and abundance. For the majority of avian guilds, a low grazing intensity of 1.3 ha · AU?1 and 2.1 ha · AU?1 on monoculture and mixed pasture, respectively, is recommended to maintain abundance. However, these grazing intensities may result in declines in species richness. Ultimately, if a range of avian species are to be supported on monoculture and mixed pastures, spatial heterogeneity of plant structure and composition must be maintained.  相似文献   

The aim of the current investigation was to determine wild ostrich reproductive behaviour in Orbata Nature Reserve by observing 16 hens and 28 cocks over a seven-year period. Intense laying commenced in January, one month after the cessation of the rainy season, and 92% of the eggs were produced during the dry season (January to May, peaking in March). Over the seven years, 1,322 eggs were laid in 69 nests, which corresponded to an annual average production of 19.2 ± 9.1 eggs/nest and 11.8 eggs/hen. 24 nests (34.78%) were non-brooded, 17 nests (24.64%) were deserted in the course of incubation, and 28 nests (40.58%) possessed hatched eggs. All the non-incubated nests had egg losses equivalent to 46.6 ± 12.6%. Hatchability success of incubated eggs was 41.9 ± 12.0%. Ostriches tended to dig their nests adjacent to the reserve enclosure which had direct access by road and track, the latter subjecting them to human disturbance and predation. The systematic obstruction of these nests stimulated ostriches to build additional nests within the reserve perimeter. The authors discussed the results recorded in an ostrich flock in relation to the environmental factors (climatic factors, food disponibility and predation) and suggested possibilities for improved wildlife management.  相似文献   

大型猛禽行为研究难度大,方法落后,国内尚处在摸索阶段.高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)是中亚及青藏高原特有物种,对其繁殖行为研究几乎空白.2012 ~ 2014年,在新疆天山中段采用路线调查法和行为扫描法,结合访问,探寻高山兀鹫的繁殖巢区及观察育雏过程.同时通过实地观测、迷你自动相机拍摄等方法,开展了栖息地调查、巢数统计、巢结构分析、孵化过程及雏鸟生长发育观察、繁殖周期及食物组成分析等.对天山7个地点的14个巢区及上百个巢穴统计,结果发现高山兀鹫喜欢在朝南的崖壁上集群营巢(约占78.6%),窝卵数为1枚(n=21),最长的一个繁殖区(A区)绵延7.3 km,相距另外一个较近的巢区(B区)约47 km.其巢的结构特殊,均以细禾草铺垫.随着幼鸟长大,亲鸟的护幼强度逐渐减弱.为了错开产卵时间,其种群的整个繁殖周期长达8 ~10个月(1~10月),超出其他大型猛禽平均繁殖周期1倍的时间.因为食物缺乏,其育雏期可能被迫延迟.对高山兀鹫的主要威胁来自人类的过度放牧、采矿、药物滥用、捡蛋与捉幼鸟等.加强猛禽保护,迫在眉睫.还讨论了兀鹫与狼、雪豹及天葬的关系.  相似文献   

Rotational grazing is sometimes promoted for grassland bird conservation, but the benefits to wildlife have not been comprehensively documented. We examined effects of twice-over rotational grazing on nesting success of grassland songbirds in southwestern Manitoba, Canada in comparison to season-long grazing. We monitored nesting attempts and collected structural vegetation data in 2011 (during a 1/300 flood event), and 2012 (average water levels), for five species of obligate grassland bird species (n = 110) and one shrub-nesting species (n = 41). Nesting analyses were conducted using logistic exposure models. Nesting success was 2.4 to 4 times lower in twice-over grazed pastures compared with season-long grazed pastures, perhaps because of the increased cattle density during the short grazing periods of the twice-over system. Nests protected by shrubs from grazing activities of cattle did not show this pattern. The grazing system did not have an effect on vegetation structure. This suggests that twice-over rotational grazing does not benefit grassland songbirds in northern mixed-grass prairies, and that caution must be taken before implementing this grazing system in areas intended to promote biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):145-151
Nature conservation authorities in southern Africa burn the grassland in nature reserves to reduce the incursion of woody plants and to encourage the growth of new grass for grazing. Studies have shown significant negative effects of burning on the abundance, species diversity and community composition of smaller vertebrates and invertebrates. Social arthropods are likely to suffer from repeated burning, as destruction of the colony means a permanent loss of the entire reproductive unit. Nests of social spiders of the genus Stegodyphus (Eresidae) are a prominent feature of African savannas and their size and visibility make them potentially good indicators of ecological consequences of fire. The colonies are sedentary and their nests may persist for several years, although individuals have an annual life cycle. We explored the mortality patterns and the effects of burning on survival of colonies of two species of social spider, Stegodyphus mimosarum and S. dumicola that live sympatrically. We compared colony mortality in burned and unburned areas to determine if colony mortality was due to burning or, alternatively, to natural senescence. Analysis of five years of nest mortality data together with information on the burning regime in Spioenkop Nature Reserve, KwaZulu Natal province (South Africa), indicates that colony extinction in S. mimosarum is independent of the burning regime, while burning is a significant cause of colony mortality in S. dumicola. The different responses of the two species are likely a result of different colony dynamics and nesting sites.  相似文献   

Nesting behaviour of LSL hens from a deep litter house and from a battery system was compared. Every hen was tested in one of two trial chambers containing a wire mesh floor and a nest unit with 5 nesting materials: wire mesh, perforated plastic, synthetic grass, wheat straw and oat husk. Wheat straw and oat husk were preferred as nesting materials to perforated plastic, synthetic grass and wire mesh. The results from these trials were confirmed in a deep litter house. After the nesting material, oat husk, was changed in two of 10 communal nests the hens did not accept those two nests for the trial period of two weeks and laid elsewhere. Hens of the same breed and age reared together on deep litter showed no differences in nest site selection and nesting behaviour regardless of whether they had previously been housed in a deep litter house or in cages.  相似文献   

按照放牧强度递增的顺序在高寒矮嵩草草甸上选取冬季自由放牧、轻牧、中牧、重牧4个样地,每个样地随机选取10个0.5m×0.5m的样方,对每个样方中的植被高度、盖度、虫口密度、毛虫的垂直分布高度等指标进行测定,根据空间分布指数对不同放牧强度下门源草原毛虫幼虫的空间分布情况进行分析。结果表明,适度的放牧干扰会增大门源草原毛虫的虫口密度,过度放牧则可抑制该物种密度的增大。门源草原毛虫在水平和垂直两个方向上均呈现聚集分布。放牧干扰不会改变该物种的聚集分布特征,但可通过对其食物及生境的作用,影响其聚集程度。  相似文献   

It is important to predict how many individuals of a predator species can survive in a given area on the basis of prey sufficiency and to compare predictive estimates with actual numbers to understand whether or not key threats are related to prey availability. Rugged terrain and low detection probabilities do not allow for the use of traditional prey count techniques in mountain areas. We used presence–absence occupancy modeling and camera‐trapping to estimate the abundance and densities of prey species and regression analysis to predict leopard (Panthera pardus) densities from estimated prey biomass in the mountains of the Nuvadi area, Meghri Ridge, southern Armenia. The prey densities were 12.94 ± 2.18 individuals km?2 for the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), 6.88 ± 1.56 for the wild boar (Sus scrofa) and 0.44 ± 0.20 for the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The detection probability of the prey was a strong function of the activity patterns, and was highest in diurnal bezoar goats (0.59 ± 0.09). Based on robust regression, the estimated total ungulate prey biomass (720.37 ± 142.72 kg km?2) can support a leopard density of 7. 18 ± 3.06 individuals 100 km?2. The actual leopard density is only 0.34 individuals 100 km?2 (i.e. one subadult male recorded over the 296.9 km2), estimated from tracking and camera‐trapping. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy between predicted and actual leopard density is that poaching and disturbance caused by livestock breeding, plant gathering, deforestation and human‐induced wild fires are affecting the leopard population in Armenia.  相似文献   

聊城大学校园灰喜鹊营巢特征调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2005~2007年每年1次的聊城大学校园灰喜鹊巢址分布情况的调查结果,作者发现,近3 a来灰喜鹊巢的数量以每年15%的数量在增加;灰喜鹊选择杨树(毛白杨和银白杨)作为筑巢树种的比例高达82%,且筑巢的高度存在一定程度的下降.其中,以营巢树为中心,半径为10 m的样方内树的数量2~4株占71.8%.此外,生活区的巢的数量所占比例呈逐年增加趋势.这一研究结果对如何进行校园绿地的规划以及鸟类保护具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

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