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The medical records of 12 cats presented with intussusception and diagnosed at the University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the Sylvania Veterinary Hospital were reviewed. Eleven cats were less than one year old at the time of diagnosis. No breed or sex predilections were determined. The most consistent clinical signs were anorexia (83 per cent), weight loss (83 per cent) and a palpable abdominal mass (92 per cent). Vomiting (58 per cent) and diarrhoea (50 per cent) were seen less frequently in these cats compared with the reported incidence of these signs in dogs. In 10 cats the intussusception was corrected surgically. Manual reduction was successful in three of the cats but six required end-to-end anastomosis following intestinal resection and in one cat a typhlectomy was performed. Postoperative ileus complicated recovery in three cases. Recurrence of the intussusception at a different site occurred in two of these cases. One cat with recurrence of intussusception died and the cat with ileus but not recurrence was euthanased one month after the original surgery.  相似文献   

Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism is an extremely rare condition in cats. Twelve cats with a medical history of progressive skin lesions and long-term treatment with corticosteroids were retrospectively studied. Noncutaneous signs in the cats were variable and included anorexia, lethargy, polydipsia, polyuria, and atrophy of the thigh muscles. Laboratory abnormalities included leukocytosis, elevated alanine aminotransferase levels, and hyperglycemia. Transient diabetes mellitus was a secondary complication in four cats, and transient hypothyroidism was suspected in four cats. The mean time for regression of signs was 4.9 months after corticosteroid withdrawal.  相似文献   

Pathological findings of four cats with severe and diffuse smooth muscle hypertrophy of the small intestine (MHSI) are reported and compared to those of five cats with segmental MHSI secondary to neoplastic obstruction and four controls. Histology demonstrated a constant association between idiopathic MHSI and submucosal fibrosis and chronic lymphoplasmacytic enteritis. Morphometry (gut diameter, thickness and area of muscular layers, number and density of smooth muscle nuclei) and MIB-1-immunolabelling showed that the thickness increase was mostly due to hypertrophy, but hyperplasia was also evident. Microbiology from ileal content samples was performed in two cats with primary MHSI, and Campylobacter spp. were isolated, which were also demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure. The association of chronic enteritis with idiopathic MHSI suggests that factors released in intestinal inflammation may also act as hypertrophy stimuli for smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Papillary muscle hypertrophy can occur in conjunction with, or as the only indication of, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or other diseases that result in left ventricular concentric hypertrophy (LVCH). Assessment of papillary muscle size is usually subjective because objective measures have not been reported. HYPOTHESIS: The study hypothesis was that papillary muscle dimensions are different between normal cats and cats with LVCH. ANIMALS: Echocardiograms from 44 normal cats and 40 cats with LVCH were included in the study. METHODS: All measurements were taken from the right parasternal short-axis view at the level of the papillary muscles at end-diastole. Three methods were used to assess papillary muscle size: the area subtraction method, the direct area trace method, and the diameter method. Measurements were compared between cat groups and method comparisons were made among methods for area determination. RESULTS: Cats with LVCH were older and had significantly greater left ventricular septal and free wall thicknesses and larger left atrial measurements than normal cats (P < .0006). Papillary muscle measurements were significantly greater by all measurement methods in cats with LVCH than in cats with normal echocardiograms (P < .0001). The area subtraction method and direct area trace method showed moderate agreement. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Papillary muscle measurements were larger for LVCH cats than normal cats; however, some overlap was present. The establishment of these objective measures adds to the echocardiographic examination of cats.  相似文献   

Clinical, macroscopic, and histologic features of 12 lymphangiosarcomas in cats are described. Nine tumors were located in the subcutaneous tissue at the caudoventral abdominal wall (eight cats) or in the neck (one cat). The remaining three cats had lymphangiosarcomas around the cranial mesenteric artery (two cats) or precardial in the mediastinum (one cat). Macroscopically, the tumors were noncircumscribed, white, edematous, and intermixed with fat tissue. Histologic features varied from cleft-forming and cavernous growth to papilliform and solid patterns. Follow-up data were available for seven cats with subcutaneous lymphangiosarcomas. All these cats died or were euthanatized within 6 months after surgery because of poor wound healing, local recurrence, or distant metastases. The cats with abdominal or thoracic masses were either euthanatized at surgery or within 6 months after the first surgery because of recurrent chylothorax, chyloperitoneum, or distant metastases.  相似文献   

Lymph node evaluation is an important component of oncology staging in dogs and cats, however diagnosis of malignancy currently requires cytology or histopathology. Elastography is an ultrasound technique that allows estimation of tissue stiffness. In people, it has been shown to increase the sensitivity of sonography in detection of metastatic lymph nodes. The objective of this prospective, cross‐sectional study was to determine if elastographic stiffness differs for malignant versus benign canine and feline lymph nodes that were considered abnormal in gray‐scale ultrasound imaging. Animals scheduled for ultrasound‐guided fine needle aspirates of a lymph node at a single center were prospectively enrolled. Elastography was performed by a board‐certified veterinary radiologist (G.S.) prior to tissue sampling. Softness was scored qualitatively as 1–4 (1 = hard; 4 = soft) on an image depicted by a color scale (blue = hard, red = soft). Quantitative analysis was performed using custom‐made software. Fifty‐one lymph nodes were included in the evaluation, 21 had benign and 30 had neoplastic cytology. Benign lymph nodes were softer (median score of 2.5, range 1–4) than malignant lymph nodes (median = 2, range 1–3), and differences were significant in qualitative and quantitative analyses (P < 0.01). Of the lymph nodes with a score of 2 or below (hard), 19/25 (76%) were malignant, of the lymph nodes with a score over 2 (soft), 24/36 (67%) were benign. Findings indicated that elastographic stiffness scores differed between benign and malignant lymph node groups; however overlapping scores for the two groups limited the use of this technique for routine clinical diagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   

Disseminated histoplasmosis in cats: 12 cases (1981-1986)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anemia, weight loss, lethargy, fever, anorexia, and interstitial lung disease were the predominant clinical findings in 12 cats with disseminated histoplasmosis. Some cats were examined because of dysfunction or lesions of bone, eyes, or skin. In most cases, the clinical signs were observed by the owner for 4 weeks or less before seeking veterinary care. Young cats were most commonly affected, with 7 of the 12 cats less than or equal to 1 year old. Identification of Histoplasma organisms in bone marrow aspirates was used to confirm the diagnosis of histoplasmosis in 11 of the 12 cats. Histoplasma infection of multiple organs was found at necropsy. In this study, disseminated histoplasmosis had a higher prevalence in cats than in dogs at the same veterinary medical teaching hospital. Feline disseminated histoplasmosis was not associated with FeLV infection. Treatment was attempted in 7 of the 12 cats.  相似文献   

Feline acromegaly is predominantly caused by an adenoma of the pituitary gland, resulting in excessive growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) secretion. In advanced cases, cats will display prominent facial features and upper airway congestion secondary to bony and soft tissue proliferation. The purpose of this study was to describe CT and MRI characteristics of soft tissues and skull bones in six cats with presumed acromegaly and to compare findings with those observed in 12 unaffected cats. In the five acromegalic cats with CT or MRI evidence of a pituitary tumor, frontal bone thickness was greater than age-matched controls with and without a history of upper airway disease. These five cats also had evidence of soft tissue accumulation in the nasal cavity, sinuses, and pharynx. One cat with insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, elevated IGF-1, and a normal pituitary size did not have evidence of frontal bone thickening or upper airway congestion.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total, free, and esterified carnitine were determined in plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle from cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis and compared with values from healthy cats. The mean concentrations of plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle total carnitine; plasma and skeletal muscle free carnitine; and plasma and liver esterified carnitine were greater (P less than 0.05) in cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis than in control cats. The mean for the ratio of free/total carnitine in plasma and liver was lower (P less than 0.05) in cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis than in control cats. These data suggest that carnitine deficiency does not contribute to the pathogenesis of feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis.  相似文献   

Cat foods containing propylene glycol (PG) induce Heinz body formation in feline erythrocytes. To further study the hematologic importance of dietary PG, 21 adult cats were allotted to 3 groups of 7 each and fed diets containing 0, 6, or 12% PG on a dry-weight basis. Cats fed PG had a dose-related increase in Heinz bodies within 2 weeks, and the increase persisted throughout the study. Although only slight changes occurred in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC count, punctate reticulocytes were significantly increased in the group fed 12% PG. Mean RBC survival was decreased in the groups fed 6 or 12% PG by 30 and 55%, respectively, compared with the control group. These data indicate that PG-containing diets cause a dose-dependent erythrocyte destruction, even when fed at concentrations as low as 6%.  相似文献   

Continuous muscle fibre activity was observed in a crossbred dog, a Yorkshire terrier, a border collie and three Jack Russell terriers. The clinical signs consisted of episodes of generalised myokymia which developed into muscle stiffness and delayed muscle relaxation and generally led to the dogs collapsing into lateral recumbency. These episodes were preceded by intense facial rubbing in three of the dogs, and were associated with severe hyperthermia in five of them. All three Jack Russell terriers showed continuous ataxia. The dogs had above normal activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and creatine kinase, but their cerebrospinal fluid was normal. Myokymic discharges were observed by electromyography in two of the dogs. Two of them were treated with membrane-stabilising agents, with variable results.  相似文献   

Feline corneal sequestrum is a common ocular condition typified by brown to black discoloration of the cornea. The nature of the discoloration has not been identified. The purpose of this study was to perform a laboratory investigation of ocular samples from 12 clinical cases of feline corneal sequestrum in an attempt to characterize the nature of the discoloration. The 12 cases were referred to the Ophthalmology Unit at the Animal Health Trust between April and September 2000, and were also part of a clinical review of 64 cases of feline corneal sequestrum described separately. Five laboratory techniques that are routinely performed at the Biomaterials Unit, Aston University were employed for analysis of the ocular samples. Ocular material included corneal sequestrum, tear samples, meibomian gland secretions, and bandage contact lenses from the 12 clinical cases. High-performance liquid chromatography data showed that total tear lipid in affected eyes was significantly lower than in control eyes (P = 0.016); total tear lipid in affected eyes was lower than in the unaffected, contralateral eyes of the same cat but the difference was not significant (P = 0.29). The presence of an unknown lipid class was observed in tears and meibomian secretions of affected, contralateral and control eyes. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the discoloration in affected corneas was not due to the presence of iron. Fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of sequestra, unaffected corneas and contact lenses (from affected and contralateral/unaffected eyes) showed that lipid and protein were present but did not play an important role in sequestra. Ultraviolet-visible light absorbance spectroscopy revealed a peak at 385 nm in unaffected corneas that was absent in sequestra and the difference was significant (P < 0.0001); this peak may be a characteristic feature of the normal feline cornea. The absorbance spectra displayed a peak at 280 nm in two sequestra suggesting that chromophore groups (e.g. melanin) were present. Optical microscopy performed on 10 sequestra revealed the presence of particles, which were consistent with the appearance of melanin particles, providing laboratory evidence that characterized the nature of the discoloration as melanin for the first time.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine the spectrum of diseases associated with subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin in cats undergoing investigation of suspected gastrointestinal problems. The solid-phase boil radioassay (RA) for cobalamin employed in the present study was immunologically specific, precise, and accurate, with a sensitivity of 15 pg/mL. The RA yielded results that strongly correlated with those obtained by bioassay (Spearmann rho = .805; P < .0001), although the absolute values were lower for the RA. Forty-nine of 80 serum samples submitted during the period of January 1996-January 1998 had cobalamin concentrations below the reference range for healthy cats (range 900-2,800 pg/mL; mean +/- SD, 1,775 +/- 535 pg/mL; n = 33). Cats with subnormal cobalamin concentrations (mean +/- SD; 384 +/- 272 pg/mL, range 3-883 pg/mL) were middle-aged or older and were presented for weight loss. diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, and thickened intestines. Definitive diagnoses in 22 cats included inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), intestinal lymphoma, cholangiohepatitis or cholangits, and pancreatic inflammation. Serum concentrations of cobalamin were particularly low in cats with intestinal lymphoma, three-fifths of whom also had subnormal serum concentrations of folate (< 9 ng/mL). The simultaneous presence of disease in the intestines, pancreas, or hepatobiliary system in many cats made it difficult to determine the cause of subnormal cobalamin concentrations. The circulating half-life of parenteral cyanocobalamin was shorter in 2 cats with IBD (5 days) than in 4 healthy cats (12.75 days). The presence of subnormal serum concentrations of cobalamin in 49 of 80 cats evaluated suggests that the measurement of serum cobalamin may be a useful indirect indicator of enteric or pancreatic disease in cats. The rapid depletion of circulating cobalamin in cats suggests that cats may be highly susceptible to cobalamin deficiency. However, the relationship of subnormal serum cobalamin concentrations to cobalamin deficiency and the effect of cobalamin deficiency on cats remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The postprandial increase in glucose concentration is typically not considered in selecting diets to manage diabetic and pre-diabetic cats. This study describes increases in glucose and insulin concentrations in 24 clinically healthy, neutered adult cats following one meal (59 kcal/kg) of a moderate carbohydrate diet (25% of energy). Median time to return to baseline after feeding for glucose was 12.2 h (1.8-≥24 h) and for insulin was 12.3 h (1.5-≥24 h). Time to return to baseline for glucose was not different between male (10.2 h) and female (17.2 h) cats. There was evidence female cats had a longer return to baseline for insulin (18.9 h versus 9.8 h) and females had higher (0.9 mmol/l difference) peak glucose than males. This demonstrates that the duration of postprandial glycaemia in cats is markedly longer than in dogs and humans, and should be considered when managing diabetic and pre-diabetic cats.  相似文献   

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