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油松气候生态型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用主分量分析和判别分析技术,研究了油松遗传变异问题。结果表明,油松的地理变异具有生态型变异的特点,并划分了7个生态型:1.西北型:抗寒性强,生长慢,针叶短;2.东北型:生长中等,抗寒性强;3.西南型:生长较快,抗寒性较差;4.中西型:生长快,抗寒性较差;5.中部型:生长中等,抗寒性较强;6.东部型:生长快,抗寒性较差;7.南部型:生长较快,抗寒性差,再生长现象最强烈,针叶长而细。油松生态型的研究可为种子区划工作提供直接的依据。  相似文献   

油松种子发芽的生态学及其与种源的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
徐化成  唐季林 《林业科学》1989,25(6):493-501
我们在实验室条件下研究了油松不同种源及生态型的种子发芽与温度、光照、水分逆境和层积处理的关系。温度采用了5个水平:20℃,25℃,30℃,35℃(以上为恒温)和30℃/20℃(变温)。光照分为2个水平(有光和无光)。以PEG-6000的不同浓度组成水势逆境梯度:0,-2,-4,-6(bar)。层积处理的条件是以蛭石为介质,湿度为60%,温度为3℃,层积时间37天。研究结果说明,油松种子发芽要求的最适生态条件;20—25℃,有光,水分充足。30℃特别是35℃以上的高温,无光,水势低于-2(bar)均对发芽不利。不同种源和不同生态型种子发芽的差异表现在对上述逆境条件的敏感性和休眠要求的有无上。不同生态型种子发芽对高温和水分逆境的敏感性的顺序是(从最不敏感的开始):东北型、东部型、中部型、西南型、西北型、南部型。对无光敏感性的顺序(从最不敏感的开始):东部型、西南型、中部型、东北型、西北型、南部型。经层积处理后,南部型的种子发芽率显著提高,东部型略有提高,中部型、西南型无变化,而西北型和东北型则大为降低。可见,南部型的种子有明显的休眠要求,这是原产地冬季比较温暖湿润的种群,为了避免过早萌发,所进行的自然选择。  相似文献   

通过比较河北省木兰围场国有林场管理局森林经营区不同海拔高度油松天然更新及生长情况,研究不同海拔高度对油松天然更新和胸径生长的影响,结果表明:不同海拔高度油松天然更新能力强弱依次为951~1 150m750~950m1 151~1 350m1 351~1 550m1 551m以上;而不同海拔高度对天然更新油松的胸径平均年生长量的影响为,0~60a油松在海拔951~1 350m时胸径生长最快,而在750~950m和1 551m以上的海拔区间生长较慢,61~90a油松在7 50~1 550m的海拔高度,胸径平均生长量没有差异,而在1 551m以上,生长量明显下降。  相似文献   

沐川县地处四川盆地西南边缘,属亚热带季风气候湿润区,其主要特点是温暖湿润,雨量充沛,四季分明,垂直气候明显,夏无酷热,冬无严寒,无霜期长,常冬干春旱,夏秋季多阴雨。地带性土壤为黄壤,分为紫色土、山地黄壤、黄棕壤三大类,其分布范围为紫色土——海拔800m以下低山丘陵地区;山地黄壤——海拔800—1200m地带;黄棕壤——海拔1200m以上中山地区。这些环境条件对林业发展较为有利,适于不同种类、不同品种林竹生长,特别适合慈竹生长。  相似文献   

1985年我们进行了油松育苗不同量的施底肥观察其对苗木生长影响。 一、试验地概况:试验地位于巫溪县天星乡娇顶,海拔1500米,栎类杂树林,山地黄壤,富含有机质,阳坡、坡度6度,PH值6.5。1984年秋砍除植被炼山,全垦筑台整地,每带宽80厘米。每亩用0.5斤对硫磷,进行土壤消毒。  相似文献   

我省的楠竹产区,主要分布在长宁、江安、兴文、合江等县,海拔800米以下的低山丘陵区。为了将楠竹引向高海拔的山地生长,我们分别于不同的海拔高度,进行了引种造林试验。一、试验地概况  相似文献   

2011年12月,在福鼎后坪国有林场后坪工区,采用L_9(3~4)正交试验设计对不同土壤厚度、海拔高度、坡向的30年生湿地松林分的生长情况进行调查分析。结果表明:湿地松的胸径、树高、材积生长在不同的土壤厚度和海拔间差异均达到极显著水平,在不同坡向间差异不显著。对胸径和材积生长影响排序为:土壤厚度海拔高度坡向;对树高生长影响排序为:海拔高度土壤厚度坡向;最佳处理为土壤厚度≥80 cm,海拔700~799 m,半阳半阴坡。土壤厚度除了胸径生长量在土层厚度≥80 cm与土层厚度40~79 mm间差异为不显著外,其它各土层厚度间胸径、树高、材积生长量均有不同差异;海拔主要表现在800 m以下与800 m以上间的差异。说明湿地松在山地造林时,宜选择土层厚度≥80 m、海拔800 m的半阳半阴坡立地造林为好。  相似文献   

对西双版纳州普文试验林场和大渡岗乡大干坝村试验地不同海拔的中泰南五味子生长量进行调查。结果表明,2015—2018年,不同海拔试验地中,中泰南五味子的地径、藤长生长量均存在极显著差异;普文试验林场的生长量略高于大渡岗大干坝的;海拔800 m的生长量在不同时间及不同试验地均略高于海拔1 200 m的;海拔1 000 m的生长量均优于海拔800 m、海拔1 200 m的。提出在西双版纳境内,中泰南五味子应选择海拔在1 000 m左右地块种植生长最佳。  相似文献   

面对气候变化,为了更加科学地进行森林经营抚育,提高生态林的功能效益,选取泰安徂徕山区不同海拔和坡向的油松、麻栎2个树种的样本,建立年表,分析各树种径向生长与气温、降水的响应情况。结果表明:麻栎、油松2个树种生长更易受降水的影响,两者与7月份、8月份的降水量呈正相关,2个树种对降水和气温因子响应程度为油松大于麻栎。在海拔600~800m范围内,油松对降水和气温的响应程度是阳坡大于阴坡,表明油松较宜生长于600~800m的阳坡,而麻栎对气温和降水2个因子的响应表现也是阳坡大于阴坡,600~800m范围阳坡较适宜麻栎的生长;在海拔400~600m范围,油松生长与降水、气温的相关性不显著;在海拔200~400m范围内,阴坡的油松生长主要受气温限制,阳坡的油松生长主要受降水影响。  相似文献   

为准确评定油松各生态型差异,提高种源选择可靠性,采用生态适应性指数对油松全分布区种源多点试验中的北京试点11年生林分的生长、适应性、结实习性等进行测定分析。分析结果表明,各种源生长量差异很大,好与差高生长差50%,胸径差120%。油松的遗传分化遵从生态型变异的格局,北京地区用东部型种源造林最适宜,其次可选用东北型宁城种源造林,其余种源不宜采用。  相似文献   

北京地区油松生态型变异的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

重要天敌昆虫——七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata L.)在华北、中原存在山下农田和山上林地交替发生的时空节律,山下农田的全年发生曲线正好是海拔800 m山地发生曲线的倒映.这种现象说明七星瓢虫具有上山越夏和垂直迁飞行为。  相似文献   

油松局分布区种源地理变异研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以6个生态型中的24个种源或林分的种子在本溪、兴城、北票3个试验地研究油松避分布区种源地理变异规律。结果表明,油松是遗传性具有较大地理变异的树种、各生态型间和生态型内部种源间都存在着明显的地理变异,生态型间的地理变异要比生态型内部种源间的地理变异大得多,多种源的生长量指数和稳定性指数与其原生地的经续度多呈极显著正相关,而与海拔高相关不紧密。  相似文献   

湿加松在福建高海拔山区早期生长表现初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在福建省德化葛坑国有林场海拔900 m以上山地引种湿加松,并以马尾松、秃杉、杉木进行造林对比试验。经5 a试验观测表明:湿加松1~3年生树高、胸径(地径)生长明显高于杉木、秃杉、马尾松,其差异显著;但4~5年生湿加松与马尾松、秃杉、杉木的树高、胸径生长差异不显著。2004年,遭遇特大寒流,急剧降温达到-5℃,持续时间3 d,湿加松普遍受冻,冻死率达50%。说明福建省高海拔山区引种湿加松的适应性及速生性有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

We investigated responses of northern and southern ecotypes of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) to exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) under controlled environmental conditions to determine the role of ABA in cold acclimation and dormancy development. Abscisic acid was sprayed on the leaves and changes in freezing tolerance, determined by the electrolyte leakage test, and bud dormancy were monitored. Applied ABA induced cold acclimation but had no effect on growth cessation in seedlings grown in long day conditions (LD, 24-h photoperiod at 18 degrees C). It enhanced freezing tolerance and accelerated growth cessation in seedlings grown in short day conditions (SD, 12-h photoperiod at 18 degrees C), and slightly enhanced freezing tolerance in seedlings grown at low temperature (LT, 24-h photoperiod at 4 degrees C) in both ecotypes. There were distinct ecotypic differences in ABA-induced cold acclimation and dormancy development. The northern ecotype was more responsive to applied ABA than the southern ecotype, resulting in more rapid development of freezing tolerance in all treatments, and earlier dormancy development in SD. When plants were grown in a photoperiod just above the critical photoperiod for the ecotype (defined as the longest photoperiod that induces growth cessation), applied ABA caused growth cessation and dormancy development. Compared with ABA-treated seedlings grown in SD, dormancy development was delayed in ABA-treated seedlings exposed to a near-critical photoperiod, but even in this treatment dormancy developed faster in the northern ecotype than in the southern ecotype.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of forest trees’ intraspecies variations in reproduction and reproductive allocation are scarce. Such studies are relevant for the Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) because of the high value of its seeds and wood. To reveal growth and reproductive variations among Siberian stone pine ecotypes in relation to the climate of the provenances, we examined their growth height, crown diameter, stem volume, number of female cones, and male shoots, at different ages, in the clonal common garden experiment established in 1996 in Russia. Scions were obtained from 11 to 19 randomly selected 100–170-year old trees in each of four natural stands located on the latitudinal transect on the West Siberian plain. They were grafted onto local 4 year old Siberian stone pine seedlings and grown in a common garden experiment comprising nine plots near the southern margin of the species’ natural range. Growth traits were affected by climatic conditions in the provenances: generally, a warmer climate was associated with more rapid growth. Variation among the ecotypes at the graft age of 12 years was not large; however, it significantly increased by the age of 19. The relationship was ambiguous between reproductive traits and the climate of the provenances. The proportion of female, male and bisexual clones varied among years in all ecotypes. Most of the clones had only female cones; male clones were less common. The southern ecotype showed rapid growth and formed the lowest number of male shoots and female cones. The northern ecotype showed the weakest growth and moderate cone bearing, along with abundant male flowering. The intermediate ecotypes had a moderate growth and the highest numbers of cones, along with moderate numbers of male shoots. These results demonstrate the fundamental differences in the patterns and nature of variation in growth and reproductive traits.  相似文献   

A study was made of measures to revitalize mountain ginseng cultivation in the eastern mountainous area of Muju, Jinan and Jangsu municipalities of North Jeolla province, South Korea. The targeted area is typical forested land and is utilized for the cultivation of ginseng. Access to seeds and seedlings for mountain ginseng cultivation is relatively easy in North Jeolla province, and the species is cultivated widely (on 63 % of the area of the province and by 74 % of farmers). This study investigated the current state of mountain ginseng cultivation and business management, including production costs and subsidy, sales and distribution system, and other business management concerns. A survey was conducted on 86 mountain ginseng-cultivating farming households living in the targeted area in 2013. It is concluded that to achieve greater production an aggressive government policy promoting the renting out of suitable sites for mountain ginseng cultivation in national and public production forestland to individual farms and farming cooperatives is necessary. Further research on increasing the survival rate of cultivated mountain ginseng (CMG) until harvesting and preventing damage by wild animals is also deemed necessary. More effective use of related municipal budget subsidy needs to be supported selectively to the enterprising farmers who aggressively pursue mountain ginseng cultivation and business management. Opening CMG retail stores to realize sustainable income growth and developing various processed products will increase farm income. The government needs to introduce policies to sustain consumer trust in CMG through initiatives such as establishing a CMG quality management system for growers, distributing government-approved seeds, and implementing a government-based CMG purchase system.  相似文献   

We investigated characteristics (scales and composition) of soil seed banks at eight study sites in the rocky mountain region of Beijing by seed identification and germination monitoring. We also surveyed the vegetation communities at the eight study sites to explore the role of soil seed banks in vegetation restoration. The storage capacity of soil seed banks at the eight sites ranked from 766.26 to 2461.92 seeds·m -2 . A total of 23 plant species were found in soil seed banks, of which 63 80% of seeds were herbs in various soil layers and 60% of seeds were located in the soil layer at 0 5cm depth. Biodiversity indices indicated clear differences in species diversity of soil seed banks among different plant communities. The species composition of aboveground vegetation showed low similarity with that based on soil seed banks. In the above- ground plant community, the afforestation tree species showed high importance values. The plant species originating from soil seed banks represented natural regeneration, which also showed relatively high importance values. This study suggests that in the rocky mountain region of Beijing the soil seed banks played a key role in the transformation from pure plantation forest to near-natural forest, promoting natural ecological processes, and the role of the seed banks in vegetation restoration was important to the improvement of ecological restoration methods.  相似文献   

日本落叶松在山西太行山南段平顺山地引种的效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文荣  韩有志 《林业科学》1993,29(2):165-171
一、生态条件的比较日本落叶松[Larix Kaempferi(lamb.)Carr.]是速生的针叶树种之一。原产地仅局限于日本本州岛的中央高地和关东山地,分布区很狭窄,介于东径136°45′-140°30′,北纬35°08′-38°05′,海拔高1300-2680(1000-2800)m,呈星散分布。较大面积的天然纯林和针叶树种混交林分布在高达3000m的飞(?)山、木曾山、赤石山脉和御岳山及关东山地的富士山、天守山、八岳、浅间山一带的火山坡地。这一地带总的属温带海洋性季风气候,比大陆同纬度温和,夏季生长期多雨,相对湿度大。但由于日本落叶松的原产地处于亚热带暖温带过渡地带的高海拔山区,为内陆性气候,雨量较沿海为少;特别是山地气候  相似文献   

We studied the variation in critical night length for bud set in two photoperiodic ecotypes (two latitudinally distant stands) of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) in three phytotron experiments. Seeds from 21 open-pollinated mother trees in a southern (Tuusula, 60 degrees N) and a northern (Kittil?, 67 degrees N) Finnish stand were germinated and grown for 4 weeks in a 24-h photoperiod in a greenhouse and then moved to different night length treatments at 18 degrees C for 4 to 6 weeks. Night lengths from 5 to 8.5 h were used for southern origin seedlings and from 1 to 4.5 h for northern origin seedlings. At the end of the treatments, apical bud set was observed and the percentage of seedlings with bud set calculated for each treatment and tree progeny. The critical night lengths (CNL) for 50% bud set were determined separately for seedlings from each mother tree by regression analysis. In both ecotypes, the mean percentage of seedlings with bud set was lowest for the shortest night lengths and increased rapidly as night lengths increased. Mean CNL with its 95% confidence interval for the southern and northern ecotypes was 6.3 +/- 0.2 and 3.1 +/- 0.3 h, respectively. The CNL of the two ecotypes differed significantly in three experiments. Within-ecotype variance of the CNL was significantly higher in the northern ecotype (0.484) than in the southern ecotype (0.150). Significant differences in CNL were detected between individual mother trees of the southern ecotype, but not between mother trees of the northern ecotype. The ranking of individual mother trees, based on CNL, differed in the three experiments.  相似文献   

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