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当前,农村养犬的数量呈增长之势。针对农村出现养犬热这一新情况,浙江省桐庐县在进一步规范城镇居民养犬防疫管理的同时,又加强了农村犬类防疫的管理,并克服犬防经费紧、人手少、打针难等困难,达到了防疫到位、疫病控制、农村社会和谐。具体做法如下:  相似文献   

@陈长溪$宁化县畜牧兽医站!365400 @吴昌金$宁化县安远乡畜牧水产站!365404犬是六畜之一,是人类最早驯化的动物。我国正处在大力发展畜牧业的时代,犬作为畜牧业的一个组成部分,尤其在农村应该加以发展。1 养犬业在国民经济中的重要作用 积极发展我国的养犬业,对国民经济有着重要的作用,具体体现在:1.1 治安保卫 犬有着灵敏的嗅觉和听觉,对各种气味异常敏感,而且易训练。历来犬已广泛应用于警察、军事部门及厂矿、机关、院校的治安保卫工作。例如,警(军)犬能进行追踪、鉴别、扑咬、警戒、潜伏、巡逻、搜捕、通讯、扫雷、检查毒品和爆…  相似文献   

旨在进一步规范养犬管理、维护市容环境和社会公共秩序的《青岛市养犬管理办法》正式出台,于2005年3月1日起施行.1995年12月1日起实施的《青岛市限制养犬办法》将同时废止。  相似文献   

自2011年5月《上海市养犬管理条例》颁布实施以来,浦东新区动物疫控中心结合浦东实际,充分发挥镇动物防检站和街道动物防疫工作站主渠道作用,按照《条例》中合理布局、方便接种的原则,采取集中免疫和日常免疫相结合的办法,积极开展犬狂犬病免疫工作。  相似文献   

随着我国养犬热的不断升温,规模化养犬场也在不断扩大、增多。但目前我国规模化养犬场最突出的问题是犬疫病的发生,特别是一些烈性传染病的暴发,常造成犬大量死亡,损失较大,给养犬带来许多负面影响。所以,规模化养犬场必须认真贯彻“养防并重,预防为主,防重于治”的疫病防治方针,建立有效的犬病防疫制度,做到科学养犬,减少疫病发生,提高犬场的经济效益。  相似文献   

李同光 《兽医导刊》2022,(6):144-145
在农村进行家犬的养殖在许多地区已经成为了家家户户生活的一种方式,然而在进行农村家犬养殖的过程中却存在着许多的危害,无论是家犬养殖对人们的身体健康的影响,还是对于家犬养殖业对周围的环境和生态造成的污染都产生十分不利的影响,那么在这样的情况下,就需要针对农村家犬养殖中的危害进行预防措施的制定,以此保证农村地区能够在合理的安...  相似文献   

犬类管理工作涉及面广,特别是农村养犬处于失控状态,笔者分析了当前农村养犬的现状、危害和存在的诸多问题,提出了解决相应的对策建议,供决策部门参考.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,肉犬的经济价值被越来越多的规模化养殖者所重视.但我国肉犬饲养主要以个体散养户为主,规模化养殖不成气候,其中较大原因是许多犬场缺乏规模化养殖的防疫措施而造成.犬类疫病种类多,养殖户防治程序不健全,若犬只发生疾病而得不到有效控制,进而造成极大的经济损失.肉犬规模化饲养的防疫措施亟需重视.  相似文献   

随着农业产业结构调整的不断推进和人们对保健意识的不断增强,作为优质绿色食品的鹅肉消费已越来越多地受到广大消费者的青睐。养鹅具有投资小、耗料少、周期短、效益高等特点。每只鹅饲养80天左右可盈利10~15元,  相似文献   

近年来,笔者结合工作实践,就如何组织开展好农村养殖从业人员畜牧兽医科技推广方式进行了试验探讨,总结归纳出如下方式方法.  相似文献   

一 加强对散养禽的防疫监管 1 提高防疫密度 要提高散养禽的防疫密度,需从两方面努力.一方面,通过宣传教育农民和发挥村委会的行政领导作用,实现散养禽的圈养,方便免疫接种.  相似文献   

Measures employed to control visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil have focused on vector control by residual insecticide spraying and diagnosis of infection with elimination of positive dogs. We describe dog culling and replacement in a Brazilian endemic area (the Alvorada District, Ara?atuba, SP) in order to better understand dog population dynamics when elimination of the dog reservoir is adopted as the main control measure. From August 2002 to July 2004, 60.9% of the estimated dog population for the area was culled with a mean age of 34 months old. The presence of anti-Leishmania sp. antibodies was recorded for only 26.7% of the euthanized canines. Replacement was observed in 38.8% of the cases, some of them by 2 or more dogs and in a mean time of 4 months. Dogs were replaced mostly by puppies of both sexes with a mean age of 6.8 months. From August 2002 to April 2005 we were able to follow-up 116 of these dogs, during a mean time of 8.7 months. Canine visceral leishmaniasis seropositivity by ELISA was observed in 42.2% of the followed dogs, 30.6% of which were already positive at the first evaluation. By the end of the follow-up period 37% of the dogs were submitted to euthanasia, with a mean age of 18.3 months. In the studied CVL endemic area of Brazil, euthanasia and the subsequent replacement ratio were high, increasing the dog population turnover and leading to a younger population that might be more susceptible to a variety of other infectious diseases in addition to CVL. Dog culling as a control strategy for VL should be reassessed.  相似文献   

现代养殖业建设与统筹城乡发展互动的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代养殖业是现代农业的重要组成部分,是进一步做好统筹城乡经济社会发展,推进城乡一体化进程,促进农民增收的要害所在、核心所在、关键所在。广西壮族自治区玉林市以科学发展观为指导,统筹城乡发展,以更宽的视野、更新的理念、更高的标准谋划农村经济  相似文献   

Cattle attendants on two farms in the Outer Bratislava district showed symptoms of Q-fever. The blood of the cows in these farms was found to contain antibodies to Coxiella burnetti and the causative agent of the disease was detected in milk samples of aborting cows by biological assays on hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The naturally invaded dairy cows with antibodies in the blood and heifers without antibodies were vaccinated with different doses of inactivated suspension of C. burnetii in stage I. A different antibody reaction to vaccination was obtained after the application of a four-fold amount of vaccine. It was proved that the animals did not excrete the causative agent of the infection even after administration of lower doses of the vaccine on the 120th day after vaccination.  相似文献   

Spray application of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccines is a labor- and time-saving means of mass vaccination of layer chickens. Recent assessment of spray characteristics of nozzles commonly used to apply MG vaccine in layer chicken operations has shown that the amount of respirable droplets (< 5 microm) is negligible. Topical application of vaccine onto the eye surface has been suggested as a route of vaccination, but no estimates of vaccine load delivered via spray application were found in the literature. Estimates of eye surface area were developed using digital imaging; 24 layer pullets were used for analysis, and the mean eye surface area, corrected for corneal curvature, was found to be 0.609 cm2. This surface area was then used to estimate vaccine load for commercially available live MG vaccine sprayed through popular nozzles. Less than 3000 colony-forming units can be expected for direct deposition onto the surface of an eye.  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,农村养禽专业场(户)作为畜牧业的重要补充部分,如雨后春笋般涌现,促进了农村经济的发展,使不少农民受益.但随着养禽业的发展,逐渐暴露出.生产过程由于技术力量不强等原因引起的各种问题,严重制约着我国农村养禽业的发展.笔者结合工作实践,就我国农村禽业生产中存在的问题及对策作以简述,供参考.  相似文献   

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