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棕点石斑鱼的肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验结果表明,棕点石斑鱼的含肉率为77.3%,肌肉中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分和水分的含量分别为18.8%、2.2%、1.16%和77.1%;18种氨基酸总量为18.22%(占鲜样),其中人体必需的8种氨基酸含量为6.88%,占氨基酸总量的37.36%,4种鲜味氨基酸含量为7.11%.其氨基酸构成比例符合FAO/WHO标准.必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为514.DHA和EPA含量丰富,占脂肪酸总量的28.2%.  相似文献   

为了研究棕点石斑鱼(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus,♀)与蓝身大斑石斑鱼(E.tukula,♂)杂交后代(简称金虎石斑鱼)和棕点石斑鱼的低氧耐受能力,采用封闭式呼吸室测定棕点石斑鱼和金虎石斑鱼幼鱼的耗氧率与窒息点,在正常溶氧[(5.71±0.31)mg/L]和溶解氧下降至4.0 mg/L、3.0mg...  相似文献   

利用对虾养殖高位池进行棕点石斑鱼(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)仔、稚鱼和鱼苗中间培育试验。共进行5批育苗试验,其中每批购受精卵量均为1 kg,平均孵化率为91.5%,5批共孵出仔鱼593.5万尾。共培育出体长2~3 cm的鱼苗82.3万尾,仔鱼平均育苗成活率为13.9%。5批鱼苗进行池塘网箱培育试验,共培育出体长8~10 cm的大规格鱼种70.9万尾,中间培育平均成活率为85.4%。  相似文献   

棕点石斑鱼人工繁殖与苗种培育技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄进光 《水产科技》2007,(3):19-21,18
对棕点石斑鱼的繁殖习性,胚胎发育和人工育苗关键技术进行了研究,结果表明棕点石斑鱼亲鱼经海水网箱强化培养可促进性成熟;仔、稚鱼期对培育水环境条件的适应范围狭窄,对生物饵料的选择和营养要求较高;幼鱼期对温度、盐度的适应较广,但自相残杀严重,在人为控制条件下育苗存活率为2.75%——18.81%。  相似文献   

为研究棕点石斑鱼有效的经济养殖模式,在海水池塘中构建网箱进行了养殖试验。放养全长12.42±0.37 cm的棕点石斑鱼鱼种5 000尾,经过11个月的养殖,养成的商品鱼平均体质量达493.35 g,平均全长达31.80±2.03 cm,养殖成活率为91.24 %。同时在网箱外部放养南美白对虾虾苗5万尾,收获成虾2 000对。试验结果表明,采用池塘网箱养殖模式,棕点石斑鱼的养殖周期可相对缩短,比港湾网箱养殖和工厂化半流水养殖分别缩短7个月和1个月。而在网箱外部放养南美白对虾,可以充分利用养殖水体,净化水质,提高养殖成活率和单位水体的产出能力。  相似文献   

中草药免疫增强剂在水产上的开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼病的发生是机体本身、病原体和水环境3者相互作用的结果。鱼体是否生病,除了环境条件、病原体毒力、数量、入侵途径等条件外。主要还取决于鱼体本身,即鱼体免疫力的强弱。利用免疫增强剂来提高鱼类机体免疫力,对预防疾病的发生有十分重要的作用。因此,近年来,不少水产工作者已将目光移向水产免疫  相似文献   

中草药免疫增强剂具有来源广泛、价格低廉、环境污染较低等优越性,近年来已较多地应用于甲壳类养殖动物的病害防控,产生了较好的效果.本文介绍了中草药免疫增强剂多糖、甙类、生物碱类、有机酸及挥发性油类等免疫活性成分和作用机理,以及在甲壳动物上的应用.总结和分析了中草药免疫增强剂在甲壳动物病害防控中的应用情况、评价指标及目前在研制和应用中存在的主要问题和发展趋势,以期为甲壳动物免疫增强剂的研究和应用提供参考.  相似文献   

本研究利用20对石斑鱼微卫星引物对金虎斑[棕点石斑鱼(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) (♀)´蓝身大斑石斑鱼(E. tukula) (♂)]及其父母本进行微卫星分析,从分子水平对金虎斑及其双亲的遗传多样性进行研究。结果显示,20个微卫星位点共检测到215个等位基因,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.638 6;棕点石斑鱼平均有效等位基因数(Ne)最多(4.367 9),金虎斑次之(3.370 6),蓝身大斑石斑鱼最少(2.412 8);蓝身大斑石斑鱼、棕点石斑鱼和金虎斑3个群体平均观测杂合度(Ho)分别为0.385 5、0.474 9和0.473 6,PIC分别为0.491 9、0.645 3和0.555 1;3种石斑鱼群体群内近交系数(Fis)、总群体近交系数(Fit)、遗传分化系数(Fst)和基因流(Nm)平均值分别为0.228 0、0.344 1、0.150 4和1.411 9,群体间分化较大;采用UPGMA法构建的聚类分析图显示,金虎斑与棕点石斑鱼先聚为一类,二者亲缘关系更近。研究表明,金虎斑存在较丰富的遗传多样性表现,在遗传学方面可进行杂交石斑鱼进一步选育及杂种优势研究。  相似文献   

在饵料中添加不同含量的免疫增强剂(0.2%,0.5%,0.8%)连续投喂21d。在0,1,4,7,14,21d检测河鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)血液白细胞的吞噬活性、血清和体表粘液的溶菌酶活性。结果表明,该免疫增强剂可使河鲫鱼血液中白细胞吞噬活性、血清和体表粘液的溶菌酶活性都有明显提高。在停止投喂后7d,血清溶菌酶的活性逐渐降低与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05),组白细胞吞噬活性依然与对照组存在显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

介绍了由数种中草药组方配置的免疫增强剂型中草饲料添加剂对仔猪免疫的影响。试验选用200头28日龄仔猪,设置一个空白组,三个对照试验组,对照组分别于日粮中添加1%、1.5%及2%免疫增强剂,每试验组设置5重复,每重复10头仔猪。试验结果显示:饲料中添加中草药免疫添加剂组其各项免疫指标均显著(P0.05)高于对照组,1.5%添加组显著(P0.05)高于1%添加组,但是与2%添加组差异不显著(P0.05)。这说明该中草药免疫增强剂对于提高仔猪免疫能力是有效的,并且在仔猪日粮中添加1.5%中草药免疫增强剂即有较好效果。  相似文献   

褐点石斑鱼的核型研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用胸腔活体注射PHA和秋水仙素溶液,取头肾细胞,低渗处理,空气干燥法制片,对染色体进行G iem sa染色来研究褐点石斑鱼的核型。试验结果表明,禢点石斑鱼的核型为2n=48,2 sm 46 t,NF=50;其核型特点符合典型的高位类群鱼类核型特征。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼与褐点石斑鱼4种同工酶的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直梯度凝胶电泳法,对点带石斑鱼与褐点石斑鱼7种组织中的4种同工酶(EST、LDH、MDH、SOD)的组织特异性进行比较研究。试验结果表明:2种石斑鱼的4种同工酶均具有明显的组织特异性。2种石斑鱼同一组织间MDH酶谱没有差别;LDH酶谱相似,只在迁移率上略有差异;EST、SOD酶谱间存在不同程度的种间差异,可作为鉴定点带石斑鱼与褐点石斑鱼的遗传标记。  相似文献   

以简并引物通过RT-PCR从重要经济海水鱼类棕点石斑鱼Epinephelus fuscoguttatus白细胞中扩增出一条388bp具有完整编码框的cDNA序列。Blast分析初步显示,该序列属于鱼类抗菌肽Piscidin家族的一员,将其命名为棕点石斑鱼Piscidin样肽(GU592793),推导氨基酸序列具有界定鱼类Piscidin的以下共同特征:(1)预测的信号肽序列与其他Piscidin的同源性较高,在60%~95%之间;(2)推测的成熟肽N端6个氨基酸残基富含Phe、Ile及His;(3)成熟肽第8个和第13个氨基酸位点均为Gly。NJ进化树分析表明,该cDNA推导的氨基酸序列与赤点石斑鱼Epinephelusakaarapiscidin-like peptide(ACE78290)、斜带石斑鱼Epinephelus coioidesPiscidin-like peptide(ACE78291)以高达81%的支持率聚为一支。也表明本研究成功克隆到棕点石斑鱼首条PiscidincDNA序列。推测的成熟肽为两亲性阳离子肽,等电点12.48,Schiffer-Edmunson预测其二级结构呈α螺旋构型。将...  相似文献   

During culture of grouper, cannibalism is a frequent phenomenon that usually causes economic loss. Grouper culture often requires grading to prevent size‐dependent cannibalism. In comparison with orange‐spotted (Epinephelus coioides) and giant grouper (E. lanceolatus), failure to swallow prey during cannibalism is frequently observed in brown‐marbled grouper (E. fuscoguttatus). The cannibal cannot engulf the entire prey and the two fish ultimately end up dying together. Herein, we attempted to compare morphometric differences among orange‐spotted, giant and brown‐marbled grouper. We established a cannibal–prey total length (TL) relationship for brown‐marbled grouper: TLprey=0.71 TLcannibal−1.75. According to the equation, a difference of approximately 50% in TL is a threshold to use for grading the grouper. This value is much larger than that used (30%) in orange‐spotted and giant grouper, and this size difference results in a higher incidence of failed cannibalism attempts in brown‐marbled grouper. It is our belief that the standard grading method will fail to produce as good an effect in brown‐marbled grouper as is seen in orange‐spotted and giant grouper. Therefore, in addition to grading, other manipulations such as satiation feeding, nutritional supplementation and optimal stocking densities should be applied to reduce cannibalism of brown‐marbled grouper.  相似文献   

To lay a solid foundation of in vitro investigations of fish viral diseases, cytotechnology and cytotoxicology, a novel fin cell line from brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus , was established and its viral susceptibility was evaluated. The fin tissues, digested with hyaluronidase and collagenase II, were used to initiate primary culture at 24 °C by using 20% foetal bovine serum-Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium/F12 medium, which was further supplemented with carboxymethyl–chitooligosaccharide, basic fibroblast growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I. The fibroblastic fin cells grew at a steady rate during subsequent subculture and had a population doubling time of 50.6 h at passage 60. The modal diploid chromosome number was 48. A brown-marbled grouper fin cell line (bmGF-1) has been established and subcultured to passage 75 by now. Viral susceptibilities revealed that typical cytopathic effects of bmGF-1 cells emerged after being infected by turbot reddish-body iridovirus (TRBIV) or lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV). However, a large number of TRBIV and LCDV particles were also found in infected bmGF-1 cells. All these indicate that the bmGF-1 cell line has good susceptibility to TRBIV and LCDV, which may serve as a valuable tool for studies of cell–virus interactions and have potential applications in fish virus propagation and vaccine development.  相似文献   

A total of 210 Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (brown‐marbled grouper) was examined for parasites. During three consecutive seasons (two rainy and one dry season from 2002 to 2004), 35 specimens each taken from floating net cages of the National Sea Farming Development Centre (Balai Budidaya Laut) and from wild catches in Lampung Bay, South Sumatra, Indonesia were studied. Twenty‐five (cultured grouper) and 30 (wild grouper) parasite species/taxa were identified, with an infracommunity ranging from one to nine (cultured) and three to 14 parasite species (wild), demonstrating a species‐rich parasite fauna even in the cultured fish. Protozoans (1 species), microsporeans (1), myxozoans (1), digeneans (8), monogeneans (5), cestodes (3), nematodes (8), acanthocephalans (2) and crustaceans (6) were found. The most abundant parasites were the monogeneans Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli and Pseudorhabdosynochus lantauensis for both, cultured and wild grouper during all seasons. For the cultured fish, the prevalence of monoxenous ectoparasites (e.g. P. epinepheli, P. lantauensis, Capsalidae gen. et sp. indet., Benedenia epinepheli) was in most cases higher than that of heteroxenous endoparasites. This contrasts the wild grouper, where heteroxenous parasites such as Allopodocotyle epinepheli and Raphidascaris sp. occurred at a similar prevalence compared with the fairly abundant Pseudorhabdosynochus spp. No seasonality of infestation was observed for both cultured and wild fish. The high levels of infestation of potentially pathogenic monogeneans throughout the year could result in significant parasite outbreaks at the locality studied.  相似文献   

在基础饲料中添加0.5%、1.0%和2.0%的复方中草药制剂,连续投喂56 d后,通过测定供试罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的生长性能、血细胞的吞噬活性、血清酶活性、酚氧化酶活性,比较了复合中草药制剂对罗氏沼虾促生长及非特异性免疫功能的影响。结果显示:饲料中添加0.5%的复方中草药制剂对罗氏沼虾的生长影响显著(P<0.05),添加1%和2%的中草药制剂对罗氏沼虾的血细胞的吞噬活性、溶菌酶活力、酚氧化酶活力影响极显著(P<0.01)。用嗜水气单胞菌攻毒7 d显示试验组免疫保护率高达44.7%~59.8%。因此,从促生长、提高免疫力和经济角度3方面考虑,建议添加剂量为1.0%为宜。  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei held in 25‰ seawater at 27 °C or 28 °C were injected with TSB-grown Vibrio alginolyticus at 1 × 104 colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp− 1 or 1 × 105 cfu shrimp− 1, and then cultivated onward at water temperatures varying from 20 to 34 °C. Over 24–144 h, mortality of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimp held at 34 °C or 32 °C was significantly higher than that of shrimp held at lower temperatures. In a separate experiment, shrimp held in 25‰ seawater at 28 °C and then cultured onward at 20 to 32 °C were examined for immune parameters at 24–96 h. THC, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, and SOD activity decreased significantly at 24 h after transfer to 32 °C. Shrimp held in 25‰ seawater at 27 °C and then cultured onward at 20 to 34 °C showed a significant reduction in phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency for V. alginolyticus at 24 h after transfer to 34 °C. It was concluded that transfer of shrimp from 27 or 28 °C to higher temperatures (32 and 34 °C) reduced their immune capability and decreased resistance to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

Groupers are economically important for aquaculture in Thailand. A novel hybrid grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) has been successful cross‐bred; therefore, the present work aimed to assess the hybrid's traits. The growth performance, strength and tolerance to a pathogenic bacterial infection of this hybrid were compared with its parent species, tiger grouper and giant grouper. The results of all measured growth parameters indicated that the hybrid strain grew fastest followed by giant and tiger grouper respectively. The expressions of the growth‐related genes, insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) I and II, were also analysed in fish muscle and liver which are the main target organs in fish growth regulation. Among tested species, similar expression patterns of IGF‐I and IGF‐II were detected in both organs. The levels of these genes in liver and muscle of hybrid and giant grouper were higher than those of tiger grouper comparable with the growth manner. After challenge with Vibrio vulnificus, the immunological parameters, clearance time of Vibrio in haemolymph and survival was measured to verify the fish immunity. Leucocyte number, lysozyme activity and the ability to eliminate the pathogen were very high in hybrid and giant grouper while these parameters were lower in tiger grouper. Correspondingly, the mortality rate of tiger grouper was higher than others and % survival at the end of observation time (15 days post challenge) was lowest in infected tiger grouper. Altogether, the results suggested that the hybrid grouper has desirable traits that will improve cultured grouper.  相似文献   

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