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枇杷主要结果母枝——夏梢的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 丰产树结果母枝抽生特点枇杷一年可抽 3~ 4次梢 ,分别称为春梢、夏梢、秋梢和冬梢。发育良好的春梢和夏梢均能分化花芽 ,形成结果母枝 ,但受幼果发育的影响 ,枇杷丰产树春梢数量很少。春梢形成后 ,仅有部分能直接分化花芽 ,多数于夏季继续抽枝形成夏梢。夏梢则盛发于枇杷采收之后 ,发生量大而整齐 ,花芽分化率高。台州一带 ,枇杷夏梢有 90 %以上能于当年分化花芽 ,至秋季抽发果枝开花。相对于春梢母枝 ,夏梢母枝花芽分化期较迟 ,开花也迟 ,更利于防冻。故夏梢是台州地区枇杷的主要结果母枝 ,培养足量而健壮的夏梢是保证枇杷连年丰产的关…  相似文献   

枇杷为蔷薇科枇杷属常绿小乔木 ,幼树中心干顶端优势强 ,通常仅顶芽及附近的几个腋芽抽发长枝 ,因此树冠层性明显。一年可抽梢多次 (分春梢、夏梢、秋梢、冬梢 )。春梢顶端抽生的夏梢和采果后抽生的夏梢是重要的结果母枝。 7~ 8月开始花芽分化。东湖早枇杷系 1 986年福建省连江县祠台村江新官同志在耕山队枇杷园中发现的 ,属于实生变异的早熟大果型优良单株 ,9月形成花穗 ,1 0~ 1 2月开花 ,翌年 3月下旬~ 4月上旬果实成熟 ,单果重 50~ 60g ,大者 1 1 0g ,含可溶性固形物 9 2 %~ 1 2 0 %,果肉柔软多汁 ,甜酸适口 ,风味佳。根据东湖…  相似文献   

通过对安顺金刺梨物候期、枝梢生长特性、果实性状的观察,同时开展优质高产栽培技术研究。结果表明:安顺金刺梨1月上中旬开始春梢萌动,一年可抽生3次梢,即春、夏、秋梢。春梢抽生后即进入快速生长阶段,5月底短暂停止生长;6月初开始大量抽生夏梢,多为二次梢;8月中旬开始抽秋梢。4月下旬开花,花期可持续一个月。成熟果实坛形或椭圆形,果形端正,果面橙黄色,果肉金黄色,果皮具小肉刺,果肉脆、风味酸甜可口,成熟后有浓郁芳香味。果实内富含超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)(3 869U/g),可溶性固形物22%。果实硬,耐贮运,植株健壮,生长势好,抗病性强,平地、田块、25°以下坡地均可栽培。  相似文献   

为了探索金豆花期调控技术,以盆栽金豆为试验材料,研究了修剪春梢、抹花、土施多效唑和控水对金豆生长开花的影响。结果表明,抹除春梢和疏剪春梢有利于金豆夏梢生长,每盆(20cm×30cm)土施多效唑90mg可明显抑制夏梢生长;抹除春梢、抹花和夏梢生长结束后控水可不同程度推迟金豆花期,夏梢生长结束后控水有利于增大金豆花量。  相似文献   

“莆选一号”枇杷系福建省莆田农业局经作站和秋芦镇农技站选育出来的优良枇杷良种。我所于 1 995年 3月引种“莆选一号”枇杷 2 0 0株 ,经过 6年的试验 ,基本摸清了该株系在闽西北的栽培表现及丰产优质关键技术。1 生物学特性树势强 ,树形较开张 ,春梢抽生在 1月上、中旬 ;夏梢抽生在 4月中旬 ;秋梢抽生在 7月中、下旬 ;冬梢抽生在 1 0月上、中旬。抽穗期在 9月下旬 ,花期在 1 0月中旬~ 1 1月下旬 ,果实成熟在 4月中、下旬。2 经济性状定植第 3年株产约 5 kg,第 5年进入丰产期 ,株产达2 0~ 2 5 kg。平均单果重 65 g,果形倒卵形 ,橙红色…  相似文献   

李勇革 《西南园艺》2003,31(4):14-15
本文介绍的“反季节枇杷”又称春节一号、兴宁一号、早选一号、元旦一号 ,是从早钟六号枇杷优株中选育出来的特早熟枇杷新品系。该品系在元旦至春节期间上市 ,比一般枇杷提早 3~ 4个月 ,具有特早熟、优质、大果、抗性强、丰产稳产性好、市场竞争力强、经济效益高等特点。1 主要特征特性生长结果习性 :树姿直立 ,抽梢能力强 ,每年可抽发 4~ 5次梢 ,每一主枝可抽发 3~ 6条侧枝。其枝梢成花能力强 ,花量大 ,嫁接苗定植第2年部分植株开花 ,第 3年冠幅达 1 83m×1 57m ,株产 5 2kg,第 4年株产l7 3kg。果实经济性状 :果实倒卵形 ,平均单果重52…  相似文献   

孔湖 《广西园艺》2009,20(1):16-16
岑溪市近几年冬季气候温暖,水分较足,异常的天气导致荔枝冬梢抽发,严重影响了荔枝的花芽分化、抽穗、开花和结果。为了探索有效控杀冬梢药剂和合适的浓度,笔者于2006年冬采用不同浓度乙烯利进行了控杀荔枝冬梢试验,结果表明,不同乙烯利浓度控杀荔枝冬梢效果不同。现将试验结果报道如下,供参考。  相似文献   

通过对野生花卉进行引种栽培及其开花的观察记录,将部分引种栽培的野生花卉花期与原产地自然花期进行比较,发现武汉地区的夏季高温对原产地自然花期在夏秋季的野生花卉的开花有较大影响;分析产生的原因及对野生花卉引种栽培及应用的影响。  相似文献   

张丰春 《花卉》2009,(6):26-27
山茶花连年多开花,要注意三步骤。 (1)氮肥催春梢山茶花一般在18℃开始萌发新梢。第一次在春天(约3月中旬至4月中下旬),称“春梢”;第二次在夏季(约7月中下旬至9月上旬),称“夏梢”。山茶花的花芽多着生在春季抽发的新梢上。因此,养好春梢是关系到山茶花能否开好花的关键。  相似文献   

早钟6号枇杷引种及早产高产栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早钟 6号枇杷是福建省果树所于 1981年以大果型的解放钟枇杷为母本与特早熟的森尾早生为父本杂交选育而成的 ,表现出早熟、果大、色艳、香气浓、锈斑少的优良性状。该品种自 1995年引进莆田以来 ,经过 6年的试验对比 ,各项指标表现优良 ,深受广大果农青睐 ,栽培面积不断扩大 ,已成为莆田县优化枇杷品种结构、提高枇杷产业效益的一个重要的特优早熟品种。1 生长结果特性通过 6年的观察 ,早钟 6号在莆田的生长发育特性与其在省果树所 (福州 )的习性相似。1 1 生长特性 在莆田每年可抽发春、夏、秋、冬 4次梢 ,春梢 1月下旬至 3月上旬 ,夏梢…  相似文献   

Floral bud development, early fruit set, bud size, leaf nitrogen and shoot starch content were recorded in spring, summer and autumn shoots of ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Floral initiation occurred in late autumn, but only in buds on terminal shoots (the last-formed shoot module on a terminal or axillary growth axis). In branching systems with three growth flushes, more flowers were produced and more fruit set on autumn and summer, than on spring flush terminal shoots. Floral development and leaf nitrogen accumulation occurred later in autumn than in summer shoots, but leaf numbers, dry and fresh weights, starch content of wood, mean floral status at anthesis and anthesis date were similar. The results suggest that nitrogen and starch were present in excess during floral development, and that shoot age did not influence the ability of a shoot to flower and set fruit, provided the shoot had sufficient vigour to produce new shoot growth in spring.  相似文献   

白菜镉积累基因型差异研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
 采用87 个白菜品种, 于春夏和秋冬两生长季节在镉(Cd) 污染土壤中进行植株地上部Cd 积累差异研究。结果表明, 不同品种间镉含量存在极显著差异, 且春夏季高于秋冬季。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2003,98(4):423-431
Globularia sarcophylla, originating from the Canary Islands, was recently introduced as a new cut flower in Israel. Two major problems have prevented its commercialization: the late-summer blooming and the low quality of its flowering shoots. In the present work we studied the factors affecting G. sarcophylla flowering. We found that long-day (LD) conditions slightly promote flowering but artificial photoperiodic illumination does not enable the manipulation of flowering time. On the other hand, treatment with the gibberellin (GA)-biosynthesis inhibitor, Uniconazol, had a dramatic promotive effect on flowering time. Application of Uniconazol in autumn or winter induced flowering in winter or early spring, respectively. The inhibitor did not advance flowering during the summer or in the phytotron under high temperatures. When plants were grown in the spring/summer under heavy shading, they did not flower unless they were treated with Uniconazol. Uniconazol treatment also improved flower quality by reducing the length of inflorescence pedicles. This effect was found in all seasons. Based on our results, we raise the hypothesis that Uniconazol treatment induces flowering by diverting assimilates to the apex. Inhibition of GA biosynthesis under conditions limiting photosynthetic activity reduces vegetative growth and increases the availability of assimilates to the apex, leading to flower initiation. However, under high irradiance and/or high temperatures, when the levels of assimilates are sufficient to induce natural flowering, the inhibitor has no further effect.  相似文献   

荔枝年生长周期内N、P、K营养动态规律与施肥管理体系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过3年大田试验探索荔枝年生长周期内N、P、K营养规律,验证由高氮、高磷钾、高钾复合肥组成的荔枝平衡施肥管理措施的适用性。结果表明,荔枝年生长周期内,收获期N、P、K营养水平降至最低,随后因施肥而迅速恢复,在秋梢老熟到花芽分化期达年周期内最大值,此后随着开花结果N、P、K营养水平逐渐下降,至新的收获期又降至最低水平。秋梢和果枝的N、P、K水平因生长期的不同而明显变化,然而肥料用量(3~5kg/树)和N∶P∶K比例对树体N、P、K水平的影响较小。每个生育期结果母枝的N、P、K含量依次为N>K>P。收获期到开花前是树体营养恢复阶段,开花到果实生长发育期是消耗体内贮藏态N、P、K的过程。在荔枝年生长周期内,分别在收获期、秋梢老熟期和坐果期施用高氮复合肥、高磷钾复合肥和高钾复合肥能保障年周期内荔枝树体N、P、K营养水平处于最佳状态。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(4):461-471
In soilless cultures, fertiliser leaching is particularly large in spring, when fertilisation is applied during rainy periods. Therefore, a better knowledge of the N uptake periods and of the amount of N mobilised from the storage organs could improve fertilisation management during spring growth. Nitrogen allocation was studied for two consecutive years in Ligustrum ovalifolium L. These shrubs were cultivated in containers, fertilised (with or without 15N) in spring and autumn of the first year, and received either fertilisation or only tap water on the subsequent spring growth. Nitrogen assimilated in spring was preferentially allocated to the leaves whereas a large part of N assimilated in autumn was directly stored in the perennial organs, mainly in roots. During the subsequent spring period, N was mobilised from all perennial organs, with a proximity gradient, to sustain bud break and shoot growth. Nitrogen assimilated in autumn was preferentially used to sustain shoot growth, with a rate of 68% of its winter N content against 55% for N assimilated the previous spring. When plants were subjected to spring fertilisation, growth was initially sustained by N mobilisation before N assimilation resumption, but N mobilisation was 15% lower than in unfertilised plants. Overall results are discussed in terms of the improvement of the N-fertilisation efficiency relative to spring growth of ornamental shrubs cultivated in container.  相似文献   

为了探索福建省茎用芥菜1年2代繁育技术,选择6个茎用芥菜品种,分别进行冬春季正常繁育和夏秋季高山加代繁育的2代繁育试验,并对比各品种2代繁育的生育期、株高、株幅和种子产量。结果表明:所有参试茎用芥菜品种只要通过打破种子休眠、衔接好2代繁育的播种期都能完成1周年2代繁育,夏秋季高山加代繁育的全生育期比冬春季正常繁育平均缩短约50 d;冬春季繁育比夏秋季高山加代繁育株高增加31.2%~132.9%,株幅增加1.5%~21.8%,所有参试品种冬春季繁育的种子产量都极显著高于相应夏秋季高山加代繁育,种子产量增加17.8%~153.6%。  相似文献   

果梅对秋施15N-硫铵的吸收与利用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙俊  章镇  盛炳成  孙其宝 《园艺学报》2002,29(4):317-320
 以细叶青梅/ 桃砧为试材, 研究了秋施15N-硫铵条件下氮的吸收、分配、贮藏和利用。休眠期果梅各器官均有贮氮能力,15N浓度根系大于多年生枝。秋施氮肥后, 冬季花中15N浓度显著高于同期其它器官; 春季果仁> 新梢> 果核> 果肉, 说明此期果仁争夺氮素营养的能力最强。新梢停长后, 当年生枝和叶中15N浓度显著下降, 而多年生器官在4~6 月均有所上升, 而6~9 月又都大幅度下降, 表明此期为多年生器官加粗和新根大量生长之际; 当年生枝15N浓度虽有所下降, 但始终高于同期多年生器官, 表明贮氮对当年生枝的花芽分化有持续作用。秋季落叶后, 衰老器官中回撤的氮素营养就近运输, 就近贮藏。次年春, 局部贮藏的氮素营养仍能重新为建造新生器官所使用。所以果梅体内氮素营养有随生长中心转移而转移, 且可较长时期重复利用的特性。  相似文献   

Damas 1869李组培繁殖技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许建兰  马瑞娟  俞明亮  沈志军 《果树学报》2008,25(5):740-743,F0003
以Damas1869李腋芽为材料,研究了不同消毒方法对冬季水培芽及春季田间芽污染率、存活率的影响。采用3因素2水平正交实验,研究不同激素配比对芽增殖的影响,不同浓度的IBA、NAA对生根的影响。结果表明,与春季田间芽相比以冬季水培芽灭菌效果较好,即以75%酒精浸洗10s,再用20%次氯酸钠浸洗8min,存活率为64.1%;最佳芽增殖培养基是MS+6-BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.5mg/l+20g/L蔗糖+5g/L琼脂粉,增殖系数最高可达7.1;适宜生根的培养基是1/2MS+IBA2.0mg/L+20g/L蔗糖+5g/L琼脂粉+0.05%活性炭,生根率为87.8%,平均生根数3.9。  相似文献   

In summer and winter experiments a research formulation of 2,3-dihydro-5,6-diphenyl-1,4-oxathiin (code name UBI-P293) was effective as a chemical “pinching”-agent on pot chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Bright Golden Anne’, when applied at 0.4 and 0.8% active ingredient to the apical region of plants within a few days of planting. A lower concentration was not so effective. When the applications were made later, they induced considerable variation in the length and quality of lateral shoots and also delayed flowering. The compound did not always prevent the development of the terminal bud, but reduced apical dominance sufficiently to permit the lateral shoots to develop normally. When P293 successfully “pinched” the plants in the winter experiment, it had no effect on the length of the lateral shoots which developed. At flowering these were too long from a commercial grower's point of view. In the summer experiment shoot length was adequately reduced by application of a foliar spray of a new quaternary ammonium growth retardant when the lateral shoots were a few centimetres long.  相似文献   

针对上海市嵌草型铺装的形式及铺装中植物的种类和生长状况进行了一年四季的定点调查。结果表明:铺装中出现频率最高的植物是地锦、漆姑草等26种植物;春季、夏季、秋季和冬季铺装中生长表现属1级的分别有15种、19种1、2种1、4种植物;上海市嵌草型铺装存在的主要问题是嵌草型铺装应用比较少,植物应用比较单调,嵌草型铺装技术不成熟。  相似文献   

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