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The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requires reporting net carbon stock changes and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, including those related to forests. This paper describes the design and implementation of a nation-wide forest inventory of New Zealand’s planted post-1989 forests that arose from Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry activities (LULUCF) under Article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol. The majority of these forests are planted with Pinus radiata, with the remainder made up of other species exotic to New Zealand. At the start of the project there was no on-going national forest inventory that could be used as a basis for calculating carbon stocks and meet Good Practice Guidelines.A network of ground-based permanent sample plots was installed with airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) for double sampling using regression estimators to predict carbon in each of the four carbon pools of above- and below-ground live biomass, dead wood and litter. Measurement, data acquisition and quality assurance/control protocols were developed specifically for the inventory, carried out in 2007 and 2008. Plots were located at the intersection of a forest with a 4 km square grid, coincident with an equivalent 8 km square grid established over the indigenous forest and “grassland with woody biomass” (Other Wooded Land). Planted tree carbon within a ground plot was calculated by an integrated system of growth, wood density and compartment allocation models utilising the data from measurements of trees and shrubs on the plots. This system, called the Forest Carbon Predictor, predicts past and future carbon in a stand and is conditioned so that the calculated basal area and mean top height equals that obtained by conventional mensuration methods at the time of the plot measurement. Mean per hectare carbon stocks were then multiplied by an estimate of the total area of post 1989 forests obtained from wall to wall mapping using a combination of satellite imagery and ortho-photography.The network of permanent samples plots and LiDAR double sampling methodology was designed to be simple and robust to change over time. In the future, using LiDAR should achieve sampling efficiencies over using ground plots alone and reduces any problems regarding restricted access on the ground. The network is to be remeasured at the end of commitment period 1, 2012, and the carbon stocks re-estimated in order to calculate change.  相似文献   

This study estimates the aboveground biomass accumulation after forest clearing and slash burning and describes the structure and successional development of the secondary forest in the seasonally dry southern Amazon. The original burn study was conducted in four land clearings in 1997, 1998, and 1999. The size of the clearings varied from 1 to 9 ha. The native forest was felled, allowed to dry for approximately three months and then burned by the end of the dry season. A census was conducted in the central 1-ha forest on each site prior to the area's felling and burn. The aboveground biomass (AGB) and structure were similar to other primary tropical forests. However, the high density of Cecropia spp. before the forest felling and burn treatment indicates past low intensity disturbances. Seven and eight years after the fire, the fallow forests were still in an early successional stage dominated by Cecropia spp. The four areas had a high biomass accumulation during the studied period, varying from 7.5 to 15.0 Mg ha−1 year−1. The lower biomass accumulation in one plot was an effect of a higher fire severity, produced by the one-year difference in time between slash and burn of the forest, slowing the natural regeneration of Cecropia spp. The time needed for this forest to recover to the pre-fire AGB levels ranged from 20 to 30 years, assuming the current AGB accumulation rates are maintained. Considering these results, the maintenance of regenerating secondary forests in the Amazon would be a significant contribution to soil and watershed protection, minimizing biodiversity losses and perhaps mitigating climatic changes effects in the region.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are a major terrestrial carbon sink and reliable estimates of their carbon stocks are pivotal for understanding the global carbon balance and initiatives to mitigate CO2 emissions through forest management and reforestation. A common method to quantify carbon stocks in forests is the use of allometric regression models to convert forest inventory data to estimates of aboveground biomass (AGB). The use of allometric models implies decisions on the selection of extant models or the development of a local model, the predictor variables included in the selected model, and the number of trees and species for destructive biomass measurements. We assess uncertainties associated with these decisions using data from 94 secondary forest plots in central Panama and 244 harvested trees belonging to 26 locally abundant species. AGB estimates from species-specific models were used to assess relative errors of estimates from multispecies models. To reduce uncertainty in the estimation of plot AGB, including wood specific gravity (WSG) in the model was more important than the number of trees used for model fitting. However, decreasing the number of trees increased uncertainty of landscape-level AGB estimates substantially, while including WSG had limited effects on the accuracy of the landscape-level estimates. Predictions of stand and landscape AGB varied strongly among models, making model choice an important source of uncertainty. Local models provided more accurate AGB estimates than foreign models, but high variability in carbon stocks across the landscape implies that developing local models is only justified when landscape sampling is sufficiently intensive.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the difference in stand biomass due to shorter and lighter trees in southwest (SW) and southern Amazonia (SA) compared to trees in dense forests in central Amazonia (CA). Forest biomass values used to estimate carbon emissions from deforestation throughout, Brazilian Amazonia will be affected by any differences between CA forests and those in the “arc of deforestation” where clearing activity is concentrated along the southern edge of the Amazon forest. At 12 sites (in the Brazilian states of Amazonas, Acre, Mato Grosso and Pará) 763 trees were felled and measurements were made of total height and of stem diameter. In CA dense forest, trees are taller at any given diameter than those in SW bamboo-dominated open, SW bamboo-free dense forest and SA open forests. Compared to CA, the three forest types in the arc of deforestation occur on more fertile soils, experience a longer dry season and/or are disturbed by climbing bamboos that cause frequent crown damage. Observed relationships between diameter and height were consistent with the argument that allometric scaling exponents vary in forests on different substrates or with different levels of natural disturbance. Using biomass equations based only on diameter, the reductions in stand biomass due to shorter tree height alone were 11.0, 6.2 and 3.6%, respectively, in the three forest types in the arc of deforestation. A prior study had shown these forest types to have less dense wood than CA dense forest. When tree height and wood density effects were considered jointly, total downward corrections to estimates of stand biomass were 39, 22 and 16%, respectively. Downward corrections to biomass in these forests were 76 Mg ha−1 (∼21.5 Mg ha−1 from the height effect alone), 65 Mg ha−1 (18.5 Mg ha−1 from height), and 45 Mg. ha−1 (10.3 Mg ha−1 from height). Hence, biomass stock and carbon emissions are overestimated when allometric relationships from dense forest are applied to SW or SA forest types. Biomass and emissions estimates in Brazil's National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change require downward corrections for both wood density and tree height.  相似文献   

Wood density is an important variable in estimates of forest biomass and greenhouse-gas emissions from land-use change. The mean wood density used in estimates of forest biomass in the Brazilian Amazon has heretofore been based on samples from outside the “arc of deforestation”, where most of the carbon flux from land-use change takes place. This paper presents new wood density estimates for the southern and southwest Brazilian Amazon (SSWA) portions of the arc of deforestation, using locally collected species weighted by their volume in large local inventories. Mean wood density was computed for the entire bole, including the bark, and taking into account radial and longitudinal variation. A total of 403 trees were sampled at 6 sites. In the southern Brazilian Amazon (SBA), 225 trees (119 species or morpho-species) were sampled at 4 sites. In eastern Acre state 178 trees (128 species or morpho-species) were sampled at breast height in 2 forest types. Mean basic density in the SBA sites was 0.593 ± 0.113 (mean ± 1 S.D.; n = 225; range 0.265–0.825). For the trees sampled in Acre the mean wood density at breast height was 0.540 ± 0.149 (n = 87) in open bamboo-dominated forest and 0.619 ± 0.149 (n = 91) in dense bamboo-free forest. Mean wood density in the SBA sites was significantly higher than in the bamboo dominated forest but not the dense forest at the Acre site. From commercial wood inventories by the RadamBrasil Project in the SSWA portion of the arc of deforestation, the wood volume and wood density of each species or genus were used to estimate average wood density of all wood volume in each vegetation unit. These units were defined by the intersection of mapped forest types and states. The area of each unit was then used to compute a mean wood density of 0.583 g cm−3 for all wood volume in the SSWA. This is 13.6% lower than the value applied to this region in previous estimates of mean wood density. When combined with the new estimates for the SSWA, this gave an average wood density of 0.642 g cm−3 for all the wood volume in the entire Brazilian Amazon, which is 7% less than a prior estimate of 0.69 g cm−3. These results suggest that current estimates of carbon emissions from land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon are too high. The impact on biomass estimates and carbon emissions is substantial because the downward adjustment is greater in forest types undergoing the most deforestation. For 1990, with 13.8 × 103 km2 of deforestation, emissions for the Brazilian Amazon would be reduced by 23.4–24.4 × 106 Mg CO2-equivalent C/year (for high- and low-trace gas scenarios), or 9.4–9.5% of the gross emission and 10.7% of the net committed emission, both excluding soils.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic understory fires have affected large areas of tropical forest in recent decades, particularly during severe droughts. Yet, the mechanisms that control fire-induced mortality of tropical trees and lianas remain ambiguous due to the challenges associated with documenting mortality given variation in fire behavior and forest heterogeneity. In a seasonally dry Amazon forest, we conducted a burn experiment to quantify how increasing understory fires alter patterns of stem mortality. From 2004 to 2007, tree and liana mortality was measured in adjacent 50-ha plots that were intact (B0 - control), burned once (B1), and burned annually for 3 years (B3). After 3 years, cumulative tree and liana mortality (≥1 cm dbh) in the B1 (5.8% yr−1) and B3 (7.0% yr−1) plots significantly exceeded mortality in the control (3.2% yr−1). However, these fire-induced mortality rates are substantially lower than those reported from more humid Amazonian forests. Small stems were highly vulnerable to fire-induced death, contrasting with drought-induced mortality (measured in other studies) that increases with tree size. For example, one low-intensity burn killed >50% of stems <10 cm within a year. Independent of stem size, species-specific mortality rates varied substantially from 0% to 17% yr−1 in the control, 0% to 26% yr−1 in B1, and 1% to 23% yr−1 in B3, with several species displaying high variation in their vulnerability to fire-induced mortality. Protium guianense (Burseraceae) exhibited the highest fire-induced mortality rates in B1 and B3, which were 10- and 9-fold greater than the baseline rate. In contrast, Aspidosperma excelsum (Apocynaceae), appeared relatively unaffected by fire (0.3% to 1.0% mortality yr−1 across plots), which may be explained by fenestration that protects the inner concave trunk portions from fire. For stems ≥10 cm, both char height (approximating fire intensity) and number of successive burns were significant predictors of fire-induced mortality, whereas only the number of consecutive annual burns was a strong predictor for stems <10 cm. Three years after the initial burn, 62 ± 26 Mg ha−1 (s.e.) of live biomass, predominantly stems <30 cm, was transferred to the dead biomass pool, compared with 8 ± 3 Mg ha−1 in the control. This biomass loss from fire represents ∼30% of this forest's aboveground live biomass (192 (±3) Mg ha−1; >1 cm DBH). Although forest transition to savanna has been predicted based on future climate scenarios, our results indicate that wildfires from agricultural expansion pose a more immediate threat to the current carbon stocks in Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

Large-scale inventories of forest biomass and structure are necessary for both understanding carbon dynamics and conserving biodiversity. High-resolution satellite imagery is starting to enable structural analysis of tropical forests over large areas, but we lack an understanding of how tropical forest biomass links to remote sensing. We quantified the spatial distribution of biomass and tree species diversity over 4 ha in a Bolivian lowland moist tropical forest, and then linked our field measurements to high-resolution Quickbird satellite imagery. Our field measurements showed that emergent and canopy dominant trees, being those directly visible from nadir remote sensors, comprised the highest diversity of tree species, represented 86% of all tree species found in our study plots, and contained the majority of forest biomass. Emergent trees obscured 1–15 trees with trunk diameters (at 1.3 m, diameter at breast height (DBH)) ≥20 cm, thus hiding 30–50% of forest biomass from nadir viewing. Allometric equations were developed to link remotely visible crown features to stand parameters, showing that the maximum tree crown length explains 50–70% of the individual tree biomass. We then developed correction equations to derive aboveground forest biomass, basal area, and tree density from tree crowns visible to nadir satellites. We applied an automated tree crown delineation procedure to a high-resolution panchromatic Quickbird image of our study area, which showed promise for identification of forest biomass at community scales, but which also highlighted the difficulties of remotely sensing forest structure at the individual tree level.  相似文献   

Biomass burning in tropical forests – the normal practice to prepare land for agriculture and ranching – has been a major source of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. Mass transformations by burning are still little studied in the tropics. The present study estimated parameters, such as the stock of carbon contained in the biomass, burning efficiency and the formation of charcoal and ashes in a tropical moist forest. Two sets of plots arranged in the form of ‘stars' (720 m2 total) were installed in a 3.5 ha area of forest that had been felled for planting pasture at Fazenda Nova Vida, Ariquemes, Rondônia. Each ‘star' had six rays measuring 2 m × 30 m; alternating rays were designated for pre-burn and post-burn measurements. All above-ground biomass present in the plots was weighed directly before the burn in the pre-burn rays and after the burn in the post-burn rays. Pieces of wood with diameter ≥10 cm also had their biomasses estimated from volume estimates, using line-intersect sampling (LIS) in order to increase the area of sampling and to allow volume loss to be estimated as an increment based on individual pieces measured before, and after, the burn at the same point (as opposed to inferring change as a difference between independent estimates of stocks). The initial above-ground biomass (dry weight) before the burn was estimated at 306.5 ± 48.6 (mean ± SE) Mg ha−1, with an additional 4.5 Mg ha−1 for trees left standing. Carbon stock in the initial biomass (including trees left standing) was 141.3 (Mg C) ha−1. After burning, carbon stock was reduced by 36.8% (burning efficiency). The stocks of charcoal and ash formed in the burn were, respectively, 6.4 ± 2.7 and 5.7 ± 1.0 Mg ha−1. The destructive and nondestructive (LIS) methods did not differ significantly (t-test, p > 0.05) in estimating post-burn stocks of wood and charcoal. The results of this study contribute to improving the estimates of parameters needed for global carbon calculations and point to ways in which estimates of these parameters could be further improved.  相似文献   

We estimate economic cost functions for timber harvesting, transportation and milling in the Brazilian Amazon using a 2003 sample of 527 firms in both new and older frontier locations. We find that labor wage, distance from the forest to the processing location, type of equipment, and the type of the frontier all factor significantly in the total and marginal cost of each activity, and that predicted processing costs are not significantly different on new frontiers implying a lack of technology adoption as industry expansion into the Amazon has occurred. We also show that capturing economies of scale in logging by increasing average annual logging volumes by 50% and reducing the number of firms to about 1400 could lead to an industry wide cost savings of approximately US$90 million per year. Similar economies of scale are also present in log transport but not in processing. Further, if improved logging techniques allow harvest for an additional 1 month per year, for example through better planning, the industry could reduce logging costs by almost US$30 million. This points towards generating forest policies and economic conditions that encourage firm size growth, as opposed to those policies encouraging massive entry of small, unregulated and inefficient firms, and the adoption of management practices that allow for additional time in the forest.  相似文献   

Live aboveground biomass (AGB) is an important source of uncertainty in the carbon balance from the tropical regions in part due scarcity of reliable estimates of live AGB and its variation across landscapes and forest types. Studies of forest structure and biomass stocks of Neotropical forests are biased toward Amazonian and Central American sites. In particular, standardized estimates of aboveground biomass stocks for the Brazilian Atlantic forest are rarely available. Notwithstanding the role of environmental variables that control the distribution and abundance of biomass in tropical lowland forests has been the subject of considerable research, the effect of short, steep elevational gradients on tropical forest structure and carbon dynamics is not well known. In order to evaluate forest structure and live AGB variation along an elevational gradient (0–1100 m a.s.l.) of coastal Atlantic Forest in SE Brazil, we carried out a standard census of woody stems ≥4.8 cm dbh in 13 1-ha permanent plots established on four different sites in 2006–2007. Live AGB ranged from 166.3 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI: 144.4,187.0) to 283.2 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI: 253.0,325.2) and increased with elevation. We found that local-scale topographic variation associated with elevation influences the distribution of trees >50 cm dbh and total live AGB. Across all elevations, we found more stems (64–75%) with limited crown illumination but the largest proportion of the live AGB (68–85%) was stored in stems with highly illuminated or fully exposed crowns. Topography, disturbance and associated changes in light and nutrient supply probably control biomass distribution along this short but representative elevational gradient. Our findings also showed that intact Atlantic forest sites stored substantial amounts of carbon aboveground. The live tree AGB of the stands was found to be lower than Central Amazonian forests, but within the range of Neotropical forests, in particular when compared to Central American forests. Our comparative data suggests that differences in live tree AGB among Neotropical forests are probably related to the heterogeneous distribution of large and medium-sized diameter trees within forests and how the live biomass is partitioned among those size classes, in accordance with general trends found by previous studies. In addition, the elevational variation in live AGB stocks suggests a large spatial variability over coastal Atlantic forests in Brazil, clearly indicating that it is important to consider regional differences in biomass stocks for evaluating the role of this threatened tropical biome in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

An accurate characterization of tree carbon (TC), forest floor carbon (FFC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in tropical forest plantations is important to estimate their contribution to global carbon stocks. This information, however, is poor and fragmented. Carbon contents were assessed in patula pine (Pinus patula) and teak (Tectona grandis) stands in tropical forest plantations of different development stages in combination with inventory assessments and soil survey information. Growth models were used to associate TOC to tree normal diameter (D) with average basal area and total tree height (HT), with D and HT parameters that can be used in 6–26 years old patula pine and teak in commercial tropical forests as indicators of carbon stocks. The information was obtained from individual trees in different development stages in 54 patula pine plots and 42 teak plots. The obtained TC was 99.6 Mg ha−1 in patula pine and 85.7 Mg ha−1 in teak forests. FFC was 2.3 and 1.2 Mg ha−1, SOC in the surface layer (0–25 cm) was 92.6 and 35.8 Mg ha−1, 76.1 and 19 Mg ha−1 in deep layers (25–50 cm) in patula pine and teak, respectively. Carbon storage in trees was similar between patula pine and teak plantations, but patula pine had higher levels of forest floor carbon and soil organic carbon. Carbon storage in trees represents 37 and 60% of the total carbon content in patula pine and teak plantations, respectively. Even so, the remaining percentage corresponds to SOC, whereas FFC content is less than 1%. In summary, differences in carbon stocks between patula pine and teak trees were not significant, but the distribution of carbon differed between the plantation types. The low FFC does not explain the SOC stocks; however, current variability of SOC stocks could be related to variation in land use history.  相似文献   

We calculate greenhouse-gas emissions from land-use change in Mato Grosso and Rondônia, two states that are responsible for more than half of the deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia. In addition to deforestation (clearing of forest), we also estimate clearing rates and emissions for savannas (especially the cerrado, or central Brazilian savanna), which have not been included in Brazil's monitoring of deforestation. The rate of clearing of savannas was much more rapid in the 1980s and 1990s than in recent years. Over the 2006–2007 period (one year) 204 × 103 ha of forest and 30 × 103 ha of savanna were cleared in Mato Grosso, representing a gross loss of biomass carbon (above + belowground) of 66.0 and 1.8 × 106 MgC, respectively. In the same year in Rondônia, 130 × 103 ha of forest was cleared, representing gross losses of biomass of 40.4 × 106 MgC. Data on clearing of savanna in Rondônia are unavailable, but the rate is believed to be small in the year in question. Net losses of carbon stock for Mato Grosso forest, Mato Grosso savanna and Rondônia forest were 29.0, 0.5 and 18.5 × 106 MgC, respectively. Including soil carbon loss and the effects of trace-gas emissions (using global warming potentials for CH4 and N2O from the IPCC's 2007 Fourth Assessment Report), the impact of these emission sources totaled 30.9, 0.6 and 25.4 × 106 Mg CO2-equivalent C, respectively. These impacts approximate the combined effect of logging and clearing because the forest biomasses used are based on surveys conducted before many forests were exposed to logging. The total emission from Mato Grosso and Rondônia of 56.9 × 106 Mg CO2-equivalent C can be compared with Brazil's annual emission of approximately 80 × 106 MgC from fossil–fuel combustion.  相似文献   

Global vegetation models (GVMs) simulate CO2, water and energy fluxes at large scales, typically no smaller than 10 × 10 km. GVM simulations are thus expected to simulate the average functioning, but not the local variability. The two main limiting factors in refining this scale are (1) the scale at which the pedo-climatic inputs - temperature, precipitation, soil water reserve, etc. - are available to drive models and (2) the lack of geospatial information on the vegetation type and the age of forest stands. This study assesses how remotely sensed biomass or stand height could help the new generation of GVMs, which explicitly represent forest age structure and management, to better simulate this local variability. For the ORCHIDEE-FM model, we find that a simple assimilation of biomass or height brings down the root mean square error (RMSE) of some simulated carbon fluxes by 30-50%. Current error levels of remote sensing estimates do not impact this improvement for large gross fluxes (e.g. terrestrial ecosystem respiration), but they reduce the improvement of simulated net ecosystem productivity, adding 13.5-21% of RMSE to assimilations using the in situ estimates. The data assimilation under study is more effective to improve the simulation of respiration than the simulation of photosynthesis. The assimilation of height or biomass in ORCHIDEE-FM enables the correct retrieval of variables that are more difficult to measure over large areas, such as stand age. A combined assimilation of biomass and net ecosystem productivity could possibly enable the new generation of GVMs to retrieve other variables that are seldom measured, such as soil carbon content.  相似文献   

One of the first steps in estimating the potential for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) initiatives is the proper estimation of the carbon components. There are still considerable uncertainties about carbon stocks in tropical rain forest, coming essentially from poor knowledge of the quantity and spatial distribution of forest biomass at the landscape level.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare the allometric equations and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) of six dominant evergreen broad-leaved trees (Camellia japonica L, Castanopsis sieboldii Hatus, Quercus acuta Thunb, Q. glauca Thunb, Machilus thunbergii S. et Z., and Neolitsea sericea Koidz) in subtropical forests. A total of 86 trees were destructively sampled to quantify the aboveground biomass of each tree component (i.e., leaves, branches, and stem). Species-specific or generalized allometric equations and species-dependent BEFs were developed for each tree component of the six broad-leaved forest trees. Species-specific allometric equations were significant (P < 0.05), with the diameter at breast height (DBH) accounting for 68–99% of the variation, whereas generalized allometric equations explained 64–96% of the variation. The values of stem density ranged broadly from 0.49 g cm?3 for C. sieboldii to 0.79 g cm?3 for Q. glauca, with a mean value of 0.68 g cm?3. The BEFs were significantly (P < 0.05) lower for C. sieboldii (1.25) than for M. thunbergii (2.02). Stem density and aboveground BEFs had a significant negative relationship with tree ages. The results indicate that species-specific allometric equations and species-dependent BEFs are applicable for obtaining accurate biomass estimates of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests.  相似文献   

The net gain of carbon in European Union (EU) forest vegetation during 1990–2005 was estimated at 360–400 Tg CO2 year−1 by analysing international data. This amount is at low end of the range of recent corresponding estimates, but greater than earlier estimates published for the period 1971–1990. The sequestration took place almost exclusively in areas which were already forested in 1990. In 2005, new plantations, established after 1990, contributed only about 8% to the estimated net gain. The sequestration was estimated to be the greatest in Germany, France, Italy, Finland and Poland regardless of data source and method of estimation. On a per capita basis, the sequestration was estimated to be the greatest in Finland and Latvia. Carbon sequestration in forests is an important component of the long-term carbon balance of the EU. Carbon sequestration in forests is partly driven by a recovery of the ecosystems from human-induced degradation in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Forest management has affected carbon sequestration and merits attention in climate policy presuming that new policies and measures are reconciled with those already in place for the promotion of the diverse goals of land management in Europe.  相似文献   

细根在森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动中具有十分重要的和不可替代的作用.为了解川西亚高山/高山森林生态系统功能,研究了川西亚高山/高山冷杉林(PFF)、20 a生和10 a生粗枝云杉林(SF20和SF10)以及红桦次生林(BF)的细根生物量及其碳储量.所有生态系统的细根生物量及碳储量均随着土壤深度增加而递减,并与土壤剖面结构和物种有关.61.5%细根分布在0-20 cm层,13.3%和25.2%细根分布在有机层和深层土壤.由于表层土壤具有较高的养分含量,因而吸收根系分布在表层土壤有利于林木的生长发育.PFF、SF20、SF10和BF的细根生物量分别为1489 Kg·hm-2、938 kg·hm-2、838 kg·hm-2、773 ks·hm-2,根系碳储量分别为0.775MgC·hm-2、0.469 MgC·hm-2、0.419 MgC·hm-2、0.387 MgC·hm-2.  相似文献   

The development of tree allometric equations is crucial to accurate forest carbon assessment. However, very few allometric equations exist for sub-Saharan Africa and as a result generalized allometric equations, often established for forests in other continents, are used by default. The objectives of this study were (1) to propose a sampling methodology and calculation procedures to assess biomass for tropical tree species of contrasted tree shapes in Africa, (2) to identify factors affecting within and between trees wood density, (3) to propose an allometric model that integrates these factors and (4) to evaluate the reliability of using generalized allometric equations in this type of forests. Models were developed to predict wood density and phytomass of the trees based on the harvesting of 42 trees from 16 species, representing three guild status in the wet evergreen forest of Boi Tano in Ghana. Results indicated that the wood density was highly influenced by the tree species, guild status, size of the tree and pith to bark distance. Dry mass of a tree was influenced by diameter at breast height, crown diameter and wood density. The wood density depends on the position of the wood within the tree and the guild status considered. The use of generalized allometric models in literature is limited by the specific climate zone, the consideration of tree height and species specific wood density. In considering those factors, using generalized allometric equations could result in an error of 3%. Further research should better consider the bigger trees and the influence of the topography and ecosystem history.  相似文献   


The search for alternative energy sources has increased the interest in forest biomass. During the past few years, the severe infestation of the mountain pine beetle (MPB) within the forests of interior British Columbia (BC) has led to huge volumes of dead wood that exceed the capacity of the lumber industry. One way to make the most value of the surplus wood is to use it as the feedstock for bioenergy. The high costs associated with harvest and transport, and uncertainty in supply logistics are issues related to forest biomass utilization. This paper presents the development of a forest biomass supply logistics simulation model and its application to a case of supplying MPB-killed biomass from Quesnel timber supply area (one of the most infested areas in the interior BC) to a potential 300 MW power plant adjacent to the city of Quesnel. It provides values of quantity, cost and moisture content of biomass which are important factors in feasibility study of bioenergy projects. In the case of a conventional harvesting system, the biomass recovered from roadside residues in 1 year will meet only about 30% of the annual demand of the power plant with an estimated delivered cost of Can $45 per oven-dry tonne of woodchips. Sensitivity analyses were also performed.  相似文献   

Patterns of above- and below-ground biomass allocation in seedlings of nine common cloud forest (CF) tree species of western Mexico were examined under varying controlled light conditions using artificial shade houses. We analysed the relationships between vital rates (growth and survival) and four morphological traits (SLA, biomass allocation to stems, leaves and roots). We hypothesised that these traits represent differentiation axes in the way seedlings face the heterogeneous light regime typical of the CF understorey. For all species, traits between the different light levels, i.e. allocation to leaves, roots and stems differed among light levels. Five species had the largest SLA in the lowest light levels at the end of the experiment (Citharexylum, Dendropanax, Fraxinus, Quercus and Magnolia). Juglans was the only species with a large SLA at the highest light level (377.47 cm2 g−1). In contrast, light levels did not cause any significant variation in SLA of Persea and Simplococarpon at the end of the experiment. The relative height growth rates (RHGR) of the seedlings of five species were significantly different between light levels (P < 0.05). Overall, all species grew better in the highest light levels. The RHGR of three species were correlated positively with SLA. In turn, allocation to stem, leaves and root biomass were strongly correlated with the RHGR of five species (e.g. Citharexylum, Dendropanax and Fraxinus). Survival did not vary significantly between treatments in any species, only in the case of Simplococarpon (P < 0.05) and was correlated with all morphological variables. For this species, Peto and Peto's test showed a significantly larger survival of seedlings in the highest light level. The mean responses of these species based on all traits to the controlled light variation did not differed significantly. Our results show that these species display a wide range of resource allocation patterns when exposed to the varying light conditions that may be found in the forest understorey and highlight the role of morphological traits in this variation.  相似文献   

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