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滨海盐渍化土壤理化性质与小麦生产间的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为促进滨海区域粮食生产,以盐渍化麦田为研究对象,在测定土壤(0~20 cm)基本性质及小麦产量、生物量基础上,分析土壤肥力特征与小麦生产能力间的关系。结果表明,土壤含盐量与小麦产量、地上部生物量(生物量)呈极显著负相关(p0.01),其关系符合三次函数方程。若以4 500 kg hm-2作为最低目标产量,土壤含盐量应在3.1 g kg-1以下。土壤有机质含量与土壤含盐量呈显著负相关(p0.05),与小麦产量、生物量呈极显著正相关(p0.01)。土壤有机质含量增加能够降低盐渍化程度,促进小麦生产。将直接相连的下层(10~20 cm)与上(表)层(0~10 cm)土壤含盐量比值作为抑盐效率(E),来评价有机质的抑盐作用,表层土壤有机质含量与E符合二次函数方程,有机质含量超过19.1 g kg-1时,抑盐效果显著,可以作为土壤肥力培育目标值。此外,提高土壤速效钾含量对小麦生产也具有显著促进作用。研究结果对研究区域及相似地区进行土壤肥力培育和粮食生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

微塑料是一类广泛存在于环境中的塑料颗粒,近年来,微塑料对环境的污染引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。关于微塑料对水环境造成的负面影响有较多报道,但微塑料在陆地环境特别是土壤中的存在和影响的系统性研究鲜有报道。本文从土壤微塑料的来源和分布、分析方法、对生态系统的影响、生态环境效应及管控措施等方面进行了系统综述,并针对今后土壤微塑料的研究提出了相关对策。主要包括以下几个方面:1)土壤微塑料的主要来源包括农用塑料薄膜残留、污泥的土地利用、有机肥施用、地表径流、污水灌溉和大气沉降; 2)总结了土壤中微塑料的分离、提取、鉴定及分析方法的优缺点,但目前仍没有标准化的检测和定量技术; 3)微塑料会影响土壤的结构和理化性质,对植物和动物的生长造成威胁,并改变微生物群落的多样性;4)微塑料表面可附着污染物,对环境造成物理和化学污染,可释放内源性有毒物质,并导致复合污染效应;5)微塑料污染的防控措施主要包括3个方面:研发生物降解塑料产品、从源头控制微塑料的输入以及加强世界各国合作。提出今后微塑料的研究应建立统一的定量分析标准方法,发展更准确的可追溯分析技术,加强对土壤中微塑料污染的科学研究。本研究不仅有助于了解微塑料在土壤中的环境行为,为进一步探索土壤微塑料提供思路,而且可为土壤中微塑料的生态风险评估及污染防治提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been frequently discussed as a strategy for meeting CO2 emission reduction and its targets. However, some critical issues have...  相似文献   

Intensive land use and concomitant land degradation are strongly undermining the sustainability of current crop production systems in the tropics. Thus, finding alternative cropping strategies to overcome soil and environmental stresses is an integral part of the ongoing process of maintaining and improving crop productivity. In this paper, major features of crops and crop production systems were reviewed. Production systems such as pastures, perennial crops, and agroforestry were found to be highly effective in promoting high and stable crop productivity, restoring and/or enhancing soil fertility, and minimizing erosion risk.  相似文献   

This study investigated general physicochemical properties of tea garden soils at the alluvial plain of Cong River in Tan Cuong commune, Vietnam. Four gardens were selected as study sites on three transect lines established perpendicularly to the river. Soil samples were collected from the surface (0–10 cm) and subsurface (20–30 cm). Soil texture classes varied from sandy loam to light clay, which was affected by different terrains along the transect lines as well as severe disturbance such as terracing and earth excavation. The levels of total C and total N were correlated with increasing garden age, suggesting the replenishment of soil organic matter pool by the addition of plant residue and manure. Meanwhile, the soils showed strongly acidic nature with the average pH(H2O) of 3.7 at the surface and 3.9 at the subsurface. The effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was low at 4.7 and 4.9 cmolc kg?1, respectively, and dominated by exchangeable Al3+. Soil acidification was exacerbated with increasing garden age. However, a relatively large saturation of exchangeable calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), and magnesium (Mg2+) on the ECEC was found in the surface soils. The levels of available P were high, occasionally exceeding 1000 and 500 mg kg?1 at the surface and subsurface, respectively. In spite of strongly acidic condition, ammonium (NH4-N) applied as fertilizer was converted to nitrate (NO3-N) to move down to deeper layers. The levels of the bases, P, and mineral N seem to be principally determined by management practices. Significant portion of these nutrients was likely to exist in water soluble forms without adsorption onto soils. It should be required to develop proper schemes and to educate the owners for adequate fertilizer managements.  相似文献   

To prepare composite films from biopolymers with anti-listerial activity and moisture barrier properties, the antimicrobial efficiency of chitosan-hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) films, chitosan-HPMC films associated with lipid, and chitosan-HPMC films chemically modified by cross-linking were evaluated. In addition, the physicochemical properties of composite films were evaluated to determine their potential for food applications. The incorporation of stearic acid into the composite chitosan-HPMC film formulation decreased water sensitivity such as initial solubility in water and water drop angle. Thus, cross-linking of composite chitosan-HPMC, using citric acid as the cross-linking agent, led to a 40% reduction in solubility in water. The water vapor transfer rate of HPMC film, approximately 270 g x m(-2) x day(-1) x atm(-1), was improved by incorporating chitosan and was further reduced 40% by the addition of stearic acid and/or cross-linking. Anti-listerial activity of films was determined on solid medium by a numeration technique. Chitosan-HPMC-based films, with and without stearic acid, inhibited the growth of Listeria monocytogenes completely. On the other hand, a loss of antimicrobial activity after chemical cross-linking modification was observed. FTIR and 13C NMR analyses were then conducted in order to study a potential chemical modification of biopolymers such as a chemical reaction with the amino group of chitosan. To complete the study, the mechanical properties of composite films were determined from tensile strength assays.  相似文献   

Globulin-P, the polymerized 11S amaranth globulin, is composed of 280 kDa unitary molecules (UM, 23%) and aggregates larger than 500 kDa (A, 70%). Antibodies against these proteins were prepared to study their surface characteristics and to assess their homology with other storage proteins. Results showed that globulin-P unitary molecules and aggregates had similar reactive surfaces. A polypeptide of 56 kDa was found to be the most reactive to the antibodies assayed, followed by the acidic polypeptides. Such results support previous information, according to which these polypeptides appeared to be the most exposed on the molecule surface. Globulin-P fraction presented cross-reactivity with the remaining amaranth protein fractions: 11S-globulin, glutelins, and albumins. Globulin-P and 11S-globulin showed similar reactive surfaces whereas glutelin and albumins presented a lower cross-reactivity. The reactivity of the glutelin fraction depended on its sequence. Globulin-P fraction presented cross-reactivity with quinoa globulins, and to a lesser extent with globulins of sunflower and rice. Moreover, the anti-Gp serum was unable to detect either conformational or sequence epitopes in globulins of soybean, wheat, buckwheat, rice, and rye.  相似文献   

豆浆的钙含量相对较低,且具有令人不愉快的豆腥味,限制了豆浆产品的消费需求。该研究以羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite, HA)为钙强化剂,研究了钙添加量和均质压力对豆浆粉理化性质、感官评价和挥发性风味物质组成的影响。结果表明:钙的添加会降低豆浆粉粉体的流动性,润湿和分散时间显著(P<0.05)增加;豆浆粉冲调后,剪切黏度增加,口腔摩擦系数明显提高,口感变得稠厚。在1.5%的钙添加量基础上,采用均质处理进一步改善豆浆粉的品质。低压均质(≤60 MPa)改善了豆浆粉的流动性、润湿和分散性。随着均质压力的升高,豆浆粉颗粒的表面变得光滑,坍塌减少,呈现接近球体的形态。当均质压力继续增大至80 MPa时,豆浆粉颗粒形貌略有破损。均质处理能使冲调后豆浆的黏度减小,口腔摩擦系数明显降低,口感变得顺滑。相比未加钙豆浆粉的风味物质种类(26种),钙强化豆浆粉的风味物质种类达35种。相比于未均质钙强化豆浆粉,20 MPa均质处理显著(P<0.05)降低关键性豆腥味物质(正己醛等)检测的含量,且关键性非豆腥味物质(正壬醛、反-2-辛烯醛、反-2-壬烯醛等)得到较好的保留,豆浆粉的色泽、风味、顺滑度和滋味显著(P<0.05)改善,感官评分最高。然而,过高的压力处理(80 MPa)使检测的正己醛含量略有上升,而正壬醛、反-2-壬烯醛的含量显著(P<0.05)下降,劣化了豆浆粉的感官品质,感官评分降低。该研究结果可为钙强化豆浆粉的加工及感官品质改善提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Changes in physicochemical properties of egg yolk were investigated after a treatment with phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2), where phospholipids are converted in lyso-phospholipids. Protein solubility and protein denaturation before and after modification by PLA 2 was monitored as well as the functionality of egg yolk by means of interfacial tension. Enzymatic treatment showed a significant impact on the properties of egg yolk with regard to protein solubility and denaturation behavior. To gain a closer insight, egg yolk was separated in its water-soluble fraction called plasma and the insoluble granules. Both fractions were separately modified by PLA 2. The granule fraction shows a higher protein solubility, and the plasma proteins show very high heat stability after modification by PLA 2. Hypotheses regarding related changes in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are discussed. Results suggest that significant differences in the functional properties of untreated and PLA 2-modified egg yolk do not primarily result from the existence of lyso-phospholipids but from structural changes in egg yolk granules and LDL particles.  相似文献   

Vescalagin and castalagin are two diastereoisomers. The variability of their principal physicochemical properties, compared with their small structural differences, suggests important conformational variations. This study shows, experimentally, that vescalagin has a greater effect on polarity, oxidizability in solution, and thermodegradability than castalagin. Conformational analysis by molecular mechanics demonstrated that vescalagin was more hydrophilic and was more reactive to electrophilic reagents than castalagin. Experimental results were thus explained and demonstrated the distinct behaviors of vescalagin and castalagin. These results were attributed to the C1 position of the two compounds because vescalin and castalin have comparable characteristics. Experimental data were confirmed and interpreted by molecular mechanics. This work represents one of the first attempts to correlate conformation and the properties of phenolic compounds. This step constitutes a predictive method for the pharmacology or chemistry of new compounds.  相似文献   

At concentrations above 1 ppm NTA can react with sparingly soluble compounds to release the metal and associated anions through complexation. It also interacts with sediment to release certain metals depending on the abundance of the metals in the sediment. In situ and laboratory experiments have been carried out to study such interactions and also to follow the fate of these released metals after NTA has degraded. Degradation of certain NTA-metal complexes in lake water medium has also been studied. It was found that certain NTA complexes (Cu, Ni, Cd, Hg) are very resistent to degradation.  相似文献   

Arsenic(As) contamination in soil and water poses a serious threat to the ecosystem health and human beings, and is of widespread concern. The main As species found in soil and water are arsenite As(Ⅲ) and arsenate As(Ⅴ). Because As(Ⅲ) is more toxic and often more mobile than As(Ⅴ), many remediation strategies aim to oxidize As(Ⅲ) to As(Ⅴ). In the environment, the reduction of As(Ⅴ) under anaerobic conditions is mainly mediated by microorganisms, but the oxidation of As(Ⅲ) under aerobic conditio...  相似文献   



The interaction of mercury with organic matter was studied on three soils with distinct physical-chemical compositions (Fluvisol, Luvisol, and Chernozem) and three vermicomposts based on various bio-waste materials (digestate, kitchen waste with woodchips, and garden bio-waste).

Materials and methods

Laboratory batch experiments, in which organic matter composition was modeled by adding graded doses of vermicompost to individual soils, were carried out. The composition of organic matter in these vermicomposts was assessed via fractionation of humic acids, fulvic acids, hydrophilic compounds, and possible hydrophobic neutral organic matter. Furthermore, the samples were artificially contaminated with inorganic and organic mercury. Prepared samples were stored under constant temperature of 25 °C. The incubation experiments lasted for 56 days, in which the samples were taken ten times. During the experiments, the changes in mercury mobile phase amount were observed, and the influence of the source of contamination was evaluated.

Results and discussion

The amount of mobile mercury increased and then decreased during the time. In most of the soils and vermicompost combinations, the content of mercury bound to the soil was stable after 21 days. The effects of the mercury source on the exchangeable portion of Hg in the soils were most obvious in samples without added vermicompost. Nevertheless, differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were lower in the case of Fluvisol compared to other soils. Moreover, in this soil, the content of available mercury was higher than from others.


In general, the smallest differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were observed in the case of soil with the highest content of organic matter. Also higher doses of vermicomposts decreased the amount of mercury mobile phase available. Additionally, the largest positive influence of vermicompost dose on Hg mobility was measured in soils combined with vermicompost with the highest portion of humic acids.

为利用生物发酵技术改善松木屑作为食用菌培养基质的性质,尤其是在降低松节油含量及植物毒性的研究,试验采用哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)RM80和苏云芽孢金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis)FJ26组成的复合微生物菌剂处理松木屑,系统评估发酵前后松木屑中松节油含量、理化性质、营养成分、酶活性及种子发芽指数的变化情况。结果表明,添加复合菌剂后松木屑中松节油含量明显降低,其中α-蒎烯减少至(1.67 ± 0.09) μg/g,降低80%,β-蒎烯未检出,降低100%,种子发芽指数提高至94.52%,木屑腐熟程度高,植物毒性低,食用菌菌丝萌发正常,生长速率快,说明发酵后的松杉木屑可作为食用菌的栽培基质。发酵初期微生物分解有机物产生有机酸,pH值降低,随着有机酸挥发,含氮有机物产生,促使氨的形成,堆料pH值升高,基质中铵态氮含量上升。此外,整个发酵过程中半纤维素酶、中性木聚糖酶、甘露聚糖酶与松节油变化呈正相关性,以中性木聚糖酶贡献度最大,揭示松木屑发酵过程中微生物菌群对半纤维素的利用较多,中性木聚糖酶活性对整个发酵进程起到关键性作用,为发酵工艺优化提供了理论依据。该研究为松木屑的有效利用和食用菌产业的可持续发展提供了重要的科学依据和技术支持,促进了废弃生物质资源的循环利用和食用菌产业的绿色发展。  相似文献   

Structures and physicochemical properties of six wild rice starches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Starches from six wild rice cultivars were studied for their chemical structures and physicochemical properties and compared with a long-grain rice starch. The six wild rice starches were similar in morphological appearance, X-ray diffraction patterns, swelling power, and water solubility index but different in amylose content, beta-amylolysis limit, branch chain length distribution, thermal properties, and pasting properties. The structure of the wild rice amylopectins was close to that of waxy rice amylopectin with more branching and a larger proportion of short branch chains of degree of polymerization 6-12 as compared with that of amylopectin from rice starch with a similar amylose content. The differences in branch chain length distribution of amylopectin and amylose content were assumed to contribute to the differences in physicochemical properties among the six wild rice starches as well as to the differences between the wild rice starches and the rice starch.  相似文献   

该论文以116个蜂蜜样品为对象,考察蜂蜜理化指标间的相关性,并采用红外光谱技术结合偏最小二乘回归法建立快速定量模型,探讨模型对蜂蜜理化性质指标的定量能力,比较近、中红外光谱在定量检测中的能力,从数据层融合角度考究光谱融合对定量精度的提升。主要研究结论如下:蜂蜜的部分理化性质间具相互关联性,色差、电导率和pH两两呈正相关,pH和可滴定酸,水分与黏度之间彼此呈负相关;近红外光谱技术(near-infrared spectrum,NIR)和中红外光谱技术(mid-infrared spectrum,MIR)对果糖、葡萄糖、还原糖、果糖/葡萄糖、水分、黏度、pH和色差具有良好的定量分析能力(R2>0.9),对电导率、蔗糖、麦芽糖和可滴定酸的精度和模型相关系数尚可接受;二者单独对淀粉酶值、脯氨酸的定量结果较差,通过数据融合后,脯氨酸精度有所提升(Rc 0.825,Rp 0.664,RMSEC 38.68,RMSEP 49.57),淀粉酶值无优化(Rc 0.799,Rp 0.695,RMSEC 2.57,RMSEP 3.02)。MIR对糖的定量分析精度略优于NIR。研究证明将近、中红外光谱用于蜂蜜部分理化指标的快速定量是可行的,数据融合对模型产生积极影响,但仍存在很多理论和算法问题需要解决。  相似文献   

Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea rotundata starches were subjected to steam pressure treatments (0.35, 0.7, and 1.05 kg cm(-)(2)) for different periods. The total amylose content in the treated starches was not significantly affected, but the soluble amylose content decreased 3-5-fold. Reducing values and lambda(max) of the iodine complexes were unaffected. Viscosity of the starch paste was reduced by the treatments, and at higher pressures and longer time of treatments, the peak viscosity values were reduced to very low values. Pasting temperatures were enhanced considerably. Swelling volumes underwent reduction, but no change in solubility occurred. Clarity and paste stability were markedly lowered. The results suggest that starch granules are compressed by the steam pressure treatment, leading to vast changes in physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

陆生植物对全球环境变化的适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球环境变化对陆地生态系统产生了深刻影响,而陆生植物对环境变化具有一定的适应机制。在生理过程中,信号物质能够对植物的生理过程进行调节,植物会主动积累或合成小分子物质以减轻逆境的伤害。在个体水平上,植物通过调节同化物在不同器官中的分配来适应环境条件的变化;植物对水氮资源的权衡利用可以使其适应不同的资源环境条件;由于对非结构碳水化合物的奢侈利用,植物生长不会受碳供应的限制。植物生理生态过程中的适应机制会影响陆地生态系统的碳收支。只有在综合分析的基础上建立整合植物适应机理的数学模型,才能准确预测环境变化对陆地生态系统的影响。  相似文献   

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