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DNA hybridisation detected leptospiral organisms in homogenised kidneys from experimentally infected pigs, and in homogenates of pig kidneys collected at abattoirs. The technique is easy to perform and had some advantages over cultural and histological methods, in permitting the rapid survey of many kidneys simultaneously. Leptospires added to a homogenate of uninfected kidney could be detected at 10(2) organisms ml-1 by DNA hybridisation, but the technique appeared to be less sensitive than culture.  相似文献   

An immunoperoxidase technique for the localisation of leptospires in sections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded kidney tissue is described. The procedure utilises a two-layered antibody sandwich with rabbit anti-leptospiral immunoglobin. Using antiserum to specific leptospiral serovars the presence and distribution of specific serovar in the tissue could be determined. The technique was also used to detect leptospires of given serovars in smears made from infected tissues and fluids. There was good correlation between culture results and results of the immunoperoxidase staining method on kidneys infected with leptospires. The diagnostic possibilities of the technique on formalin fixed tissue specimens are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In view of the considerable importance of venereal transmission of bovine leptospirosis, the objective of the present study was to compare the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), culture/isolation and serology to detect leptospire infection in bovine semen. DESIGN: Blood for serologic examination and semen for bacterial culture and PCR were collected from 20 bulls at artificial insemination centres in Brazil. Each animal was sampled twice for serology. RESULT: Forty-five percent (9/20) of the serum samples collected showed agglutinin titers to serovar hardjo in the first sample and 25% (5/20) had agglutinin titers to serovar hardjo in the second sample. Eighty percent (16/20) of semen samples were positive by PCR. Leptospires could not be isolated from any of the semen samples examined. CONCLUSION: Polymerase chain reaction can be a method of great potential for the detection of leptospires at artificial insemination centres.  相似文献   

A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers from the LipL32 sequence of Leptospira spp. was used to detect shedding of pathogenic leptospires in urine from naturally infected cattle. Amplicons (497bp) were obtained from 21 pathogenic reference serovars belonging to four species (L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. santarosai, L. kirschneri). DNA was amplified from 26/30 urine samples taken from cattle with suspected leptospirosis and from leptospires cultivated from 10 of these samples. The limit of detection of DNA in the clinical samples was 200pg and the nested PCR detected all pathogenic reference serovars of Leptospira spp. tested. No PCR products were amplified using DNA from other common bacterial species from the bovine urogenital tract or urine, or from the non-pathogenic L. biflexa Andamana serovar. The nested PCR exhibited high specificity and sensitivity for detection of pathogenic serovars in urine from cattle.  相似文献   

Rectal swabs collected from piglets with diarrhoea from commercial pig farms were examined for the presence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) using DNA hybridisation methods. The probes specifically detected genes for the K88 and K99 fimbrial antigens and the heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxins. DNA hybridisation methods detected more ETEC than could be detected by either enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or slide agglutination methods, and also offered the opportunity to test for fimbrial antigens and toxins concurrently. The DNA hybridization method was shown to be applicable to ETEC detection in mixed growths cultured directly from rectal swabs to filters. The method eliminates the need for toxin tests using animals and enables very large numbers of samples to be investigated. The use of toxin probes has revealed large numbers of ETEC with uncharacterized fimbrial antigens.  相似文献   

An ion chromatographic method was used to simultaneously determine nitrate and nitrite ions in biological samples. Ultrafiltration was used to produce a protein-free filtrate. Chloride interferences were eliminated by precipitation as the silver salt. Detection limits and average recoveries were 0.5 mg/L and 102% for nitrate and 0.2 mg/L and 78% for nitrite, respectively. Nitrate concentration was 2.1 +/- 1.8 mg/L and 4.9 +/- 0.8 mg/L in serum and ocular fluid of healthy cattle, respectively; nitrite was not detected. A severe case of nitrate poisoning in cattle was described and used to study the concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in samples obtained under natural conditions. Nitrate concentration of acutely poisoned cattle was 35% lower in ocular fluid at 158.1 +/- 51.4 mg/L, than in serum at 256.3 +/- 113.4 mg/L. Nitrite was not detected, because of the long processing time (greater than 3 hours) required for samples obtained in the field. A gradual decrease in ocular fluid nitrate of 29.4% at 24 hours, 25.9% at 36 hours, 51.6% at 48 hours, and 73.2% at 60 hours was observed; however, concentrations remained diagnostically significant (73.2 mg/L) 60 hours after death. Twenty-four hours after poisoning, the serum nitrate concentration of severely ill (52.7 +/- 51.9 mg/L) and moderately affected (12.4 +/- 5.7 mg/L) cattle that survived was indicative of the severity of clinical signs previously observed. Nitrate in serum and ocular fluid was stable in samples stored for 24 hours at 23 C, 1 week at 4 C, and 1 month at -20 C.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A plasmid DNA containing the insertedBabesia bovis cDNA clone designated c5lA was used to prepare a DNA probe forB. bovis. The purified 0·6 kb specific...  相似文献   

Hybridization studies of chromosomal DNA from leptospiral strains representing Leptospira interrogans, serogroups Sejroe and Pomona from cattle and swine were performed to determine the degree of homology among their DNA sequences. Chromosomal DNA isolated from leptospires of the Sejroe and Pomona serogroups was radiolabeled and used to probe DNA isolated from other strains in these serogroups. Serovars hardjo (hardjoprajitno), hardjo (hardjo-bovis), balcanica (1627 Burgas), pomona (pomona), and kennewicki (LT-1026) were probed to determine the degree of homology among their chromosomes. Serovars pomona and kennewicki were homologous to each other. They also had a high degree of homology with hardjo (hardjoprajitno) and, to a lesser extent, with hardjo (hardjo-bovis) strains. However, hardjoprajitno and hardjo-bovis had little homology to each other. Serovar balcanica had a high degree of homology with hardjo-bovis isolates, but little homology with hardjoprajitno. Although serologically indistinguishable, the reference strain hardjoprajitno was genetically dissimilar to hardjo-bovis strains isolated from North American cattle.  相似文献   


Sir, — Staining of dried smears containing spirochaetes with Giemsa or other Romanowsky dyes and examining the smears under bright-ground illumination is an elementary microscopical technique. Making wet films under cover-glasses and examining them under dark-ground illumination is another simple method applied to spirochaetes.  相似文献   

A highly reproducible, dominant, monomorphic fragment of 473 base pair (bp) amplified from the genome of Trypanosoma evansi by arbitrary primer-polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) was labelled with digoxigenin and investigated for its potential as DNA probe. Dot-blot hybridisation of total genomic DNA with the probe proved useful in detecting bubaline, cameline and equine strains of T. evansi down to 10 pg of parasite template DNA. No cross-hybridisation was seen with Babesia bigemina, Theileria annulata and the bubaline host DNA. This probe may facilitate laboratory identification of T. evansi in developing countries, without the inherent risk associated with radioisotopes.  相似文献   

Isolation of leptospires in diagnosis of leptospirosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Though the microscopic agglutination test is commonly used as an aid to diagnosis of leptospirosis, it lacks sensitivity, cannot differentiate vaccinal titers from those of infection, and cannot identify shedders. The ELISA is sensitive but also cannot differentiate titers of vaccination and infection. Leptospire isolation is essential for a final diagnosis. Tissue or fluid samples should be aseptically collected, if possible, and quickly shipped to the diagnostic laboratory in transport medium or on ice, but should not be frozen. Samples to be collected may include urine, milk, kidney, aqueous humor, and fallopian tube or uterine mucosa.  相似文献   

Chicken primordial germ cells were infected with a defective retrovirus containing the Escherichia coli lacZ gene and injected into the heart of stage 15 embryos. DNA samples were isolated from various tissues of the injected embryos at different stages of development and were examined for the presence of the lacZ gene using the polymerase chain reaction. Integration of the retrovirus DNA was demonstrated with a 32P-labelled oligonucleotide in five-, 10- and 18-day embryos. This quick procedure provides an opportunity for the early detection of foreign DNA in small numbers of transfected cells and is a valuable tool in the detection of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

A DNA hybridization assay using a non-radioactive probe has been developed for the detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) DNA. A 1.4-kilobase pair BamHI fragment of ILTV genomic DNA was cloned and then labeled by one of two methods; nick translation using 32P-dATP or non-radioactive labeling using a commercially available DNA labeling and detection kit. The non-radioactive DNA labeling method proved to be as sensitive as the radioactive method. Using the non-radioactive probe, ILTV DNA was readily detected in tracheal samples from acutely infected chickens and also from convalescent chickens at a time when viral antigen could no longer be detected by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or the virus could no longer be reisolated. This technique provides a safe and effective means of identifying field outbreaks of ILTV and also may detect latent ILTV infections relatively quickly and inexpensively.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization was applied to detect fowlpox virus (FPV) DNA in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of the skin from infected chickens by using a biotinylated probe and a streptavidin-alkalinephosphatase conjugate. The immunohistochemical examination was applied to compare the distribution of the FPV DNA to that of related antigenic protein in serial sections. In the infected epithelial cells, FPV DNA was detected in cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and in the rest of cytoplasm. Likewise, immunohistochemical examination revealed the virus antigen in cytoplasm. Ultrastructurally, virions were observed in the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, and immature virus particles were in the rest of the cytoplasm. The study proved restricted distribution of FPV DNA in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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