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Local extinction or population decline of large frugivorous vertebrates as primary seed dispersers, caused by human disturbance and habitat change, might lead to dispersal limitation of many large‐seeded fruit trees. However, it is not known whether or not scatter‐hoarding rodents as secondary seed dispersers can help maintain natural regeneration (e.g. seed dispersal) of these frugivore‐dispersed trees in the face of the functional reduction or loss of primary seed dispersers. In the present study, we investigated how scatter‐hoarding rodents affect the fate of tagged seeds of a large‐seeded fruit tree (Scleropyrum wallichianum Arnott, 1838, Santalaceae) from seed fall to seedling establishment in a heavily defaunated tropical forest in the Xishuangbanna region of Yunnan Province, in southwest China, in 2007 and 2008. Our results show that: (i) rodents removed nearly all S. wallichianum seeds in both years; (ii) a large proportion (2007, 75%; 2008, 67.5%) of the tagged seeds were cached individually in the surface soil or under leaf litters; (iii) dispersal distance of primary caches was further in 2007 (19.6 ± 14.6 m) than that in 2008 (14.1 ± 11.6 m), and distance increased as rodents recovered and moved seeds from primary caches into subsequent caching sites; and (iv) part of the cached seeds (2007, 3.2%; 2008, 2%) survived to the seedling stage each year. Our study suggests that by taking roles of both primary and secondary seed dispersers, scatter‐hoarding rodents can play a significant role in maintaining seedling establishment of S. wallichianum, and are able to at least partly compensate for the loss of large frugivorous vertebrates in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Wild bananas are abundant in tropical areas and many ecologists have observed that the succession process is quicker following increased disturbance. This study was conducted to analyze animal-seed interactions and their effects on the seed fate of a wild banana species (Musa acuminata) in tropical southern Yunnan (China) through experiments considering spatial (site and habitat) and temporal (seasons) variation. The largest proportion of fruits (81%) was removed by frugivorous seed dispersers, especially by bats at nighttime. Only 13% of the fruits were removed by climbing seed predators (different species of rats). In the exclosure treatment, rodents accounted for a significantly higher total artificially exposed seed removal number than ants, but with spatial and temporal differences. The highest seed predation rate by rodents (70%) was found in forest with wild banana stands, corresponding with the highest rodent diversity (species numbers and abundance) among the habitat types. In contrast, the seed removal number by ants (57%) was highest in the open land habitats, but there was no close correlation with ant diversity. Seed removal numbers by ants were significantly higher in the dry compared to the rainy season, but rodent activity showed no differences between seasons. The overall results suggest that the largest proportion of seeds produced by wild banana are primarily dispersed by bats. Primary seed dispersal by bats at nighttime is essential for wild banana seeds to escape seed predation.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been carried out on plant–animal mutualistic assemblages, the roles of functional traits and taxonomy in determining both whether interactions involve mutualisms or predation and the structure of such assemblages are unclear. We used semi‐natural enclosures to quantitatively assess the interaction strengths between seeds of 8 sympatric tree species and 4 rodent species in a tropical forest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, Southwest China. We found 2 clusters of species in the seed–rodent network represented by 2 genera in the Fagaceae (Castanopsis, Lithocarpus). Compared to seeds of 3 Castanopsis species, seeds with heavy weight, hard coat or caloric content (including 3 Lithocarpus species) were eaten less and more frequently hoarded by rodents. In turn, hoarded seeds showed less predation and more mutualism with rodents. Our results suggest that seed traits significantly affected the hoarding behavior of rodents, and, consequently, the occurrence of mutualisms and predation as well as assemblage structure in the plant–animal seed dispersal system. Taxonomically‐related species with similar seed traits as functional groups belong to the same substructures in the assemblage. Our results indicate that both seed traits and taxonomic relationships may simplify thinking about seed dispersal systems by helping to elucidate whether interactions are likely to be dominated by predation or mutualism.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is globally one of the most important drivers of change in biodiversity. Seed dispersal by birds is crucial for tree regeneration in remnant patchy forests, yet how bird traits affect seed dispersal pattern is still poorly understood. We studied the extent to which bird traits affect seed‐removal networks and whether these traits affect seed deposition and seedling recruitment for 3 co‐fruiting tree species (Taxus chinensis, Cinnamomum bodinieri and Machilus thunbergii) in a patchy forest. A total of 17, 18 and 10 bird species were recorded foraging for seeds of T. chinensis, M. thunbergii and C. bodinieri, respectively. Frequency of bird visitation increased with tail length, wing length and body length. Furthermore, bird body length, bill length, body weight and wing length were important in the strength of the seed removal network. During foraging, 6 bird species exhibited different patterns of microhabitat utilization and their perching frequency increased with bird weight and tarsus length. As a consequence, frequency of habitat use, bird length and tarsus length were important in determining the number of deposited seeds. For seedling recruitment, seedling number increased with bird tarsus length and weight, but decreased with wing length. Overall, our results showed that various bird traits not only affected seed removal, but also influenced the subsequent processes of seed deposition and seedling distribution in a patchy forest. These results thus highlight the importance of large‐bodied birds for plant recruitment and point out the need to prioritize the protection and conservation of these birds in remnant patchy forests.  相似文献   

Fleshy‐fruited plants in tropical forests largely rely on vertebrate frugivores to disperse their seeds. Although this plant–animal interaction is typically considered a diffuse mutualism, it is fundamental as it provides the template on which tropical forest communities are structured. We applied a mutualistic network approach to investigate the relationship between small‐fruited fleshy plant species and the fruit‐eating bird community in an intact evergreen forest in northeast Thailand. A minimum of 53 bird species consumed fruits of 136 plant species. Plant‐avian frugivore networks were highly asymmetrical, with observed networks filling 30% of all potential links. Whereas some of the missing links in the present study might be due to undersampling, forbidden links can be attributed to size constraints, accessibility and phenological uncoupling, and although the majority of missing links were unknown (58.2%), many were probably due to a given bird species being either rare or only a very occasional fruit eater. The most common frugivores were bulbuls, barbets and fairy‐bluebirds, which were responsible for the majority of fruit removal from small fleshy fruited species in our system. Migratory birds seemed to be a minor component of the plant‐frugivore networks, accounting for only 3% of feeding visits to fruiting trees; they filled 2% of the overall potential networks. The majority of interactions were generalized unspecific; however, Saurauia roxburghii Wall. appeared to be dependent on flowerpeckers for dispersal, while Thick‐billed Pigeons were only seen to eat figs.  相似文献   

Post‐dispersal seed predation plays an important role in plant demography and biodiversity maintenance. However, the effects of seed density on seed predation from previous studies have been inconsistent. We dissected the effects of density on the 2‐step processes of seed predation using 101 520 seeds from 62 plant species in an alpine pine forest for 3 consecutive years. In this study we explained the current controversy surrounding the effects of density on seed predation. Seed encounter frequency (at least 1 seed being predated from an experiment depot) showed positive density dependence, while seed exploitation (the proportion of seeds being predated of the encountered depots) showed negative density dependence. Both density effects showed a consistent trend but with different magnitudes of effect across years. Final seed predation is the combination of seed encounter and seed exploitation. Final seed predation could be either positively or negatively density‐dependent and was contingent on the magnitude of the difference between positive density‐dependent seed encounter and negative density‐dependent seed exploitation. Our results also indicated that studies including only a few species would produce biased results, because the density effect on seed predation differed greatly among plant species. Future studies should include a large number of plant species that possess a wide range of diverse seed traits to avoid potential bias and produce more comprehensive and accurate results.  相似文献   

During a mast‐fruiting event we investigated spatial variability in fruit availability, consumption, and seed removal at two sympatric tree species, Manilkara bidentata and M. huberi (Sapotaceae) at Nouragues Natural Reserve, French Guiana. We addressed the question of how Manilkara density and fruits at the community level might be major causes of variability in feeding assemblages between tree species. We thus explored how the frugivore assemblages differed between forest patches with contrasting relative Manilkara density and fruiting context. During the daytime, Alouatta seniculus was more often observed in M. huberi crowns at Petit Plateau (PP) with the greatest density of Manilkara spp. and the lowest fruit diversity and availability, whereas Cebus apella and Saguinus midas were more often observed in M. bidentata crowns at both Grand Plateau (GP), with a lowest density of M. bidentata and overall greater fruit supply, and PP. Overall, nearly 53% and 15% of the M. bidentata seed crop at GP and PP, respectively, and about 47% of the M. huberi seed crop were removed, otherwise either spit out or defecated beneath trees, or dropped in fruits. Small‐bodied primates concentrated fallen seeds beneath parent trees while large‐bodied primate species removed and dispersed more seeds away from parents. However, among the latter, satiated A. seniculus wasted seeds under conspecific trees at PP. Variations in feeding assemblages, seed removal rates and fates possibly reflected interactions with extra‐generic fruit species at the community level, according to feeding choice, habitat preferences and ranging patterns of primate species.  相似文献   

Although seed hoarding by rodents has been extensively studied, differentiation in seed‐hoarding behaviors among sympatric rodent species has not been well investigated. Using semi‐natural enclosures, we demonstrated that three sympatric rodent species showed clear differentiation in food selection, scatter versus larder hoarding behaviors and eating behaviors when offered seeds of four plant species from a warm temperate forest in northern China. The large field mouse Apodemus peninsulae preferred seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis), whereas the Chinese white‐bellied rat Niviventor confucianus preferred seeds of cultivated walnut and Liaodong oak, and the David's rock squirrel Sciurotamias davidianus preferred seeds of cultivated walnut, wild apricot and Liaodong oak. All three rodents showed larder hoarding of seeds from all four plant species, but the large field mouse showed scatter hoarding of wild apricot, and the David's rock squirrel showed scatter hoarding of Liaodong oak and wild walnut. Acorns of Liaodong oak, which have a soft seed hull, were more often eaten in situ, whereas wild walnuts, which have a hard seed hull and more tannin, were less hoarded by all rodent species. Differentiation in the scatter versus larder hoarding behaviors of sympatric rodent species suggests that sympatric rodents play different roles in the regeneration of different sympatric plant species.  相似文献   

Rodents influence plant establishment and regeneration by functioning as both seed predators and dispersers. However, these rodent–plant interactions can vary significantly due to various environmental conditions and the activity of other insect seed predators. Here, we use a combination of both field and enclosure (i.e. individual cage and semi‐natural enclosure) experiments, to determine whether rodents can distinguish sound seeds from those infested with insects. We also demonstrate how such responses to insects are influenced by food abundance and other environmental factors. We presented rodents with 2 kinds of Quercus aliena seeds (sound and insect‐infested seeds) in a subtropical forest in the Qinling Mountains, central China, from September to November of 2011 to 2013. The results showed that rodents preferred to hoard and eat sound seeds than infested seeds in the field and semi‐natural enclosure, while they preferred to eat infested seeds over sound seeds in the individual cages. In addition, both hoarding and eating decisions were influenced by food abundance. Rodents hoarded more sound seeds in years of high food abundance while they consumed more acorns in years of food shortage. Compared with field results, rodents reduced scatter‐hoarding behavior in semi‐natural enclosures and ate more insect‐infested seeds in smaller individual cages. These results further confirm that rodents distinguish infested seeds from non‐infested seeds but demonstrate that this behavior varies with conditions (i.e. environment and food abundance). We suggest that such interactions will influence the dispersal and natural regeneration of seeds as well as predation rates on insect larvae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether diet modification with different doses of grapeseed oil or pomegranate seed oil will improve the nutritive value of poultry meat in terms of n‐3 and n‐6 fatty acids, as well as rumenic acid (cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid) content in tissues diversified in lipid composition and roles in lipid metabolism. To evaluate the influence of applied diet modification comprehensively, two chemometric methods were used. Results of cluster analysis demonstrated that pomegranate seed oil modifies fatty acids profile in the most potent way, mainly by an increase in rumenic acid content. Principal component analysis showed that regardless of type of tissue first principal component is strongly associated with type of deposited fatty acid, while second principal component enables identification of place of deposition—type of tissue. Pomegranate seed oil seems to be a valuable feed additive in chickens’ feeding.  相似文献   

We carried out a genetic association study between five nucleotide polymorphisms (5′UTR microsatellite ((TG)n), nt‐7(C>A), L24V, DelR242 and Intron 1 microsatellite) of the GHSR1a gene and growth and carcass traits in 1285 steers sired by 117 Japanese Black bulls in a progeny testing program. We report herein, a significant association between the 5′UTR microsatellite and nt‐7(C>A) loci and growth and carcass traits. We also propose a translational hypothesis that the association is due to differences in the secondary structure of GHSR1b mRNA (the non‐spliced type with the 5′UTR microsatellite) among the GHSR1a gene haplotypes. Furthermore, we predicted the potential increase in profitability due to increased carcass weight in cow‐calf fattening enterprises through planned matings based on DNA testing of the 5′UTR microsatellite. Statistical analysis revealed that the 5′UTR microsatellite locus had a significant additive effect on carcass weight (CW) and average daily gain (ADG), but not on beef marbling score (BMS). One of the four major microsatellite alleles (19‐TG allele) with an allele frequency of 0.145, had a significantly (P < 0.0007) desirable effect on CW and ADG. We concluded that the 19‐TG allele could potentially be economically useful nucleotide markers for growth and carcass traits in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

The varied bioavailability and different effects of organic forms of copper on the immune system of poultry have prompted the search for new feed additives based on copper compounds containing modified chelate complexes. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of inorganic and organic forms of copper on selected parameters of the cellular and humoral immune response in broiler chickens by determining the percentages of CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+ and CD25+ lymphocytes, cells with MHC Class II expression, and BU‐1+ cells, as well as the concentrations of SOD, IL‐2, IL‐10 and TNF‐α in the peripheral blood. The experiments were conducted using 500 one‐day‐old Ross 308 roosters divided into five groups. Cu was added in inorganic form (CuSO4), in inorganic form with the addition of phytase (CuSO4 + F), in organic form in combination with glycine (Cu‐Gly) and in organic form in combination with glycine and a phytase supplement (Cu‐Gly+F). The results of the study indicate an increase in the percentage of CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ T lymphocytes, CD25+ T cells, and cells expressing MHC class II molecules, and in the concentration of ceruloplasmin, activity of superoxide dismutase and the concentration of IL‐2 in the groups that received copper, particularly copper‐glycine chelates. Based on the study, we can conclude that supplementation of poultry feed with copper chelates activates mainly the Th1 cellular immune response and the response of peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Furthermore, it promotes secretion of cytokines, which are involved in potentiation and regulation of the immune response in birds.  相似文献   

COX‐2 expression affects mammary tumourigenesis by promoting angiogenesis and cell proliferation, encouraging metastatic spread and tumour‐associated inflammation. Samples of canine mammary tumours (n = 109) were submitted to immunohistochemistry to detect COX‐2, CD31, VEGF, Ki‐67, CD3 and MAC387 expression. Concurrent high expression of COX‐2/CD31, COX‐2/VEGF, COX‐2/Ki‐67, COX‐2/CD3 and COX‐2/MAC was associated with elevated grade of malignancy, presence of intravascular emboli and presence of lymph node metastasis. Tumours with high COX‐2 (P < 0.001) and tumours with concurrent expression of high COX‐2 and high CD31 (P = 0.008); high VEGF (P < 0.001); high Ki‐67 (P < 0.001); high CD3+ T‐lymphocytes (P = 0.002) and elevated MAC387 macrophages (P = 0.024) were associated with shorter overall survival (OS) time. Interestingly the groups with high COX‐2/CD31 and high COX‐2/VEGF retained their significance after multivariate analysis arising as independent predictors of OS. Present data highlight the importance of COX‐2 in canine mammary tumourigenesis.  相似文献   

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