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This study was conducted to investigate polymorphism of the coagulase gene of Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis. One hundred eighty-seven strains of S. aureus were isolated from bovine mastitic milk samples obtained from 187 different Danish dairy farms. The isolates were characterised for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the coagulase gene. A variable region of the coagulase gene was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by AluI restriction enzyme digestion. A total of 15 different RFLP patterns were observed. The predominant pattern was found in 35% of the isolates. The ease of analysing coagulase gene polymorphisms among a large number of strains, and the multiple distinct polymorphic patterns generated, supports the use of this technique in epidemiological investigations of bovine mastitis. The predominating variants may have predelection for causing intramammary infections.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy sheep ranges from subclinical mastitis to lethal gangrenous mastitis. Neither the S. aureus virulence factors nor the host-factors or the epidemiological events contributing to the different outcomes are known. In a field study in a dairy sheep farm over 21 months, 16 natural isolates of S. aureus were collected from six subclinical mastitis cases, one lethal gangrenous mastitis case, nasal carriage from eight ewes and one isolate from ambient air in the milking room. A genomic comparison of two strains, one responsible for subclinical mastitis and one for lethal gangrenous mastitis, was performed using multi-strain DNA microarrays. Multiple typing techniques (pulsed-field-gel-electrophoresis, multiple-locus variable-number, single-nucleotide polymorphisms, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, spa typing and sas typing) were used to characterise the remaining isolates and to follow the persistence of the gangrenous isolate in ewes’ nares. Our results showed that the two strains were genetically closely related and they shared 3 615 identical predicted open reading frames. However, the gangrenous mastitis isolate carried variant versions of several genes (sdrD, clfA-B, sasA, sasB, sasD, sasI and splE) and was missing fibrinogen binding protein B (fnbB) and a prophage. The typing results showed that this gangrenous strain emerged after the initial subclinical mastitis screening, but then persisted in the flock in the nares of four ewes. Although we cannot dismiss the role of host susceptibility in the clinical events in this flock, our data support the hypothesis that S. aureus populations had evolved in the sheep flock and that S. aureus genetic variations could have contributed to enhanced virulence.  相似文献   

奶牛乳腺炎金黄色葡萄球菌超抗原的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PCR方法对分离到的临床型乳腺炎金黄色葡萄球菌124株.隐性乳腺炎金黄色葡萄球菌213株,进行超抗原毒素sea,seb,sec,sed,see和tst基因的榆测.结果表明:奶牛临床型乳腺炎金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素基因和tst基因的阳性率为27.42%,隐性乳腺炎金黄色匍萄球菌肠毒素基因的阳性率为1.41%,奶牛乳腺炎金黄色葡萄球菌产生毒素的类型以SEA,TSST-1和SEC为主,对于肠毒素基因和tst基因PCR阳件的金黄色葡萄球菌同时用ELISA和RPLA两种方法进行检测,3种检测方法结果基本一致.  相似文献   

Biofilm-forming ability has been increasingly recognized as an important virulence factor in Staphylococci, facilitating their persistence in the host, evading its defences and allowing bacterial survival at high antimicrobial concentrations. Staphylococcus aureus remains a major pathogen of chronic mastitis, but in the last years Staphylococcus epidermidis has emerged as a relevant mastitis pathogen. The present work aimed at the evaluation of the biofilm-forming ability of Staphylococci field isolates from bovine subclinical mastitis and at the development of a fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) protocol that would allow the direct observation of biofilm formation in milk samples. The analysis of phenotypic expression in Congo Red Agar (CRA) and by FISH, showed that 37.5% of the S. aureus isolates produced biofilm, while by optical density measurement only 18.75% isolates revealed this phenotype. The results showed a fair agreement according to the kappa coefficient test (kappa = 0.259). Regarding S. epidermidis mastitis isolates, 37.5% revealed the ability to produce biofilm, but only four isolates were positive by all methods. This agreement was moderate (kappa = 0.467). The application of FISH to artificially contaminated milk samples allowed the direct observation of biofilm production by 37.5% isolates, showing total agreement with the CRA results. This method better mimics the in vivo conditions, especially in terms of the presence of calcium and iron, which in high concentrations, respectively, are known to inhibit or induce biofilm production.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation is considered a selective advantage for staphylococci mastitis isolates, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. It requires attachment to mammary epithelium, proliferation and accumulation of cells in multilayers and enclosing in a polymeric matrix, being regulated by several loci. As biofilm formation can proceed through different pathways and time ranges, its detection may differ according to the time of observation. This study aimed at evaluating the time course evolution of biofilm production in Staphylococcus aureus (n = 26) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 29) mastitis isolates by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation. Biofilm-forming ability increased with incubation time for both species: for S. aureus, 34.6%, 69.2% and 80.8% of the isolates were able to produce biofilm at 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. For S. epidermidis, 44.8%, 62.1% and 75.9% of the isolates were biofilm-positive at 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. No significant difference was found between species at each time point (Friedman's test, p > 0.05). For S. aureus, although a significant difference was found between 24 and 48 h (Wilcoxon matched paired test, p < 0.05), no significant difference was found between 24 and 48 h (p > 0.05). For S. epidermidis, significant differences were found between each time point (p < 0.05). Bacterial biofilms may impair eradication of chronic mastitis, rendering antibiotherapy less effective. Detection of biofilm-forming ability in mastitis isolates may provide useful information for the establishment of a more adequate therapeutic regimen, in view of the antimicrobial concentrations required for bacterial control. However, it is essential that biofilm formation time course is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Examination of milk from goats yielded 41 strains from 40 clinically affected halves; 15 were Staphylococcus aureus, 6 Staph. epidermis, 1 Streptococcus agalactiae, 2 Strept. dysgalactiae, 5 Strept. uberis, 2 Corynebacterium pyogenes, 3 Escherichia coli, 3 Pasteurella spp. and 4 Mycoplasma spp. One half had dual infection of Staph. aureus and Strept. dysgalactiae. Twenty two of the 297 milk samples from apparently normal halves also harboured pathogens comprising of 9 Staph. aureus, 1 Strept. agalactiae, 2 E. coli, 2 Pasteurella spp., 2 Candida albicans and 6 Mycoplasma spp. Most of the bacterial isolates were sensitive to many broad spectrum antibiotics. Twenty of the 24 Staph. aureus isolates were phase typable by a set of 23 human Staphylococcal International Phages suggesting the utility of these phages for the typing of goat strains. The isolates were grouped into 15 phage-types, many of which have been reported from human infections in Iraq. This indicates the possibility of association of human strains of Staph. aureus in caprine mastitis. No definite correlation could be noted between antibiogram and phage types of Staph. aureus strains.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus isolates from mastitic cow's milk were examined for production of alpha-hemolysin and protein A and their accessory gene regulator (agr locus) was analyzed. An inverse relationship between alpha-hemolysin and protein A production was found in most of the 76 isolates, suggesting that the isolates tested may be classified into group I (high alpha-hemolysin/low protein A), II (low alpha-hemolysin/high protein A), or III (low alpha-hemolysin/low protein A). The agr locus, which consists of hld, agrB, agrD, agrC, and agrA, was detected in most of the 78 isolates including two reference strains (Wood 46 and Cowan I) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When the PCR products for agr locus of 22 isolates from groups I and II were digested with restriction enzyme MboI, seven bands of the expected lengths were recognized in strain Wood 46, but not in the other isolates tested. Nucleotide sequence analysis of PCR products from six isolates revealed that the agr locus sequence of strain Wood 46 corresponded to that of the published sequence data, but the other five isolates from groups I and II diverged at agrB and agrD sequences and thus the deduced amino acid sequences. These variations of agr locus in S. aureus bovine isolates differed from those reported by Ji et al. [Science 276 (1997) 2027].  相似文献   

The role of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococcal exosecretions in bovine udder infection was tested by monitoring the cows' response to in vivo inoculation of bacterial exosecretions into udder quarters. Twenty Israeli-Holstein dairy cows were included in the study; two or three of the udder quarters of each cow were intracisternally inoculated with 0.04-0.05 mg/quarter (total proteins) of the various sterile bacterial exosecretions in a sterile pyrogen-free saline. Each udder was inoculated with two or three different bacterial exosecretions or placebo (Columbia Broth). Cows were monitored for 96 h post-inoculation for rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates, alimentary tract activity (rumen contraction), udder temperature, pain, oedema and udder size. Milk samples were examined bacteriologically and for somatic cell count, N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity and somatic cell differentiation. No enterotoxins (beta-G) or toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 were detected in response to any of the bacteria tested. Control quarters or those inoculated with Columbia Broth, showed similar NAGase and somatic cell count values throughout the experiment. Twelve of the 18 strains tested, induced inflammation in the inoculated quarters while six did not. Of the 12 strains causing local inflammation, only six were found significantly different from the control and were considered as high response (group 1). The other six that caused a local inflammation did not differ significantly from the control, and were considered to be moderate response (group 2). The six S. aureus isolates that did not cause an inflammatory response were considered to have low response (group 3). In all quarters inoculated with S. aureus bacterial exosecretions belonging to groups 1 and 2, the polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages were proportionally increased while CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte populations decreased. One-dimensional NuPAGE (7%) Tris-acetate gel electrophoresisof the bacterial exosecretions revealed four different bands appearing between 36 and 31 kDa, marked from top to bottom as A, B, C and D. An association was found between the combinations of expressed bands and the cow responses: the majority of the cases could be linked to the expression of bands B and C.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent causes of bovine mastitis. The antimicrobial treatment of this disease is currently based on antimicrobial susceptibility tests according to CLSI standards. However, various studies have shown that there is a discrepancy between the results of this standard susceptibility test and the actual cure rate of the applied antimicrobial treatment. Increasing evidence suggests that biofilm formation by S. aureus is associated with this problem. The currently available antimicrobial susceptibility assays for bacteria growing in biofilms, are not considered reliable enough for routine application. Therefore, the objective of this study was to further develop a susceptibility test for bacteria growing in biofilm, suitable for routine testing of the antimicrobial susceptibility of S. aureus. With the expansion of the available MBEC assay to an extended biofilm susceptibility test, that comprises 2 and 4 consecutive days of antimicrobial challenge, the antimicrobial susceptibility for S. aureus growing in biofilm was further analysed. The results showed clear differences between strains and various antimicrobial agents with respect to the effect of longer duration of the antimicrobial challenge on the eradication of S. aureus growing in biofilm. The extended biofilm susceptibility test also indicates that each bacterial strain requires a specific duration of antimicrobial therapy, which cannot be derived from a standard susceptibility test or from a 24-h biofilm susceptibility test.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is recognized worldwide as a pathogen causing many serious diseases in humans and animals, and is the most common aetiological agent of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis. The importance of evaluating the combination of S. aureus virulence factors has been emphasized both in human and veterinary medicine, and knowledge about the genetic variability within different S. aureus populations would help in the design of efficient treatments. The aim of the present study was to determine the genetic profiles of S. aureus strains isolated from milk of cows suffering from clinical and subclinical mastitis in Belgium. The presence of about forty virulence-associated genes was investigated by specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. A high number of genotypic subtypes were observed, demonstrating further the large variation in the presence of virulence genes in S. aureus isolates and the considerable diversity of strains populations that are able to cause mastitis in cows. In accordance with other studies, we showed that some genes are associated with mastitis-causing S. aureus isolates, whereas others are absent or rarely present. We also further highlighted the presence of conserved gene combinations, namely the enterotoxigenic egc-cluster and the bovine pathogenicity island SaPIbov. Importantly, the presence of isolates carrying genes coding for toxins involved in important human infections makes the milk of cows with mastitis a potential reservoir for these toxins, and therefore a potential danger in human health, which strengthens the importance to consider raw milk consumption and its processing very carefully.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most common pathogens responsible for contagious mastitis in ruminants. The ability of S. aureus to form biofilm in vivo is considered to be a major virulence factor influencing its pathogenesis in mastitis. The objectives of the study were to examine in vitro slime production, biofilm formation, and the presence of the ica gene locus and icaA and icaD genes in S. aureus isolates from bovine mastitis. Thirty-two of the 35 isolates tested produced slime on Congo red agar, whereas only 24 of the isolates were found to produce biofilm in vitro. However, all the 35 isolates possessed the ica locus, icaA and icaD genes. This study indicates a high prevalence of the ica genes among S. aureus mastitis isolates, and their presence is not always associated with in vitro formation of slime or biofilm. A combination of phenotypic and genotypic tests is recommended for investigating biofilm formation in S. aureus.  相似文献   

Sixty-six isolates of Staphylococcus aureus obtained from milk samples of dairy cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in southern Brazil were analysed by five different molecular typing methods. These included the analysis of plasmid profiles, the analysis of coagulase (coa) gene polymorphisms by PCR amplification of the 3' terminal region of the coa gene, the PCR-based detection of polymorphisms in the X region of the protein A gene (spa), the PCR-directed analysis of variations in the spacer region between 16S and 23S rRNA, and the comparison of pulsed-field gel electrophoretically separated genomic SmaI fragment patterns. The molecular typing methods were supplemented with the biochemical characterization of the isolates and the determination of their in-vitro susceptibility to 14 different antibiotics. All genotypic and phenotypic typing methods were analyzed for their ability to discriminate between the isolates. Macrorestriction analysis proved to be the most discriminatory single method (D = 0.96) followed by rRNA spacer typing (D = 0.85), coa PCR (D = 0.82), and spa PCR (D = 0.80).  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is recognized worldwide as a major pathogen causing clinical or subclinical intramammary infections in lactating sheep, goats and cows. The present study was carried out to compare 65 S. aureus isolates mainly obtained from nasal carriage and subclinical mastitis in dairy sheep and 43 isolates obtained from subclinical mastitis from 22 goats and 21 cows. A DNA microarray, containing probes against 190 true or putative virulence factors, was used to detect the presence of the virulence genes. Their presence/absence was independently assessed by PCR for the genes of interest. Sheep isolates obtained from the nostrils or the udders did not show any significant tissue specific virulence factor. The dominant pulse-field electrophoresis profile (OV/OV'), associated with spa clonal complex spa-CC 1773, matched mainly with the agr group III and was only found in ovine and caprine isolates. This clone was more specifically characterized by the prevalence of the following virulence genes: lpl4, ssl6, bsaA1, bsaB, bsaP, SAV0812. Moreover, seven virulence-associated genes (lpl1, sel, sec, tst, lukF-PV-like component, lukM, SAV0876) were associated with isolates from small ruminants, while the egc cluster, fhuD1, abiF and SAV2496 with bovine isolates. This genomic study suggests the existence of lineage- and host-specific genes leading to the development of host-specific pathogenic traits of S. aureus isolates.  相似文献   

Development of an appropriate Staphylococcus aureus vaccine for bovine mastitis has eluded researchers for decades. The ability of S. aureus to form a protective exopolysaccharide capsule has posed a major obstacle because of the multiple serotypes and the poor immune response elicited by exopolysaccharides. This study characterized S. aureus serotypes isolated from cases of bovine mastitis obtained from veterinary diagnostic laboratories that service 44% of the dairy cattle in the United States. Major milk producing areas of the northeast, north central, Pacific coast and southwest were proportionately represented. Sub-samples of mastitic milk that contained S. aureus were frozen and sent to our laboratory for strain serotyping. The only other regional serotyping of S. aureus from bovine mastitis to date was done in France. The primary serotypes found were types 5 (51%) and 8 (18%) and 31% were non-typeable. In the current study, serotype 5 accounted for 18% of the isolates and serotype 8 for 23%. More importantly 59% of the isolates were not typeable with either type 5 or 8 antisera. These data indicate that S. aureus vaccines employing serotypes 5 and 8 would only be marginally effective in the United States. These data also suggest that development of a S. aureus vaccine for bovine mastitis should take into account regional variation in S. aureus serotypes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether neutrophil apoptosis and their consequent elimination by macrophages from the mammary gland is modulated by an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). The study was performed on twenty mammary glands of 5 virgin heifers. A buffered physiological solution (PBS) was administered as a means of control into the mammary glands of the heifers and after 168 h, the glands were inoculated with S. aureus. The samples of cell populations were obtained by lavages of the mammary glands in 4 intervals (24, 48, 72 and 168 h) after the experimental infection. Flow cytometry was used for determination of Annexin-V positivity and propidium iodide (PI) negativity of neutrophils. Light microscopy was used for determination of neutrophil karyopyknosis. Cytochemistry was used for the detection of myeloperoxidase-positive (MPO+) macrophages. Instillation of S. aureus resulted in an intramammary infection which persisted during the following experimental period. The total number of both Annexin-V-positive and PI negative neutrophils and karyopyknotic neutrophils peaked at 24 h after both of PBS and S. aureus administration. The highest percentages of Annexin-V-positive and PI negative neutrophils and karyopyknotic neutrophils were detected 48 and 168 h after PBS and S. aureus administration, respectively. The total number of MPO+ macrophages was the highest 24 h and 48 h after PBS and S. aureus administration, respectively; the percentage of MPO+ macrophages was the highest at 72 h in both cases. The dynamics of resolution of mastitis caused by S. aureus was very similar to the resolution of inflammatory response of the mammary gland after PBS administration. Mechanisms of cell pathogen elimination as well as inflammation resolution were very intensively involved; nevertheless, the mammary gland infection persisted. An early inclusion of the mechanisms of an acute inflammatory resolution thus paradoxically led to chronic infection.  相似文献   

IntroductionBiofilms, an assemblage of microbial cells irreversibly associated with a surface and enclosed in a matrix of polysaccharide material pose serious health challenges, resulting in high economic losses. The emergence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infections and ability to form biofilms in dairy animals is of emerging concern for livestock and public health owing to their association with serious infections. The present study was undertaken to examine the presence of methicillin resistance genes among the biofilm forming Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cases of acute and subacute bovine mastitis. A total of 150 mastitic milk samples referred to Veterinary Clinical Complex, Shuhama (Aulesteng) SKUAST-K were screened in present study. The methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates were also screened for in vitro biofilm forming ability.ResultsA total of 80 (53.33%) S. aureus isolates were recovered from cases of bovine mastitis of which 20 (25%) were methicillin (mecA) gene positive. Of the 20 mecA positive isolates, 20% were positive for SCCmec I, 35% for SCCmec IV and 45% for SCCmec V subtypes. In vitro antibiotic sensitivity testing of MRSA revealed complete resistance towards methicillin and other pencillin group of antibiotics.ConclusionA significant correlation was observed between in vitro biofilm formation and presence of methicillin resistance gene in S aureus isolates recovered from acute and subacute mastitis. The Staphylococcus aureus isolates positive for methicillin resistance gene (mecA) were either strong or moderate biofilm formers.  相似文献   

为检测江苏省某奶牛场中乳房炎是否为金黄色葡萄球菌所致,采取4份患病乳汁样本进行试验分离和鉴定,并针对金黄色葡萄球菌采用分离后鉴定,结果显示,分离到的2株致病菌为金黄色葡萄球菌,其他菌株还包括大肠杆菌、肠球菌等,为多种致病病原菌同时引起,主要为金黄色葡萄球菌感染。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to comparatively investigate 25 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis. The S. aureus strains, obtained from six different farms at five locations in one region of Germany, were characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The S. aureus could be identified and further characterized by their cultural, biochemical and hemolytic properties. To analyze the epidemiological relationship the isolates were subjected to DNA fingerprinting by macrorestriction analysis of their chromosomal DNA, by PCR amplification of the gene encoding the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer, by PCR amplification of the gene encoding the IgG binding region and the X region of protein A and by amplifying, and subsequent, digestion of the gene encoding staphylococcal coagulase. The macrorestriction analysis revealed five DNA restriction patterns with DNA patterns I, III and IV occurring in three, four, and three different farms, respectively. In addition, clones with different DNA patterns could be found within one herd. The PCR products for the spacer DNA, the spa gene encoding the X region of protein A and the coa gene encoding coagulase corresponded mostly to the pattern observed by DNA fingerprinting. Amplification of the gene encoding the IgG binding region revealed sizes of 620 bp for 20 of the isolates and 280 bp for four isolates indicating, for the latter, a deletion of segments in this region. These findings show, that single, widely distributed clones seemed to be responsible for cases of bovine subclinical mastitis found in one region of Germany.  相似文献   

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