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2012年3月24日,黄冕林场获有机转换产品认证证书。该林场是广西林业系统第一家参加有机产品认证并取得证书的林场。  相似文献   

“十一五”,是派阳山林场建场以来极不平凡、成就辉煌、影响深远的5年,是林场社会地位不断提高、林业改革不断深入、林业发展不断壮大的5年,是资金投入力度最大、兴林富民成效最好、职工受益最多的5年,可以说,是森林认证大提高、林下养殖大发展、林产工业大跨越、融资速度大迈步、营造林大跨步成就了派阳山林场.  相似文献   

小型林场与许多中小企业一样,存在着规模小、产业链短、基础薄弱、融资困难等突出问题。通过对广西国有林场的调查,从内部因素和外部环境分析了国有小型林场发展困难的原因,提出了加强自身建设、创新发展模式、拓宽融资渠道和加大政策扶持力度等对策措施,为推动小型林场深化改革和加快发展提供参考。  相似文献   

黑龙江省村镇的林业、农业和旅游经济收入受我国政策、地域及气候条件影响较为明显,村镇的人口向城市流动较大,厂区建筑、交通以及配套公共服务设施陈旧老化甚至逐渐消失,很多优秀的自然资源和文化资源得不到发展和保护。如何让老旧的林场换发新春,将现有的林场居民生活条件彻底改善并得到良性的发展,是该次研究的关键所在。因此以迎春林业局永丰林场综合整治规划设计为例,探索建设美丽林场,以期为全面改善林场人居环境进行实践和探索。  相似文献   

在国家林业政策不断改革、调整的情况下,林场如何在改革的潮流中求生存、谋发展,如何建设和谐的林业体制,成了林业建设决策探讨的问题,许多林场在林业如何改革,产业结构如何调整的发展道路上摸索前进。  相似文献   

七坡林场属南亚热带气候,土壤以砖红壤性红壤(赤红壤)为主,土层较为深厚。林地海拔均在400米以下。自然气候条件十分适宜发展速生丰产林。近几年来,在中共中央、国务院和广西区党委、政府关于加快林业发展决定的政策激励下,林场紧紧抓住发展机遇,努力推动职工发展非公经济造林,  相似文献   

于树江  陈革 《森林工程》2000,16(6):29-29,17
采取一切有效措施,努力培育和扩大森林资源,扭转林业当前的资源危机和经济危困,是林业工作者所面临的首要任务。为此,本文针对东京城林业局森林资源危机的实际情况,对建立小型家庭林场的可行性进行探讨。研究表明建立小型家庭林场适用、可行。  相似文献   

介绍了浙江安吉县灵峰寺林场竹林认证4年的实践过程,分析了竹林认证对安吉传统竹林经营的经济、生态和社会的影响,提出了南方集体林区竹林认证应采用联合认证的方式及竹林认证标准应体现竹林生长采伐特点等建议。  相似文献   

社区林业自20世纪80年代初引入云南省以来,已经在全省的许多地区开展了探索性的实践,并已产生了不同类型的社区林业模式。国有牛达林场几年来的社区林业实践就是其中的一种,该林场采用社区共管的方式,与其比邻的周边农村社区携手共同保护和管理国有森林,经过双方几年的努力,使林区的森林郁郁葱葱,山区农民的生活水平日益改善,取得了双羸的良好效果。 一、社区林业在牛达林场的主要实践形式 1.多样化的森林经营形式使林场与农民共同受益 牛达林场将森林分成几种类型,根据社区林业的参与式理论和方法,采用了社区共管的方式,本…  相似文献   

分析了林场现有资源森林分布天然常绿阔叶林和天然黄山松林、人工林以杉木为主、并有竹林和茶叶等特点,区位交通相对不便,管理体制尚不完善等经营管理问题,结合林场实际,提出了依靠科技发展林业、优化林业经济结构,注重林业生态与经济效益等促进林业可持续发展的对策.  相似文献   

城市树木是绿色基础设施的基本组成,是城市林业建设的基础,树木的管护水平决定了城市树木的生存质量。欧美城市树木养护和管理方面已形成专门的职业技术体系,并产生了树艺学(Arboriculture)学科。文中通过文献分析和研究,对欧美城市树木管理的教育、职业资格认证、职业要求情况进行总结分析,指出我国在城市树木管护方面应拓宽职业技术渠道,促进学科专业化发展;同时,要加强鼓励市民参与树木管理监督,扩大树木工作者权利范围,增加树木风险评估内容,规范职业资格认证与加强培训。  相似文献   

McCullough  Rex B. 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):111-118
Privately owned tree farms and plantations share many characteristics of natural forests, multiple purpose forests, and fiber plantations. Tree farms and plantations are managed primarily for the sustainable production of solid wood and fiber; however, they increasingly play an important role in protecting all forest values. This rapidly changing role poses a challenge to forest managers -- to increase productivity to meet spiraling worldwide demand while satisfying public expectations for preserving and enhancing a full range of forest resources.These heightened expectations are prompting tree farm and plantation managers to modify proven management regimes in order to protect water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, soil productivity, and aesthetics. Proactive measures, such as establishing goals for each stewardship objective, defining measurement criteria, and third-party endorsement or certification, are helping forest managers identify and address improvement opportunities. Each of these stewardship objectives, though, can imply trade-offs in terms of yield and utilization, thus reducing the economic attractiveness of the forestry investment.In this period of rapid change, one effective strategy is to engage the public in the front end of the forest planning process. By listening and responding to public concerns, establishing common values, and allowing the public to judge us by our actions, we can begin to create awareness and trust. Only then will we attain the stable regulatory platform that is imperative for making long-term forestry investments and implementing science-based mechanisms for meaningful ecosystem enhancement.  相似文献   

论述了森林认证的概念、目的及我国森林认证工作开展的现状。分析了黑龙江省林业发展的近况。认为开展森林认证工作可以促进黑龙江省森林的可持续经营;有利于与国际接轨,开拓国际市场;有利于提高企业的经营技术水平和管理能力;保护生态环境和生物多样性。  相似文献   

中国森林认证探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过研究森林认证与森林可持续经营、林产品国际贸易、保护生态环境和生物多样性以及中国林业同国际接轨等方面的关系 ,详细阐述了中国开展森林认证工作的意义和作用以及中国森林认证的进展情况 ,分析了森林认证对中国森林经营和林产品贸易的可能影响 ,认为森林认证是实现林业可持续发展和生态良好的文明发展道路的有效途径  相似文献   

宁哲 《森林工程》2006,22(4):62-64
从国有林场应遵循社会主义市场经济的规律出发,对林场的管理体制和产权制度改革、管理制度和营运机制创新进行重点探讨,对国有林场发展、解决贫困国有林场的实际问题和政府应给予的扶持提出一些设想。  相似文献   

以登封国有林场为试验对象,开发了国有林场森林资源信息管理系统,并得到应用。基本上实现了登封国有林场森林资源管理的信息化,为森林资源的科学管理和决策,以及可持续发展提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

文中在讨论我国国有林场存在体制机制、森林经营方案、采伐限额和监督检查等方面问题的基础上,从森林认证现状与特点出发,分析将森林认证引入国有林场森林经营管理的必要性;通过分析各利益相关者的职责与关系,提出基于森林认证的国有林场森林经营管理模式和保障措施。  相似文献   

The low proportion of forested land and continuing degradation of existing forest cover are serious threats to the sustainability of forestry in Pakistan. Farm forestry has been identified as a feasible solution, particularly in the plain areas. Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour in a survey of 124 farmers in Dera Ismail Khan district of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province showed that farmers’ willingness to grow trees on their farms is a function of their attitudes towards the advantages and disadvantages of growing trees, their perception of the opinions of salient referents and factors that encourage and discourage farm level tree planting. Farmers viewed farm forestry as economically beneficial and environmentally friendly. Tree planting was perceived as increasing income, providing wood for fuel and furniture, controlling erosion and pollution and providing shade for humans and animals. Farmers saw hindrance in agricultural operations and the harbouring of insects, pests and diseases as negative impacts of tree planting; however, these were outweighed by their perceptions of positive impacts. Tree growing decisions of farmers were influenced by the opinions of family members, owners/tenants, fellow farmers and village elders. The factors that significantly predicted farm level tree planting were availability of barren land, lack of markets, lack of nurseries and damage caused by animals and humans. Farm forestry programmes are more likely to be successful if they acknowledge and address the factors which underlie farmers’ reasons for planting or not planting trees.  相似文献   

Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited ‘forest land’ in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry, advance social justice and improve socioeconomic welfare, and promote a stable and healthy environment. This paper analyses the potential benefits of agroforestry farms in CBFM sites to mitigate climate change. The incorporation of trees in farms and landscapes has led to enhanced carbon storage and sequestration. Half a million hectares of agroforestry farms in CBFM sites in the Philippines are estimated to store 25 MtC while sequestering 2.7 MtC annually. Lessons are drawn from three carbon sequestration projects under development using CBFM as the main approach. Income from carbon credits is not sufficient to recover the cost of tree planting. The transaction costs of forestry CDM projects are substantial and could prove to be the greatest barrier to project fruition. Government institutions must find ways to encourage project developers by simplifying rules and regulations for forestry carbon projects. Forest definition must be assessed. Project developers and the government could also explore the voluntary carbon market which is more flexible than the CDM market. Policy and technical studies must be conducted to ascertain the potential of the REDD for CBFM sites in the country.  相似文献   

对森林认证及其在少林省份开展的认识与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前森林认证已经成为世界和我国林业部门、森林经营单位关注的热点问题之一。森林认证已经成为世界林业的新趋势之一。通过对世界森林认证历史发展的分析,全面了解我国的认证工作,结合作者参加山东省速生人工林森林认证的经验,对在速生人工林认证期间遇到的困难进行梳理,并提出了解决方法和建议。希望能探索出少林省份在开展森林认证的适宜办法,努力使少林省份林业得到全面协调可持续的科学发展。  相似文献   

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