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Leukocytes containing nonheme iron and phagocytosed fragments of erythrocytes were found in blood smears from a corn snake (Elaphe guttata) collected 20 and 79 days after coelomic surgery (ovariosalpingectomy). Numerous immature and mitotic erythrocytes also were seen in the sample taken 20 days postsurgically. Siderophagocytes and erythrophagocytes had not been observed before surgery and were not found in multiple subsequent blood samples collected 112-602 days after surgery. Other than these hematologic abnormalities, laboratory findings were unremarkable and the snake recovered uneventfully. Based on examination of sequential blood smears, the circulating siderophagocytes were interpreted as recirculating macrophages involved in the removal of blood from the coelomic cavity after mild postsurgical hemorrhage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether corn snakes exposed to UVB radiation have increased plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations, compared with control snakes. ANIMALS: 12 corn snakes (Elaphe guttata). PROCEDURES: After an acclimation period in individual enclosures, a blood sample was collected from each snake for assessment of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentration. Six snakes were provided with no supplemental lighting, and 6 snakes were exposed to light from 2 full-spectrum coil bulbs. By use of a radiometer-photometer, the UVA and UVB radiation generated by the bulbs were measured in each light-treated enclosure at 3 positions at the basking surface and at 2.54 cm (1 inch) below each bulb surface; the arithmetic mean values for the 3 positions at the basking surface and each individual bulb surface were calculated immediately after the start of the study and at weekly intervals thereafter. At the end of the study (day 28), another blood sample was collected from each snake to determine plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentration. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD plasma concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in snakes that were provided with supplemental lighting (196 +/- 16.73 nmol/L) differed significantly from the value in control snakes (57.17 +/- 15.28 nmol/L). Mean exposure to UVA or UVB did not alter during the 4-week study period, although the amount of UVA recorded near the bulb surfaces did change significantly. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings have provided important insight into the appropriate UV radiation requirements for corn snakes. Further investigation will be needed before exact husbandry requirements can be determined.  相似文献   

Parvovirus-like particles of about 30 nm in diameter were isolated from the corn snake (Elapha guttata) showing pneumonia. The DNA containing virus replicated in IgH2 cells at 30 degrees C inducing nuclear inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAlfaxalone is a popular veterinary anesthetic; however, research on this anesthetic in snakes has been limited to ball pythons, garter snakes and several Australian species. The objective was to evaluate the anesthetic effects of alfaxalone in corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus), a popular pet snake.Study designProspective, randomized crossover study.AnimalsA total of eight corn snakes.MethodsIn phase I, snakes were subcutaneously administered three doses of alfaxalone (5, 10 and 15 mg kg–1) in the cranial third of the body to determine the most effective dose. In phase II, a dose of 15 mg kg–1 was administered in the cranial and caudal thirds of the snakes to determine if injection site affected anesthesia duration. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR), righting reflex, escape response, tail pinch, needle prick and tongue flick were monitored at baseline and 5 minute intervals until the snakes fully recovered.ResultsDuration of anesthesia differed significantly, with higher doses lasting longer than lower doses: 5 mg kg–1 [23.8 ± 4.4 (15–30) minutes]; 10 mg kg–1 [40.6 ± 9.4 (25–55) minutes]; and 15 mg kg–1 [56.9 ± 8.4 (50–70) minutes], mean ± standard deviation (range). The tail pinch reflex was not completely lost in phase 1. There was a significant change in fR over time, but this was not related to dose. HR was not different by time or dose. Duration of anesthesia was not different after administration of alfaxalone (15 mg kg–1) in the cranial third versus the caudal third of the body; however, there was a significant decrease in HR and fR at this dose, regardless of injection site.Conclusions and clinical relevanceBased on these results, alfaxalone (15 mg kg–1) provides adequate anesthesia for brief procedures or intubation; however, additional analgesia is required for painful procedures.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old neutered male Yorkshire Terrier was presented to the Haemaru Referral Animal Hospital with a history of unresponsive tracheal collapse and an incidental finding of a lung nodule in the left caudal lung lobe on radiography. Thorough physical examination and imaging studies revealed no other masses. Cytologic examination of C-arm mobile fluoroscopy-guided fine-needle aspirates revealed numerous free nuclei and a low number of small round cells with moderate to abundant pale basophilic cytoplasm. Some cells contained indistinct basophilic granules in their cytoplasm, and extracellular pink material was noted. A caudal lung lobectomy was performed, and histologic evaluation of the mass revealed round to polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and round nuclei with mild anisokaryosis and 0-3 mitotic figures per high-power field. Cells were arranged in packets separated by fine fibrovascular stroma, suggestive of a pulmonary neuroendocrine neoplasm, specifically a carcinoma/carcinoid. The cells were immunoreactive for chromogranin A and neuron-specific enolase, and negative for cytokeratin, synaptophysin, calcitonin, thyroglobulin, parathyroid hormone, CD79a, light lambda, and vimentin. With these findings the tumor was diagnosed as a primary lung carcinoid. Eleven months after resection, there was no evidence of tumor regrowth or metastasis. The absence of necrosis, few mitotic figures, minimal pleomorphism, and benign behavior of this tumor resembled those of a typical carcinoid in humans.  相似文献   

A 3-yr-old female corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus guttatus, was presented for clinical examination of anorexia and a coelomic mass. Radiographs and ultrasound demonstrated a fluid-filled mass in the cardiac region. Surgical exploration revealed an approximately 1.2-cm, round, multilobulated, fluid-filled, nodular lesion firmly attached to the left atrial wall. Resection was attempted but proved unsuccessful and the animal was euthanized. Histopathological examination of the lesion revealed a large cystic structure associated with a cluster of variably sized, vascular channels lined by a one-cell-thick layer of endothelium, consistent with a cardiac hemangioma of the left atrium. This, to the best of the authors' knowledge, is the first report of such an occurrence in a snake.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old female collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) was presented for ophthalmic examination following sudden onset of blindness. Bilateral retinal detachment was diagnosed, neoplasia suspected, and euthanasia performed. Widespread tumor dissemination was apparent at autopsy, and transitional cell carcinoma was diagnosed histologically. The tumor was identified as arising from the ovary. Epidemiologic features of this case are discussed.  相似文献   

An adult, male, green iguana (Iguana iguana) of unknown age was presented with a history of an enlarging, dark, skin mass in the right axillary region. The mass was excised because neoplasia was suspected. Impression smears of the cut surface of the mass were prepared for cytologic examination, and the mass was fixed for histologic examination. The impression smears contained numerous, discrete, pigmented, neoplastic cells consistent with melanin-producing neoplastic chromatophores. Histologic findings were consistent with a cutaneous melanophoroma. By transmission electron microscopy, the intracytoplasmic pigment granules corresponded to numerous melanosomes and lower numbers of premelanosomes. Tissue sections of the tumor were immunoreactive for Melan A antigen and were negative for S-100 antigen. The cytologic, histologic, electron microscopic, and immunohistochemical findings of the neoplasm were consistent with those of melanophoroma, an uncommon neoplasm of reptiles. The present report augments the limited body of knowledge on cytomorphologic and immunohistochemical characteristics of pigmented neoplasms in reptiles.  相似文献   

In the veterinary profession, the body condition score (BCS) plays an important role in the assessment of patients. It is a subjective, tactile method of evaluating body fat and muscle mass and is used in numerous species. Recognizing obesity (or the contrary, emaciation) is important for veterinarians treating reptiles and could be facilitated by a BCS. An existing form of body condition assessment already used is the body condition index (BCI), where the residuals from a regression of body mass on body length are calculated. Therefore, the goal of this study was to provide practitioners with a BCS system for corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) and to test it against the BCI. A total of 22 corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus), stationed at the “Auffangstation für Reptilien” in Munich (reptile rescue centre, RRC), were subject of this study. Each had the following measurements taken: body weight (BW), snout–tail tip length (STL), snout–vent length (SVL) and circumference in the middle (C). Manual palpation of spine, area between vertebral spinous and transverse process, ribs and neck of each snake was performed by three veterinarians and assigned to specific scores by each examiner. A BCS (mean of examiners’ scores) was given to each snake according to manual palpation. The BCS system was chosen to be out of 5 in 0.5-point steps with 2.5 considered as ideal BCS. In the studied snakes, the BCS ranged from 1.5 to 3.5, with a median of 2.5. The median BW was 309 g (75–967 g), the median STL was 123 cm (79–153 cm), the median SVL was 104 cm (73–133 cm) and the median C was 7.5 cm (4.3–11 cm). BCS and BCI were positively correlated. A BCS includes a manual palpation of the animal and thus gives the examiner additional information to the objectively measured/calculated index.  相似文献   

Primary ovarian tumors are generally uncommon in rats used in toxicologic studies. A malignant Sertoli cell tumor was present in the ovary of a 19-week-old female Sprague Dawley rat. Macroscopically, the mass was white and firm, 10 × 13 × 17 mm in size, and located in the right ovary. Histopathologically, the mass was composed of nests of pleomorphic cells, which formed seminiferous-like tubules separated by a thin fibrovascular stroma. The tubules were lined by tumor cells, which had basally located nuclei and abundant eosinophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm. In some areas, the tumor cells were arranged in a retiform growth pattern, mimicking a rete testis/ovarii. Disseminated metastases to the surfaces of the mesentery, spleen and liver were also present. Immunohistochemically, many tumor cells were strongly positive for vimentin, estrogen receptor α and Ki 67. Some tumor cells were positive for pancytokeratin and inhibin α. These findings closely resemble those of an ovarian-derived human malignant Sertoli cell tumor. From our review of the literature, we believe this is the first report of a spontaneous malignant Sertoli cell tumor in the ovary of a young laboratory rat. This case might provide useful historical control information for rat toxicity studies.  相似文献   

A 19‐year‐old Hackney pony was referred to a veterinary teaching hospital for further investigation of left‐sided scrotal enlargement. Both testes were normally positioned within the scrotum and there was no pain on palpation. Ultrasonography revealed multiple masses of soft tissue echogenicity, located adjacent to the testicular parenchyma. They were hyperechoic when compared to the testicular parenchyma and affected both testes. Surgical excision was performed by closed castration. Gross examination revealed firm, white, nodular masses of varying size on the surface of both testes. The cut surface of individual masses had a dense, whorling, fibrous and somewhat shiny appearance. The histopathological diagnosis was bilateral, multicentric, well differentiated leiomyoma of the tunica albuginea. The smooth muscle origin was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining with an anti‐human monoclonal antibody reactive to smooth muscle actin. This is the first report of a bilateral, multicentric, leiomyoma in the testes of a horse confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry. This case highlights that neoplasia should be considered as a differential for bilateral testicular enlargement.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the specificity of a snake venom detection kit in urine samples from dogs and cats presenting to a referral centre for diseases unrelated to snake envenomation. Design Urine was collected from 50 dog and 25 cats presented for investigation and treatment of diseases unrelated to snake envenomation. Urine was collected as a voided sample, by cystocentesis or by catheterisation, and routine urinanalysis was performed. Snake venom testing was performed within 2 h of collection using a commercially available snake venom detection kit, which was observed continuously during the 10-min colour reaction phase for evidence of a visible colour indicating a positive test. Results No false-positive reactions occurred in any sample analysed. Conclusion The snake venom detection kit appears to have 100% specificity for using urine as a test sample.  相似文献   

This is the first morpho-histological comparison of guanaco ovaries between reproductive (long-days) and non-reproductive (short-days) seasons, and oestrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) detection. Different stages of follicle development were found in the cortical area, but no corpus luteum was detected. The size and frequency of antral follicles and large atretic follicles were higher in long-day ovaries than short-days, consistent with ovarian activity in this season. Differential expression of ERα and ERβ was observed in follicles at different stages of development between short and long days. These data reveal histological and molecular differences between reproductive and non-reproductive seasons of guanaco ovaries.  相似文献   

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