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为了揭示外源GA3对胡萝卜肉质根发育的影响机理,并为高原夏季胡萝卜安全高效栽培技术研究提供参考理论,本试验以耐先期抽薹的胡萝卜品种为试材,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA),研究了外源GA3对高原夏季胡萝卜肉质根膨大、木质化及其内源激素含量的影响。结果表明,在叶片旺盛生长期和肉质根迅速膨大期分别喷施5.78×10-4 mol·L-1外源GA3 1次,或在苗期、叶片旺盛生长期和肉质根迅速膨大期喷施5.78×10-4 mol·L-1外源GA3 1~3次,能显著降低高原夏季胡萝卜苗期肉质根日鲜重增长速率与库活力,促进肉质根木质化。与对照相比,喷施外源GA3,可显著降低苗期肉质根内源GA3、IAA、GA4、ABA、DHZR与IPA含量,显著提高肉质根内源ZR含量;显著降低叶片旺盛生长期肉质根内源GA3、IAA、GA4、IPA含量,显著提高内源ZR含量;显著提高迅速膨大期肉质根内源IAA、GA4、ZR含量;显著降低肉质根迅速膨大期之前的IAA/ZR和GA4/ZR比值。随着外源GA3喷施次数的增多,IAA/ZR和GA4/ZR比值在肉质根迅速膨大期有逐渐增高的趋势。外源GA3通过改变内源激素含量及其平衡状态来影响高原夏季胡萝卜肉质根的发育。  相似文献   

胡萝卜内源激素含量分布与畸裂肉质根形成的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入揭示内源激素对高原夏季胡萝卜肉质根发育的调控作用,以"岐山透心红"的开裂和畸形肉质根为材料,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA),研究分析了内源激素含量分布与开裂和畸形胡萝卜肉质根形成的关系。结果表明,迅速膨大中期,与正常肉质根相比,开裂肉质根中外层或外层内源GA3、GA4、ZR、DHZR和IAA含量较低;畸形肉质根纵向内源GA4、ZR和DHZR含量分布呈尾端优势,而GA3、ABA和IAA含量呈均匀分布态势。至迅速膨大末期,开裂肉质根中外层或外层内源GA3、GA4、ABA和IAA含量较低,畸形肉质根纵横向内源激素含量呈均匀分布态势。内源激素含量空间分布的改变可诱导开裂和畸形肉质根的形成。  相似文献   

以筛选的自毒物质忍耐型(01 号)和自毒物质敏感型(02 号)杉木无性系为试验材料, 采用胁迫试验分析邻羟基苯甲酸对2 个不同化感型杉木无性系内源激素含量的化感效应。研究结果表明, 邻羟基苯甲酸对不同化感型杉木无性系ABA 含量表现为促进效应, 其中对01 号杉木无性系的促进效应大于02 号; 邻羟基苯甲酸对不同化感型杉木无性系IAA、GA3 含量表现为抑制效应, 胁迫后期邻羟基苯甲酸对02 号无性系GA3 含量的抑制效应较01 号强, 2 个无性系间IAA 含量的抑制效应差异不明显; 邻羟基苯甲酸对不同化感型杉木无性系ZR 含量的化感效应表现为胁迫第20 d 达到抑制效应高峰期, 随后抑制作用下降, 邻羟基苯甲酸对02 号无性系ZR 含量的抑制效应强于01 号无性系。  相似文献   

低温预处理对小麦花药内源激素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烟农19和皖麦41为材料,应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定不同时间低温预处理的小麦花药内源激素ABA、GA3、JA、IAA含量,并统计了低温预处理后小麦花药愈伤组织诱导率和胚性愈伤组织比例,分析了低温预处理过程中小麦花药内源激素的变化规律及其对花药培养特性的影响。结果显示,小麦花药低温预处理2d愈伤组织诱导率最高,低温预处理6d胚性愈伤组织比例达到最大;低温预处理改变了花药内源激素ABA、GA、JA、IAA的含量,ABA、GA、JA含量随预处理时间的延长呈较大的波动变化;低温预处理6d时ABA,JA含量达最大值,GA呈波动下降趋势,IAA含量在低温预处理2d达到最高值,其后逐渐下降;IAA、IAA/ABA、IAA/JA变化与花药愈伤组织诱导率表现出很强的正相关,ABA、JA与胚性愈伤组织比例表现出很强的正相关,GA/ABA与胚性愈伤组织比例表现出负相关。表明低温预处理改变了小麦花药内源激素的含量和比例,阻断了花粉原来的发育方向,使其由配子体的发育途径转向孢子体的发育途径,从而影响了小麦花药培养诱导产生的愈伤组织的数量和质量。  相似文献   

为探究热激处理对甜瓜未授粉子房培养中胚珠膨大发育与内源激素的影响,以期为揭示胚珠膨大和单倍体培养的机理研究奠定基础。以热激和对照培养不同天数的甜瓜未受粉子房为试材,对胚珠膨大率进行动态监测,并采用UPLC-ESI-MS/MS法测定顺式玉米素核糖核苷(CZR)、赤霉素3(GA3)、反式玉米素(ZT)、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)及脱落酸(ABA)含量,并分析了这5种内源激素与胚珠膨大发育的关系。结果表明,与对照25 ℃室温培养相比,32 ℃热激处理4 d有利于胚珠的膨大及内源激素的积累,且在胚珠膨大期5种内源激素的变化趋势一致,均为递增。各内源激素间的比例关系处于动态变化中,且在整个膨大期,热激处理下IAA/(ZT+CZR)、IAA/ABA和IAA/GA3均较对照25 ℃室温培养高;胚珠膨大率与内源激素IAA呈极显著正相关,相关系数达0.818,与ZT、CZR和ABA均呈显著正相关,与(ZT+CZR)/GA3呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

我国几种土壤中腐殖质性质的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
研究了几种土壤腐殖酸的基本性质,其中包括土壤的腐殖质组成,胡敏酸以及富里酸的元素组成,含氧官能团含量,光密度值与芳化度等,计算了E4与E4/E6比值与上述性质的相关系数。结果表明土壤腐殖质组成和性质与其形成条件有着密切的联系,并且有一定的地带规律性。水稻土中有机质含量增加,HA/FA比值变高,其活性HA显著降低,说明水稻土有利于有机质的积累并改变了腐殖质的组成。E4、E4/E6比值与元素组成,C/H比值,含氧官能团及芳化度之间的相关系数表明E4除了与C%,O%,酚羟基-O%,醌基-O%呈极显著或显著相关外,还与C/H比值及芳化度呈极显著相关,因此E4值可作为腐殖物质芳化度的一个指标。  相似文献   

采用LED光源在室内可控环境下设置3种光照强度(180、240、300μmol·m-2·s-1)和2种红蓝光配比(1R:1B、2R:1B),以研究不同光强和红蓝光配比组合对樱桃萝卜真叶数、叶绿素含量、肉质根形态以及干鲜重的影响。结果表明,光强为180μmol·m-2·s-1时,2R:1B处理的新叶叶绿素含量略高于1R:1B处理,但地上部鲜重却略低于1R:1B处理,其它生长指标不同光质处理间无显著差异。光强为240μmol·m-2·s-1时,相比1R:1B 处理,2R:1B处理显著提高了樱桃萝卜的新叶叶绿素含量、地上部干鲜重、根直径、根体积、肉质根干鲜重以及干鲜根冠比(P<0.05)。光强300μmol·m-2·s-1时,2R:1B处理的新叶叶绿素含量略低于1R:1B处理,但地上部干鲜重显著高于1R:1B处理(P<0.05),其它指标无显著差异。相同红蓝光配比下,樱桃萝卜新叶叶绿素含量、根直径、根体积、肉质根干鲜重及根冠比均随着光强的增加而增加。地上部干鲜重随光强增加的变化因光质而异。总之,一定强度的LED红蓝光质是植物工厂樱桃萝卜高产的光环境基础,并且光强高于一定水平时适宜的红蓝光配比对其生长具有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

用营养液培养方法研究了铁和两种形态氮素对玉米植株吸收铁、锰、铜、锌等微量元素及其在体内分布的影响。结果表明:与硝态氮(NO3--N)相比,铵态氮(NH4+-N)显著提高了玉米对铁的吸收,降低了对锰、铜及锌的吸收。供铁也明显提高了植株地上部铁的吸收总量,降低了锰及锌的吸收量,尤其是在供应No3--N时这种作用更为明显。在缺铁条件下,NH4+-N处理的玉米新叶中铁的含量明显高于NO3--N处理;而新叶、老叶、茎中锰、锌、铜含量以及根中锰、锌含量都明显低于NO3--N处理。但使用NH4+-N时,根中铜的含量较高。在供铁条件下,NH4+-N处理的玉米植株四个不同器官中锰和锌的含量显著低于NO3--N处理的植株,而铜的含量正好相反。在缺铁条件下,玉米新叶中活性锰、活性锌的含量显著高于供铁处理;与NO3--N相比,NH4+-N的供应也显著降低了玉米新叶中活性锰以及活性锌的含量。  相似文献   

江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋一般在1月至2月上旬晴天播种,“倒春寒”等低温胁迫会导致早播的江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋生长缓慢,出苗周期变长,严重时会造成烂种死亡,出苗率降低,影响其产量。为提高播种期江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋抗寒性,该研究利用植物组织培养和植物生理学的方法测定了壳寡糖浸种后低温下江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋的萌发及其相关生理指标。结果表明:200-250 mg/L壳寡糖浸种可显著促进低温下江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋的萌发。与低温对照(control check,CK)相比,当浸种浓度为200 mg/L时,在内源激素方面,有利于低温下江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋萌发过程中赤霉素(gibberellin,GA3)、玉米素核苷(ribosylzeatin,ZR)、多胺(polyamines,PA)和茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)的积累,而不利于生长素(auxin,IAA)和脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)的积累;在抗氧化方面,提高了超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)的活性,降低了丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)和过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide,H2O2)的含量;在渗透调节方面,有利于可溶性糖(soluble sugar,SS)、可溶性蛋白(soluble protein,SP)、脯氨酸(proline,Pro)的积累;在代谢关键酶方面,可提高脂肪酶(lipase,LIP)、蛋白酶(protease,PR)和α-淀粉酶(α-amylase,α-AMS)活性以及三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)含量。因此,200 mg/L壳寡糖可以调控低温下江西铅山红芽芋脱毒试管芋内源植物激素和渗透调节物质含量、抗氧化酶和代谢关键酶活性,促进其在低温下的萌发。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾堆肥过程中腐熟度指标及控制参数   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
以日处理400 t经马家楼筛分处理后的15~60 mm生活垃圾的北京南宫堆肥厂垃圾堆肥过程为研究对象,对堆肥过程中垃圾的理化性质、腐熟度指标与控制参数进行了研究。结果表明,堆肥过程中水分含量是下降的;不同季节堆肥pH值的总体变化均呈上升趋势;电导率(EC)降到了作物受抑制的限定值以下,不会对作物产生盐分毒害;堆肥水浸提的腐殖酸E4/E6值随着垃圾堆肥腐熟度升高呈增加趋势;24 h和96 h的发芽率指数(GI)表明垃圾堆肥时间可以从8周缩短到5周;有机碳、总氮和C/N比随着堆肥时间的增加均呈下降趋势;C/N比与E4/E6值和GI(24 h和96 h)值呈显著负相关关系,EC值与E4/E6值和GI(24 h和96 h)值呈极显著负相关,而E4/E6值与GI(24 h和96 h)值呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Fertilizer costs are a major component of corn production. The use of biofertilizers may be one way of reducing production costs. In this study we present isolation and identification of three plant growth promoting bacteria that were identified as Enterobacter cloacae (CR1), Pseudomonas putida (CR7) and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (CR3). All bacterial strains produced IAA in the presence of 100 mg l−1 of tryptophan and antifungal metabolites to several soilborne pathogens. S. maltophilia and E. cloacae had broad spectrum activity against most Fusarium species. The only strain that was positive for nitrogen fixation was E. cloacae and it, and P. putida, were also positive for phosphate solubilization. These bacteria and the corn isolate Sphingobacterium canadense CR11, and known plant growth promoting bacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans E24 were used to inoculate corn seed to examine growth promotion of two lines of corn, varieties 39D82 and 39M27 under greenhouse conditions. When grown in sterilized sand varieties 39M27 and 39D82 showed significant increases in total dry weights of root and shoot of 10-20% and 13-28% and 17-32% and 21-31% respectively. Plants of the two varieties grown in soil collected from a corn field had respective increases in dry weights of root and shoot of 10-30% and 12-35% and 11-19% and 10-18%. In sand, a bacterial mixture was highly effective whereas in soil individual bacteria namely P. putida CR7 and E. cloacae CR1 gave the best results with 39M27 and 39D82 respectively. These isolates and another corn isolate, Azospirillum zeae N7, were tested in a sandy soil with a 55 and 110 kg ha−1 of nitrogen fertility at the Delhi research Station of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada over two years. Although out of seven bacterial treatments, no treatment provided a statistically significant yield increase over control plots but S. canadense CR11 and A. zeae N7 provided statistically significant yield increase as compared to other bacteria. The 110 kg rate of nitrogen provided significant yield increase compared to the 55 kg rate in both years.  相似文献   

Seventeen isolates of the free-living soil fungus Trichoderma spp., collected from Meloidogyne spp. infested vegetable fields and infected roots in Benin, were screened for their rhizosphere competence and antagonistic potential against root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, in greenhouse pot experiments on tomato. The five isolates expressing greatest reproductive ability and nematode suppression in pots were further assessed in a typical double-cropping system of tomato and carrot in the field in Benin. All seventeen isolates were re-isolated from both soil and roots at eight weeks after application, with no apparent crop growth penalty. In pots, a number of isolates provided significant nematode control compared with untreated controls. Field assessment demonstrated significant inhibition of nematode reproduction, suppression of root galling and an increase of tomato yield compared with the non-fungal control treatments. Trichoderma asperellum T-16 suppressed second stage juvenile (J2) densities in roots by up to 80%; Trichoderma brevicompactum T-3 suppressed egg production by as much as 86%. Tomato yields were improved by over 30% following the application of these biocontrol agents, especially T. asperellum T-16. Although no significant effects were observed on carrot galling and yield, soil J2 densities were suppressed in treated plots, by as much as 94% (T. asperellum T-12), compared with the non-fungal controls. This study provides the first information on the potential of West-African Trichoderma spp. isolates for use against root-knot nematodes in vegetable production systems. The results are highly encouraging, demonstrating their strong potential as an alternative and complementary crop protection component.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of trehalose contents in roots and root-nodules of five legumes in a tropical deciduous forest in Jalisco, México, were determined. The tree species were: Lonchocarpus eriocarinalis and Erythrina lanata (sub-family Papilionoideae) and Piptadenia constricta, Albizia occidentalis and Lysiloma microphylum (sub-family Mimosoideae). Trehalose accumulation in nodules and roots varied seasonally and among species. For example, the Papilionoid-species retained nodules longer than those in the Mimosoideae (5 and 4 months, respectively), and accumulated the highest amounts of trehalose (average values of 178 vs. 2.88 mg g−1 nodule (d. wt), respectively). Generally, maximum trehalose contents in nodules and roots were observed in November, at the beginning of the dry season.  相似文献   

The systemic effect of root colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus mosseae on the susceptibility of old and modern barley varieties to the soil-borne fungal pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) was studied in a split-root system. Plants were precolonized on one side of the split-root system with the AMF and thereafter the other side of the split-root system was inoculated with the pathogen. At the end of the experiment the level of bioprotection was estimated by quantifying lesioned roots and the determination of the root fresh weight. AM root colonization provided protection in some of the barley genotypes tested, but not in others. This protective effect seemed to vary in the oldest and the most modern barley variety tested.  相似文献   

水肥耦合是作物水分和养分高效利用的重要机制, 其中水通道蛋白(AQP)发挥重要作用。本文研究了逆境条件下3 个糯玉米品种水分利用效率(WUE)和水通道蛋白(AQP)表达差异及其关系。在低氮(0.5N, 其中培养液的氮元素含量减半)、高氮(1.5N, 其中培养液的氮元素含量增加1/2)、干旱(10% PEG 即-0.1 MPa)和盐(200 mmol·L-1 NaCl)胁迫处理下测定了叶片水分利用效率(WUEL), 并采用半定量逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)体系检测3 个AQP 基因在糯玉米根系中的表达情况。结果表明: (1) 0.5N 处理下, 3 个品种的WUEL 多低于CK;1.5N 和PEG 处理下, 3 个品种的WUEL 多高于CK。(2)TIP3.1、TIP2a、TIP2b 3 个基因在0.5N 处理下表现为不表达或表达下调, 1.5N 处理下6 h 和PEG 处理下9 h 多表现表达上调, 说明TIPs 基因家族表达受营养、干旱和盐胁迫诱导。(3)TIPs 的上述3 个基因的表达和WUEL 都在0.5N 处理下低于CK, 在1.5N 和PEG 处理下不同程度地高于CK, 说明TIPs 基因表达与WUEL 的变化有密切响应关系。以上结果说明WUE 与TIPs 基因转录水平的调控有一定关系, 且品种间存在较大差异。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence that egg-parasitic nematophagous fungi, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Pochonia rubescens and Lecanicillium lecanii, can also reduce root colonisation and root damage by a fungal pathogen. Interactions of nematophagous fungi with the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), and their influence on severity of the root disease it causes were studied in laboratory and pot experiments. In Petri dish experiments the three nematophagous fungi reduced colonisation of barley roots by Ggt and also reduced necrotic symptoms. On the contrary, root colonisation by nematophagous fungi was unaffected by Ggt. In growth tube experiments, the three nematophagous fungi again reduced Ggt root colonisation and increased effective root length of barley seedlings. This was true for both simultaneous and sequential inoculation of nematophagous fungi versus Ggt. In the pot experiments the inoculum of the tested fungi in soil was applied in the same pot, as a mixture or in layers, or in coupled pots used for wheat grown with a split-root system. The nematophagous fungi P. chlamydosporia (isolate 4624) and L. lecanii (isolate 4629), mixed with Ggt or in split root systems with the pathogen, promoted growth of wheat (i.e. increased shoot weight), although no disease reduction was found. In split root systems, lower levels of peroxidase activity were found in seedlings inoculated with Ggt in combination with the nematophagous isolates 4624 and 4629 than when the take-all fungus was applied alone.Our results show that nematophagous fungi reduce root colonisation by Ggt, root damage and stress induced senescence in Ggt-inoculated plants.  相似文献   

This study examines the behavioral ecology of a chimpanzee population on Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, over 40 years after chimpanzees were first introduced to the island from captivity. Despite little pre-release habitat assessment, rehabilitation, or post-release monitoring, these chimpanzees are one of the only released populations to survive over decades without provisioning. We surveyed habitat structure and plant composition to gain insights into ecological features that have supported this self-sufficient chimpanzee population for over 40 years. We also examined possible ecological sources of chimpanzee ranging patterns on the island. We surveyed woody plant composition, and quantified densities of species producing large fleshy fruits and confirmed chimpanzee fruit foods across three chimpanzee ranging areas, each separated by several kilometers. We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination to compare community-level patterns of plant composition across regions. The densities of trees and lianas producing fleshy fruits were high in comparison with similar measures at endemic chimpanzee study sites. There were major differences in the composition of tree species, including species of chimpanzee fruit foods, across the three regions. In contrast, liana species composition was similar across regions, and was characterized by a few super-abundant species, including one chimpanzee fallback food. The wide-ranging patterns of chimpanzees do not appear to be influenced by localized tree fruiting patterns, but may be facilitated by the wide-spread distribution of an important fallback food. In comparison with other endemic and release sites, the relatively low ecological population density of chimpanzees, the high density of both trees and lianas producing large fleshy fruits and the presence of a high-quality, widely-distributed fallback food are factors that likely contributed to the success of Rubondo chimpanzees in reverting to natural foraging behaviors after their release.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-seven Chinese barley varieties maintained at the Gene Bank of the National Barley Improvement Centre, Zhejiang, and 84 progenies from these varieties were tested at the seedling stage for their reaction to 32 selected pathotypes of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. Eighteen resistance spectra were identified comprising single or combined resistances from eight known (Ml(Bw), Ml(Ch), Mla7, Mla8, Mla9, Mla13, MlaRu4 and Mlg) and six unknown resistance genes. The most frequent gene was Ml(Bw), which was found in 69 varieties and previously detected in only a few European winter barley varieties. The genes Mla8 and Ml(Ch) were also often present, but other resistance genes were rare. After inoculation, considerably fewer pathogen colonies were observed in ‘Aiganqi’ and one line of ‘Tong5’. Twenty varieties were composed of lines with different resistance genes. China is likely to be a region of origin of the genes Ml(Bw), Mla7, as well as three unknown genes found in original landraces and perhaps another three unknown genes detected in cultivars bred in China. The resistances of varieties from the Zhejiang province and those originating from 11 other Chinese provinces were quite different. Unfortunately, none of the varieties are promising sources of resistance to powdery mildew and China does not seem to be a region suitable for identifying such sources.  相似文献   

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