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Because of their high growth rate and tolerance to bare soil, two exotic Acacia species, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium, have been commonly planted in degraded areas of South China. With their large canopies and ability to fix nitrogen, the two Acacia species have also been considered to act as nurse plants for understory plants. The current study clarified the nursing effects of the Acacia species by comparing microclimate characteristics and physiological traits of native plant seedlings at three sites: under the canopies of the each Acacia species and on bare land (open site). Although the sites were not replicated, the results indicated that adult trees of both Acacia species can facilitate native species, but that A. mangium has greater facilitating effects due to greater temperature buffering, radiation reduction, and nutrient amelioration. In response to facilitation, three species (Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurei, and Manglietia glauca) with different shade-tolerant traits growing under Acacia canopies expressed distinct adaptations. For the three species, the chlorophyll fluorescence curves of rETR and ΔF/Fm′ were higher under A. auriculiformis and on the open site than under A. mangium. The maximum quantum yield in PSII(Fv/Fm) in diurnal changes of the three species showed that all the Fv/Fm values were between 0.70 and 0.84 and that the Fv/Fm values were mostly higher under A. mangium than on the open site or under A. auriculiformis. Total chlorophyll content and both chlorophyll a and b contents in the three species were higher under the Acacia species than on the open site, while chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher on the open site. In contrast, the carotenoid content in C. hystrix and M. macclurei was lower under the two Acacia species than on the open site, while the opposite was true for M. glauca. The results demonstrate that the adaptation of the understory species to abiotic environmental factors is not restricted to a single mechanism but apparently involves a group of interrelated, adaptive suites. And also these adaptations were species-specific and especially related to their shade tolerance.  相似文献   

Acacia plantation establishment might cause soil acidification in strongly weathered soils in the wet tropics because the base cations in the soil are translocated rapidly to plant biomass during Acacia growth. We examined whether soils under an Acacia plantation were acidified, as well as the factors causing soil acidification. We compared soils from 10 stands of 8-year-old Acacia mangium plantations with soils from 10 secondary forests and eight Imperata cylindrica grasslands, which were transformed into Acacia plantations. Soil samples were collected every 5–30 cm in depth, and pH and related soil properties were analyzed. Soil pH was significantly lower in Acacia plantations and secondary forests than in Imperata grasslands at every soil depth. The difference was about 1.0 pH unit at 0–5 cm and 0.5 pH unit at 25–30 cm. A significant positive correlation between pH and base saturation at 0–20 cm depth indicated that the low pH under forest vegetation was associated with exchangeable cation status. Using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with clay content as the covariate, exchangeable Ca (Ex-Ca) and Mg (Ex-Mg) stocks were significantly lower in forested areas than in Imperata grasslands at any clay content which was strongly related to exchangeable cation stock. The adjusted average Ex-Ca stock calculated by ANCOVA was 249 kg ha−1 in Acacia plantations, 200 kg ha−1 in secondary forests, and 756 kg ha−1 in Imperata grasslands at 0–30 cm. Based on a comparison of estimated nutrient stocks in biomass and soil among the vegetation types, the translocation of base cations from soil to plant biomass might cause a decrease in exchangeable cations and soil acidification in Acacia plantations.  相似文献   

应用热扩散式探针法(TDP)对干热河谷主要造林树种大叶相思的树干液流进行了湿季(7-8月)和干季(1-3月)典型月连续监测,并结合自动气象站对周围气象要素进行同步测定,据此分析液流速率的昼夜、季节变化规律及其与气象因子的关系.结果显示:(1)无论是干季还是湿季,大叶相思树干液流均表现出明显的昼夜变化规律,即呈现“昼高夜低”典型的液流单峰曲线;(2)树干南面液流速率均高于北面,干季南、北方位液流速率最大相差0.0037 cm· s-1,湿季最大相差0.0014cm·s-1;(3)干、湿季液流平均值和最大值具显著差异,湿季树干液流速率平均值和峰值约为干季的2.8倍和2.5倍;(4)大叶相思树干液流速率与光合辐射强度、水汽压亏缺、大气温度、风速呈极显著的正相关关系,而与相对湿度呈极显著负相关关系,按相关程度排序为光合辐射强度>大气温度>水汽压亏缺>相对湿度>风速,其中,光合有效辐射、相对湿度、水汽压亏缺是影响液流速率的主导因子.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal, an important leguminous tree in arid and semi-arid environments, has shown promise as a multipurpose species, including gum production and soil fertility improvement, linked with N2-fixation capabilities. Of particular interest are ontogenetic and edaphic effects on A. senegal performance in natural populations. Our research objectives were to investigate the effect of tree age and site phosphorus conditions on (1) tree N2-fixation and (2) soil N and C dynamics in natural stands of A. senegal var. senegal, Baringo District, in the Rift Valley, Kenya. Sites consisted of A. senegal saplings (9 months) and mature A. senegal trees (7 years) along an edaphic gradient of soil P availability. A single-tree neighborhood approach was employed using a two by two factorial design: site conditions [high and low soil P contents] and tree age class [juvenile and mature]. Soil (N and C pools and fluxes) and plant metrics were quantified. A soil transfer experiment was also employed to confirm age and site effects on soil N mineralization. On the high soil P site, A. senegal had significantly lower foliar (15N levels than neighboring non-leguminous species (Balanites aegyptiaca), while foliar δ15N values in A. senegal on the low P site exhibited no significant difference with our reference plant, B. aegyptiaca. Across P sites, B. aegyptiaca had similar foliar δ15N values. These results indicate that the rate of N2-fixation of A. senegal trees, as determined with foliar 15N natural abundance methodology, increased with increasing soil P availability in these natural populations. However, N2-fixation rates declined with age. Although soil texture and soil CO2 efflux did not differ between sites or across ages, soils under mature A. senegal at the high P site exhibited significantly greater total N content and total C content in comparison to soils at the low P site and under juvenile plants. Furthermore, under mature A. senegal trees, soil N mineralization rates were significantly greater as compared to under saplings. Soil transplants confirmed that soil microbial activity may be stimulated under mature trees as N mineralization rates were 2-3 fold greater compared to under A. senegal saplings. Our findings suggest that tree age and soil P availability are important factors in the nitrogen budget of natural populations of A. senegal, determining N2-fixation rates, and potentially influencing soil total N and C pools and soil mineral N. This study provides information regarding the adaptation of A. senegal under differing edaphic conditions thus increasing accuracy of management support for A. senegal populations as productive agroforests.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of species and spacing of nurse trees on the growth of Hopea odorata, a dipterocarp tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, in a two-storied forest management system in northeast Thailand. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia auriculiformis, and Senna siamea were planted as nurse trees in 1987 at spacings of 4 m × 8 m, 2 m × 8 m, 4 m × 4 m, and 2 m × 4 m in the Sakaerat Silvicultural Research Station of the Royal Forest Department, Thailand. Seedlings of H. odorata were planted in the nurse tree stands at a uniform spacing of 4 m × 4 m and in control plots (no nurse trees) in 1990. Stem numbers of some nurse trees were thinned by half in 1994. The stem diameter and height of all trees were measured annually until 1995 and again in 2007. The mean annual increment (MAI) in volume was estimated as 8.2–10.1 m3 ha−1 year−1 for E. camaldulensis and 0.9–1.2 m3 ha−1 year−1 for S. siamea, smaller than reported elsewhere. This suggests that the site properties were not suitable for them. The MAI of A. auriculiformis was 7.9–9.8 m3 ha−1 year−1, within the reported range. Survival rates of H. odorata in the S. siamea stands and the control plots decreased rapidly during the first 2 years but then stayed constant from 1992. In contrast, survival rates of H. odorata in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands were initially high (>70%), but then decreased after 1995. Stem diameter, tree height, and stand basal area of H. odorata were large in both the S. siamea stands and the control plots from then. The growth of H. odorata was largest in the 2 m × 8 m S. siamea stands. In contrast, it was restricted in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands owing to strong shading by their canopies. Thinning by 50% tended to facilitate the growth of H. odorata temporarily in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands. The stand basal areas of nurse trees and of H. odorata showed a trade-off. These results suggest that the growth of H. odorata was maximized in the S. siamea stands. We assume, however, that the growth of H. odorata could be improved even in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands by frequent or heavy thinning.  相似文献   

Plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in southwestern Australia are defoliated by Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and a complex of chrysomelid and scarab beetles, yet there is no information on the impact of beetle defoliation to tree growth in southwestern Australia. To address this shortcoming, we used insect exclusion trials, to compare growth of insecticide treated (and thus relatively undamaged) trees with untreated (and thus defoliated) trees to determine whether defoliation by G. scutellatus and other beetles reduced the growth and harvest volume of E. globulus trees. Our results showed some evidence of beetle defoliation reducing growth of E. globulus. Mean defoliation levels of the growing tip of untreated trees ranged from 18% to 33% across the duration of the study and were significantly greater than mean defoliation levels of 5–16% on insecticide treated trees. Seasonal peaks in defoliation of 30–80% to the growing tip of untreated trees were recorded between late spring and early autumn. The greatest impact of defoliation on tree growth was evident during the 2.5 year period of insect exclusion, when higher relative growth rates were recorded for insecticide treated trees, which were significantly different from relative growth rates of untreated trees at two of the four plantations. However, our results showed only a limited impact of beetle defoliation on the total volume at harvest. Initially small trees tended to suffer more severe defoliation than initially large trees. Effects of insect exclusion treatment on harvest volume were modified by the initial tree size and the relationship between the initial tree size and levels of defoliation.  相似文献   

We examined water use by maturing Eucalyptus regnans, growing with or without an mid-storey stratum of Acacia spp. (Acacia dealbata or A. melanoxylon), for >180 consecutive days. Study sites were located in the Upper Yarra catchment area in south-eastern Australia. Depending on their contribution to stand basal area, mid-storey Acacia spp. increased total stand water use by up to 30%. Monthly water use in such stands reached more than 640,000 L ha−1 (compared to 545,000 L ha−1 in stands where acacias were absent) in early spring. Water use was curvilinearly related to sapwood area of Acacia spp. and logistically related to sapwood area of E. regnans. Water use of all three species showed a strong relation to daily maximum air temperatures. Distinct and simple relationships provide clear guides to the likely impacts of climate change and forest management on water yield. We compared a traditional up-scaling approach, from individual tree water use to stand water use, to a new approach that incorporates variation in temperature. Development of this approach can lead to greater precision of stand water use estimates – and in turn catchment water yield – under current climate change scenarios, which predict a rise in air temperatures of 0.6–2.5 °C by 2050 for the study area. Our temperature-dependent approach suggests that under conditions of non-limiting water availability, stand water use will rise by 2% for every 0.25 °C increase in maximum air temperatures during winter, and possibly more than that during summer.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer inputs increased sharply over the last decade in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. Due to the economic and potential environmental cost of fertilizers, mixed plantations with N-fixing species might be an attractive option to improve the long-term soil N status. A randomized block design was set up in southern Brazil, including a replacement series and an additive series design, as well as a nitrogen fertilization treatment. The development of mono-specific stands of Eucalyptus grandis (0A:100E) and Acacia mangium (100A:0E) was compared with mixed plantations in proportions of 1:1 (50A:50E), and other stands with different densities of acacia for the same density of eucalypts. The objective was to assess the effect of inter-specific interactions on the early development of the two species. Aboveground biomass was measured 6, 12, 18 and 30 months after planting, sampling 6–10 trees of each species per treatment at each age, and allometric equations were established in 0A:100E, 100A:0E, 50A:50E and 50A:100E. The height and basal area of E. grandis seedlings were enhanced by 12% and 30%, respectively by N fertilization at age 1 year. Inter-specific competition led to a stratified canopy, with suppression in acacia growth earlier for basal area than for height. The mean number of stems per acacia tree at 36 months after planting was significantly higher in pure stands (3.7), than in 50A:50E (2.7) and in the additive series (between 1.6 and 1.8). H/D ratios were highly sensitive to inter-tree competition for the two species. The suppressed acacia understorey in mixed-species stands did not influence biomass production and partitioning within eucalypts. This pattern led to biomass accumulation combining the two species in 50A:100E that was about 10% higher than in 0A:100E, from age 12 months onwards. Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) amounted to 25 Mg ha−1 and 37 Mg ha−1 from age 18 to 30 months in 100A:0E and 0A:100E, respectively. Acacia ANPP in 50A:100E amounted to 2 Mg ha−1 over the same period, as a result of substantial inter-specific competition. An increment in biomass production in these very fast-growing eucalypt plantations was achieved introducing acacia as an understorey and not in the 50A:50E design, as observed in other studies.  相似文献   

红树林是热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的木本植物群落,它是海湾河口地区生态系统最重要的生产者,对保护海湾河口地区的生态平衡起着十分重要的作用。湿地植物生物量是衡量湿地生态系统健康状况的重要标志。红树林生物量的研究,对于了  相似文献   

[目的]克隆马尾松谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶基因,并对其进行功能研究。[方法]采用RACE技术克隆基因c DNA序列,实时荧光定量PCR检测基因在马尾松干旱胁迫下的表达模式,花序浸泡法转化拟南芥,并对转基因与野生型拟南芥的生长表型和根系生长进行分析。利用荧光显微镜技术对转基因拟南芥不定根进行GFP荧光检测。[结果]克隆到1个871 bp的GPX基因全长c DNA序列,命名为Pm GPX6。Pm GPX6包括513 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码170个氨基酸残基。Pm GPX6蛋白与油松Pt GPX蛋白同源性达95%。Pm GPX6在马尾松根中高表达,茎、叶中表达量低。在干旱胁迫下,Pm GPX6在根、茎、叶中的表达量均在第15天达到最大,随后出现下降趋势。过表达Pm GPX6与野生型拟南芥植株在正常水分条件下表型与根长差异不大,但在干旱胁迫下,转基因植株根系更长。转基因拟南芥根在蓝色光激发下能发出强烈的绿色荧光,表明Pm GPX6基因能高效表达。[结论]推测Pm GPX6可能参与马尾松干旱胁迫应答。  相似文献   

宽叶杜香叶柄再生体系建立及种质离体保存研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The tender leafstalks of Ledum palustre var.dilatatum were used as explants for the experiment.Uniform design for the most suitable media for shoots regeneration immediately at base of tender leafstalks,rooting and germplasm conservation in vitro was screened.The results showed that N6+ZT 2.65 mg·L-1+IAA 0.05 mg·L-1 was fits for shoots regeneration,the frequency of shoots induction was higher than 92.5%;MS(modified)+IAA 0.1 mg·L-1+Kt 0.75 mg·L-1 for rooting,the rate of rooting was 98%;N-68+B9 2.5 mg·L-1+ Ph...  相似文献   

In order to find out the properties, and improve the levels of cultivating and high value-added processing and utilizing for Chinese rattan resources, the Daemonorops margaritae, a Chinas native rattan species was chosen as the research material, the relationship between the fiber characteristics and the growth and development was analyzed with the method of biological anatomy. The results showed that the fiber diameter was 12.041 μm, lumen diameter 6.350 μm, length 990.476 μm, length-width ratio 86.23, double-wall thickness 5.691 μm and wall thickness-lumen ratio 1.05. The fiber had thick wall and small lumen, and the size was different at different positions. The fiber was longer and with minimum diameter at coretex, while the reverse conclusion was at middle height and middle layer between core and coretex of the cane. The wall thickness decreases, and lumen diameter increased with the cane height increasing at axial, i.e. with age of the cane decreasing.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins can cause extensive tree mortality in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., forests in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Most studies that have examined stand susceptibility to mountain pine beetle have been conducted in even-aged stands. Land managers increasingly practice uneven-aged management. We established 84 clusters of four plots, one where bark beetle-caused mortality was present and three uninfested plots. For all plot trees we recorded species, tree diameter, and crown position and for ponderosa pine whether they were killed or infested by mountain pine beetle. Elevation, slope, and aspect were also recorded. We used classification trees to model the likelihood of bark beetle attack based on plot and site variables. The probability of individual tree attack within the infested plots was estimated using logistic regression. Basal area of ponderosa pine in trees ≥25.4 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh) and ponderosa pine stand density index were correlated with mountain pine beetle attack. Regression trees and linear regression indicated that the amount of observed tree mortality was associated with initial ponderosa pine basal area and ponderosa pine stand density index. Infested stands had higher total and ponderosa pine basal area, total and ponderosa pine stand density index, and ponderosa pine basal area in trees ≥25.4 cm dbh. The probability of individual tree attack within infested plots was positively correlated with tree diameter with ponderosa pine stand density index modifying the relationship. A tree of a given size was more likely to be attacked in a denser stand. We conclude that stands with higher ponderosa pine basal area in trees >25.4 cm and ponderosa pine stand density index are correlated with an increased likelihood of mountain pine beetle bark beetle attack. Information form this study will help forest managers in the identification of uneven-aged stands with a higher likelihood of bark beetle attack and expected levels of tree mortality.  相似文献   

Polygonum cuspidatum root has been traditionally used for the treatment of dental diseases in Korea. The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of P. cuspidatum root on the development of dental caries, especially its effects against bacterial viability and caries-inducing factors of Strptococcus mutans and Strptococcus sobrinus. Among methanol extract of P. cuspidatum root and its fraction tested, ethyl acetate fraction, composed of polydatin, resveratrol, anthraglycoside B, and emodin, showed inhibitory effects on glycolytic acid production and glucosyltransferase activity of S. mutans and S. sobrinus in addition to antibacterial activities.  相似文献   

The influence of forest fragmentation on population and community dynamics of woody plants has been well established worldwide, but rarely at the level of an individual plant. We evaluated the influence of fragmentation on juvenile stem morphology of Acer saccharum Marsh. (sugar maple), while also examining light levels and considering possible confounding effects attributed to elevation gradients in temperate forests of northeastern Ohio, USA. At two sites, plant stem dimensions, canopy openness, and relative ground level elevation were measured using randomly positioned plots in forest edge and interior habitats that were within 25 and 60–100 m from a forest edge, respectively. Ratios of stem length to stem basal diameter were greater in forest interiors than near forest edges. These differences in stem morphology between habitats were likely a result of stem elongation in relation to a shade avoidance response in forest interiors that were consistently darker than forest edge areas across study sites. By contrast, such morphological differences were likely not related to variation in relative ground level elevation since a subtle elevation gradient was detected at only one site. We encourage experimentation to identify mechanisms that affect plant stem morphology of young individuals and its influence, in turn, on plant population dynamics in fragmented forests.  相似文献   

模拟增雨对荒漠灌木白刺枝叶生长的促进作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据年均降水量,分别在乌兰布和沙漠东北缘(内蒙古磴口,年均降水145 mm)和巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘(甘肃民勤,年均降水115 mm)对天然白刺灌丛进行不同梯度的增雨实验(年均降水量的0%、25%、50%、75%、100%).结果表明:增雨的比例越大,白刺形态特征的变化越明显;100%增雨对磴口和民勤白刺形态特征的影响最明显,能够显著增加白刺标记枝的长度、直径和干质量,但是对成熟叶片和新叶片数的影响不显著;增雨还显著增加了9月磴口和民勤白刺枝叶的干质量和鲜质量;在较干旱的民勤地区,较大的增雨量才能促进白刺枝条生长;50%增雨即可促进夏末磴口白刺枝条生物量增加,75%增雨才能促进夏末民勤白刺枝条生物量增加.  相似文献   

The research adopts open sampling method and TCT-GC/MS (Thermodesorption Cold Trap-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometery) apparatus to collect and analyze the volatile organic compounds(VOCs) of Platycladus orientalis forest, with the intention of researching the compounds and diurnal variation of VOCs of P. orientalis forest in natural state in Beijing Western Hills in spring. The results are as follows: (1) There are 160 kinds (11 categories) of volatile organic compounds, containing Alkyl Hydrocarbon, Ketone, Alcohol, Acid, Aldehyde, Alkene, Ester, Aromatic hydrocarbon, Ether, Hydroxybenzene and Amide. The content of Alkyl Hydrocarbon, Ketone, Acid and Aldehyde occupy a greater percentage among all compounds. (2) The diurnal variation curve of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) is characterized as "one peak at 11:00(36.44%) and one vale at 3:00(12.76%)". Generally, the concentration at daytime is higher than that of night, and higher in morning than in afternoon, with the maximum at noon. (3) The change of Alkyl Hydrocarbon concentration is greater in the morning and about midday, less in the afternoon and night. The diurnal variation curve of Ketone concentration appears as "three peaks and three vales". 1:00, 5:00—7:00 and 11:00 are peak time, 3:00, 9:00 and 17:00 are vale time. As to Acid, its concentration appears two obvious phases: the higher phase is from 9:00 to 17:00, with the maximum at 11:00, and the lower phase is from 19:00 to 7:00, with the minimum at 5:00. Concerning Aldehyde concentration, 17:00 and 19:00 are the higher phases and also has obvious difference with other time, while the lower phrase has no obvious difference with each other. (4) Alkene is the most important compound to human health. Its concentration appears as "one peak" at 15:00, which has obvious difference with other time. Totally, its content at daytime is higher than that at night, and higher in afternoon than in morning.  相似文献   

钾肥水平对油茶果实性状及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究钾素水平对油茶果实性状和产量的影响及它们之间的关系,设置了6个不同钾肥用量处理,以8年生的长林53号和长林27号两个油茶无性系为试材在江西永丰开展了施肥试验,连续两年测定了油茶果径、单果质量、干出籽率、干出仁率、种仁含油率、鲜果含油率、单株结果数、单株果实产量和产油量等指标,比较和分析了不同无性系的不同处理之间的差异。结果表明,两个无性系的果实性状和产量对钾肥水平差异的响应均存在大小年差异;结实大年时,钾肥水平对两个无性系果实的果径、单果质量和干出仁率影响不大,对其他性状的影响均达到显著水平;结实小年时,钾肥水平仅对53号无性系单株结实数量和产量造成影响且无明显梯度规律,而27号无性系随着钾肥水平的提高,其干出籽率和鲜果含油率呈先上升后下降趋势,单株果实数量、产量和产油量则呈下降趋势;无论大年还是小年,单株产量均与结实数量关系最密切,大年的产量在油茶生产中占据主导地位,就大小年平均产量而言,两品系均以中等钾肥水平的K2和K3处理最优。适量增施钾肥可有效改善油茶结实大年果实性状,提高单株结实数量,实现增产增效。  相似文献   

测定了椽竹竹材的理化性质,并与毛竹、青皮竹和绿竹竹材进行了比较分析.结果表明:椽竹各竹龄竹材的基本密度、气干密度和全干密度平均值分别为0.523~0.632 g·cm-3、0.656~0.801 g·cm-3和0.658~0.777 g·cm-3,随着竹龄增长各部位竹材密度表现出增大的趋势,3年生以上椽竹竹材基本密度小于参比竹种毛竹和青皮竹,大于绿竹.3年生以上椽竹竹材的平均气干体积于缩率和全干体积干缩率分别为9.6%和13.6%,大于毛竹;各竹龄椽竹竹材径向干缩率大于弦向干缩率和纵向干缩率.3年生以上椽竹竹材的灰分平均含量小于绿竹和青皮竹,酸不溶木素平均含量与青皮竹接近而小于绿竹,综纤维素含量大于80%,多戊糖、热水抽出物、1%NaOH抽出物平均含量均高于青皮竹和绿竹,而苯-醇抽出物平均含量小于青皮竹和绿竹.综合分析,椽竹作为纸浆材具有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

Populus–Salix forests are a valued riparian vegetation type in western North America. These pioneer, obligate phreatophytes have declined on some rivers, raising conservation concerns and stimulating restoration plantings, but have increased on others. Understanding patterns and causes of forest change is essential for formulating conservation, restoration and management plans. Our goal was to assess spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation change on the Upper San Pedro River in semiarid Arizona, USA, one of the few undammed rivers in the region. Over 100 years ago, intense floods initiated channel incision and substantially altered hydrogeomorphology. Pioneer trees began to establish in the widening post-entrenchment zone as the surfaces began to stabilize. Using a time-series of aerial photographs (1955–2003) we quantified recent change in area of riparian cover types. Analysis indicated that wooded area in the post-entrenchment zone nearly tripled from 1955 to 2003, at the expense of bare ground, and the active channel narrowed appreciably. This forest expansion represents a long-term response to river entrenchment, with the temporal pattern influenced by recent flood cycles and biogeomorphic feedbacks. Populus–Salix have established episodically during the infrequent years with high winter flood runoff, sequentially filling available recruitment space. Older cohorts cover wide swaths of the floodplain while young trees form narrow bands lining the channel. Barring extreme flooding, the pioneer forests are expected to senesce over the coming century. An additional factor that has shaped the pattern of post-entrenchment forest expansion is anthropogenic water withdrawal. Populus–Salix forest increase has been greatest within a conservation area, where stream flows are largely perennial. In drier, agricultural sectors, Populus–Salix have declined while the more deeply-rooted Tamarix has increased. Overall, the study reveals that long-term fluctuations in pioneer forest area and age structure are common on dryland rivers, and shows how past events such as extreme floods can interact with recent environmental practices such as freshwater withdrawal to influence riparian forest patterns. This underscores the necessity of a long-term perspective for forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

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