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Farm-reared bobwhite quails less than 3 weeks of age experienced high mortality (250 of 400). At necropsy, these birds had multiple 1-to-2-mm pale foci throughout their livers. Histologically, these foci varied from acute hepatocellular necrosis without an inflammatory response to necrosis with infiltrates of mononuclear inflammatory cells and some heterophils. Hepatocytes adjacent to affected areas had large basophilic intranuclear inclusions. A group I avian adenovirus was isolated from affected livers.  相似文献   

A 10-yr-old male gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) with a history of conspecific bite wounds was evaluated for acute onset of depression, anorexia, and right hemiparesis. The animal was immobilized for diagnostic examination and treatment for suspected toxic shock from a necrotizing, emphysematous wound infection, but was euthanized due to complications during recovery. Gross and histopathologic examination revealed acute necrotizing myositis, fasciitis, cellulitis, and emphysema in the affected wound area, with large numbers of large Gram-positive rods among necrotic muscle fibers. Severe pulmonary edema with airways containing fibrin, acute hemorrhage in multiple body sites, thrombosis in blood vessels in the skeletal muscle, liver, and lung, and lymph node hyperplasia with lymphoid necrosis and hemorrhage. Immunohistochemical fluorescent antibody staining of muscle from the wound site was positive for  相似文献   

Inclusion body hepatitis in a broiler integration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Eighteen outbreaks of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) were identified in broiler chickens in Baghdad in 1977 and 1978. The disease was seen mainly in 4-to-6-week-old broiler chickens. The mortality rate did not exceed 1% in any outbreak investigated. The most common gross findings were stellate or punctiform hemorrhagic areas in markedly fatty livers. Noticed in many cases were enlarged and pale kidneys, hemorrhagic lesions in the skeletal muscles, and pale fattened bone marrow. Histological examination of tissues revealed fat droplets and intranuclear inclusion bodies in degenerated liver cells. Eosinophilic inclusion bodies were seen in all cases. Only five cases had basophilic inclusions along with the eosinophilic ones. The etiologic agent was isolated on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of 12-day-old embryonated chicken eggs. The disease was produced experimentally in 4-week-old chicks using infected CAM suspension.  相似文献   

Two captive Australian pythons, one carpet and one diamond python, presented with signs of central nervous system dysfunction. The carpet python was agitated. Its head was tilting and it was incoordinated and had convulsions. It was treated with antibiotics and anthelmintics but was eventually euthanased after failing to respond to therapy. The diamond python had flaccid paralysis of the caudal half. It was not treated and became disoriented and died. Hepatocytes from both pythons contained irregular 2 to 10 m m eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies. The brain of the diamond python was not available for examination. Occasional neurones in the carpet python brain contained similar inclusion bodies and other changes suggestive of viral infection. The clinical signs and histopathological findings in both pythons were consistent with boid inclusion body disease.  相似文献   

In recent years inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) has emerged as an economically important disease in Western Canada. Historically, infections with infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and chicken anemia virus (CAV) have been known to suppress the immune system of broilers and make them more susceptible to a secondary disease such as IBH. Recently it has been reported that virulent adenoviruses are able to cause IBH as a primary disease in broilers without apparent involvement of IBDV and CAV. The objectives of this study were to examine the possible association of IBH with IBDV and CAV infections in Western Canada and to identify adenoviruses involved in outbreaks. Serum samples from 17 broiler-breeder flocks and their progeny were collected when broilers were hatched and then again from broilers at the time of slaughter, and these samples were tested for IBDV and CAV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Based on the ELISA titers the antibody response to vaccination against IBDV and CAV was at an expected level in all broiler flocks. Therefore, IBH outbreaks in these flocks were not due to inadequate levels of antibodies against IBDV and CAV. Moreover, there was no correlation found between occurrences of IBH outbreaks in broilers and their IBDV or CAV titers at the time of processing. Viruses that were isolated from livers of birds suffering from IBH could be classified into four different genotypes. Their hexon gene loop 1 sequences showed high percentages of identity to FAdV-7, FAdV-8a, FAdV-8b, and FAdV-11. The results of this study could not demonstrate an association of IBH with IBDV and CAV infections, but they supported the hypothesis that IBH in broilers in Western Canada is a primary disease with no apparent immunosuppressive involvement.  相似文献   

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is common on British waterways and frequently presents to wildlife hospitals with fishing tackle-related problems. Many of these birds have abnormally high blood lead levels after the ingestion of lead fishing weights. The ingestion of fishing line and tackle is also commonly seen. This case report describes the treatment of a swan with a particularly severe case of lead poisoning and the subsequent removal of an abdominal foreign body.  相似文献   


The cytoplasnwtic inclusion bodies, which, in 1931. Coles discovered in the corneal cet. of sheep suffering from contagious keratoconjunctivitis arc now considered to be the reticulate bodies of a chlamydia. Colesiota conjunctivae (synonym: Chlamydia psittaci ovis).

According to the postulates of Koch Colesiota conjunctivae is a primary cause of contagious kerato‐conjunctivitis in sheep, but the clinical picture is complex and is a result of the interaction between the infecting chlamydiae. host resistance factors. and secondary infections caused by opportunistic bacterial ocular pathogens.

The clinical syndrome might also be caused by other micro‐organisms, such as Mycoplasma conjunctivae or environmental factors, such as dust. However, in these cases, cytopiasnwtic inclusion bodies cannot be found in the corneal cells of diseased eyes.

To differentiate chlamydial keratoconjunctivitis from keratoconjunctivitis due to other causes, it is proposed to include in the name the laboratory findings typical for this disease: Sheep Inclusion Keratoconjunctivitis.

Chlamydia are Gram‐negative bacteria, which arc obligate intracellular parasites.

Prolonged treatment seems to be required to eradicate chlamydiae from a host and antibiotics must reach intracellular levels that are higher than their minimum inhibitory concentration for chlamydiae. Tetracyclines are the drugs of choice. This means that for a microbiological cure, diseased sheep must be injected several times a day for a week or more. Because the disease is usually self‐limiting and economic losses are considered low, this seems unnecessary and control of the disease by local treatment of secondary infections .seems sufficient.

However, this will not prevent .spreading of the disease in a herd and relapses may occur.  相似文献   

From January 2009 to June 2010, many broiler chicks suddenly died without clinical signs. The mortality rates were from 1.2% to 17.0% in affected flocks. Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) was detected in 13 prefectures (northern, eastern, western, and southern areas) in Japan. The livers were enlarged and pale. The bursa of Fabricius and thymus had not atrophied. Multifocal necroses of hepatocytes with basophilic intranuclear inclusions were seen in the liver. Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes were rare. Focal necrosis of acinar cells with basophilic intranuclear inclusions was found in the pancreas. Basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected in intact surface epithelial cells of gizzard and epithelial cells of the small intestine. The intranuclear inclusions of liver, pancreas, gizzard, and small intestine were stained positively for immunohistochemistry of fowl adenovirus (FAV) antigen. Ultrastructurally, basophilic intranuclear inclusions consisted of viral particles approximately 70 nm in diameter and arranged in a crystalline array. FAV was isolated from the liver of chickens affected with IBH. The serotype of most isolates was 2. This study suggests that IBH produced by FAV is epidemic in broiler chicks in Japan and that the present cases occurred as the primary disease without the association of infectious bursal disease virus or chicken anemia virus.  相似文献   

A herpesvirus was isolated from captive cranes involved in a 1978 die-off. Neutralizing antibody to this virus was detected in this captive population as early as 1975 and consistently thereafter through 1979. Exposure to the virus evidently occurred at least 2 1/2 years before the die-off, without causing any mortality diagnosed as being caused by inclusion body disease of cranes (IBDC). Overcrowding and environmental conditions in 1978 may have contributed to the deaths of certain species of cranes in one area and not in another. Mortality ratios and serological data suggest that crane species vary in their response to IBDC virus.  相似文献   

Between April 1998 and June 1999, 8 palm vipers (Bothriechis marchi) were diagnosed with a disease similar to inclusion body disease (IBD) of boids. Six palm vipers were captive bred, and 2 were wild caught. All of the vipers were adults at the time of death. Three palm vipers were found dead with no premonitory clinical signs, and 5 had anorexia plus possibly 1 of the following clinical signs: regurgitation, paresis, and dehydration. Histologically, all snakes had intracytoplasmic, round to oval, single to multiple eosinophilic inclusion bodies in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells. Inclusion bodies were distributed among other organs with varying frequency. Common concurrent histologic lesions were urate nephrosis, septic thrombi, and hepatocellular degeneration. Ultrastructurally, inclusions had features similar to inclusions in boid snakes with IBD.  相似文献   

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