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家养林麝电刺激采精及精液品质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用电刺激采精法对20头次家养林麝进行电刺激采精及精液品质的分析。结果表明:电刺激射精电压为(4.6±0.5982)V;电刺激至射精的时间为(9.6667±6.3152)min;采精量为(0.369±0.242)mL;pH值为6.475±0.2552;精子密度为(6.935±7.0173)亿/mL;精子活力平均为0.67±0.1081。电刺激采精麻醉保定药品用量,氯胺酮(24.5075±10.0285)mg/kg体重,或陆眠宁(0.0225±0.005)mL/kg体重,均能达到满意的保定效果。  相似文献   

海狸鼠的电刺激采精   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海狸鼠的电刺激采精高冰,王书杰,于兴中(中国科学院黑龙江农业现代化研究所)王玉珍,刘彩兰,李玲(黑龙江省家畜繁育指导站)海狸鼠(Myocastorcoypus)饲养业在我国是一项新兴养殖项目。作者1991年至1993年在研究海狸鼠饲养繁殖技术的同时,...  相似文献   

选用20头6~9岁的成年天山马鹿公鹿进行电刺激采精.采精前对公鹿采用鹿眠宝(2 mg/kg)、静松灵(3~5 mg/kg)、静松灵(2 mg/kg)+鹿眠宝(1 mg/kg)3种方法麻醉.结果表明:采用静松灵+鹿眠宝麻醉保定后,6头公鹿均可以正常采精,采出的精液品质可以用于人工授精.采用单独的静松灵麻醉保定后,6头公鹿电刺激采精除1头公鹿未能采下精液外,其它公鹿均能正常采精,其精液品质也可正常用于人工授精;单独采用鹿眠宝麻醉保定,7头公鹿电刺激仅3头能正常采精.  相似文献   

野生动物人工采精的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘庆杰 《野生动物》1998,19(1):31-32
人工授精是保护动物资源,扩大动物品种数量的一种手段,而其首要工作就是采集精液。下面回顾一下现行的方法。麻醉处理与保定野生动物野性强,胆小易惊,这给人工采精带来一定困难。多数动物采精需用电刺激.这就涉及到动物的麻醉与保定。关于动物电采精时是否麻醉,意见不甚一致。有人主张使用镇静剂以减少动物的紧张和痉挛[1]但水貂使用盐酸氯胺酮镇静后,射精量却明显减少[2]。对东北马鹿采用非麻醉和麻醉两种方法比较后发现:黑十字水貂麻醉时药物副作用较大,以致采精不能顺利进行,而非麻醉时采到的精液质量却较优[3]。在电刺激以前使…  相似文献   

<正> 海狸鼠别名狸獭、沼狸,原产于南美洲(南纬22°~25°)是一种性情温顺的大型啮齿动物,体重5~6公斤,个别也有13公斤以上的。体形似兔非兔呈锥形,四肢前短后长,头小体大,耳小而圆,尾长无绒毛,呈圆锥形,唇外上下两对橙黄色的大门牙。海狸鼠是水陆两栖动物,后爪趾间有蹼,善于潜水游泳,可在我国南方饲养。  相似文献   

林麝电刺激采精及精液品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电刺激采精法对 8头林麝采精 2 6次 ,并对所采得的精液进行了品质分析。结果表明 ,林麝每次射精量平均体积 0 3 5 6ml± 0 0 62ml,pH值 7 3 1± 0 2 74,精子平均密度为 ( 4 0 3 8± 0 62 4)× 10 8/ml ,精子平均活率为 78 75 %± 4 43 2 % ,畸形精子率为 14 5 7%± 2 0 3 1%。电刺激法采得林麝精液品质稳定 ,采精过程中用 846合剂麻醉保定 ,证明是一种适合林麝的人工采精方法  相似文献   

能否采到高品质的精液是人工授精成败的关键因素,本研究在黑猩猩上做了大胆的探索.采用电刺激采精,多次采集到高活力的黑猩猩精液,找到了合适的稀释液,并对精液品质进行了测定.  相似文献   

关于海狸鼠人工授精技术若干问题探讨潘庆杰张首方马金明高冰孙风俊(莱阳农学院动科系莱阳265200)(巨野县畜牧局)(中科院黑龙江农业现代化所对海狸鼠人工授精的研究,过去一直没有人搞过,英学者(1992)仅做了人工采精试验。我们自1994年开始,首次进...  相似文献   

使用电刺激采精仪对4只1~2岁的烟台本地山羊进行了精液采集。将4只公山羊的其中2只在采精前用鹿眠宁(盐酸赛拉嗪注射液)进行保定麻醉,其余2只没有保定麻醉。并用大小不同的电压对公山羊进行了直肠电刺激。最后,对麻醉与非麻醉两种不同状态下采精时的射精电压、射精时间、精液量、生殖器勃起状态及精子活力进行了分析。本试验结果表明,电刺激采精法对公山羊的精子活力影响不大,但其采精量偏少。总体来说,此采精法对公山羊是一种适宜的方法。  相似文献   

对11只狸獭(Myocastorcoypus)用按摩和电刺激相结合的方法人工采精32只次,成功27次,成功率84.4%;射精量为(0.97±0.16)mL,精子密度(7.34±1.49)亿/mL,精子活力0.65±0.12,精子畸形率(8.81±2.51)%,精液pH值6.44±0.16。对诱排公狸施行输精管结扎术,先后给5只母狸人工输精,每只输精2~3次,在输精后40~60d检查,4只受孕,其中有3只顺利产仔,产仔数分别为7只、7只、4只  相似文献   

海狸鼠淋巴结的解剖及组织形态结构的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对健康成年海狸鼠淋巴结的初步研究发现 :海狸鼠的淋巴结被膜较薄 ,小梁不发达 ;淋巴小结数量较多 ,呈椭圆形 ,细胞排列密集 ,胞核染色较深 ,生发中心不明显 ,皮窦和髓窦相对发达。  相似文献   

对饲养在三峡库区重庆境内的4头海福特牛的精液品质及标温(37℃)和低温(0~5℃)条件下精液保存稀释液配方进行了研究。结果表明:海福特公牛精液品质符合种用公牛繁殖要求,精液呈乳白色或稍带黄色,云雾状明显,采精量为(8.28±1.13)mL,pH值为7.03±0.09,精子密度为(10.67±1.67)亿/mL,活力为0.88±0.05,精子畸形率(%)为9.52±2.46。对4头公牛精液品质进行了排序,提出了常温和低温条件下适宜的精液保存稀释液配方。  相似文献   

Ninety trapped nutria (Myocastor coypus) from a protected area of Piedmont (Italy), including the Po river, were examined for the prevalence for lesions in major viscera, selected serum antibodies and enteric bacteria. Coccidial lesions in the liver included cholangitis, calcification and necrosis. Renal lesions were nonsuppurative interstitial nephritis and a single case of renal adenocarcinoma. The lungs had a 41.1% prevalence of nonsuppurative interstitial pneumonia. Ten of 87 sera (11.5%) had antibodies against Leptospira bratislava, 3 of 87 (3.4%) against Leptospira ichterohaemorrhagiae, 15 of 41 (36.6%) against Toxoplasma gondii, and antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus were detected in 5 of 78 sera (6.4%). All fecal samples were negative for Salmonella, Shigella, and Pseudomonas, and growth of enterobacteriaceae was in the normal range.  相似文献   

白枕鹤精液冷冻技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白枕鹤(GRUSV IPIO)羽毛青灰,红面,体型健美优雅,具有很高的观赏价值,已被国家列为二级保护动物。对白枕鹤类的人工授精、孵化、育雏以及冷冻精液技术的研究,可促进人工饲养条件下鹤类的增殖和种群的繁衍。本研究采用Beltsville稀释液做为基础液,4—6%DMSO做为冷冻保护剂,按常规冷冻法冻精配种受胎率达40%,此项研究填补了我国在鹤类精液冷冻技术方面的空白。  相似文献   

A survey of in vivo fertility data from 31 pig farms distributed worldwide was conducted to determine whether stimulating boar semen with LED‐based red light increases its reproductive performance following artificial insemination (AI). Red‐light stimulation with MaXipig® was found to increase farrowing rates (mean ± SEM, control: 87.2% ± 0.4% vs. light stimulation 90.3% ± 0.5%) and the number of both total and live newborn piglets. Red‐light stimulation increased farrowing rates in 27 farms, with an increase ranging from 0.2% to 9.1%. Similar results were observed in litter sizes. Suboptimal management after AI was suggested in those farms with no response to red‐light stimulation. Our results indicate that a routine use of red‐light stimulation of boar semen can have a positive effect on the reproductive performance. However, the effectiveness of this system appears to highly rely upon proper management of pig farms.  相似文献   

海狸鼠消化管显微及亚显微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用光镜、电镜和组织化学技术,对 10 只成年海狸鼠消化管的食管、胃底、小肠和大肠壁的显微和亚显微结构进行了研究。结果显示,在 H E 染色,海狸鼠食管粘膜上皮细胞角化程度较高,胃底腺壁细胞的数量几乎与主细胞的相等或稍多,小肠肠腺底部含有大量潘氏细胞; Schiff 氏染色,胃粘膜的上皮细胞、胃底腺的颈粘液细胞、十二指肠腺的粘液细胞、肠腺的潘氏细胞和杯状细胞均为阳性; M assonfontana 氨银法染色,在胃底腺和肠腺内均见有银亲合细胞。扫描电镜下,胃粘膜表面见有较多胃小凹,小肠上皮细胞的微绒毛形成许多指状突起。透射电镜观察,胃底部壁细胞中线粒体、滑面内质网、细胞内小管发达,小肠上皮细胞的微绒毛密集排列,细胞间见有连接复合体结构,胃底腺和肠腺内见有散在分布的内分泌细胞。  相似文献   

Egg yolk (EY, control) is an essential ingredient of diluents for boar semen cryopreservation. Pasteurized egg yolk (PEY) reduces hygienic risks in processing and is easier to standardize. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of PEY (treatment) on frozen-thawed boar semen. In a split-sample approach (n = 13 boars), it could be shown that there is neither an influence (p > .05) on post-thawing motility (PTM: 5, 30 and 120 min) nor on morphologically intact sperm, percentage of acrosome defects and membrane fluidity using a PEY extender compared to the control. Mitochondrial activity (p = .043), membrane integrity (p = .015) and PTM 300 min (p = .023) were slightly affected in the treatment group. Overall, sperm quality was at a high level in both experimental groups. Further studies are needed to determine the impact of PEY on the fertilizing capacity of boar ejaculates.  相似文献   

提高绵、山羊颗粒冻精品质的研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
用波德代羊和无角陶赛特羊品质良好的鲜精,研制出9个绵羊精液冷冻稀释液配方,同时对稀释、平衡、解冻、授配等方法和步骤进行相庆优化试验研究,获得冻精解冻后活力在0.45以上,冷冻保存409天的冻精解冻后活力在0.5以上,组织300只当地绵羊授配试验,30天的情期不返情率为65.57%。研制出波尔山羊(Boer)冻精的优化的稀释液配方和优化的冷冻工艺,授配试验结果表明母羊情期不返情率为65.77%。  相似文献   

Nine fertile three-year-old Romney rams were ejaculated both by means of electro-ejaculation and by the artificial vagina. The ram repeatabilities of semen volume, concentration, total sperm number, percentage normal sperm and wave motion score of ejaculates collected by electro-ejaculation were 0.17, 0.08, 0.12, 0.61 and 0.23 respectively compared with the repeatabilities of ejaculates collected by the artificial vagina of 0.28,0.79, 0.56,0.72 and 0.54. The repeatability results showed that it was possible to rank rams on the quantity of sperm produced in a single ejaculate obtained by an artificial vagina, but not on the quantity obtained by electro-ejaculation. The correlation co-efficients between the ram means for the two techniques were for volume 0.05, concentration 0.06, total sperm number -0.21, percentage normal sperm 0.73, and wave motion score 0.35. Only the percentage normal sperm coefficient was significant.  相似文献   

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