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This study describes the findings of computed tomography (CT) of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and adrenal glands in 28 healthy female Saanen goats. CT examination and anatomical slice preparation postmortem was performed as described in the first communication. After subjective evaluation of the CT images, various variables including the size, volume and density of the kidneys, the diameter of the ureters and the size of the adrenal glands were measured. The targeted organs could be accurately visualised using CT and there was very good topographical agreement between the CT images and the anatomical preparations. The kidneys, renal vessels, ureters, urinary bladder and adrenal glands were seen in all goats.  相似文献   

This study describes the results of computed tomography (CT) of the liver, spleen, abomasum, small intestine and large intestine in 30 healthy Saanen goats. CT examination and anatomical slice preparation postmortem were performed as described in the first communication. After subjective evaluation of the CT images, various variables including the length/size, volume and density of the liver, spleen and gallbladder, the wall thickness of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine and the diameter of the intestine were measured. The liver, spleen, abomasum, small intestine and large intestine could be accurately visualised using CT.  相似文献   

This study describes the results of ultrasonographic examination of the rumen in 30 healthy Saanen goats. A linear or convex transducer with a variable frequency of 5 to 13 MHz was used to scan standing, non-sedated goats. The location and size of the rumen, the distance between the wall of the rumen and abdominal wall and the appearance and size of the gas, fibre mat and fluid layers of the ruminal contents were assessed. The rumen was seen as a large organ medial to the left abdominal wall. The wall of the rumen appeared as a thick echogenic line. The longitudinal groove was seen as an echogenic notch, which divided the rumen into the dorsal and ventral sacs. The rumen could be visualized from the 9th to 12th intercostal space (ICS) and flank on the left side in all the goats. The rumen was largest in the 12th ICS at 41.6 ± 5.13 cm and smallest in the 8th ICS at 11.3 ± 4.29 cm. The dorsal sac of the rumen was largest in the left cranial flank (17.4 ± 4.43 cm) and the ventral sac was largest in the 12th ICS on the left (29.1 ± 6.03 cm). In the cranial left flank, the rumen was situated immediately adjacent to the abdominal wall in all the goats. The spleen was located between the rumen and abdominal wall in the 8th to 12 th ICS in many of the goats. The gas, fibre mat and fluid layers of the ruminal contents could be visualized in all the goats. The gas layer was 9.9 ± 3.05 cm, the fibre mat layer 16.0 ± 4.55 cm and the fluid layer 12.2 ± 5.57 cm.  相似文献   



The reticulum plays a crucial role in the ruminant digestive tract because the primary cycle of rumen motility always starts with a reticular contraction. In contrast to cattle, there are only few results on the ultrasonographic examination of the reticulum in goats. Therefore, it was the goal of the present study, to describe the results of ultrasonography of the reticulum of 30 healthy Saanen goats.


Ultrasonography was carried out on standing, non-sedated animals using a 5.0 MHz linear transducer. The shape, contour and motility of the reticulum were investigated. A nine-minute video recording of the reticulum was made for each goat and the frequency, duration and amplitude of reticular contractions were calculated as described for cattle.


The reticulum appeared as a crescent-shaped structure with a smooth contour located immediately adjacent to the diaphragm. 0.8 to 2.1 (1.41 ± 0.31) reticular contractions were seen per minute. In all goats, biphasic reticular contractions were observed. 90% of the goats also had monophasic reticular contractions, and two had triphasic contractions. During the nine-minute observation periods, there were 0 to 6 monophasic reticular contractions and 6 to 15 biphasic contractions per goat. The duration of the biphasic contractions was 6.56 ± 0.74 s, which was significantly longer than the monophasic contractions at 4.31 ± 0.81 s. The average interval between two reticular contractions was 45.06 ± 12.57 s.


Ultrasonography of the reticulum in goats is a valuable tool to characterise the appearance and motility of this organ. In addition to the biphasic motility pattern seen in cattle the reticular motility of goats is characterized by monophasic reticular contractions. The results of the present study are an important contribution for better understanding of the reticular motility in goats.  相似文献   

The reticulum, rumen, omasum, and abomasum were assessed via ultrasonography before, during, and 15, 30, and 120 minutes after feeding milk to 10 healthy calves. The ultrasonographic examinations were conducted using a 5.0 MHz linear transducer. Loops were recorded on video for further evaluation. The reticulum could be visualised before feeding in seven calves. Its appearance and pattern of contractions were similar to those in adult cattle, although the amplitude (1.7 ± 0.75 cm) and velocity (2.7 ± 1.34 cm/s) of the first contraction were smaller than in adult cattle. The reticulum could not be visualised in any of the calves during feeding as it was displaced cranially and laterally and therefore being obscured by the lungs as the abomasum expanded with the ingested milk. 2 hours post ingestion it remained obscured in 5 individual and was visualized again the other 5. The position and size of the entire rumen including the dorsal and ventral sacs and the ruminal contents were assessed. There were no changes in the ultrasonographic appearance of the rumen during or after feeding. Except for its smaller size, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum of calves was similar to that of adult cattle. Milk flow through the omasum could not be seen in any of the calves, and there were no changes in the appearance of the omasum during and after feeding. The abomasum was seen to the left and right of the ventral midline before feeding in all calves; it occupied considerably more space on the left than the right. The flow of milk into the abomasum and milk clotting, which occurred 15 minutes after feeding, could be seen in all calves. The milk clots started to slowly disintegrate 30 minutes after the start of feeding, and by 2 hours post feeding, this process was greatly advanced but remained incomplete. Ultrasonography is an ideal tool for the evaluation of the reticulum, rumen, omasum, and abomasum before, during, and after the ingestion of milk in calves.  相似文献   

The reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum were assessed via ultrasonography in 10 healthy female calves before, during and 2h after feeding hay and grass silage. The evaluations were made using an ultrasound machine with a 5.0MHz linear transducer. The reticulum could be visualized before feeding in all the calves. Its appearance and pattern of contractions were similar to those in adult cattle, although the amplitude (5.2±1.06cm) and velocity (3.5±1.42cm/s) of the first contraction were markedly less than in adult cattle. The position and size of the entire rumen including the dorsal and ventral sacs and the ruminal contents were assessed. Except for its smaller size, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum of calves was similar to that of adult cattle. The abomasum was seen to the left and right of the ventral midline before feeding in all calves; it occupied considerably more space on the left than the right. Compared with its appearance before feeding, the ultrasonographic appearance of the rumen, omasum and abomasum did not change during or after feeding. Ultrasonography is an ideal imaging tool for evaluating the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum before, during and after feeding in calves.  相似文献   

This report describes the findings of ultrasonographic examination of the abomasum in 30 goats. A 5.0 MHz linear transducer was used to scan the left and right paramedian regions, the linea alba and the right abdominal wall of standing goats. The abomasum appeared as a heterogeneous, moderately echogenic structure with echogenic stippling. The abomasum could be seen from the linea alba in all the goats. The abomasal folds were easily identified in 19 goats and appeared as prominent echogenic bands. The cranial visible limit of the abomasum was -0.3 [2.34]cm from the xyphoid, and the caudal limit was 10.3 [3.08]cm caudal to the xyphoid. The visible length of the abomasum was 10.7 [1.96]cm and the maximum width 30.2 [7.43]cm. The height of the abomasum was 6.7 [1.79]cm.  相似文献   

Sixteen mixed age Angora does were synchronised by progesterone injections and superovulated with either PMSG or FSH in 1982 and six synchronised Angora and seven Saanens were superovulated with FSH in 1983. All donors entire mated and were subjected to egg recovery by a uterine flush conducted during surgery about five days after oestrus. The mean ovulation rate and number of transferable embryos recovered from Angoras treated with PMSG in 1982 was 9.1 and 5.1, respectively, and for FSH treated donors was 15.1 and 11.0. Results for Angoras treated in 1983 were 5.3 and 5.0 and for Saanens were 29.3 and 25.3. Each year recipient feral and Angora does were synchronised, and 329 embryos were transferred surgically to 151 recipients. One hundred and sixteen (77%) of the recipients kidded producing 191 kids (58% embryo survival). Well fed Angora and Saanen donors superovulated with FSH produced 8 and 17 offspring, respectively, in the year of surgery. This rate of reproduction is about 8 times faster than normal and about double that achieved when donors are superovulateb with PMSG.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that activation of innate immunity, in animals and man, by live vaccines, sub-unit vaccines or synthetic or non-synthetic stimulants can induce a profound and rapidly induced resistance to pathogens, including infectious agents that are unrelated to the stimulating antigen or agent. We review the evidence for this phenomenon and present the proposition that this approach might be used to stimulate immunity during the life of the animal when susceptibility to infection is high and when normal vaccination procedures may be inappropriate.  相似文献   

The left and right kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra of 29 female clinically healthy Saanen goats were examined via transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography. In order to establish reference values the examinations were performed using a 5.0 MHz linear transducer to scan the right caudal costal part of the abdominal wall, right and left dorsal flanks and right and left inguinal regions of standing goats. A 5.0 MHz intracavity probe was used for transrectal ultrasonographic examination of the urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys were examined in longitudinal and cross section and assessed subjectively. They could usually be seen from the 12th intercostal space on the right side and dorsal right flank. The right kidney was 8.0 ± 0.67 cm long and the left was 8.4 ± 0.64 cm long. The ureters could not be visualized in any of the goats. The length of the urinary bladder was 5.1 ± 1.38 cm, and its largest cross-sectional diameter was 2.6 ± 1.01 cm. The urethra was seen in 23 goats and appeared as echogenic lines with no visible lumen. The transition from the neck of the bladder to the internal urethral orifice extended beyond the brim of the pelvis in only one goat.  相似文献   

The small and large intestine of 30 healthy Saanen goats were examined ultrasonographically using a 5.0 MHz-linear transducer. The goats were examined on the right side, from the eighth rib to the caudal aspect of the flank. The small and large intestine could be easily differentiated. The descending duodenum could be imaged in 19 goats, and the jejunum and ileum seen in all goats. The jejunum and ileum were most often seen in cross-section and rarely in longitudinal section in the ventral region of the right flank. The intestinal contents were usually homogenously echoic, and active motility was observed in all the goats. The diameter of the small intestine was 0.8–2.7 cm (1.6 [0.33] cm). The spiral ansa of the colon was imaged in all the goats, and in 21 the caecum was also seen. Both these sections of large intestine were most commonly seen in the dorsal region of the right flank. The spiral ansa of the colon was easily identified by its spiral arrangement of centripetal and centrifugal gyri, which had a garland-like appearance. Because of intraluminal gas, only the wall of the colon closest to the transducer could be imaged. The diameter of the spiral colon ranged from 0.8 to 2.0 cm (1.1 [0.24] cm). Usually only the wall of the caecum closest to the transducer could be imaged and it appeared as a thick, echoic, slightly undulating line. The greater omentum could be seen in all the goats.  相似文献   

Occurrence and diversity of Eimeria species in two groups of indigenous South African goats kept under traditional management systems, as well as in a mixed herd of Saanen, indigenous and crossbred goats kept under an intensive management system were examined. Infection rates ranged from 88.7 to 100% in the various groups. Mean OPG of immature goats (< 1 year old) exceeded that of adult goats at all three sites. There was no consistent difference between adult OPG counts at the three sites. Under the intensive system, adult crossbred goats had significantly higher OPG counts than adult Saanen or indigenous goats. Overall, OPG counts of immature goats were significantly higher during the dry season (winter) than during the wet season (summer). Ten Eimeria species were identified, Eimeria arloingi being the most prevalent species at all three sites, followed by Eimeria hirci. Up to seven Eimeria species were recovered from individual specimens.  相似文献   

Objective  To determine ultrasonographic and echobiometric findings in the eyes of goats of different ages. B and A mode ultrasonography was performed in 55 healthy Saanen goats (110 eyes) of ages 45 ( n  =   15), 180 ( n  =   20), and 549 days ( n  =   20).
Procedures  Transcorneal ultrasonography was performed after instillation of a topical anesthetic and application of acoustic transmission gel on the 20-MHz linear transducer tip. The transducer was placed in a longitudinal position until optimal B scan images, according to echoes of A mode images, were obtained. Statistical analysis was carried out to compare the echobiometric readings among subjects ( P  <   0.05).
Results  The aqueous and vitreous humors of the goats, as well as the lens cortices and nuclei, appeared anechoic. The cornea, anterior and posterior lens capsule, sclera, and iris appeared hyperechoic and generated peaks on the A mode. Ocular measurements between the right and left eyes, as well as between male and female goats were not significantly different among subjects of the same age ( P  =   1.00). All dimensions evaluated increased significantly with age ( P  <   0.01).
Conclusions  The ultrasonographic appearances of goat eyes were very similar to those of other animal species. The cornea, anterior chamber, lens, vitreous chamber, and axial globe length increased with age in the Saanen breed of goats. Knowledge of the normal appearance and ocular dimensions of goat eyes facilitates the use of ultrasonography in the evaluation of ocular disease in Saanen goats.  相似文献   

A matrix of persistency values is given instead of one value of persistency or persistency values based on succeeding test days. Overall, the persistency matrix of morning milk had higher values than the persistency matrix of evening milk. As the distance between the test days increased, the correlations dramatically decreased. The effects of morning milk yield b = 0.23 (P < 0.01) on standard deviation of morning and evening milk yield and on peak the milk yield was higher compared to the evening daily milk yield b = 0.03 (P = 0.05) and the total daily milk yield 0.10 (P < 0.01). Increased persistency means that the lactation curve may be flatter. Since the peak value of morning milk (1597 mL) was lower than evening milk (1799 mL), and morning milk was more persistent than evening milk, morning milk can be said to contribute more to the flatness of the lactation curve. Overall, the morning milk volume (938 mL) was larger than the evening milk volume (835 mL). A 3D plot of peak milk versus morning and evening milk yield indicated that increasing the evening milk yield increases the peak yield while the morning milk yield holds the peak value lower and the curve stable.  相似文献   

Echocardiography has become a routine non-invasive cardiac diagnostic tool in most species. Accurate measurement of cardiac dimensions requires reference values, which are poorly documented in goats. The aim of the present study was to test the inter-day repeatability and to establish the reference values of two-dimensional (2D-) and time-motion (M-) mode echocardiographic variables in healthy adult Saanen goats. Six goats were investigated three times by the same observer at one-day interval using a standardised 2D- and M-mode echocardiographic protocol. The intra-observer inter-day repeatability was tested using analysis of variance, calculation of the coefficient of variation and confidence intervals. A single echocardiographic examination was performed in six other goats, and values obtained in the 12 goats were used to establish the 2D- and M-mode echocardiographic reference values in healthy adult female Saanen goats. Statistical analysis revealed a good inter-day repeatability of the echocardiographic cardiac measurements. Echocardiographic reference values obtained in healthy adult Saanen goats seemed slightly higher than those reported in healthy Swedish domestic goats and were similar to those reported in healthy adult sheep.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to estimate the energy and protein requirements for maintenance and growth in male (castrated and intact) and female Saanen goat kids between 15 and 30 kg BW. To determine the net energy requirements for maintenance (NEm) and the net protein requirements for maintenance (NPm), 75 goats (25 castrated and 26 intact males and 24 females) were used. Twenty‐one goats (seven castrated and eight intact males and six females) were randomly assigned for slaughter to estimate the initial empty body composition. The 54 remaining animals (18 castrated and 18 intact males and 18 females) were randomly assigned in a split‐plot design using a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement with three sexes and three levels of intake (ad libitum and restricted feed to 75% or 50% of the ad libitum intake). Within each sex, six blocks (three goats per block) were formed and one goat was randomly assigned to each level of intake. The 75% and the 50% of ad libitum rationing were determined daily, based on the DMI of the animal fed ad libitum on the previous day. All animals within block were slaughtered when the animal fed ad libitum reached 30 kg BW. The net energy requirements for gain (NEg) and the net protein requirements for gain (NPg) were obtained using 58 animals (20 castrated and 20 intact males and 18 females). The animals were fed ad libitum and slaughtered at targeted BW (15, 23 or 30 kg). Sex did not affect NEg and NPm (277.8 kJ/kg0.75 BW day and 2.98 g CP/kg0.75 BW day respectively), as well as NPg (180.9 ± 6.48 g/kg EBW gain) in Saanen goat kids. However, castrated males and females had similar NEg (varied from 12.6 ± 0.424 to 17.9 ± 1.38 MJ/kg EBW gain), greater than intact males (varied from 9.74 ± 0.420 to 10.7 ± 0.984 MJ/kg EBW gain), as the BW increased from 15 to 30 kg.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of juniper essential oil on the growth performance, rumen fermentation parameters, rumen protozoa population, blood antioxidant enzyme parameters and faecal content in growing Saanen kids. Thirty‐six male Saanen kids (36 ± 14 days of age) were used in the study. Each group consisted of 9 kids. The control group (G1) was fed with a diet that consisted of the above concentrated feed and oat hay, whereas the experimental groups consumed the same diet but with the concentrated feed uniformly sprayed with juniper essential oil 0.4 ml/kg (G2), 0.8 ml/kg (G3) or 2 ml/kg (G4). There were no differences (p > 0.05) in live weight, live weight gain or feed consumption between the control and experimental groups. There was a significant improvement (p < 0.05) in feed efficiency in the G3 group. There were no differences in the rumen pH, rumen volatile fatty acid (VFA) profile or faecal pH of the control and experimental groups. The rumen NH3N values were similar at the middle and end of the experiment, but at the start of the experiment, the rumen NH3N values differed between the control and experimental groups (p < 0.05). The faecal score value was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in the experimental groups. The addition of juniper essential oil supplementation to the rations caused significant effects on the kids’ antioxidant blood parameters. Although the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and catalase values were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the experimental groups (G2, G3 and G4), especially group G4, the blood glutathione peroxidase (GPX) value significantly decreased in the experimental groups. The results of this study suggest that supplementation of juniper oil is more effective on antioxidant parameters than on performance parameters and may be used as a natural antioxidant product.  相似文献   

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