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A Bay Area Council study of solid waste management in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area has concluded that there exists an appropriate role for region-wide planning of resource recovery and multi-county solid waste management systems. The Council recommendations divide regional solid waste management responsibilities between the private and public sector, and among different levels of government, from cities and counties to the federal level. The Bay Area and other of the nation's metropolitan areas are facing major decisions relative to solid waste management. Such decisions will require greatest consideration of the entire region's needs and resources which transcend local government boundaries. The Council Report offers for evaluating regional solid waste management project proposals forty technical criteria and forty financial criteria considerations. The report recommends a flexible solid waste management system with the advantage of allowing different technologies to exist within the total regional system. This is important because of both advancing technology and possible changes in packaging and manufacturing processes which could alter the composition and volume of solid waste.  相似文献   

Santa Barbara County commenced to modernize its solid waste system in 1960 by passage of an ordinance by the Board of Supervisors assuming the responsibility for waste disposal and regulation of refuse collection. Private collectors were licensed, with collection service, equipment and rates controlled by the County. Transfer facilities were put in service in the populous south coast area in 1967 with a sanitary fill site planned to become a future recreation area. After several years of operation, costs of transfer and disposal are four dollars per ton. Although totally funded by the County plus revenues up to this year, the refuse disposal operation became an ‘enterprise fund’ on July 1, 1974 and will thereafter operate essentially as a private business. Financial planning for refuse disposal in Santa Barbara County has assumed continuation of the sanitary fills and transfer system until 1980, but the new Solid Waste Management Plan for the County now required by the State will evaluate resource recovery, power generation and other possible alternatives. Based on these studies, the plan may lead to a new phase in improvement of solid waste management in the County.  相似文献   

现代经济生活方式每年产生大量的废弃物,通过耦合收集、加工、运输、发电、供热等独立运行环节,形成整体关联的闭环供应链,实现废弃物到能源的循环利用和可持续发展。该文立足于循环供能与可持续发展两大维度,围绕废弃物回收、资源化处理、多能互补供应、多网络耦合的完整链条,系统分析废弃物到能源闭环供应链的废弃物管理、多能源供应、环境治理协同效应。基于联合国可持续发展目标框架,以全球能源、经济、环境和社会协调发展的重大需求为牵引,整合废弃物到能源闭环供应链的交叉兼容指标,构建涵盖复合维度的可持续性评价指标体系,并从内生风险与外源风险视角,识别刻画不可持续风险。  相似文献   

鉴于当前农村生活垃圾的污染日益突出,且云贵高原农村地区生活垃圾的研究尚处于空白,随机选择了该地区9个自然村,通过访问式问卷调查、现场采样、实验室测试等方法,对当地农村生活垃圾的特性、群众对生活垃圾的认知以及参与管理的意愿进行了调研,以期为农村生活垃圾的管理与处理处置提供理论支撑和技术指导。研究表明:云贵高原农村地区生活垃圾产生量为160g·人-1·d-1;主要组分有厨余类、灰土类、橡胶类、纸类和木竹类;垃圾容重、含水率、灰分、可燃物和热值分别为106kg·m-3、39.16%、19.48%、41.37%和7615kJ·kg-1。此外,云贵高原农村地区群众对生活垃圾的污染性认知主要来自于直观感受,对可回收生活垃圾的认知直接受当地废品回收商的影响,对有毒有害生活垃圾的认知不足;群众对生活垃圾处理处置的支付意愿较好,参与生活垃圾保洁和管理工作的意愿较强,该地区已基本具备开展农村生活垃圾管理与处理的群众基础。  相似文献   


Waste production is associated with human inhabitation and its rate is increasing over time. Globally, the major proportion of waste is disposed of through landfilling and open dumping, which is environmentally unsafe due to emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Thus, in order to avoid emission of GHGs from wastes it is important to use techniques that can convert wastes to energy/nutrients on eco-friendly economical way. Furthermore, quantification of the impacts of these waste management techniques on ecosystem is also needed through the application of tools like modeling, remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and life cycle assessments (LCA). Thus, this review was conducted by considering focus on potential of nutrient and energy recovery techniques from various types of wastes and approaches to enhance the efficiency of the process. The outcomes depicted that the aerobic and anaerobic digestion is suitable to deal with biodegradable and organic fraction of the waste, but anaerobic digestion seem to be more sustainable waste management techniques. Additionally, the review covers the techniques to drive energy and recover nutrient from non-biodegradable proportion. Different modern analytical tools; such as remote sensing, GIS and simple/dynamic models could be useful tool to help in the decision-making processes for waste managements. These tools can help us to design integrated solid waste management processes. Finally, we suggest that LCA should be considered to determine the environmental load of material/product from its production to final disposal (from cradle to grave).  相似文献   

集约化畜禽业粪便资源化对策管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对集约化畜禽粪便资源化提出四点建议:1.强化农业环境管理,增加对区域环境资源的协调能力,把集约化企业的粪便治理纳入区域生态系统和综合洽理轨道,改变养种脱节状况,充分利用环境自净能力,实现养种互补。2.优化区域资源化技术路线,探寻组合配套技术;优化原则为,优先利用环境容量,粪水和部分粪物就地利用。超负荷部分以商品形式输出,无力输出部分才作废弃物输出。3.以市为单位,建立资源化基金,开拓集资渠道,按治理规划统筹使用,迫使企业纳金尽责,又让其享用行业互助和政府的支持,以保证资金来源。4.组织科技攻关,为猪粪处理和北方冬季粪水利用开辟新路,为深层次利用粪便探索新技术。  相似文献   

对集约化畜禽粪便资源化提出四点建议:1.强化农业环境管理,增加对区域环境资源的协调能力,把集约化企业的粪便治理纳入区域生态系统和综合洽理轨道,改变养种脱节状况,充分利用环境自净能力,实现养种互补。2.优化区域资源化技术路线,探寻组合配套技术;优化原则为,优先利用环境容量,粪水和部分粪物就地利用。超负荷部分以商品形式输出,无力输出部分才作废弃物输出。3.以市为单位,建立资源化基金,开拓集资渠道,按治理规划统筹使用,迫使企业纳金尽责,又让其享用行业互助和政府的支持,以保证资金来源。4.组织科技攻关,为猪粪处理和北方冬季粪水利用开辟新路,为深层次利用粪便探索新技术。  相似文献   

The paper examines the ‘throwaway’ cultural heritage, expressed not only in the vast amounts of solid waste generated, but also in the public attitudes towards unwanted residues. An attempt is made to contrast cultural perceptions of solid waste management (juxtaposing the U.S. with other cultures) and the extent to which a network of values has been created with heavy dependence in the generation of waste. In examining larger social trends and emerging life styles a distinction is made between corrective solutions (disposal) and preventive approaches, i.e., materials flow and residuals management. This implies a new ethos where rather than continually trying to ‘bury’ waste, the culture and economy is re-directed towards a non-generation of waste and towards a transformation of individuals from ‘consumers’ to ‘users’ in some form of a closed system. The emphasis throughout the discussion remains that of viewing solid waste as part of a larger effort of comprehensive natural resources management. The last is examined in the context of a cultural system that recognizes not only interdependencies but also a pervasive life style and shared attitudes which relate social goals, technological capabilities, and environmental conservation.  相似文献   

自然村生产生活废弃物循环利用模式及其评价研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
农业农村生产生活废弃物循环利用是实现农村人居环境治理、提高资源利用效率的重要途径,对美丽乡村建设具有重要意义。该文以自然村为研究对象,采用层次分析法和模糊评价法相结合的方法,统筹考虑生产生活废弃物循环利用,构建了自然村生产生活循环技术模式评价指标体系,确定各项指标的权重,建立评价方法。以河北邢台市山区某村为例,针对其生产生活废弃物产生特点,构建生产生活废弃物循环利用体系,该村农业废弃物以果木剪枝、生活垃圾、生活污水、人畜粪尿等为主,通过构建以果木剪枝热解+炭基有机肥还田为纽带的循环利用模式,辅以污水处理利用技术,实现了废弃物能源化和就地肥料化利用。通过对该自然村循环利用模式进行实地评价验证,结果表明该自然村生产生活循环技术模式评分结果为优。该文为中国村镇废弃物循环利用技术模式选择、农村人居环境改善和农业绿色发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Without some form of regenerative life support system, long duration space habitation or travel will be limited severely by the prohibitive costs of resupplying air, water, and food from Earth. Components under consideration for inclusion in a regenerative life support system are based on either physicochemical or biological processes. Physicochemical systems would use filtration and elemental phase changes to convert waste materials into usable products, while biological systems would use higher plants and bioreactors to supply crew needs. Neither a purely biological nor strictly a physicochemical approach can supply all crew needs, thus, the best each approach can offer will be combined into a hybrid regenerative life support system. Researchers at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Advanced Life Support Breadboard Project have taken the lead on bioregenerative aspects of space life support. The major focus has been on utilization of higher plants for production of food, oxygen, and clean water. However, a key to any regenerative life support system is recycling and recovery of resources (wastes). In keeping with the emphasis at KSC on bioregenerative systems and with the focus on plants, this paper focuses on research with biologically-based options for resource recovery from inedible crop residues.  相似文献   

基于系统动力学的广东省循环经济发展的情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用系统动力学方法的反馈作用机制, 对广东省人口、经济、环境和资源之间相互影响与制约关系进行了系统分析, 并建立了广东省循环经济的系统动力学模型.在此基础上, 对循环经济发展的3种不同情景下经济、资源、环境污染的模拟结果进行了比较.结果表明, 在废弃物的综合利用率、废气处理率、节能节水率和可再生能源利用率等参数均不断提升的情景下, 污染物的排放及能源消耗对经济所产生的不利影响均将逐渐减弱, 绿色GDP总值将会持续稳定增长.反之, 如果继续以过去"三废"处理率不高、可再生能源所占比例几乎为0, 且不采取任何节水措施的方式下发展经济, 广东省绿色GDP总值只能保持较为缓慢的增长, 并在2014年前后达到最大值, 此后随着资源消耗和环境污染, 绿色GDP总值开始下降.这一研究结果可为在资源环境约束制约条件下实现经济的可持续发展提供决策依据.  相似文献   

Without some form of regenerative life support system, long duration space habitation or travel will be limited severely by the prohibitive costs of resupplying air, water, and food from Earth. Components under consideration for inclusion in a regenerative life support system are based on either physicochemical or biological processes. Physicochemical systems would use filtration and elemental phase changes to convert waste materials into usable products, while biological systems would use higher plants and bioreactors to supply crew needs. Neither a purely biological nor strictly a physicochemical approach can supply all crew needs, thus, the best each approach can offer will be combined into a hybrid regenerative life support system. Researchers at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Advanced Life Support Breadboard Project have taken the lead on bioregenerative aspects of space life support. The major focus has been on utilization of higher plants for production of food, oxygen, and clean water. However, a key to any regenerative life support system is recycling and recovery of resources (wastes). In keeping with the emphasis at KSC on bioregenerative systems and with the focus on plants, this paper focuses on research with biologically-based options for resource recovery from inedible crop residues.  相似文献   

农业固体废物分类及其污染风险识别和处理路径   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
防治农业固体废物污染,对保障农民身体健康,维护农业生态安全,促进农村经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。在总结农业固体废物内涵和外延的基础上,探讨农业固体废物的主要来源、分类方法和基本特征,按照来源、毒性、组分和形态对农业固体废物进行了分类,剖析来源单一与类型多样的双重性、潜在污染与重要资源的两面性、周年持续与季节波动的复杂性等农业固体废物的基本特征。识别农业种植固体废物、畜禽水产养殖固体废物、废旧农业投入品和农产品初加工固体废物的潜在污染风险。梳理农业固体废物污染防治、处理利用代表性法规政策,分析农业固体废物全链条运营和监管体系,提出\  相似文献   

Lack of urban land for solid waste disposal and growing public pressures to increase recycling are forcing many urban areas to change traditional solid waste management practices. Development of regional solid waste management plans requires interrelated studies of technical, institutional, and financial alternatives. When the goal of the technical studies is to improve existing waste management practices and to emphasize resource recovery, the resulting physical program will require not only changes in existing practices but possibly substantial capital investment as well. Changes in solid waste management practices are bringing to light new political and organizational problems. Regional planning, regulation, and financing tends to conflict with the long history of local control. Technical solutions are erasing the political boundaries within which the problems were previously containable. The use of a separate regional agency to implement a regional solid waste program is one institutional alternative that may be justified under certain circumstances. In many cases, however, the joint powers agency offers a more flexible means of providing regional direction because it permits the broad political representation needed to deal with problems of site changes, waste transport over jurisdictional boundaries, and shifting priorities in waste management. In California, joint powers agencies have separate legal standing to sell revenue bonds on behalf of the area served. A prime consideration in resolving the political and organizational problems is to preserve and possibly to enhance the role of private industry by such means as reducing the costs of financing facilities and equipment, sharing the risk of investment in resource recovery facilities, and preserving an atmosphere of competition for solid waste franchises.  相似文献   

The composition of solid waste produced at various locations in Nigeria differs considerably because the amounts generated and the constituents thereof are determined by social customs and living standards. Nigeria has undergone extensive industrial development which has often changed the composition of domestic solid waste as well as agricultural wastes. The disposal and utilization of these mixed wastes has presented new risks and problems for our society and environment. Though most solid waste in Nigeria contains little human and animal material, pathogenic organisms affecting both continue to be present. Potential risks to human health and the environment that can arise from domestic solid waste disposal and utilization in Nigeria include pollution of water and air, accidents, contact contamination and breeding sites for flies and rodents. There also are long-term problems in relation to the human food chain.  相似文献   

? This study was undertaken to investigate the possibility of composting organic industrial wastes which are currently being generated in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Four types of this waste stream were identified: Fish wastes; Agricultural wastes; Pulp and paper and sawmill wastes; and Food processing wastes. Other objectives of this study were to establish valid cost estimates of selected solid waste composting approaches and to address the potential of a value-added compost product.

In the past 20 years, fish landings in the province averaged approximately 136,000 metric tons annually. Processing in fish transformation plants leads to fresh and pickled fish wastes that must be either discarded by dumping or processed into usable byproducts.

Animal manure is the principal waste currently being generated by the agricultural industry with 1,333,000 metric tons of manure produced in 1986. There are also approximately 90,000 metric tons of potato culls produced by the potato industry per year. Most of these agricultural wastes are presently being used or applied on land.

The forest industry is the biggest in New Brunswick and as such produces the largest amount of industrial wastes. Wood residues are generated in two sectors of the forest industry: Logging and Wood Processing organizations.

The food processing industry is a diversified enterprise processing items such as fruit products, vegetable products and meat products. Potato processing companies produce one of the most significant vegetable wastes of the province, with about 50,000 metric tons of wastes annually.  相似文献   

制度、技术、政策与水资源危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阐明了水资源危机的内涵,从水资源存量总额、人类开发利用技术、资金投入和现行水资源管理制度方面分析了我国水资源危机产生的根本原因,并提出从技术、制度以及政策3个方向、从开源和节流2个层面协调多个行为主体的行动,即中央、地方各级政府、各用水单位以及各用水者,在共同整合制度、技术和政策措施的基础上,通过增加水资源有效供给和降低水资源的需求,合力化解我国水资源危机。  相似文献   

农业工程技术创新与可持续农业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前我国农业生产中,由于农药、化肥、地膜、农用水等的过量和不合理使用,以及禽畜废弃物的处理不当,造成严重的土壤白化、荒漠化和盐渍化,致使大量水土流失,对环境造成严重污染,同时对资源造成大量浪费。解决这些问题的办法之一,是通过农业工程等技术的创新,来实施农业的可持续发展。该文分析了农业工程技术创新在持续农业中的作用,并指出了农业工程技术创新在实现农业可持续发展中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

结合广东省畜禽饲养量 ,采用各类畜禽粪便及其污染物的排泄系数 ,估算出畜禽粪便污染物排放总量、污染物流失量。研究发现 :畜禽养殖业的粪尿流失量是工业固体废弃物的 2 1倍 ;COD和NH3 -N的流失量分别是生活和工业废水的COD和NH3 -N排放量的 1 4倍和 1 7倍 ,畜禽粪便造成的环境污染是农村面源污染的主要原因。并提出采用综合防治的思路解决广东省畜禽养殖的污染问题  相似文献   

Agricultural solid wastes either in natural or in modified forms have been successfully used for decades as non-conventional cost-effective adsorbents for removing metal ions and dyes from their aqueous phase and have been recognized as a sustainable solution for wastewater treatment. Therefore, this review article provides extensive literature information about heavy metals and dyes, their classifications and toxicity, various treatment methods with emphasis on adsorption characteristics by numerous agricultural solid wastes, or agricultural solid waste-derived adsorbents under various physicochemical process conditions. This review article not only provided an up-to-date information on the application of sustainable low-cost alternative adsorbents such as agricultural solid wastes, agricultural by-products, and biomass-based cost-effective activated carbon and various other natural materials in the batch adsorptive removal of heavy metal and dye from aqueous phase but also presented a comprehensive compilation of adsorptive pollutant removal information based on various reported continuous column operation studies which is one of the new aspect to this review article. The effectiveness of various batch and column operational process parameters on mechanistic adsorptive removal of both heavy metals and dyes by various agricultural solid waste-based adsorbents has been critically discussed here. Batch and column adsorption mechanism, batch kinetics, column dynamic modeling, and adsorptive behavior of adsorbents under various process parameters have also been critically analyzed and compared. Finally, literature information on recovery and regeneration through desorption techniques and cost comparison of various agricultural solid waste adsorbents with commercial activated carbons have also been reported here. Conclusions have been drawn from the literature reviewed, and few suggestions for future research direction are proposed.  相似文献   

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