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In the initial phase of a national project to map clay, sand and soil organic matter (SOM) content in arable topsoil in Sweden, a study area in south-west Sweden comprising about 100 000 ha of arable land was assessed. Models were created for texture, SOM and two estimated variables for lime requirement determination (target pH and buffering capacity), using a data mining method (multivariate adaptive regression splines). Two existing reference soil datasets were used: a grid dataset and a dataset created for individual farms. The predictor data were of three types: airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data, digital elevation from airborne laser scanning, and legacy data on Quaternary geology. Validations were designed to suit applicability assessments of prediction maps for precision agriculture. The predictor data proved applicable for regional mapping of topsoil texture at 50 × 50 m2 spatial resolution (root mean square error: clay = 6.5 %; sand = 13.2 %). A novel modelling strategy, ‘Farm Interactive’, in which soil analysis data for individual farms were added to the regional data, and given extra weight, improved the map locally. SOM models were less satisfactory. Variable-rate application files for liming created from derived digital soil maps and locally interpolated soil data were compared with ‘ground truth’ maps created by proximal sensors on one test farm. The Farm Interactive methodology generated the best predictions and was deemed suitable for adaptation of regional digital soil maps for precision agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

我国农业正经历新的变革,向着现代化迈进,其核心就是以经济效益为中心、资源开发为基础、市场开拓为导向,实行农业产业化经营,发展农业和农村经济。 因此,为产供销、种养加、贸工农、农科教一体化经营服务的农业产前、产中、产后各个环节,应以发展农业和农村经济的主导产业和主导产品为目标。 当前,以计算机为核心的人工智能技术、网络技术、机器人技术、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、3S应用技术、农业情报信息系统、农业远程教育、数字农业、农产品拍卖市场等,正影响和改变着农业和农村的面貌,并在农业生产、加工、包装、贮运、销…  相似文献   

中国农业的发展与精确农业技术体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了精确农业技术体系的基本内容,论述了我国作为农业大国研究和发展精确农业高新技术的必要性;讨论了我国发展精确农业应注意的几个问题及开发推广精确农业技术的对策。  相似文献   

加入WTO给中国农业带来的机遇、挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中国加入WTO后农业所面临的新的机遇和挑战 ,提出了应采取的六条对策 :①树立与WTO规则相适应的思想观念 ;②面向国际市场调整优化农业结构 ;③注重提高农产品的品质 ;④全面提高农业劳动者素质 ;⑤加快提高农业组织化程度 ;⑥深化改革现行农业管理体制  相似文献   

Ten years after the introduction of zone-based management to take into account within-field phenomena in agronomic practices, several methodological developments have progressed to the operational level. However, this raises a new scientific question: how can the relevance of this type of management be evaluated? This paper adapts the concept of a technical opportunity index to zone-specific management. Based on the characteristics of machinery, zoning opportunity is introduced through a new index (ZOI) adapted specifically to zone-based management. This index takes into account the operational conditions in which zoning is applied, together with its associated risks. The results obtained on simulated and real field data highlight the relevance of this index.  相似文献   

One of the objectives of precision agriculture is to minimize the volume of herbicides by using site-specific weed management systems. To reach this goal, two major factors need to be considered: (1) the similarity of spectral signatures, shapes, and textures between weeds and crops and (2) irregular distribution of weeds within the crop. This paper outlines an automatic computer vision method for detecting Avena sterilis, a noxious weed growing in cereal crops, and differential spraying to control the weed. The proposed method determines the quantity and distribution of weeds in the crop fields and applies a decision-making strategy for selective spraying, which forms the main focus of the paper. The method consists of two stages: image segmentation and decision-making. The image segmentation process extracts cells from the image as the low-level units. The quantity and distribution of weeds in the cell are mapped as area and structural based attributes, respectively. From these attributes, a multicriteria decision-making approach under a fuzzy context allows us to decide whether any given cell needs to be sprayed. The method was compared with other existing strategies.  相似文献   

小麦品种区域试验精确度及精度分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文分析了全国小麦区试长江上游组1998和1999年42点次试验的试验精确度和试验精度。结果表明现遥区试试验精确度较高而试验精度不高,研究还表明CEV与RLSD。值间存在函数关系,且RLSDα与以LSDα法进行品种间多重比较时的结果是一致的。本文也对区试江总研究工作中所遇的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

推进闽台精致农业深度对接是新时期深化闽台农业合作的主线。福建省应当以精准的设施农业、精深的农产品加工业和精品的创意休闲农业为重点,承接台湾精致农业产业转移。遵循自然地理的区位优势,围绕三条产业合作带、四大主导产业和十大优势农产品,优化闽台精致农业合作的区域布局。加快引入大型台资龙头企业,延伸拓展闽台精致农业产业链,加强技术研发、金融保险和物流服务等产业链环节,培育台资嵌入式精致农业集群优势。  相似文献   

支持精确农业的土壤养分空间分布信息处理的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了获取支持精确农业的农田空间分布信息,扼要介绍了土壤特性空间变异的影响因素,分析了农田土壤的合理采样方法及其特性空间变异的研究方法,并对影响生成土壤特性空间分布图的因素做了介绍.  相似文献   

农业的多功能性评价指标初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着工业化的发展及城市化的不断推进,农业的功能已经不仅局限于生产功能,而是集产品供给、社会安全保障、产业奉献、就业保障、生态功能与生活休闲为一体的多功能产业。本文根据农业的多功能特点,筛选了若干评价指标,初步建立了农业多功能性评价指标体系。  相似文献   

精准农业关键技术及其发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于精准农业的本质和核心,对精准农业实施过程中的关键技术进行了介绍。主要从农田信息获取的传感器技术、“3S”空间技术、开展农田信息空间变异研究的地统计学技术、智能化变量投入技术和多种技术的集成研究等方面阐述了精准农业研究的现状,探讨了精准农业技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

中尺度上水稻田质量与精确农业   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将GIS和地统计学方法相结合,以浙江省平湖市为例,分析了县级尺度上水稻田有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾的空间结构及其变异机理,并绘制各要素的空间分布图.与北方旱地土壤相比,水稻田的空间变异机理有其特殊之处,清楚其养分的变化驱动机理,可以为精确农业管理以及防治农业非点源污染提供科学的决策依据.  相似文献   

Meng  Nick  McConnell  Mark D.  Wes Burger  L. 《Precision Agriculture》2022,23(4):1375-1393
Precision Agriculture - Federal conservation programs can target conservation assistance to the most vulnerable lands by stimulating the adoption of innovative technology including precision...  相似文献   

It is suggested to use all possible statistical analysis methods and then a comparative analysis of the results to increase the reliability of management decisions in precision agriculture.  相似文献   

农业信息化建设对于社会主义新农村建设有着深远的影响,农业信息化对于区域经济发展的作用也是巨大的.农业信息化能够推动区域经济发展,为区域经济可持续发展奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   

精确农业的现状及发展趋势的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阐明了精确农业的概念和及其技术体系全球定位系统GPS、地理信息系统GIS、遥感技术RS、生物技术、作物生产管理专家决策系统、自动化、智能化的农业机械操作技术.介绍了世界精确农业的现状.着重阐明了中国精确农业的现状及存在的问题,指出了中国精确农业发展的思路.  相似文献   

梁贤  林涛 《西南农业学报》2007,20(6):1411-1415
提出行业农业企业经营和区域农业企业经营两个概念,研究了前者的可行性和后者的具体模式,分析其理论和实践意义,认为:二者创立了农村经营体制改革的新方向、整体解决"三农"问题的新模式、提高农业和农业组织化程度的新途径。提出提升农业企业经营理论和实践,在全国推进农业企业化;明确农业企业的作用,重新确立农民的主体地位;反思农业企业和农业产业化现行政策,为农业企业经营提供系统的政策支撑等建议。  相似文献   

Four time-lapse cameras, Bushnell Nature View HD Camera (Bushnell, Overland Park, KS, USA) were installed in a soybean field to track the response of soybean plants to changing weather conditions. The purpose was to confirm if visible spectroscopy can provide useful data for tracking the condition of crops and, if so, whether game and trail time-lapse cameras can serve as reliable crop sensing and monitoring devices. Using the installed cameras, images were taken at 30-min intervals between July 22 and August 1, 2015. Using the RGBExcel software application developed in-house, image data from the R (red), G (green), and B (blue) bands were exported to Microsoft Excel for further processing and analysis. Daytime adjusted green red index data for the plant, based on the R and G data, were plotted against time of image acquisition and also regressed with selected weather parameters. The former showed a rise-and-fall trend with daily peaks around 13:00, while the latter showed a decreasing order of correlation with weather variables as follows: log of solar radiation?>?log of soil surface temperature?>?log of air temperature?>?log of soil temperature at 50-mm depth?>?log of relative humidity. Despite some low correlations, the potential for using game and trail cameras with time-lapse capability to track changes in crop vegetation response under varying conditions is established. The resulting data can be used to develop models that can aid precision agriculture applications. This can be further explored in future studies.  相似文献   

海峡两岸农业的竞争、机遇与合作思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从分析海峡两岸农业面临的挑战与新的契机入手,探讨两岸农产业合作方向与新的合作机制,并提出加强两岸农业合作的总体策略,以期在更为宽松的环境下,加强两岸农产业及科技交流,充分发挥两岸各自的农业优势,使两岸农业合作朝着互惠互利的方向发展。  相似文献   

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