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1. In the years 1985 to 1989 decisions (approvals and condemnations) made by poultry meat inspectors were examined by the individual reinspection of 26,815 broiler carcases.

2. The extent of agreement between inspection and revision ranged between 83.2 and 86.2%.

3. Agreement between inspectors and revisors was higher for the category of approved birds than for the condemned category.

4. Differences in the criteria used to assess the birds were observed.

5. The conclusion was drawn that findings in meat inspection require further discussion to reach an agreed standard.  相似文献   

An assessment of condemnations of broiler chicken carcasses.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An epidemiological study was conducted to assess the rates of condemnation and the diagnoses made on condemned broiler chicken carcasses in a federally-inspected abattoir. The first objective was to determine the predictive value of a positive test: the proportion of birds that were truly unfit for human consumption among condemned carcasses. The second objective was to assess the degree of agreement between diagnoses made in the abattoir and diagnoses determined by a detailed gross postmortem examination on the same condemned carcasses. A two-stage convenience sampling technique was used to obtain the birds needed. Fifteen lots of birds were selected and within each of these, approximately 45 condemned carcasses were selected for a total of 680. All the diagnoses made on these birds at the abattoir were recorded and the carcasses individually identified. The sampled carcasses were transported to the Ontario Veterinary College where a panel of three federal veterinarians independently judged whether the birds were fit for human consumption. In addition, a detailed gross postmortem examination was conducted on each carcass. An overall predictive value of a positive test of approximately 70% was found. The degree of agreement among members of the panel of examiners was also tested. The overall agreement was good (Kappa = 0.62 between examiners 1 and 2 and 0.51 between examiners 1 and 3). However, carcasses condemned for specific conditions at the abattoir, namely valgus varus deformity, mutilation, cellulitis and hepatitis showed no agreement beyond chance, while other carcasses condemned for conditions such as cyanosis and bruising showed poor agreement concerning their disposition for at least one pair of examiners.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reovirus-associated mortality in broiler chickens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Swollen-head syndrome in broiler chickens   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Swollen-head syndrome is a disease seen in broiler chickens between 4 and 6 weeks of age in Southern Africa. It appears to be caused by a mixed coronavirus and Escherichia coli infection. The coronavirus appears to be of a hitherto unrecorded serotype. The disease is controlled by an attenuated live-virus vaccine and antibacterial medication.  相似文献   

The clinical signs of salt poisoning in young chickens are thirst, diarrhoea and weakness. When 13 500 broilers are simultaneously affected, the deterioration that occurs in their physical condition and in the litter beneath their feet is dramatic. Two flocks of meat chickens on a small unit in North Otago were affected in this way.  相似文献   

The incident occurred on a small, owner-operated broiler unit that used home-mixed feed. Two flocks of broilers, one aged 6 weeks and one aged 6 days, developed signs of watery diarrhoea, thirst and weakness. Over 3 days the mortality increased considerably and many birds were noticed to show laboured breathing. The majority of dead birds had an excess of clear fluid in the pericardial sac, oedematous lungs and pale swollen kidneys. Cystic dilation of the testes was conspicuous in several birds from the younger flock killed at 12 days of age. This lesion is a specific indication of sodium toxicity in young broilers. Histological lesions were those associated with cardiovascular collapse and hypoxia. Liver levels of sodium chloride were 4 g/kg of wet weight. Broiler feed samples contained more than 7% sodium chloride whereas the nutritional specifications were for 0.4%. The rations had been correctly mixed and the problem was traced to a faulty batch of meatmeal that had been contaminated by salt used for curing hides.  相似文献   

Inclusion-body hepatitis in broiler chickens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The competitive ability of Campylobacter coli OR12 over C. jejuni OR1 has been examined in experimental broiler chickens following the observation that C. coli replaced an established C. jejuni intestinal colonisation within commercial chicken flocks reared outdoors [El-Shibiny, A., Connerton, P.L., Connerton, I.F., 2005. Enumeration and diversity of campylobacters and bacteriophages isolated during the rearing cycles of free-range and organic chickens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71, 1259-1266]. Co-cultures of C. coli OR12 with C. jejuni OR1, revealed that the two species were able to grow together at similar growth rates in exponential growth phase but if the disparity of the inoculum ratios were >log(10)4 in favour of C. coli OR12, C. jejuni OR1 was observed to prematurely enter decline phase. Chickens were pre-colonised with C. jejuni OR1 at 21-days-old to examine succession in vivo. The birds were inoculated between 2 and 12 days later with C. coli OR12, to determine if the second isolate could efficiently colonise and compete with an established C. jejuni strain. C. coli OR12 were able to co-colonise before replacing C. jejuni OR1 as the dominant species when the birds were more than 27 days of age at the time of administration over a 4-day period. If these criteria were met C. coli OR12 became the dominant isolate otherwise co-colonisation occurred until they were met. C. coli OR12 was also found to displace three alternative C. jejuni strains from pre-colonised chickens challenged with C. coli OR12 at 30 days of age and tested at 40 days. These data raise the possibility of manipulating populations of Campylobacter colonising chickens through competition.  相似文献   

Biological availability and pharmacokinetic properties of tylosin were determined in broiler chickens after oral (p.o.) and intravenous (i.v.) administration at a dose of 10 mg/kg. The calculated bioavailability--F%, by comparing AUC values--p.o. and AUC--i.v., ranged from 30%-34%. After intravenous injection tylosin was rapidly distributed in the organism, showing elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) values of 0.52 h and distribution volume (Vd) of 0.69 L/kg, at a clearance rate (Cl) of 5.30 +/- 0.59 ml/min/kg. After oral administration, tylosin has a similar distribution volume (Vd = 0.85 L/kg), while the elimination half-life t1/2 beta of 2.07 h was four times bigger than after i.v. administration at Cl = 4.40 +/- 0.27 ml/min/kg. The obtained value tmax = 1.5 h for tylosin after oral administration indicates that using this antibiotic with drinking water in broiler chickens is the method of choice. However, a relatively low value Cmax = 1.2 micrograms/ml after oral administration of tylosin shows that dosing of this antibiotic in broiler chickens should be higher than in other food producing animals.  相似文献   

Butorphanol tartrate (2 mg/kg) was injected intravenously in 18 healthy broiler chickens to study its pharmacokinetics. Plasma samples were analysed by a highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection method and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated from the mean pooled data. With non-compartmental analysis, the terminal half-life (T(1/2.z)) was 71.3 minutes, clearance was 67.6 ml/minute/kg and the apparent volume of distribution was 6.9 l/kg. The concentration-time curve was also fitted to a two-compartmental model. In this analysis, elimination half-life (T(1/2β)) was 69.3 minutes, clearance was 74.6 ml/minute/kg and volume of distribution at steady state was 5.6 l/kg. The micro rate constants k(21), k(12) and k(10) were 0.034, 0.050 and 0.029, respectively. Butorphanol was well distributed in the chickens with rapid clearance. It remained above the minimum effective concentration for analgesia in mammals for approximately two hours in the chickens.  相似文献   

In a survey of 51 broiler chicken flocks, the incidence of chickens dying from acute death syndrome and of those with skeletal deformities varied from 0.71 to 4.07% and from 0.46 to 4.08% among the flocks, respectively. The average incidence of those with skeletal deformities was 1.72%; 1.10% were culled in the field, and 0.62% were condemned or downgraded as carcasses. The major types of skeletal deformities were valgus deformation of the intertarsal joint (70%), varus deformation of the intertarsal joint (9%), tibial rotation (7%), and spondylolisthesis (14%). The strain and source of chickens and the management and nutritional practices were recorded for each flock. Statistical analyses were conducted in an attempt to identify factors that might correlate with the incidence of either chickens dying from acute death syndrome or those with skeletal deformities. Results of these analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Data were collected (1981‐82) from four commercial processing plants in different states of Australia. Total downgrading was classified into damage occurring on the farm, bruising and processing plant damage.

2. The average proportion of birds downgraded each day (TDG) for the four plants varied from 9·6 to 15·7% of production and the largest component was the proportion bruised (3·5 to 8·0% of daily production).

3. The distribution of bruises was similar for the four plants, with breast and leg bruises predominating.

4. There was no correlation between the processing plant line speed and the TDG.

5. No correlation was found between the Performance Indication Factor, a measure of efficiency of food utilisation, and the TDG.

6. Records were available for 77 flocks processed over two consecutive working days. Correlation was low (r = 045) between the TDG for the first and the second day's processing suggesting that farm practices were unlikely to affect the incidence of bruising.


Day-old, straight-run broiler chickens were procured from a hatchery located in the Pacific Northwest. The chickens were subdivided individually into nine groups of 20 chickens. The chickens were tagged, housed in isolation chambers on wire, fed commercial broiler feed, and given water ad libitum. Three isolates of Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin and one of human origin were tested in this study. Various C. jejuni cultures were inoculated into 9-day-old chickens by crop gavage. Four groups of 20 chickens were inoculated at a dose level of 0.5 ml of 1 x 10(2) colony-forming units (CFU)/ml. The other four groups were inoculated with 0.5 ml of 1 X 10(4) CFU/ml. One group of 20 chickens was kept as an uninoculated control group. Four randomly selected chickens from each of the inoculated and uninoculated groups were necropsied at 5, 12, and 19 days postinoculation (DPI). The C. jejuni was cultured and enumerated from a composite of the upper and midintestine and the cecum. Body weights of all chicken groups at 7 days of age and at 5, 12, and 19 DPI were measured and statistically analyzed. No significant differences were present in the mean body weights (MBWs) of 7-day-old, 5 DPI, and 12 DPI male and female broiler chickens inoculated with C. jejuni at both dose levels compared with uninoculated controls. Differences in MBWs of the male and female broilers at 19 DPI were observed in some of the groups. Results of the C. jejuni culture enumeration mean (CEM) of composite intestine samples at 5 DPI from all inoculated chicken groups, irrespective of the dose level, ranged from (2.5 +/- 5.0) x 10(2) to (2.8 +/- 4.8) x 10(5) CFU/g (mean +/- SD). Results of cecum C. jejuni CEM at 5 DPI inoculated at both dose levels ranged from (2.5 +/- 5.0) x 10(6) to (1 +/- 0.0) x 10(7) CFU/g in all treatment groups irrespective of the dose level. CEM results from the composite intestine samples at 12 and 19 DPI increased by 1 log unit, or sometimes more. Results of cecum C. jejuni CEM at 5 DPI inoculated at both dose levels ranged from (2.5 +/- 5.0) x 10(6) to (1 +/- 0.0) x 10(7) CFU/g in all treatment groups irrespective of the dose level. Increases of 2-5 log units in C. jejuni CEM was present in chicken groups inoculated with 1 X 10(2) CFU of C. jejuni, and a 2- to 3-log increase was present in groups inoculated with a higher dose level of C. jejuni at 12 DPI. The results of C. jejuni CEM from cecal samples at 19 DPI were similar to chicken groups at 12 DPI. Campylobacterjejuni was not isolated from the uninoculated control chickens at 5, 12, and 19 DPI. Clinical signs of illness or gross pathologic lesions were not present in any of the chicken groups during this study. No lesions were present on histopathologic evaluations in C. jejuni-inoculated chickens or uninoculated control chickens.  相似文献   

Biliary cryptosporidiosis was studied by inoculation of 2 x 10(5) Cryptosporidium baileyi oocysts (AU-B1 isolate) into the gall bladders of ten 6-day-old broiler chickens. Clinical signs of disease were not seen. Three of the 10 chickens developed biliary tract infections, based on histologic examination of tissue sections. Lesions seen in the gall bladders of these birds included epithelial hyperplasia and infiltration of the underlying connective tissue with mononuclear leukocytes. One of these birds also had involvement of the hepatic bile ducts. The bile ducts were mildly dilated and contained lesions similar to those seen in the gall bladder. Few to many cryptosporidia were present in the gall bladders and bile ducts of infected birds. Chickens may be of use in the study of biliary cryptosporidiosis, a common sequel to enteric infection in humans with human immunodeficiency virus infection.  相似文献   

A poultry research facility that housed 2400 Peterson x Hubbard cross broilers (48 pens of 50 chicks each) experienced 4% mortality within 24 hr of chick placement. Mortality started within 4 hr of placement, and within 72 hr, cumulative mortality had reached 52%. Mild dyspnea was the only clinical sign noted in some chicks prior to death. The primary gross lesion noted in the chicks submitted was moderate to severe pulmonary congestion. The lungs of four of these chicks sank in formalin, and blood-tinged fluid was noted in the mouth and nares of two chicks. The microscopic lesions noted in the affected chicks were moderate to severe pulmonary edema and congestion. The diagnosis indicated to the submitter was that pulmonary edema caused by exposure to an unidentified noxious gas caused the death of the chicks. The poultry house environment was tested for sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (as produced by combustion engines); all tests were negative for significant levels of these compounds. A second broiler flock was placed in the same facility and the mortality at 6 wk was 11%, which was greater than the 2.5%-4.7% mortality seen in the previous four flocks on the farm. Further investigation revealed that the only change in management practice in this facility prior to the onset of the severe mortality problem was the replacement of 48 heat lamp bulbs (one for each pen). The new heat lamp bulbs were polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coated. PTFE gas intoxication has been reported in several exotic avian species, but this intoxication has not been previously reported in a poultry flock.  相似文献   

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