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容器苗培育技术研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过收集、整理国内外对容器育苗的研究进展,从容器苗的育苗容器、育苗基质、培育技术等方面综述了国内外有关苗木容器育苗研究现状。育苗容器主要从容器的种类、容器的形状及规格等方面进行评述。育苗基质主要从不同基质配比对苗木质量的影响进行评述。容器苗培育技术主要从育苗方法、断根技术、炼苗、肥力管理、化学调控技术、光周期控制对苗木质量的影响等方面进行评述。  相似文献   

温室容器育苗基质及苗木生长规律的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对不同育苗基质上生长的香椿、日本落叶松、侧柏、油松等4 个育苗树种的苗高、地径、地上部分干质量、地下部分干质量、总干质量和地上—地下干质量比等项目进行定期生长监测和统计分析,初步筛选出适宜当地的较为经济的育苗基质;并得出该4个树种容器苗的苗期生长变化规律。  相似文献   

Ingestad's concept of relative addition rate was used to grow a range of seedling types, of both black (Picea mariana) (Mill.) B.S.P.), and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Seedlings were grown for about 18 weeks in styrofoam containers under greenhouse conditions, and fertilized at exponentially increasing rates of either one, two, four or six per cent per day, following a one month pretreatment period. Pretreatment consisted of applying a nutrient solution proportionally low in nitrogen, but that had a relatively high conductivity compared to the initial solutions used in the exponentially increasing fertilizer treatments. Black spruce seedlings grew fastest, had significantly more root development or had a higher efficiency of nitrogen uptake when nutrients were applied at exponentially increasing amounts. In contrast, white spruce grew more rapidly when fertilized with a constant level of fertilizer (control treatment). Biomass allocation and nitrogen concentrations in seedlings of both species varied significantly with treatment, indicating that various levels of nitrogen stress had been achieved. It is suggested that different seedling stock types, which are acclimated to various levels of nutrient stress, can be produced by controlling the rate of nutrient addition.  相似文献   

杉木轻基质网袋容器育苗技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章介绍了应用轻基质网袋容器培育杉木壮苗的新技术。以沙壤土为基质进行播种,幼苗高5-8cm时移入轻基质网袋容器,基质以松皮粉60%+锯末25%+炭化锯末15%为宜,约1a生时85%以上苗木的地径大于0.50cm、苗高大于25cm,这时即可出圃造林。  相似文献   

On 3 sites, 3-year performance of 1+0 northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings was evaluated with respect to initial root system grade. Seven hundred twenty nursery-run bareroot northern red oak seedlings were graded according to numbers of large (>1mm) first-order lateral roots and outplanted in spring 1987 on eight 90-tree plots distributed among three sites in central Iowa. Survival, height growth, and diameter growth were significantly greater for seedlings with 10 or more large first-order lateral roots than for seedlings with 4 or fewer. Seedling survival and growth were significantly and positively related to initial root grade. First-year height growth, however, was significantly and negatively correlated with initial height. Combined results for seedling survival and growth indicated that red oak seedlings with five or more large first-order lateral roots have a greater probability of success both in terms of survival and early growth than do those with four or fewer first-order lateral roots.Journal paper no. J-15193 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Project no. 2485.  相似文献   

基质配比和容器规格对杉木容器苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1年生杉木裸根苗为试验材料,选用3种基质类型、13种配比、4种容器规格,重复3次,20株小区的析因试验设计,研究基质配比和容器规格对2年生容器苗生长的影响。结果表明:基质配比和容器规格对苗高生长有显著影响,泥炭比例在80%的范围内,随着泥炭比例的增大苗高逐渐增加;容器直径在14 cm范围内,苗高随着容器规格增大而增加,容器直径超过14 cm,苗高差异不显著。综合考虑苗木高度和容器苗生产成本,2年生杉木容器苗培育的最佳基质配比为:18%的黄心土+73%黑龙江泥炭土+3%菜枯+3%糠灰+3%珍珠岩,最适容器规格为高20 cm,直径14 cm。容器苗生长不仅受基质配比和容器规格主效应的影响,其主效应之间还存在交互效应。因此,要根据容器苗培育年限相应的调整容器规格和基质配比,以达到低成本生产杉木优质容器苗的目标。  相似文献   

【目的】榉树Zelkova schneideriana,是我国珍贵树种,它不仅材质优良,且用途广泛,经济价值较高。本试验通过比较不同容器规格和基质配比对榉树容器苗营养累积的影响,筛选出最有利于榉树容器苗营养积累的容器规格和基质配比,为榉树容器苗的高效培育提供理论和实践依据。【方法】本研究采用双因素随机区组试验设计。试验设置了两个因素即不同配比的苗圃土、农林废弃物(主要成分为农作物秸秆)、珍珠岩组成的基质,以及不同类型和规格的容器。通过对不同基质配比和容器规格影响下榉树容器苗的生物量、非结构性碳水化合物浓度、蛋白质浓度、全碳、全氮等矿质元素浓度等指标的测定分析,揭示基质配比、容器规格以及两因素的交互作用对榉树容器苗营养积累的影响。【结果】试验结果如下:在生物量方面,基质M2(90%农林废弃物+10%珍珠岩)最有利于榉树容器苗生物量(111.19 g)的积累,基质M3(45%苗圃土+45%农林废弃物+10%珍珠岩)、M5(25%苗圃土+65%农林废弃物+10%珍珠岩)次之;容器C1(30 cm×30 cm的黑色塑料控根容器)最有利于榉树容器苗生物量(148.20 g)的积累,容器C2(20 cm×30 cm的黑色塑料控根容器)次之。在非结构性碳水化合物浓度方面,基质M1(90%苗圃土+10%珍珠岩)、M2处理下的榉树容器苗中可溶性糖等指标浓度较高;容器C1处理下的可溶性糖(88.029 mg/g)等指标浓度最高,C2次之。在蛋白质浓度方面,基质M5处理下的榉树容器苗中蛋白质浓度(2.59 mg/g)最高,M1、M2、M3次之;容器C1处理下的蛋白质浓度(2.77 mg/g)最高,C2、C4(20 cm×20 cm的普通无纺布容器)次之。在矿质元素方面,基质M2和M5处理下榉树容器苗中全碳等指标浓度较高;容器C1处理下的全碳等指标浓度(9.18 mg/g)最高,C2次之。【结论】综上所述,基质M2(90%农林废弃物+10%珍珠岩)和容器C2(20 cm×30 cm的黑色塑料控根容器)的组合,最适合榉树容器苗的营养积累。  相似文献   

Tolerance of bareroot and container-grown seedlings of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), and eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) to competition from herbaceous vegetation was examined in the first five years after planting on a site in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence forest of Ontario, Canada. Shoot and root morphological characteristics of various stocktypes were measured before planting and correlated with 5-year survival and growth following control and no control of herbaceous vegetation. For black spruce and jack pine, medium-sized bareroot stocktypes had greater relative 5-year stem volume growth in the presence of herbaceous vegetation than did container stock of either species or large bareroot stock of spruce. Relative volume growth was measured as the ratio of the cumulative stem volume increment in the presence of vegetation (Veg) to that in the absence of vegetation (NoVeg), i.e., the Veg:NoVeg ratio. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment of medium container and large bareroot stocktypes exceeded that of small container and medium bareroot stocktypes. In jack pine, root collar diameter at planting and number of first-order lateral roots were positively correlated with 5-year Veg:NoVeg ratio of volume increment. In white pine, the Veg:NoVeg ratio was also positively correlated with root collar diameter at planting and with root volume. In black spruce, the ratio was not related to pre-plant morphology. Thus, for white pine and jack pine, certain pre-plant morphological features may be useful in forecasting the relative ability of different stocktypes to grow under herbaceous competition conditions in the field.  相似文献   

以新引入四川的20个桉树品种71个种批号种子为材料,开展了育苗试验及苗期生长发育特性观察,重点观察了分别代表冬雨、夏雨、均匀降雨型的品种王桉、大花序桉、白腊树桉的苗期特性。结果表明:不同品种种子萌芽所需的温度、湿度是不一致的,在相同的温湿度条件下,各个品种发芽期、发芽率不同,但苗期发育特性基本相同。苗木的个体发育前期是根的快速生长,苗木高、地径、根的生长量随叶片数量增加而增加;夏季播种的夏雨型品种和部分均匀降雨型品种出苗整齐,出苗率一般在85%左右;冬雨型品种发芽极不整齐,发芽期从8月延续到翌年3月。同一品种秋季和初夏育苗的效果也不一致。  相似文献   

评估了印度米佐拉姆3种柚木林分(Tuirial:500m asl,Sairang:200m asl和Phunchawng:550m asl)在2006年生长蓄积量。为了掌握柚木体积特性和种群结构,随机建立5个直径等级,即a(10-20cm),b(20-30cm),c(30-40cm),d(40-50cm),和e(50-60cm)。研究表明,研究地内个体密度在280-620stems·hm-2之间,平均直径在27.48—35.43cm之间,平均高度为17.87-22.24m,总的基础面积为24.28-45.80m2·hm-2,最大和最小总生长蓄积量分别为669.01m3·hm-2和284.7m3·hm-2。该物种现有种群结构确保其可以长期存在。  相似文献   

The growing stock assessment of three different teak forest stands (Tuirial: 500 m asl, Sairang: 200 m asl and Phunchawng: 550 m asl) was done in 2006 in Mizoram, India. Five diameter classes were arbitrarily established for knowing the volume attribute data and population structure, viz. a (10-20 cm), b (20-30 cm), c (30-40 cm), d (40-50 cm), and e (50-60 cm). Results revealed that the density of the individuals among the studied stands varied from 280 stems/ha to 620 stems/ha. The average diameter of all the individuals ranged between 27.48 cm and 35.43 cm. Similarly, the average height was oscillated between 17.87 m and 22.24 m. The total basal area was recorded between 24.28 m2.ha-1 and 45.80 m2.ha"l. The maximum and minimum values of total growing stock under all the diameter classes were 669.01 m3.ha-1 and 284.7 m3.ha-1, respectively. The representation of population structure of different stands explained that the perpetuation of this species was ensured for a quite long time.  相似文献   

Schultz  R.C.  Thompson  J.R. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):301-314
The Hardwood Quality Nursery Cooperative (bareroot forest nurseries in 5 midwestern states) initiated a series of studies in 1987 to evaluate red oak (Quercus rubra L.), and black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) seedling performance as a function of cultural treatments and seedling root system morphology.Seedlings were grown at three densities (32, 64, and 128 stems m-2for red oak; 32, 64, and 96 stems m-2for black walnut), and half of the density plots were undercut. Seedlings received fertilizer, weeding, and irrigation treatments customary to their respective nurseries. Seedlings were lifted, measured, and outplanted in their respective states as completely random individual tree plots during spring 1988. Survival, height, and diameter were evaluated annually through 1992.Seedling height, diameter, and number of permanent first-order lateral roots (FOLR) decreased with increasing bed density. At a given density, undercutting produced smaller seedlings (for both height and diameter) that had greater numbers of FOLR. Numbers of FOLR influenced seedling performance after outplanting. Red oak seedlings with at least 5 FOLR and black walnut with at least 7 FOLR had better survival and growth than seedlings with fewer roots.  相似文献   

几种樟树育苗及幼苗生长特性观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樟树各品种种子的场圃发芽率为75-85%,发芽相对整齐而集中,其中油樟所需时间最短(15-18d),猴樟所需时间最长(26-32d);播种期(月)的早晚是1年幼苗的高(地径)粗生长的决定性因素,此外,还与是否移植有关;6种樟树品种的年长其为257-213d,猴樟生长期最长,油樟的生长期最短;2年生幼苗地径(粗)生长略迟于高生长。  相似文献   

Three seed sources of 2+0 Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings were graded into three root-volume categories (<9, 9–13, and >13 cm3) and outplanted to determine (i) differences in survival and growth after one and two growing seasons in the field, (ii) relationship(s) of seedling height after one and two seasons to preplanting nursery root volume, total fresh weight, root-collar diameter, and height, and (iii) differences in field performance due to fertilization at planting. Field survival was >90% among all root-volume categories. Seedlings in the largest category grew significantly better than those in the smaller two categories over two seasons. Apparently, a population of seedlings having a large proportion of high root volumes will outperform a population having a large proportion of low root volumes in the field. Fertilization at the time of planting had no effect on survival or growth because of shallow placement of the fertilizer pellet. The results suggest that targeting root volume, as well as height and diameter, is worthwhile where morphological quality must be maximized to improve field performance. Thus, root volume has potential for use as a criterion for grading seedlings.  相似文献   

以半年生桢楠(Phoebe zhennan)幼苗为试材,采用正交试验设计,初步研究了容器规格、肥料种类和育苗基质对桢楠容器苗的苗高、地径、根系长、全株鲜重、全株干重影响。结果表明,不同的肥料种类对幼苗的苗高、地径、全株鲜重、全株干重均有显著影响(P<0.05),而容器规格和育苗基质对容器苗的生长无显著影响。对不同因素、不同水平的各个组合处理进行分析,半年生桢楠的容器育苗最佳组合为8 cm×12 cm的容器规格,施用5%有机肥作为基肥,采用80%森林土+20%的火烧土作为育苗基质,其次是10 cm×14 cm的容器规格,施用5%有机肥作为基肥,采用100%森林土的育苗基质。  相似文献   

对华山松在云龙县漕涧地区的造林技术进行了研究,结果表明:在漕涧地区,华山松适宜于海拔2 000~2 800m的微酸性棕壤或黄棕壤,选用天然母树林采种并进行品质检验后育苗,100d出圃,雨季植苗造林,成活率达95%,且比直播造林节约种子1倍以上。  相似文献   

When containerized black spruce seedlings (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) are grown rapidly in greenhouse culture, they sometimes bend over, grow horizontally and become deformed. This phenomenon has been known to affect between 5% and 10% of a winter greenhouse crop. In this study, near-ultraviolet lamps were used to supplement the artificial light received from high-pressure sodium lamps and the effects on seedling morphology and lignin contents were examined. Neither height to diameter ratios nor lignin concentrations were significantly affected by UV radiation flux density. However, seedling biomass, height, root collar diameter, lignin content, and lignin to cellulose ratios of stems were significantly correlated with total photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) received during photoperiod extension. Height to diameter ratios were negatively correlated with PPFD during photoperiod enhancement because of a greater relative increase in diameter growth compared with height growth. Neither UV nor PAR flux density affected the percentage of black spruce seedlings having stem deformations greater than 30 ° from the vertical.
Résumé Lorsque des semis d'épinette noire (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) en conteneur sont forcés d'avoir une croissance rapide en serre, leur tige est parfois courbée ou déformée. Ce phénomène peut affecter entre 5% et 10% d'une culture serricole hivernale. Dans la présente étude, un enrichissement du rayonnement près de l'ultraviolet a été appliqué sur des semis en complément à l'éclairage artificiel procuré par des lampes au sodium à haute pression. La morphologie et le contenu en lignine des semis ont alors été examinés. Le rapport entre la hauteur et le diamètre des semis, et la concentration en lignine n'ont pas été significativement affectés par la densité du flux photonique ultraviolet. Cependant, la biomasse, la hauteur, le diamètre au collet, le contenu en lignine et le ratio lignine: cellulose des tiges des semis ont été significativement corrélés à la densité du flux photonique photosynthétique (PPFD) reçue pendant l'extension de la photopriode. Le rapport entre la hauteur et le diamètre a été négativement corrélé à la PPFD pendant l'augmentation de la photopériode à cause de la plus grande croissance en diamètre des semis comparativement à leur croissance en hauteur. La densité du flux photonique au niveau de l'ultraviolet comme au niveau de la radiation photosynthétiquement active n'a pas affecté le pourcentage de semis d'épinette noire ayant des déformations de leur tige plus grande que 30 ° comparativement à la verticale.

容器苗根系畸形现象比较严重,采取一定的控根技术可有效改善根系分布,增加侧根数量,提高容器苗质量。试验选用不同控根方法对苦楝苗木进行容器育苗对比试验,阐明了不同控根方法对苦楝苗木质量的影响规律。结果表明,空气修根效果显著,特别是空气控根和化学控根结合的方法处理的苗木其根系成团现象比较明显,侧根数、根系活力等指标与其他处理间均达极显著差异。化学控根采用碳酸铜浓度为100~150 g/L时培育出的苗木质量最好。  相似文献   

试验研究了不同菌根菌接种处理对板栗容器苗生长和形态指标的影响,试验结果表明:接种不同菌根菌对板栗容器苗的生长和形态指标的影响各不相同,其中处理6(B.e C.o)、处理5(B.e X.ch)和处理3(X.ch)对板栗容器苗苗高生长促进作用较大;处理7(X.ch C.o)对板栗容器苗地径生长促进作用最大,生物量也最大;处理7(X.ch C.o)和处理3(X.ch)对苗木各项根系指标的促进作用均较大,生物量也较大。  相似文献   

刘翠梅 《林业调查规划》2007,32(4):45-46,50
从2003年10月至2005年12月,在师宗县五龙乡小法村对红花木莲(Manglietia insgnis)进行育苗和栽培试验,详细介绍了优树选择、采种、育苗的全过程.2hm2圃地产苗木50万株,实现总产值232.9万元,已造林40hm2,成活率在90%以上.  相似文献   

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