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采用生物信息学方法对斑点叉尾 (Ictalurus punctatus)ipu-miR-143的靶基因进行预测, 并对预测到的ipu-miR-143靶基因进行生物学鉴定。生物信息学预测结果显示, 斑点叉尾 微管相关蛋白基因RP/EB家族EB1基因的3′-UTR区具有ipu-miR-143的潜在作用位点。结合对几种近缘物种中RP/EB家族EB1基因和miR-143的进化保守性进行分析, 推测ipu-miR-143在斑点叉尾 中可以通过靶向EB1基因的3′-UTR区而发挥其调控功能。因此, 本研究将斑点叉尾 EB1基因的3′-UTR(含有miR-143靶位点)构建到pMIR-REPORTTM Luciferase载体的下游, 通过双荧光素酶报告基因检测系统对ipu-miR-143的靶基因进行鉴定。采用HEK293CCK两种细胞进行细胞转染, 两种细胞中转染miR-143 mimics组荧光相对活性与对照组相比均表现为显著性降低(P<0.05)。共转染miR-143 inhibitors, CCK细胞中荧光素酶相对活性(8.27±1.02)与对照组相比(5.44±1.55)显著上调(P<0.05); HEK293细胞中荧光素酶相对活性(6.30±1.19)与对照组(4.26±0.84)相比有所上升, 但无显著性差异(P>0.05)初步研究结果提示, miR-143可以通过靶向EB1基因的3′-UTR区而发挥其调控功能。本研究旨为后续深入研究斑点叉尾 EB1基因的转录后调控机制提供基础依据。


在鲤(Cyprinus carpio)基因组中鉴别出一个新的具有潜在转座活性的Tc1类转座子,并命名为CCTN转座子(Cyprinus carpio Transposon,CCTN)。CCTN转座子全长1 611 bp,由两端约214 bp的反向重复序列(Inverted Repeat,IR)和中间不间断的996 bp的转座酶开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame,ORF)组成。CCTN转座子推测的转座酶序列中存在完整的DD(34)E结构域,此结构域是Tc1类转座酶作用的必需位点之一。采用实时荧光定量PCR评估CCTN转座子在鲤基因组中的拷贝数约为2.28×103,占全基因组的0.21%。分子系统学研究表明,CCTN转座子是一个新的鱼类Tc1类转座子,其与斑马鱼(Danio rerio)Tzf-28、大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)SALT1和鲽(Pleuronectes platessa)PPTN2等Tc1类转座子亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

为了探讨刀鲚2种不同生活史种群的遗传结构差异以及成因,本研究利用分子克隆及转座子展示技术,从刀鲚基因组中分离、鉴定出一类新的、命名为Cn-Tc1的转座子。该转座子全长1896 bp,为鳀科鱼类第一类被挖掘的Tc1转座子。Cn-Tc1自身包含另一个长度为1040 bp的类Tc1,表明Cn-Tc1在基因组内的转座经历过多次迸发。Cn-Tc1的5’和3’末端反向重复序列长度分别为64和83 bp,转座插入位点具有"TATA"基序。预测的Cn-Tc1转座酶具有与DNA结合的保守结构,提示其仍具有转座潜能。Cn-Tc1插入位点侧翼序列的GC含量呈不均匀分布,均值低于AT含量。运用荧光定量PCR方法,估算了靖江、象山、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、太湖以及崇明等水域刀鲚种群基因组中Cn-Tc1拷贝数,分别为3.140×103、2.992×103、6.876×103、5.205×103、5.531×103和3.046×103个。单因素方差分析发现,象山、崇明、靖江种群间的拷贝数差异性不显著,而与其他种群的差异性均显著;鄱阳湖、太湖和洞庭湖种群之间差异性亦不显著,但与其他种群均呈显著性差异。研究结果表明,Cn-Tc1促进了遗传结构的改变,为刀鲚种群的适应性进化提供了自然选择的基础。  相似文献   

通过探针杂交筛选斑点叉尾(Ictalurus punctatus)BAC基因组文库,利用引物步移的方法对阳性克隆BAC047 K12进行序列测定,得到2 815 bp的SCYA126基因组序列。序列分析表明,SCYA126基因由2个外显子和1个内含子组成;外显子拼接的序列与SCYA126cDNA序列完全一致,编码92个氨基酸,在N端含有2个相邻的半胱氨酸(CC)和2个不相邻的半胱氨酸,为典型的CC趋化因子亚家族成员;其上游调控序列包含TATA框启动子序列和一些与免疫相关的转录因子结合位点。另外,根据与GenBank接收号为BM029630的EST序列的比较分析,发现SCYA126基因组中的内含子没有被剪接,导致翻译后可能产生N端部分缺失的SCYA126蛋白。在胰脏和肝脏中确认了高表达的包含内含子的mRNA的存在,而且其表达量要明显高于正常剪接的SCYA126mRNA。[中国水产科学,2007,14(1):1-7]  相似文献   

通过探针杂交筛选斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)BAC基因组文库,利用引物步移的方法对阳性克隆BAC047_K12进行序列测定,得到2815bp的SCYA126基因组序列。序列分析表明,SCYA126基因由2个外显子和1个内含子组成;外显子拼接的序列与SCYA126 cDNA序列完全一致,编码92个氨基酸,在N端含有2个相邻的半胱氨酸(CC)和2个不相邻的半胱氨酸,为典型的CC趋化因子亚家族成员;其上游调控序列包含TATA框启动子序列和一些与免疫相关的转录因子结合位点。另外,根据与GenBank接收号为BM029630的EST序列的比较分析,发现SCYA126基因组中的内含子没有被剪接,导致翻译后可能产生N端部分缺失的SCYA126蛋白。在胰脏和肝脏中确认了高表达的包含内含子的mRNA的存在,而且其表达量要明显高于正常剪接的SCYA126mRNA。  相似文献   

A single antibody, equilibrium, species specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for catfish insulin was developed and validated for measurements of plasma levels of insulin in juvenile and adult channel catfish. The RIA appeared to be sensitive (20 pg/tube) and stable with intra-assay coefficient of variation between 5.7% and 3.1% and inter-assay coefficient of variation of 6.5%. The blood was collected from two strains of catfish, USDA 103 and Norris, which differ in food consumption and growth rates, the former strain consuming more food and growing faster (Silverstein et al. 1999). The experiments conducted from December to May included fasting and feeding periods from 5 to 14 days as well as either intravenous or intraperitoneal administration of glucagon-like peptide known for its anorexic effect in both mammals and fish (Silverstein et al. 2001). As in other piscine species studied before, fed fish had higher plasma insulin content than food-deprived fish. Feeding status prevailed over other treatments as the primary physiological factor determining circulating plasma insulin levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Overwintering is a major source of uncertainty for US catfish farmers, particularly decisions on feeding. To address this issue, economic analysis was undertaken using results from pond experiments. Three overwintering strategies (full‐feed, partial‐feed, and no‐feed) for two year classes of catfish were compared. Year 1 fin‐gerlings were 22 g and year 2 fish were 420 g at stocking. Winter feeding was based on temperature and body weight percentages; (1) full‐feeding followed the regime during the November to April period; (2) partial‐fed treatments followed the temperature/body weight regimen only during the months of November, March and April, with no feeding during the coldest months of December to February; and (3) no‐feeding treatments received no feed during the overwinter period. Cost and returns were estimated for each alternative and each alternative was assessed using: (1) overwinter period experimental results, (2) overwinter period experimental results extended through the grow‐out period, (3) overwinter period experimental results extended to minimally acceptable fish sizes, and (4) adjusted estimates to reflect commercial‐scale practices. Sensitivity analyses on feed conversion ratios, stocking rates and fish selling prices were also conducted on commercial‐scale enterprises. Results consistently showed partial‐fed overwinter practices to be most profitable. Secondly, year 1 fish always had higher returns than year 2 fish due largely to the additional overwintering period and associated variable and fixed costs incurred by the year 2 fish production practices. The data upon which this analysis was based do not include the possibility of having a harvest‐sized fish going into the winter period.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾鮰肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周进 《河北渔业》2003,(1):17-18
取15尾斑点叉尾鮰为样品,测定其含肉率和肌肉的营养成分。结果为:含肉率为75.71%;肌肉中粗蛋白占19.42%,脂肪占1.01%,水分占77.58%,灰分占1.12%,碳水化合物占0.87%;肌肉中含有18种氨基酸,占肌肉总量的18.72%,其中人体必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的42.26%。矿物质含量中Fe、Zn的含量较高,而对人体健康有害的物质如Pb、As等的含量很低。笔者认为斑点叉尾鮰是一种营养价值比较全面的淡水养殖品种,具有良好的养殖前景。  相似文献   

(21±1)℃水温条件下,研究了三聚氰胺在斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)体内的残留消除规律。结果显示:血浆中药时数据符合有吸收一室开放模型,动力学方程为:C=3.952660(e-0.027279t-e-0.127279t),吸收半衰期(T1/2kα)为5.4469 h,消除半衰期(T1/2ke)为25.4093 h,达峰时间(Tp)为15.4045 h,达峰浓度(Cmax)为20.3985 mg/L,表观分布容积(Vd)为2.5763(mg/kg)/(mg/L)。肌肉、肝、肾中吸收半衰期(T1/2kα)分别为3.5582、4.1884、5.4397 h,消除半衰期(T1/2ke)为50.8081、23.3504、23.7242 h,达峰时间(Tp)为14.6766、12.6524、14.9967 h,达峰浓度(Cmax)为7.6449、22.9249、40.6047 mg/L,表观分布容积(Vd)为8.5657、2.3970、1.2712(mg/kg)/(mg/L)。结果表明:药物在体内吸收迅速,药物浓度较高,分布广泛,消除较为缓慢。以80 mg/kg剂量混饲口灌3 d后,各组织中三聚氰胺含量总体呈现肾脏>肝脏>肌肉。停止灌药后第5天肌肉中及第7天肝脏和肾脏组织中三聚氰胺含量低于我国(2008)卫生部公布的乳制品及含乳食品中三聚氰胺临时管理限量值和欧盟对中国进口产品设定了三聚氰胺的最大残留限2.5 mg/kg。  相似文献   

Abstract. A vacuum degassing apparatus was used to subject channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) to sublethal hypoxia for 24, 48 or 72 h. Spleen, liver, gills, anterior kidney and posterior kidney from the catfish exhibited histopathological changes that included necrosis, hyperaemia, oedema, haemorrhage, hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Of the organs examined, gills were most affected by the hypoxic conditions. After 5 days of reacclimatization to normoxic conditions, channel catfish continued to exhibit histopathological effects of prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   

Broodstock evaluations are often measured by variables such as spawning success, fecundity, fertilization and hatching rates, usually expressed as percentage values. Outcomes are generally analysed as continuous random variables, assuming that they follow a normal distribution. Ordinary linear regression models (e.g. analysis of variance) as well as χ2 analysis are typically applied. However, these models may not be the most appropriate as a number of test criteria may not be met. For example, spawning success outcomes are inherently discrete and non‐negative data and hence their distribution is not likely to be normal. As these models may not be the most appropriate, a case study using logit analysis as an alternative method for the evaluation of this type of data is presented by considering the response as binary data (spawned versus did not spawn). An exact version of logit analysis was performed due to the sparseness of the data. The results demonstrate that appropriate statistical models provide better insight into the cause–effect relationships that exist between control variables and the dependent variable (likelihood of spawning in this case). As would be expected, each strain of fish responded somewhat differently to the test variables. Changing the protein level of the diet from 32% to 42% or increasing the feeding frequency from three to six times per week either did not influence spawning or negatively affected spawning respectively. Additionally, older fish performed better than younger fish and the early spawning period was better than the later spawning period, regardless of strain. These responses, however, were only detected using logit analysis, which is a more sensitive test and would thus be recommended for this type of data.  相似文献   

Columnaris disease, caused by the bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium columnare, continues to be a major problem worldwide in both wild and cultured freshwater finfish. Despite the far-reaching negative impacts of columnaris disease, safe and efficacious preventatives and curatives for this disease remain limited. In this study, we evaluated the potential of kaolin (Al2Si205(OH)4), a type of clay, for the prevention of columnaris disease. Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), fingerlings were experimentally challenged with Flavobacterium columnare in untreated water or with water containing kaolin (1 g L−1). Over the 7-day course of study, kaolin treatment led to significantly (< 0.001) improved survival (96%) as compared to untreated fish (78% survival). Histological examination of the gills revealed that kaolin-treated fish had substantially less gill damage than untreated controls. Quantitative PCR analysis of gill tissue revealed that kaolin significantly reduced F. columnare adhesion (measured at 1 h post-challenge) and colonization (24 h post-challenge). Incubation of kaolin with F. columnare in vitro demonstrated that kaolin reduced the number of F. columnare cells in culture supernatants, presumably through the formation of physical complexes through adsorption. In summary, kaolin can improve survival, reduce gill pathologies and reduce bacterial attachment to key tissues associated with columnaris disease in channel catfish by binding to F. columnare.  相似文献   

用8对微卫星引物对1997-2004年引进的5个斑点叉尾群体进行遗传多样性分析,计算并统计等位基因数、多态信息含量(PIC)、杂合度、遗传相似性系数、遗传距离等参数。实验显示8个微卫星位点在5个斑点叉尾群体中共检测到42个等位基因,平均期望杂合度为0.6338~0.7320,表明其遗传多样性程度处于中等偏上水平。平均多态信息含量为0.5756~0.6869,说明基因座为高度多态基因座(PIC〉0.5)。群体间遗传相似系数为0.7504~0.9203。聚类分析显示,04群体与其他4个群体的亲缘关系较远。结果表明:引进的5个斑点叉尾群体均具有较高的遗传多样性,遗传信息丰富,遗传变异大,为良好的育种材料。  相似文献   

Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) have been previously shown to express two major cytochrome P450 (CYP) protein bands that are cross-reactive with anti-CYP2K1 (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) antibodies on Western blots. These proteins appear to be the major constitutive CYPs in channel catfish and show distinct sex- and age-specific variations in expression. Because I. punctatus is an important agricultural and ecological commodity, and because it displays a high degree of resistance to the toxic effects of many pesticides, the molecular and catalytic characteristics of its biotransformation systems are of interest to those in areas of environmental science and aquaculture research. Using a chromatographic method similar to that employed in the purification of other fish CYP2 enzymes, a single CYP2-related protein (CM-HA3) was isolated from channel catfish hepatic microsomes. The isolated protein displays a relative molecular mass of approximately 47 kDa, and a CO-reduced difference spectrum max of 449.6 nm. The sequence of 15 residues at the amino-terminal of CM-HA3 is 27% identical to both CYP2K1 and CYP2M1 isoforms of rainbow trout. Correlational analysis was employed to characterize potential substrates for this isoform, but no significant relationship was observed with E2 hydroxylation, testosterone hydroxylation, or 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase activities. These data indicate that CM-HA3 is a CYP2 family protein, with as yet uncharacterized substrate specificities.  相似文献   

A nucleic acid probe for channel catfish virus (CCV) was constructed using recombinant DNA techniques. This probe consisted of a specific viral DNA fragment generated by digestion of CCV DNA with the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The probe was used to examine DNA isolated from tissues of fish that had been injected with CCV. Viral DNA was detected in some tissues of various injected fish. The sensitivity limit of detection was determined to be one viral DNA per cell.  相似文献   

The stress response to dorsal aorta cannulation and serial blood sampling was examined in the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Channel catfish cannulated and repetitively sampled once a day for 7 days did not exhibit a change in response to surgery or to the 24h sample regime as measured by plasma cortisol, glucose, and chloride. In fish that were either serially bled (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48h) immediately after surgery or allowed to recover 6 days before being serially bled, overall plasma cortisol levels were higher than those of fish bled every 24h. Catfish serially bled immediately after surgery had significantly higher plasma glucose levels compared with catfish allowed to recover from surgery 6 days before serial sampling. Although channel catfish recover from cannulation surgery in 24h, a longer recovery period may be needed prior to serial sampling if the samples are taken more frequently than every 24h.  相似文献   

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