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Summary The genus Paspalum contains a number of important forage grasses, including P. dilatatum Poir. (dallisgrass) and P. notatum Flugge (bahiagrass). Even though many Paspalum species are adapted to moist, humid areas, they frequently are subjected to extended periods of drought stress which reduces forage productivity. This study was initiated to determine the range of variation for different indicators of drought tolerance in several Paspalum species. Fifteen species representing a broad cross section of germplasm were grown in a replicated field nursery and sampled for leaf epicuticular wax content on four dates over three years. Wax was extracted with chloroform and quantified by the dichromate oxidation technique. Heat tolerance (solute leakage technique) was also determined by calculating the ratio of the conductivity of the external bathing solution of leaves following a heat treatment to the conductivity of the bathing solution after leaves were boiled. Wax values of the entries ranged from 5.7 to 0.88 mg/dm2. Both relative rankings and absolute wax values were very consistent across all sampling dates. The accessions of Paspalum nicorae Parodi and P. quandrifarum Lam. were consistently high in wax content, while the accessions of P. commune Lillo and P. unispicatum (Scribn. et Merr.) Nash were consistently low. The heat tolerance testing demonstrated that the accession of P. notatum var. saurae Parodi was the most heat tolerant of the entries. Results from this investigation demonstrate the wide range of diversity that exists for both epicuticular wax and heat tolerance within the genus Paspalum.  相似文献   

Relationship between somaclonal variation and type of culture in cucumber   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Highly inbred B line of cucumber was used to compare the effect of four types of in vitro culture on somaclonal variation. The plants were regenerated from the following types of culture: twelve- and eighteen-month-old liquid culture of meristematic clumps (LMC12(18)), ten-month-old embryogenic cytokinin-dependent suspension (CDS), eighteen-month-old embryogenic cytokinin-dependent suspension in medium with modified NH+ 4/NO3 - ratio (CDS 1.7), twelve-month-old embryogenic auxin-dependent suspension (ADS), thirty six-month-old embryogenic auxin-dependent suspension in medium with modified NH+ 4/NO3 - ratio (ADS 1.7) and recurrent leaf callus regeneration (RLC) – repeated 5 times. The differences in the incidence of the following properties were observed: the ploidy of R0 plants, the segregation of new morphological traits in R1 and the germination ability of R1 seeds. R1 families with the segregation of new phenotypes were most numerous in CDS (62.5%) and LMC18 (57.9%), next in CDS1.7 (35.7%), while the smallest number was found in LMC12 (11.1%) and RLC (3.4%).Tetraploid and mixoploid plants occurred in ADS1.7 and ADS (100%) whereas CDS and RLC were observed to contain only tetraploids, respectively 33.3% and 55.2%. There were no changes of ploidy after LMC12, LMC18 and CDS1.7. Among new phenotypes there were such that have not been described so far in cucumber: ginkgolike leaf (gll), yellow-green chlorophyll mutants (y-gc), serrate margin of corolla in male and female flowers (smc). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Transmission of somaclonal variation in wheat   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ahloowalia  B. S.  Sherington  J. 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):525-537
Summary Transmission of somaclonal variation was studied in callus derived (SC1) plants of wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Second (SC2), third (SC3) and fourth (SC4) generations were compared with those obtained from embryo culture (E1-E4). SC2 generation had significantly lower grain yield (–37.3%), reduced thousand kernel weight (–7.8%) and shorter height (–2.1%) than that of E2, and included 5.7% seed-sterile and 15.0% partially seed-sterile plants. SC3 generation showed reduced yield (–12.6%), lower thousand kernel weight (–4.9%) and shorter plant height (–1.9%) than E3 generation. SC4 progeny of a short height, partially sterile SC1 variant included aberrant plants: a haploid, few aneuploids, mixoploids, some showing multiploidy, spindle abnormalities, multivalents, bridges and fragments, and tillers having supernumerary spikes with branched rachis. Somaclonal variation resulted from genome instability in callus, and likely involved transposable elements.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of sexual diploid plants of Paspalum simplex were colchicine-doubled and the plant obtained were crossed with their aposporous natural tetraploid counterparts to generate a F1 population segregating for apomixis. Analysis of the DNA content during megagametogenesis indicated that although the nuclei of nucellus and developing embryo sacs were in both the G1 and G2 phases, polar nuclei and egg cells of mature embryo sacs tended to remain in the G1 phase. Because both meiotic and aposporous mature embryo sacs are of the 8-nucleated-type in P. simplex and are barely distinguishable, nuclear DNA content of polar nuclei was used to distinguish apomictic and sexual phenotypes and confirmation obtained by progeny testing. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple shoot formation in cotyledonary callus of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea cv. Prakash) was induced on modified MS media supplemented with high cytokinin (kinetin or zeatin) and low IAA concentrations. Complete plants were obtained on prolonged incubation of shoots on the same medium. 6-Benzyladenine alone or in combination with IAA or NAA did not support plantlet regeneration. A total of 71 plants were transferred to greenhouse. The seed, however, could be collected from 37 plants only. The seed was sown in the field to evaluate the material for somaclonal variation in R1 generation. Data were recorded for yield, plant height, number of primary branches, siliqua number, 1,000 seed weight and oil content. Somaclonal lines showed tremendous amount of variation for all the characters studied. A number of plants in this generation showed significantly higher yield and/or other improved agriculturally important characteristics as compared to the control. A line with dwarf plant type was also identified. A number of plants were selected from this generation and carried forward to R2 generation. Most of these lines bred true in R2 generation. The material seems to be very promising for future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Characterisation of fifteen commercial varieties of Chrysanthemum was carried out through RAPD analysis. Varieties could be distinguished from each other and the level of similarity between varieties seemed to be not very high. In vitro cultures were establish from four varieties and were subjected to different proliferation conditions. Five individuals from each variety and treatment were analysed using RAPD at the beginning of the treatment and after a month of culture. Variation was detected at both stages of the culture period. The rate of variation found showed differences between varieties, but no significant difference was found between culture conditions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Seed progeny of tissue culture regenerants of a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. HY320) was evaluated for key agronomic traits for three years under field conditions. Initially, 27 regenerant families were tested in hill plots. Among-family and within-family variation was generally highly significant (p < 0.01) and nonsignificant, respectively. The variation observed among regenerants on the basis of hill plot testing was not duplicated in subsequent four-row plot experiments. On average, regenerant families yielded 28 and 5% less than the control in dryland and irrigated tests, respectively. Low yielding regenerants tended to produce fewer, lighter kernels per spike. Higher grain protein levels among regenerants were associated with low yields (r=0.85). This study demonstrated that putative somaclonal variation arising from tissue culture failed to produce genotypes agronomically superior to the parental cultivar, HY 320.NRCC Publication No. 33533  相似文献   

Somaclones (R3 and R4 generations) regenerated from five winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated for variation in agronomic and morphological characters. Immature embryos were used as initial explant material. Comparisons for plant height, top internode length, spike length, number of seeds per spike and 100 seed weight were made between the somaclones and their parents. Some morphological variations of stem and spike characteristics were registered which demonstrate that plant height and spike length can be changed by using immature embryo culture. The results obtained may be considered a biotechnological contribution to wheat plant improvement. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is the major insect pest of bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., in the Southeastern USA. Somaclonal variation in bermudagrass has produced distinctly divergent susceptibilities to fall armyworm under controlled conditions. Plant persistence, productivity, forage quality characteristics, and response to fall armyworm were assessed in field plots at Rosepine, Louisiana from 1995 through 1999. Forage quality characteristics were assessed each year, and natural infestations of fall armyworms were monitored in 1998 and 1999. Most of the somaclonal lines were similar to their parent cultivar in forage yield and quality, and none was consistently superior. Differences in forage quality characteristics among the bermudagrass lines were detected in 1996 and 1997, with little difference among lines in 1998 and 1999. All lines assessed were infested and sustained damage from natural infestations of fall armyworm larvae. Thus despite acceptable forage productivity and quality of most lines, expression of fall armyworm resistance under these field conditions was not detected. This lack of difference under field conditions, despite distinct resistance of some lines under controlled conditions, may primarily be due to either insufficient production of compounds deterring the insects for detectable effects under field conditions or loss of expression of the somaclonally acquired traits even with vegetative reproduction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen germplasm accessions of Paspalum compressifolium native from southern Brazil were cytologically and embryologically analysed. The study revealed that one accession was diploid (2n=20), twelve were tetraploid (2n=40) and one was hexaploid (2n=60). This is the first report of diploid and hexaploid cytotypes for this species. Studies on microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis, and embryo sac development indicated that the diploid cytotype had regular meiotic behavior and reproduces sexually. Tetraploid cytotype usually had an important proportion of chromosomes that associated as quadrivalents during meiosis and reproduced by mean of aposporous apomixis. The hexaploid cytotype showed irregular meiotic behavior with about one third of the chromosomes associated as multivalents and reproduced by aposporous apomixis. Thus, P. compressifolium could be an agamic complex. Breeding in this complex is possible due to the presence of diploid sexuals which can be treated by colchicine and pollinated by apomicts.  相似文献   

Summary Facultative apomixis confers great adaptedness and evolutive potential on biotypes belonging to the Poa pratensis L. agamic complex. Pioneering and recent research have dealt with and sometimes elucidated different aspects of apomictic expression, such as cytological mechanisms, distribution patterns, genetic control and environmental effects, in this species. We carried out an investigation on the mode of reproduction expressed in Italian natural populations, cultivars and selected genotypes together with an extensive time (56 years) and space (six countries) review in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of apomixis expression in P. pratensis. Histograms of the estimations were prepared. They showed that, due to breeder and natural selection, both cultivars and natural populations very frequently expressed a high degree of apomixis. Variations in the degree of apomixis across generations, different pollen donors, environments and estimation levels were generally low. It would, therefore, seem that the tenet which holds that apomixis in P. pratensis is strongly influenced by external factors should be reconsidered. Despite the fact that little is known of the genetic, physiological and molecular control underlying apomixis, the overall picture that emerges from our study helps to explain how the balance between sexual and asexual reproduction confers extreme versatility, adaptedness and evolutive capacity on this remarkable grass.  相似文献   

Immature zygotic embryos from the American fertility restorer line RHA-857 were used as donor material for induction of direct organogenesis in sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.). The range of spontaneous somaclonal variation among the progenies of regenerants was studied. The genetic modifications observed in regenerants included agronomic traits such as oil content in seed, 1000 seed weight, plant height, leaf width, leaf length, petiole length, internode length, head diameter, number of branches, length of branches, number of ray florets, seed width, seed length, and seed thickness. RAPD molecular analysis carried out on sunflower materials in the R-11 generation showed the absence of a specific 358 bp band in somaclonal line 11/2/51 R. This line showed a modified architecture, full resistance to Phomopsis helianthiand higher oil content in seed in comparison to the standard RHA-857. Line31/3/53 R was with modified architecture and higher 1000 seed weight. Hybrid No. 144 produced with the participation of somaclonal line 20/5/52 R demonstrated high production capacity, shorter vegetation period and reduced height. The combination of these favourable changes is desirable in breeding work on sunflower. Somaclonal variation through director ganogenesis has facilitated the creation of genetically heritable variation in sunflower, which can be used with great success for hybrid seed production of highly productive hybrids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A few of the approximately 300 Cotoneaster species described are diploid but the majority appear to be polyploid. The occurrence of apomixis inpolyploid Cotoneaster species has been reported but never proven with genetic markers. We have used 76 polymorphic RAPD markers to investigate the breeding system and phenetic grouping of some critical taxa, including a total of 19 plant accessions representing 13 mostly European species in the series Cotoneaster. Three to four individual plants, raised from seed from the same original plant, were analyzed for each of three accessions to investigate the possible occurrence of apomictic seed set. Absolutely congruent RAPD profiles were encountered among seedlings from one accession, whereas we found one or two marker differences among seedlings from the other two accessions. Genetic similarities among the different accessions were analyzed with a UPGMA-derived dendrogram. The most deviant taxon was the Chinese C. albokermesinus. A group withC. soczavianus and C. tomentosus was rather isolated from the remainder, as was also C. kullensis. Among the remaining taxa, two well supported clusters were found: (1) C. antoninae and C. uralensis, and (2) C. integerrimus and C. raboutensis, whereas the other five species (C. canescens, C. niger, C. scandinavicus, C. juranus, C. cambricus) formed a poorly supported cluster with no clear substructuring. A principal coordinate analysis yielded results that were in good correspondence with the dendrogram. Again C. albokermesinus appears to be totally isolated from the other species. In addition, two well-defined and rather isolated groups were found: (1) C. tomentosus and C. soczavianus, and (2) C. antoninae and C. uralensis, with the remainder comprising a loosely defined group. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Immature inflorescences of smooth bromegrass were cultured on MS agar media supplemented with varying combinations of 2,4-D and kinetin. Callus was initiated from segments of young inflorescences on each medium. All of the calli were subcultured monthly for 5–6 times and transferred onto hormone-free MS medium for plant regeneration. Addition of kinetin to the basal medium stimulated shoot initiation in the callus cultures. Plantlets were regenerated only from calli grown on media containing 2 and 6 mg I-1 2,4-D with a supplement of 0.2 mg I-1 kinetin. No albino plantlets were produced. Morphological characteristics and dry matter yield of ten somaclones and the parental plant (SBG7) were studied in the greenhouse in a randomized complete block experiment with five replications. There was significant variation (P>0.01) among genotypes for all morphological characteristics studied. Although all somaclone heights and leaf widths were lower than those of the parental plant, the somaclone F9A, F10A, and F10B had larger tiller numbers, and leaf/stem ratio by dry weight than the parental plant. Only somaclone F9B gave higher specific leaf area and leaf area ratio than the parental plant. Almost all somaclones had the same leaf length, total dry weight, and specific leaf weight as the parental plant. The variation found in somaclones should permit selection for desirable agronomic traits.  相似文献   

Summary Adventitious shoots of Zinnia marylandica, an amphidiploid with limited genetic segregation, were regenerated from cotyledonary tissue on Murashige-Skoog (MS) media containing 0.2 or 22.2 M thidiazuron (TDZ) and grown through flowering. Fisher's Test for Equal Variance indicated tissue culture induced plants had more variation than seed-derived control plants. Twelve of 149 (8%) plants derived from 0.2 M TDZ and three of 23 (13%) plants from 22.2 M TDZ had variant characters. Aberrant characteristics in self-pollinated variants included plant height, fertility, flower color and morphology, and were sexually transmitted, indicating genetic change had occurred. Aberrant characteristics not observed in regenerated plants arose in progeny.Abbreviation TDZ thidiazuron  相似文献   

Somaclonal variations, induced in vitro, were used to enhance tolerance to aluminium (Al) toxicity in rice. Tolerant plants were developed through in vitro screening of embryogenic calli. The calli were derived from mature seed embryos and cultured on medium stressed with different concentrations of Al2(SO4)3⋅18H2O. Seed germination, callus induction, plantlet regeneration and callus health declined with increased concentration of Al. At higher Al concentrations, callus health deteriorated drastically with partial to total necrosis. Plantlet regeneration varied largely among varieties and treatments. The variety IR72 produced maximum plantlets among all genotypes tested. An amount of 60 ppm or more Al was highly toxic, which greatly reduced plantlet regeneration from callus. R0 plantlets were grown under glasshouse. Based on the appearance of bronzing symptoms on leaves, the tolerant R1 plants were selected. R1 and R2 lines derived from putative tolerant somaclones, were evaluated in fiberglass tanks filled with Al-toxic soil. R3 population was evaluated in the field. A few lines derived from IR72 showed high yield and good plant type. The progenies at R3 showed normal root growth under stressed environment in sand culture. The study revealed that in vitro screening would be an appropriate alternative to conventional breeding in evolving Al-tolerant lines as observed in case of other abiotic stresses. The technique was useful in creating de novo synthesized Al-tolerance character in rice.  相似文献   

M. Yamagishi    M. Otani  T. Shimada 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(5):289-294
To clarify the effect of the type of in vitro culture on the generation of somaclonal variation, protoplast-derived rice plants were compared with rice plants derived from suspension culture or primary calli (not derived from protoplasts). Regenerated plants showing polyploid-like phenotypes appeared at a higher frequency (33–70%) in plants derived from protoplasts than in those not derived from protoplasts (3–6%). In the first progeny (R1) generation of all regenerated plants, 120 of 368 lines (33%) segregated plants with mutated characters such as albino, dwarf and sterile. In quantitative traits, 62 (21%) and 144 (50%) of 290 Rj lines showed shorter culm and lower seed-fertility, respectively, compared with the control line derived from the selfed seeds of the original cultivar. The frequency of the mutant-possessing R1 lines among lines derived from protoplasts was not significantly different from those not derived from protoplasts. These results indicate that isolation and culture of protoplasts does not enhance genetic changes other than cytogenetical changes.  相似文献   

B. S. Ahloowalia 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):659-665
Summary Plants were regenerated from callus cultures initiated from immature embryos of barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Immature embryos from seven diverse genotypes were cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.5 mg 2,4-D and 6.5 mg IAA/l. Of the 249 embryos cultured, 30% initiated callus within 8 days. Subculture of callus for 80 to 100 days on half-MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/l zeatin resulted in organogenesis. Culture of organogenic calli for 30 days on half-MS medium without growth regulators produced plants which originated mostly via multiple shoot formation. Callusing response of the tested genotypes ranged from zero to 44%; however, only 23% of the calli were regenerative. Regenerated plants included variants for chlorophyll deficiency, plant height, stem thickness, spike shape, pollen fertility, seed set and ploidy.  相似文献   

Camilo L. Quarin 《Euphytica》1986,35(2):515-522
Summary Changes in incidence of apomixis were determined at different intervals of the flowering period in a highly sexual diploid cytotype of Paspalum cromyorrhizon Trin., a natural tetraploid cytotype of the same species, and in the triploid and tetraploid intraspecific hybrids that were produced by pollinating the 2x cytotype with pollen of the tetraploid. Reproductive behaviour was determined from observations of embryo sacs in mature ovules. Gametophytic apomixis in this species in characterized by aposporous embryo sacs which differ from normal sacs by their number, orientation inside the ovule, their dimensions and shape, and the absence of antipodal cells.The potential for apomictic reproduction increased in relation to the ploidy level, suggesting a gene dosage effect in the incidence of apomixis. In the three ploidy levels, the highest incidence of apomixis was observed when the plants reached the maximum number of flowering heads. These findings suggest that the same environmental conditions that favour flowering should also be responsible for increasing the incidence of apomixis. An additional experiment under controlled conditions indicated that the light regime should be one of the factors that govern the amount of apomictic reproduction. Thus, polyploidy and apomixis should be of special significance in the dispersion and evolution of this grass species. The 4x facultative apomictic cytotype is far more frequent in nature than the highly sexual 2x. Moreover, most of the seeds produced in a flowering season should arise asexually. So, apomixis rapidly increases the number of plants bearing the successful maternal genotype, and sexual reproduction becomes important in adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Tissue culture-derived variation in crop improvement   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
S. Mohan Jain 《Euphytica》2001,118(2):153-166
Tissue culture generates a wide range of genetic variation in plant species which can be incorporated in plant breeding programmes. By in vitro selection, mutants with useful agronomic traits, e.g. salt or drought tolerance or disease resistance, can be isolated in a short duration. The successful use of somaclonal variation is very much dependent on its genetic stability in the subsequent generations for which molecular markers such as RAPDs, AFLPs, SSRs and others can be helpful. The potential of somaclonal variation has yet to be fully exploited by breeders, even though a few cultivars have been developed in crops such as Brassica juncea, rice and others. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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