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The objective of this study was to present and discuss the available data on canine shoulder joint ultrasonography. The paper presents the method of ultrasonographic examination of the shoulder joint area, describes the normal structure of the shoulder joint in dogs, and discusses the most frequently encountered shoulder joint pathologies.  相似文献   

一、几种犬重要寄生虫病的诊断和治疗 (一)弓形虫病 主要症状是发热、厌食,精神萎靡,虚弱,粘膜苍白,咳嗽,有时伴有剧烈的腹泻。母犬流产或产下畸胎、死胎。  相似文献   

自1993年12月开展宠物门诊以来,先后诊治犬各类眼科疾病653例,其中眼睑炎15例,犬第三眼睑增生72例,眼球脱出38例,霰粒肿3例,结膜炎425例,角膜炎93例,其它7例,均收到了满意的治疗效果,具体介绍如下:1 眼睑炎患犬眼睑缘部红肿、脱毛、骚痒,形成脓性结痂,多为疥螨感染而成。治疗:用3%硼酸水洗涤眼睑缘,除去脓痂,涂上抗生素软膏。若为疥螨感染,软膏中拌入敌百虫粉、硫磺粉或伊维菌素粉,均有很好疗效。2 犬第三眼睑增生犬一眼或双眼第三眼睑长出呈半椭圆形红色肉瘤,影响狗的美观,也常引起患眼感染。该肉瘤增生特征是呈阶段性突发性跳跃式发展,…  相似文献   

The diagnostic workup for canine claw disease consists of a good history and complete clinical examination which may provide clues for a possible underlying disorder. In dogs with claw disease but no other clinical or historical signs, further recommended diagnostic procedures include cytological evaluation of impression smears or discharge from the claw fold, bacterial culture and sensitivity testing, biopsy of the claw matrix, and an elimination diet for 6 to 8 weeks. If no underlying disease can be identified, trial treatment with essential fatty acid supplementation, vitamin E, or a combination of doxycycline hydrochloride and niacinamide may be useful. In some patients, onychectomy of all claws may be considered.  相似文献   

In 1961, Burke showed that antibiotics affect primary wound infections favourably only if they are administered before or shortly after bacterial contamination. The effect is optimal if there is already an effective tissue concentration at the time of contamination. During surgery the animal's resistance is strongly reduced, and consequently an infection may be caused by an inoculum present in a rather low concentration, at least lower than in normal circumstances. This reduced resistance lasts until only a few hours after operation. Prophylactic use of antibiotics therefore needs to be continued only for a short time after the final stage of the operation. A great number of clinical trials in human surgery have shown that short term peri-operative prophylactic use of antibiotics causes a reduction in the incidence of post-operative septic complications, in certain categories of operations and in selected groups of patients. Until properly designed, prospective, randomized and controlled clinical trials have been done in small animal clinics, it seems sensible to apply the abundant results from research with experimental animals and from clinical trials in human medicine to small animal surgery. Prophylactic use of antibiotics is indicated if the infection risks or dangers of possible complications are greater than the disadvantages of regular use of antibiotics. The risk factors in the development of wound infections and the choice of antibiotics are discussed.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus,CPV)引起的一种急性接触性传染病,临床上以发生出血性肠炎的病例多见.广州市怡友动物医院自2005年1月至2006年12月两年间接诊CPV感染犬317例,笔者对此进行了临床调查和分析.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare pathological complications arising from 2 methods of canine cataract surgery, manual extracapsular cataract extraction (MECCE) and the more automated phacoemulsification and aspiration (PA). METHODS: Case material presented to the Comparative Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory, University of North Carolina over the previous 20 years (1979-1999) was searched for cases with a history of prior cataract surgery. Data were obtained from the pathology accession forms, and submitting veterinarians were contacted to verify and complete missing data where possible. The slides were re-examined, histological features of surgical complications were noted and secondary changes recorded. RESULTS: Fourteen canine post-cataract-surgery cases were reviewed, the average age of the group being 7.7 years. Of the 14 eyes, 7 had surgery performed using MECCE, and 7 using PA. Of the 7 eyes that underwent MECCE surgery, 5 were enucleated and diagnosed on both clinical and pathological grounds with glaucoma. Of the 7 eyes that underwent PA, 4 were diagnosed with infectious endophthalmitis. CONCLUSIONS: Complications observed were related to the surgical technique performed. Failures of manual extracapsular surgical procedures were more commonly associated with postoperative synechia and glaucoma, compared with failures of phacoemulsification, which were more commonly associated with infection and rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: To minimise post surgical complications, MECCE should be accompanied by rigorous efforts to reduce surgically induced inflammation, while PA should be performed using excellent aseptic technique. It is important with both techniques to totally remove cortical material while maintaining the integrity of the posterior capsule.  相似文献   

Systemic fungal diseases cause significant morbidity and mortality in dogs and cats. Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis, and cryptococcosis represent the four most common systemic fungal diseases. Young adult, large breed dogs generally are predisposed; cats usually do not have predictable predispositions. Intact cell-mediated immunity is essential to initial resistance to infection and response to treatment in animals. Several body systems can be affected. Diagnosis can be confirmed on the basis of clinical signs and demonstration of the causative organism. Serology is helpful with coccidiomycosis and cryptococcosis. Treatment is complicated by limited availability of fungicidal antimicrobials and the necessity of long-term treatment with expensive drugs.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ultrasound-guided cholagogue-induced gallbladder emptying for differentiating obstructive from non-obstructive hepatobiliary diseases was studied in icteric dogs. In 7 healthy Beagle dogs, Lipofundin 20% infusion (2 ml/kg orally) evoked a vigorous gallbladder contraction of 44.2% (range: 35.3-57.6%) and proved to be a useful, well-tolerable meal for routine use. In 24 icteric dogs, gallbladder contraction was evoked by different cholagogues: the maximum reduction in gallbladder volume (%) for the three non-obstructive icteric dogs was 43.9% (range, 39.0-46.5%). The average gallbladder contraction of the 21 dogs with biliary obstruction was less than 5%. In conclusion, the stimulation of gallbladder contraction with orally applied magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) or Lipofundin can be well demonstrated by ultrasound in dogs. The examination of cholagogue-induced gallbladder emptying is a valuable technique in icteric patients to indicate surgical intervention.  相似文献   

The omasums of 30 healthy cows and 55 cows with various gastrointestinal disorders (10 with left displacement and eight with right displacement of the abomasum, 10 with abomasal volvulus, 10 with traumatic reticuloperitonitis, nine with ileus of the small intestines and eight with reticulo-omasal stenosis) were examined ultrasonographically on the right side of the body with a 3.5 MHz linear transducer. The dorsal and ventral margins of the omasum and its size in the fifth to 11th intercostal spaces were determined. Generally, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum did not differ between the healthy and abnormal cows. The omasum appeared as a semicircle, and the omasal wall closest to the transducer was visible as a thick echogenic line. In a few of the abnormal cows, the omasal laminae were visible and the omasum appeared to have motility. In the cows with left and right displacement of the abomasum and abomasal volvulus, the dorsal margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. In the cows with left displacement of the abomasum, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in the 7th intercostal space than in the healthy cows. In the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, traumatic reticuloperitonitis and ileus of the small intestine, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly closer to the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. The mean (sd) size of the omasum in the healthy cows varied from 16.3 (1.5) cm to 56.9 (10.0) cm, depending on the intercostal space, and the omasum was significantly smaller in some intercostal spaces in the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, right displacement of the omasum, abomasal volvulus and ileus of the small intestine.  相似文献   

许多营养物对于硬组织结构正常发育和维持是必需的.骨骼组织有两种基本的组成成分:一种是基质或称有机成分;一种是硬质或称矿物质成分.这两种成分的适当比例和适当数量,在犬一生的饮食中,对于骨骼生长和不断更新处于一种最理想的方式上必须是有效的.另外一些营养物例如维生素D,虽然本身对于骨骼生长不是必需的,但它对于其它必需营养物质,即钙(Ca)和磷(P)的有效利用上却是必需的.饮食营养的主要目的是检查有关硬组织的营养状况,提供营养管理的准则和预防骨骼疾病.  相似文献   

犬常见皮肤病的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬的皮肤病在兽医临床工作中是比较常见的疾病之一,其特点是局部皮肤出现红斑、丘疹、渗出、水泡、脓疱、糜烂、痂皮、鳞屑、脱毛和有皱褶等皮肤损伤性变化,同时伴有热、痛、痒等症状。寄生虫的叮咬或侵袭、某些真菌感染、物理化学因素对皮肤的刺激和损害、某些慢性疾病引起的新陈代谢紊乱及致敏因素引起体内的变态反应等均可引发本病。  相似文献   

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