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To elucidate mechanisms that control and execute activity-dependent synaptic plasticity, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptors (AMPA-Rs) with an electrophysiological tag were expressed in rat hippocampal neurons. Long-term potentiation (LTP) or increased activity of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) induced delivery of tagged AMPA-Rs into synapses. This effect was not diminished by mutating the CaMKII phosphorylation site on the GluR1 AMPA-R subunit, but was blocked by mutating a predicted PDZ domain interaction site. These results show that LTP and CaMKII activity drive AMPA-Rs to synapses by a mechanism that requires the association between GluR1 and a PDZ domain protein.  相似文献   

Bergmann glial AMPA receptors are required for fine motor coordination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of glial neurotransmitter receptors in vivo is still elusive. In the cerebellum, Bergmann glial (BG) cells express α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) composed exclusively of GluA1 and/or GluA4 subunits. With the use of conditional gene inactivation, we found that the majority of cerebellar GluA1/A4-type AMPARs are expressed in BG cells. In young mice, deletion of BG AMPARs resulted in retraction of glial appendages from Purkinje cell (PC) synapses, increased amplitude and duration of evoked PC currents, and a delayed formation of glutamatergic synapses. In adult mice, AMPAR inactivation also caused retraction of glial processes. The physiological and structural changes were accompanied by behavioral impairments in fine motor coordination. Thus, BG AMPARs are essential to optimize synaptic integration and cerebellar output function throughout life.  相似文献   

The stabilization of long-term memories requires de novo protein synthesis. How can proteins, synthesized in the soma, act on specific synapses that participate in a given memory? We studied the dynamics of newly synthesized AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) induced with learning using transgenic mice expressing the GluR1 subunit fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP-GluR1) under control of the c-fos promoter. We found learning-associated recruitment of newly synthesized GFP-GluR1 selectively to mushroom-type spines in adult hippocampal CA1 neurons 24 hours after fear conditioning. Our results are consistent with a "synaptic tagging" model to allow activated synapses to subsequently capture newly synthesized receptor and also demonstrate a critical functional distinction in the mushroom spines with learning.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying experience-dependent plasticity in the brain may depend on the AMPA subclass of glutamate receptors (AMPA-Rs). We examined the trafficking of AMPA-Rs into synapses in the developing rat barrel cortex. In vivo gene delivery was combined with in vitro recordings to show that experience drives recombinant GluR1, an AMPA-R subunit, into synapses formed between layer 4 and layer 2/3 neurons. Moreover, expression of the GluR1 cytoplasmic tail, a construct that inhibits synaptic delivery of endogenous AMPA-Rs during long-term potentiation, blocked experience-driven synaptic potentiation. In general, synaptic incorporation of AMPA-Rs in vivo conforms to rules identified in vitro and contributes to plasticity driven by natural stimuli in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent plasticity in the brain arises in part from changes in the number of synaptic AMPA receptors. Synaptic trafficking of AMPA receptors is controlled by stargazin and homologous transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs). We found that TARPs were stable at the plasma membrane, whereas AMPA receptors were internalized in a glutamate-regulated manner. Interaction with AMPA receptors involved both extra- and intracellular determinants of TARPs. Upon binding to glutamate, AMPA receptors detached from TARPs. This did not require ion flux or intracellular second messengers. This allosteric mechanism for AMPA receptor dissociation from TARPs may participate in glutamate-mediated internalization of receptors in synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

D Muller  M Joly  G Lynch 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,242(4886):1694-1697
The contributions of two subclasses of excitatory amino acid transmitter receptors to the induction and expression of long-term potentiation (LTP) were analyzed in hippocampal slices. The quisqualate/kainate receptor antagonist DNQX (6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione) blocked 85% of the evoked field potential, leaving a small response that was sensitive to D-AP5 (D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate), an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker. This residual D-AP5-sensitive response was of comparable size in control and previously potentiated inputs. High-frequency stimulation in the presence of DNQX did not result in the development of robust LTP. Washout of the drug, however, revealed the potentiation effect. Thus NMDA-mediated responses can induce, but are not greatly affected by, LTP; non-NMDA receptors, conversely, mediate responses that are not needed to elicit LTP but that are required for its expression.  相似文献   

Glial cells express a variety of neurotransmitter receptors. Notably, Bergmann glial cells in the cerebellum have Ca2+-permeable alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) assembled without the GluR2 subunit. To elucidate the role of these Ca2+-permeable AMPARs, we converted them into Ca2+-impermeable receptors by adenoviral-mediated delivery of the GluR2 gene. This conversion retracted the glial processes ensheathing synapses on Purkinje cell dendritic spines and retarded the removal of synaptically released glutamate. Furthermore, it caused multiple innervation of Purkinje cells by the climbing fibers. Thus, the glial Ca2+-permeable AMPARs are indispensable for proper structural and functional relations between Bergmann glia and glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

Ge WP  Yang XJ  Zhang Z  Wang HK  Shen W  Deng QD  Duan S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,312(5779):1533-1537
Interactions between neurons and glial cells in the brain may serve important functions in the development, maintenance, and plasticity of neural circuits. Fast neuron-glia synaptic transmission has been found between hippocampal neurons and NG2 cells, a distinct population of macroglia-like cells widely distributed in the brain. We report that these neuron-glia synapses undergo activity-dependent modifications analogous to long-term potentiation (LTP) at excitatory synapses, a hallmark of neuronal plasticity. However, unlike the induction of LTP at many neuron-neuron synapses, both induction and expression of LTP at neuron-NG2 synapses involve Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors on NG2 cells.  相似文献   

随着移动通信手机的迅速普及,废旧手机电池已成为电子垃圾的一个特殊种类。为了克服手机电池对环境引起的污染,阐述了废旧手机电池的危害、废旧手机电池回收利用的价值和意义,综述了国内外废旧手机电池回收利用的状况及其回收利用技术的发展,并展望了废旧手机电池回收利用的前景。  相似文献   

Cerebellar long-term depression (LTD) is a model of synaptic memory that requires protein kinase C (PKC) activation and is expressed as a reduction in the number of postsynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptors. LTD was absent in cultured cerebellar Purkinje cells from mutant mice lacking the AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit and could be rescued by transient transfection with the wild-type GluR2 subunit. Transfection with a point mutant that eliminated PKC phosphorylation of Ser880 in the carboxy-terminal PDZ ligand of GluR2 failed to restore LTD. In contrast, transfection with a point mutant that mimicked phosphorylation at Ser880 occluded subsequent LTD. Thus, PKC phosphorylation of GluR2 Ser880 is a critical event in the induction of cerebellar LTD.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便和秸秆资源化利用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对中国目前畜禽粪便和农作物秸秆已成为农村新污染源这一现状,阐述了利用畜禽粪便、秸秆进行微生物强化堆肥和干法厌氧发酵等肥料化利用技术以及利用畜禽粪便、秸秆进行纤维素乙醇生产技术和沼气化利用工艺流程、装置。  相似文献   

针对大蒜种植作业中,地膜覆盖应用较多,但地膜回收较为困难的问题,提出大蒜秋后地膜回收机的设计,重点研究和分析了链轮-弹齿机构的性能.通过试验分析计算,获得了大蒜种植中地膜在经过大蒜一个生长周期后的拉断力数值,通过理论计算获得了链轮-弹齿末端的理论线速度,通过Creo Simulate对链轮-弹齿机构进行了运动学分析,经过试验数值、理论计算和仿真分析的比较,验证了本设计中的链轮-弹齿机构的可行性.为地膜回收机的设计提供参考依据.  相似文献   

福建丘陵区循环农业发展战略与体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从循环经济的理念出发,依据福建丘陵区农业发展面临的资源、生态环境等现状,提出了福建省丘陵区循环农业未来发展方向是现代化、高效化、安全化和产业化,应重点突破种植业、养殖业及加工业三大产业内部及产业之间的十大接口循环技术,构建起7个主要循环农业体系,促进福建省丘陵区循环农业的产业升级.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便资源化循环利用的模式和技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国畜禽养殖的发展状况和集约化畜禽养殖的现状,根据资源化循环利用的原则,阐述了畜禽粪便资源再利用的模式和技术,为畜禽养殖的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

张瑜  黄曦涛 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(23):11273-11275
校园社区的水环境污染物控制具有管理上的优势,饮食服务区、商业服务区、教学区、住宿区、办公区分离,各种不同类型的污染物在排放源头就进行了初步分类。研究了不同来源校园社区生活污水排放量、不同季节的排放规律和可能水质,并在此基础上提出分质水处理及循环利用的管理对策。  相似文献   

农业工厂化的发展需求和对稀缺资源的高效利用,促进现代工业化生产方式与农业循环经济相结合。对企业层级的纵深研究拓展了以往循环农业研究的“三层级”框架,运用环境经济机会论和枚举归纳与综合归纳相结合的逻辑分析方法展开理论阐述和实证剖析,论证面向循环经济的农业工厂化模式的有效性和对其进行复制、推广需要具备的条件。指出企业层级的循环农业工厂化模式具有较强的技术经济优势,是发展循环农业的新路径,总结出复制该模式需要具备的条件,最后提出展望。  相似文献   

为农作物静电喷雾试验设计一种输出可控直流高压静电的装置。装置硬件部分主要采用PWM控制方式改变开关管的导通与关闭时间比率,实现输出电压的可控性。输出电压可控范围0~30 kV,最小调节量为1 kV,误差为±0.5 kV,输出电流在50。检测显示电路依靠分压采样与A/D转换可测量电压并在液晶屏上显示,能够绘制电压的实时变化曲线,以便对负载阻态的变化进行实时观察。用高压电表对该装置的输出端进行测量,结果表明,该装置的输出端为可控高电压小电流“静电”。  相似文献   

发展农业循环经济是循环经济发展战略的重要组成部分,是农业可持续发展战略的必然选择。本文讨论农业循环经济的基本内涵、促进农业循环经济发展的基本原则、实施思路及实现途。  相似文献   

农牧种养结合是循环农业的一种形式,通过对灵武市农牧种养结合现状调研,探索发展循环农业、有机农业、以"农养牧,以牧促农"的新路子。  相似文献   

自动卸膜式残膜回收机捡拾齿和滚筒的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地解决破碎残膜难以回收以及残膜和土壤、根茬分离的问题,通过理论分析和试验对捡拾齿和滚筒进行优化设计。依据自动卸膜式残膜回收机的工作原理与作业要求,基于Adams运动仿真软件分析捡拾齿的运动特性,优化关键工作部件捡拾齿和滚筒的结构与参数,建立捡拾齿和滚筒的运动方程。通过捡拾率和卸膜率的正交试验和方差分析,确定影响捡拾率和卸膜率的因素和水平以及较优因素水平组合。试验结果表明,在滚筒直径800 mm,转动速度120 r/min,捡拾齿入土深度80 mm,轴向距离110 mm及周向个数为16的条件下,捡拾率最高;在卸膜辊转动速度为400 r/min及半径300 mm的条件下,卸膜率最高。该残膜回收机实现自动卸膜,不需停机卸膜,捡拾率达到89%,卸膜率达到95.4%,为新型残膜回收机的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

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