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We used manual cutting to manipulate trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) density and spatial arrangement in relation to crop lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) on two sites in contrasting dry, cool to cold ecosystems of south-central British Columbia. In the dry, cool interior Douglas-fir ecosystem (IDFdk3), we reduced the density of tall aspen (aspen at least as tall as target pine) to 0 (broadcast removal), 1000, 2500, or 4000 stems/ha when the planted lodgepole pine was 6 years old. Eight years later, pine height/diameter ratio (HDR) was significantly lower in the broadcast removal and 1000 stem/ha treatments than in the control. There were no other significant growth responses and pine survival and vigour were good regardless of treatment. In contrast, in a dry, cold sub-boreal pine spruce ecosystem (SBPSxc) where treatments were applied at a stand age of 11 years, naturally regenerated lodgepole pine stem diameter increased significantly in the broadcast removal treatment relative to the untreated control within 2 years. After 4 years, HDR had declined significantly relative to the control where tall aspen density was ≤1000 stems/ha. There were no significant pine responses where 2500 tall aspen stems/ha were retained or where tall aspen were removed only within a 1-m radius around pine. The greater difference in height (height differential) between aspen and pine at the SBPSxc than the IDFdk3 site may partly explain the differing response of lodgepole pine to treatment. Trends of decreasing sucker density with increasing aspen retention were evident at both sites, but differences were significant (p ≤ 0.05) only at the SBPSxc site.  相似文献   

In southern British Columbia, juvenile trembling aspen is managed primarily as a competitor with conifers rather than for its ecological and economic value. As a result, brushing treatments have been applied on a widespread basis and this practice is likely to continue in the near future. Given the potential for climate change to affect our valuation of aspen, we require a better understanding of factors that affect its development, its competitive ability with conifers and its responses to brushing. We used data from 11 aspen management experiments to examine the influence of climate and site factors on aspen height, cover, and density in 17–24 year-old control stands and 9–16 years after manual cutting or girdling. Models explained 64% and 89% of the variation in aspen height in control and manually brushed stands, respectively, but were poor for girdling. Increasing length of the frost-free period was associated with increasing aspen height in control stands, whereas drier summer conditions on cool aspects favoured height growth of aspen suckers following manual cutting. We also examined the influence of climate and site factors on three simple competition indices that describe the height and density of aspen relative to conifer height, and then tested how well these indices predicted conifer growth. The density of aspen taller than conifers accounted for 39% of the variation in lodgepole pine diameter and the ratio of aspen/conifer height accounted for 33% of the variation in Douglas-fir height, suggesting that aspen competition was only moderately important to conifer growth. Our findings imply that aspen may become more productive with warmer summers provided it is not limited by summer moisture availability and that mixed stand management is a viable option in southern interior stands.  相似文献   

Three lodgepole pine and aspen mixedwood sites located in the central interior of British Columbia within the Sub Boreal Spruce (SBS) biogeoclimatic zone were chosen to study the neighbourhood aspen competition and canopy light environment of 14–19-year-old lodgepole pine. All three sites had previously been established as separate research trials designed to explore various silviculture options for controlling aspen competition (aspen brushing, herbicide, thinning and untreated areas). For each site, 33–36 pine trees were selected to represent the observed range of light regimes under the influence of various aspen competition levels. At each sample pine, competition and stand measurements were made and a series of vertical canopy light measurements from the top to the base of the live crown. After an evaluation of a variety of competition indices, the index DRD; sum of the ratio of each of the three nearest neighbour's DBH to the subject pine divided by their distance and, amount of available light at the top of the crown (DIFNt) were found as the best overall predictors of pine stem volume growth. A site specific exponential relationship of relative pine stem volume growth to DRD was found and minimum growth response competition thresholds were determined, which could provide useful targets where maximizing pine volume is intended. Evaluation of both linear and non-linear models of DIFNt versus height growth indicated the response to be linear across the observed range of available light. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins; MPB), currently affecting over 10.1 million hectares of lodgepole pine forests (Pinus contorta Dougl.) in British Columbia, Canada, is the largest in recorded history. We examined the dynamics of even-aged lodgepole pine forests in southern British Columbia, which were undergoing this MPB outbreak. Using dendroecology and forest measurements we reconstructed the stand processes of stand initiation, stand disturbances, tree mortality, and regeneration, and explained the current stand structure and the potential MPB impacts in selected stands. Our results indicate that stand-replacing fires initiated even-aged seral lodgepole pine stands in this region. In the absence of fire in the 20th century, multiple MPB disturbances, which each resulted in partial canopy removal, modified the simple one-layer structure of the fire-origin stands by the initiation of post-MPB disturbance regeneration layers, transforming the stands into complex, multi-aged stands. Despite high overstory mortality due to the current MPB outbreak, regeneration layers, which are likely to survive the current outbreak, will provide important ecological legacies and will contribute to mid-term timber supply.  相似文献   

Jack pine and trembling aspen are boreal tree species that are found growing either in naturally regenerated mono-specific stands, or in mixed-wood stands. We conducted a field survey and a manipulative field study to test the productivity-diversity hypothesis, which predicts that mixed-wood stands are more likely to occur on fertile soils, or following fertilization. We surveyed 44 mixed-wood stands and found 43 of these occurring on fertile clay deposits, and only one occurring on a nutrient poor till deposit. By contrast, the area surveyed comprised 45% clay and 55% till deposits. In a second study, we conducted a five year fertilization and brushing trial in a recently burned area dominated by jack pine saplings with patches of regenerating trembling aspen. Fertilization without brushing improved the growth and recruitment of aspen stems, but had no effect on jack pine growth and recruitment. Fertilization + brushing increased the growth of jack pine. Brushing the aspen, with or without fertilization, resulted in higher recruitment of jack pine. We conclude that soil fertility controls the mixing of jack pine with trembling aspen, that fertilization increases the likelihood of encroachment of aspen into areas formerly dominated by jack pine, and that brushing along with fertilization is necessary to promote jack pine growth.  相似文献   

Variation in the number and diversity of bark beetles in spaced mature lodgepole pine stands in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia was analyzed in relation to location (site), spacing treatment and years following treatment. We analyzed the number of bark beetles and the number of bark beetle species that emerged from stumps or were captured in flight traps in the first five years following spacing. We also investigated the incidence of bark beetle attacks on the remaining trees and the mean dates of emergence from stumps and of capture in flight traps for the common species. Observations were made on three sites, each having three treatments: 4 m × 4 m spacing, 5 m × 5 m spacing, and an untreated control. The mean density of bark beetles emerged from stumps was different among sites and years but not between spacing treatments. There was no statistically significant variation in the number of bark beetle species captured in flight traps by site, spacing treatment, years, or spacing treatment and years. Significantly more bark beetles were captured in the 4 m × 4 m spacing treatment than in the control. The number of bark beetles captured was the highest in the first 2 years following treatment. Up to 26 species of bark beetles, excluding ambrosia beetles, were captured in flight barrier traps. There was no difference in species diversity by site or treatment indicating that species diversity in mature lodgepole pine is relatively stable over large areas. Of the 213 trees that sustained at least 10 attacks by bark beetles on the lower 2 m of the bole, 59.1% occurred in the spaced plots but only 18.2% of those were successful, versus 74.7% success in the infested trees in the control plots. The majority of infested trees contained Ips sp., Dendroctonus valens and D. murrayanae. Of the seven trees attacked by mountain pine beetle (D. ponderosae) only one tree was located in a spaced plot.  相似文献   

Climate is a main driving factor of the formation of annual tree-rings, but which climatic variables are the most influential on radial growth may vary among species and sites. To explore these interactions, tree-ring chronologies along a major elevation gradient were examined for three tree species in southern interior British Columbia (Canada): Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus contorta, and Picea glauca × engelmannii. We used correlations and linear and multiple regressions to explore the relationships between tree-ring radial growth and climate variables in the area from 1922 to 1997. All correlation coefficients between ring chronologies and monthly climatic variables were medium to low (from −0.3 to 0.4); nevertheless, moderate but significant trends could be identified. Multivariate models explained up to 53%, 43% and 32% of radial growth variability for P. contorta, P. menziesii and P. glauca × engelmannii, respectively. All three species showed similar radial growth–climate patterns across the elevational gradient, but they had different details that made ring width–climate relationships species-specific. Precipitation-related variables were more related to radial growth at low-elevations, changing into temperature-related variables at high-elevations. Tree-ring width for all three species was primarily and significantly affected by climate variables from the year previous to the growing season and only secondly by current year conditions, but the critical months varied for different species and altitudes. Winter precipitation also affected radial growth, either as a source of water or as a possible agent of physical damage. Although our work showed significant climate influences on breast height tree radial growth, our results also indicated that other site factors such as microclimate or stand dynamics can be as or more important than climate variability.  相似文献   

Silvicultural practices that provide a wide variety of vegetative composition and structure (habitats) in young stands should help manage for biological diversity across forested landscapes. This study was designed to test the hypotheses that: (i) abundance and diversity of stand structure attributes (species diversity and structural diversity of herb, shrub and tree layers) and forest floor small mammal communities, and (ii) relative habitat use by large herbivores, will increase from unthinned to conventionally thinned to chemically thinned stands of young lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forest. Replicate study areas were located near Summerland, Kelowna and Williams Lake in south-central British Columbia, Canada. Each study area had three treatments: a conventionally thinned, a chemically thinned and an unthinned stand. Pre-commercial thinning was conducted in 1993. Coniferous stand structure and understory vegetation were measured prior to thinning in 1993 and 5 years later in 1998. Small mammal populations were sampled intensively from 1993 to 1998. Relative habitat use by large herbivores was sampled in 1998.

Our results indicate that chemical thinning of young lodgepole pine stands produced an aggregated pattern of crop trees compared with stands subjected to conventional thinning. Diameter growth of crop trees in the chemically thinned stands was similar to that in the conventionally thinned, but also to that in unthinned stands. Although horizontal stratification (aggregates of trees) was enhanced, vertical stratification (structural diversity of vegetation) was less in the chemically than conventionally thinned stands. Abundance and diversity of understory vegetation and small mammal communities were generally unaffected by stand thinning in these particular installations. Relative habitat use by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) occurred in a gradient from highest in the conventionally thinned stand to lowest in the unthinned stand. Habitat use by snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) tended to have the opposite trend. Moose (Alces alces) exhibited no difference in habitat use among stands. Thus, although there were few differences among treatment stands, chemical thinning could be used to develop an aggregated pattern of crop trees in pre-commercially thinned stands to maintain habitat for herbivores such as snowshoe hares and mule deer. Understory plant and forest floor small mammal communities would be maintained in these stands as well.  相似文献   

The effects of top pruning on subsequent seed and pollen cone production in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) grafted clones in two seed orchards were evaluated. In the older orchard (14 years old), three pruning regimes were applied: an untreated control, a moderate pruning where 25% of the crown was removed and a severe pruning where 40% of the crown was removed. In the younger orchard (ten years old), only a control pruning and a severe pruning (50% of crown removed) were applied. Five-year seed cone production was lower in treated ramets compared to controls in both orchards. However, when cumulative seed cone yields were adjusted for reduced tree heights after pruning, differences were no longer significant in the older orchard. Strong clonal variation was observed in seed cone yields in both orchards. Pollen cone development was less variable among treatments in the older orchard. In the younger orchard, controls consistently produced heavier pollen crops. Pruning recommendations for similar orchards are made and results discussed for reducing the impacts of losses in seed cone yields.Deceased  相似文献   

In boreal forests of western Canada, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex. Loud.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) often grow together with numerous tall shrubs such as green alder (Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh) and little-tree willow (Salix spp.). In an area south of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, we examined the effects of shrubs, herbs and other trees on nutrient and light availability and growth of white spruce and lodgepole pine. For white spruce the best competition measure (tested against volume increments of the past 3 years) was visually estimated % ground cover times the height of the competitor (VCHT) with light (DIFN) ranking in third place. For lodgepole pine, DIFN was the best competition measure for predicting volume increment and the best competition index was again VCHT. Taller conifers had a stronger competitive effect than tall shrubs, with their effect on white spruce being larger than that on lodgepole pine.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of herbaceous and woody vegetation control on the survival and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings through six growing seasons. Herbaceous vegetation control involved the suppression of grasses, forbs, ferns, and low-shrubs, and was maintained for 0, 2, or 4 years after white pine seedlings were planted. Woody control involved the removal of all tall-shrub and deciduous trees, and was conducted at the time of planting, at the end of the second or fifth growing seasons, or not at all. Seedling height and basal diameter responded positively and proportionally to duration of herbaceous vegetation control. Gains associated with woody control were generally not significant unless some degree of herbaceous vegetation control was also conducted. Only herbaceous control increased pine crown closure and rate of crown closure. Herbaceous control and the presence of 5000–15,000 stems per ha of young overtopping aspen were associated with reduced weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.) injury and increased pine height growth. The study suggests that white pine restoration strategies on clearcut sites should focus on the proactive, early management of understory vegetation and the gradual reduction of overtopping cover from woody vegetation to create a seedling light environment that supports acceptable growth with minimal weevil damage.  相似文献   

In this study, the prediction of pine mistletoe distribution in Scots pine ecosystems was explored using remote sensing variables to compare the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network (ANN) and logistic regression (LR) model performances. For this purpose, 109 sample plots were distinguished in pure Scots pine forests (natural) in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Distinguishing mistletoe-infected stands (69) and uninfected stands (40) was performed with field observations. The variables acquired from Landsat 8 (Level 1) images were used as independent variables for independent-sample t-test, MLP ANN and LR models. Remote sensing variables indicated that mistletoe-infected stands were in drier areas with a lower vegetation-leaf area index. Based on the performance results of both models, the sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of the MLP ANN model were superior to those of the LR model. The prediction percentages (SEN, SPE, PPV and NPV) of mistletoe-infected stands were better than the prediction percentages of uninfected stands. The prediction accuracies of LR and MLP ANN models were 74.3% and 89.6%, respectively. However, all remote sensing variables were included in the prediction equation of the MLP ANN model, while the thermal infrared 1 (TIRS1) variable was included in the LR model. In the MLP ANN model, the TIRS1 variable also had the highest normalized importance (100%). The area under the curve (AUC) value for identifying the mistletoe-infected stands of Scots pine forests used by the MLP ANN model (0.892 ± 0.034) was higher than in the LR model (0.838 ± 0.039), explaining the more accurate predictions obtained from the MLP ANN model. The MLP ANN model showed much better performance than the LR model. The results of this study are expected to make important contributions to the identification of potential mistletoe-infected areas.  相似文献   

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