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This work concerns the development of a methodology suited to measure the resistance to oxidation of white wines by cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric responses of several white wines of different origin and age were analyzed in the oxidation potential range (0.2-1.2 V vs SCE). Currents measured at fixed potentials were correlated to the concentration of ascorbic acid, SO2, and total phenolics. A forced degradation study was monitored by cyclic voltammetry; from plots of current versus time, the consumption rates of oxidizable species in wine were estimated.  相似文献   

Thirty-two experimental red wines, obtained from eight cultivars and aged in bottles for 2 and 7 years, were examined for the presence of stable free radicals (SFR), for the peroxyl radical trapping capacity (PRTC), and for the concentrations of some important polyphenol families. Aging significantly increases SFR, polyphenol polymers with n > or = 5 (HMWP), and PRTC and is accompanied by a strong decrease of free anthocyanins. Multivariate regression analyses show that HMWP and SFR are independently associated with PRTC while HMWP and anthocyanins are independently associated with the formation of SFR. These results indicate that polymeric polyphenols generated from anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins during wine aging are able to convert highly reactive free radicals into nonreactive radicals through electron delocalization. The strict correlation between SFR and antioxidant activity that we found suggests that these characteristics are related to the functional properties of food.  相似文献   

The free radical scavenging activity of South African red (n = 46) and white (n = 40) cultivar wines was determined using 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothialozinesulfonic acid) radical cations (ABTS(.+)) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH.). The total antioxidant activities (TAA) of red and white wines using ABTS(.+) were 14.916 and 0.939 mM Trolox, respectively, at corresponding total phenol (TP) contents of 2339.0 and 273.8 mg of gallic acid equiv/L. Ruby Cabernet wines had the lowest TAA(ABTS) (13.177 mM Trolox) of the red wines, whereas the TAA(ABTS) values of Chardonnay and Chenin blanc wines were the highest (1.060 mM Trolox) and lowest (0.800 mM Trolox) of the white wines. The TAA(DPPH) values were of the same magnitude as the TAA(ABTS) values, and similar trends were observed. TAA correlated (P < 0.001) with total phenol content of red (r = 0.935) and white (r = 0.907) wines, as well as flavanol content of red wines (r = 0.866) and tartaric acid ester content of white wines (r = 0.767). Canonical discriminant analysis using phenolic composition and antioxidant activity was applied to differentiate between red and white cultivar wines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to obtain new information on antioxidant compounds in white wines. For this purpose, white wine degradation was promoted by a forced aged protocol, and six normally aged white wines from different vintages were analyzed. Both normal and forced aged wines were sequentially extracted using hexane and ethyl acetate. Apolar antioxidants were removed using hexane, and polar antioxidants were extracted with ethyl acetate. This last residue was subject to partial re-extraction with hexane and acetone. The antioxidant capacity of the wines and of each fraction was evaluated by two free radical methods, ABTS and DPPH. Normal aging provides a decrease in the total antioxidant capacity of wines. The antioxidant activity of ethyl acetate/acetone extracts was approximately 95% higher than that found for the hexane extracts. Concerning the forced aged wines, results showed that the wine submitted to a temperature of 60 degrees C for 21 days had higher antioxidant activity than that submitted to a temperature of 20 degrees C. With regard to the ethyl acetate/acetone extracts, oxygen and temperature treatment leads to a decrease in their antioxidant activity. NMR analysis was performed in the highest antioxidant capacity organic fractions (ethyl acetate/acetone extracts) and in the aqueous fraction of the control wine (T = 20 degrees C), in order to attempt the characterization of species involved in oxygen protection. Possible structures of antioxidant compounds in white wines were proposed. Two of these are tyrosol-like structures. This molecule is a well-known phenolic compound in wine, and it is reported to have antioxidative effects.  相似文献   

The effects over a wide pH range of oxidation, reduction and irradiation on free radical concentrations of fulvic acid (FA) solutions and the reversibility of these reactions were investigated by i.r. and visible spectrophotometry and by e.s.r. spectrometry. Oxidizing agents used were H2O2, Ag2O and NaIO4 while NaBH4, SnCl2 and Na2S2O4 were employed as reducing agents. Molar oxidant or reductant to fulvic acid ratios ranged from 1:1 to 10:1. Reaction conditions employed were relatively mild, because i.r. and visible spectra of oxidized, reduced and untreated FA solutions were practically identical. Two types of free radicals were detected in FA by e.s.r. spectrometry: (a) permanent ones, having long life spans and (b) transient ones, not sufficiently long-lived under oxidative conditions to be detected but sufficiently stable under reducing conditions and after irradiation. The oxidation-reduction reactions were reversible and proceeded by two one-electron steps via free radicals only. Because of their ability to act either as electron donors or electron acceptors, depending on environmental conditions, FA and other humic substances can actively participate in oxidation-reduction reactions with transition metal ions and biological systems in terrestrial and aquatic environments.  相似文献   

This work describes a new potentiometric method to evaluate the resistance to oxidation of white wines. Reduction and oxidation titrations were made, and coefficient of variation obtained were 10.87 and 2.65%, respectively. The antioxidant powers of ascorbic acid (Aas) and sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) were evaluated by this method, SO(2) proving to be much less active in this respect than ascorbic acid. The two agents did not demonstrate any antioxidant synergy. A relationship between oxygen present and ascorbic acid was found by the proposed method (1 mmol of O(2) <--> 0.84 mmol of Aas). This method enables the distinction of different wines on the basis of their resistance to oxidation.  相似文献   

Dehydrated yeast cells at variable concentrations were used as fining agents to decrease the color of white wines with two different degrees of browning (0.153 and 0.177 au, measured at 420 nm). Both wines showed a linear decrease of browning with increasing yeast concentration. However, in terms of efficiency, the yeasts exhibited a higher color lightening at greater concentrations acting on the darker wine. This suggests a preferential retention of some types of yellow-brown compounds that could increase their concentrations at the higher degree of browning. To confirm the role of yeast cell walls in the retention of browning compounds and to evaluate their potential use as fining agents, they were applied at variable concentrations to a browned wine (0.175 au). The cell walls were found to be the active support for the adsorption of browning compounds, but their efficiency was much lower than that of an equivalent amount of the yeast cells from which they were obtained. Finally, HPLC determinations of low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds showed flavan-3-ol derivatives to be significantly retained by both yeasts and their cell walls.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of sotolon, a flavor compound typical of oxidized white wines, were separated by preparative HPLC to determine their perception thresholds and distribution in wines. The enantiomeric ratios of chiral sotolon were evaluated in several dry white wines using gas chromatography and a chiral column (beta-cyclodextrin) connected to a 2 m precolumn (BP20). The perception threshold of (S)-sotolon (0.8 microg/L) in model wine solution was 100 times lower than that of the (R) form (89 microg/L), indicating that (S)-sotolon contributes to the characteristic aroma of prematurely aged dry white wines. Both enantiomers are detected in white wines. Analysis of commercial dry white wines from various vintages and origins revealed three types of distribution patterns: the racemic form, an excess of R, and an excess of S. The proportions found in these wines may be partially explained by the slow racemization kinetics (20 months) of optically active sotolon.  相似文献   

The negative effects of oxygen on white wine quality and the various factors which influence it (including temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and free SO(2)) are well documented both at the sensory and compositional levels. What is less defined is the quantitative relationship between these parameters and the kinetics of the development of the negative effects of oxidation. The experiment presented here attempts to generate data which can be used to predictively model the oxidative degradation of white wines. Bottled wines were submitted to extreme conditions (45 degrees C temperature, O(2) saturation) during 3 months witth samples taken every 15 days for both sensorial and chemical analysis (GC-O/FPD/MS, 420 nm). The synergistic effects of increasing temperature and O(2) at lower pH are evident, both on the decrease in levels of terpene alcohols and norisoprenoids (which impart floral aromas), and on the development of off-flavors such as "honey-like", "boiled-potato", and "farm-feed" associated with the presence of phenylacetaldehyde, methional, and 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene.  相似文献   

Browning and maderization represent important problems for white wine stability. Essentially, this is due to polyphenol oxidation in the wine. The problem has been remedied by adsorption of polyphenol compounds with polymeric adjuvants (chitosans, scleroprotein, and polylactic acid) not used traditionally in wine-making. In particular, some chitosans reduced the polyphenol content and stabilized two Italian white wines (Trebbiano and Albana) to the same extent as did potassium caseinate, an adjuvant normally used in enology. Moreover, chitosans could be reused after a simple regeneration process.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for the determination of the authenticity of white wines from four German wine-growing regions (Baden, Rheingau, Rheinhessen, and Pfalz) based on their content of some major, trace, and ultratrace elements. One hundred and twenty-seven white wine samples possessing a certificate of origin, all of the 2000 vintage, were analyzed. The concentrations of 13 elements (Li, B, Mg, Ca, V, Mn, Co, Fe, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cs, and Pb) were determined in wine diluted 1:20 by sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS). Indium was routinely used as internal standard. Supervised pattern recognition techniques such as discriminant analysis and classification trees were applied for the interpretation of the data. A quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) allowed the four regions to be discriminated with 83% accuracy when using only eight variables (Li, B, Mg, Fe, Zn, Sr, Cs, and Pb), and the prediction ability for classifying new samples was 76%. By use of a second method, a decision tree, the classification of samples coming from the four regions could be performed with an accuracy of 84% when only four elements were used: Li (very low in samples from Baden), Zn (abnormally low in the samples from the Rheingau), and Mg and Sr (both important for the differentiation between Pfalz and Rheinhessen samples). For this method, the prediction ability was only 74% in the identification of unknown samples. The robustness of the QDA model was not good enough, and therefore the tree is better recommended for the classification of new wine samples from these areas of German wine production.  相似文献   

EPR spectra of soluble coffee display single-line free radical signals in both the solid state and aqueous solution, along with signals from the paramagnetic ions Fe(III) and Mn(II). The intensity of the free radical signal in the pure solid was estimated to be ca. 7.5 x 10(16) unpaired electrons/g, and there was no significant change on dissolution in water. In aqueous solutions, however, the free radical signal declined rapidly over ca. 10-15 min in the temperature range 20-65 degrees C, after which only slow changes were observed. This decline, which was essentially independent of atmosphere, was greatest for the lowest temperatures used, and the intensity after 1 h fitted well to an exponential curve with respect to temperature. The free radicals responsible for the single-peak EPR signal did not react with any of the spin traps tested in the present experiments, but unstable free radicals with parameters consistent with adducts of C-centered radicals were detected in coffee solutions in the presence of PBN and 4-POBN spin traps. The presence of oxygen in the solutions increased the initial rate of formation of these free radical adducts. No adducts were detected when DEPMPO was used as spin trap. However, *OH adducts of DEPMPO were shown to be unstable in the presence of coffee, a fact which illustrates the strong free radical scavenging ability of coffee solutions.  相似文献   

The formation of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) during heating in the presence of stearylamine at 140 degrees C was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and kinetically studied by use of nonlinear regression models. Results indicated that the COPs concentration increased with increasing heating time, and stearylamine was shown to reduce both oxidation and degradation rates of cholesterol. Without stearylamine, the highest rate constant (per hour) was observed for epoxidation (545.4), followed by free radical chain reaction (251.0), reduction (147.3), dehydration (95.8), triol dehydrogenation (4.7), degradation (0.34), triol formation (0.31), and dehydrogenation (0.13). With stearylamine, the epoxidation and free radical chain reaction rates could be reduced by about 800- and 3.4-fold, respectively, and triol formation during oxidation could be completely inhibited. In addition, the reactions for reduction, dehydration, degradation, and dehydrogenation could proceed slower in the presence of stearylamine. The kinetic model developed in this study can be used to predict the inhibition of COPs formation by stearylamine during heating of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Protein profiles, obtained by high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) on white wines previously dialyzed, combined with shikimic acid concentration and multivariate analysis, were used for the determination of grape variety composition of a still white wine. Six varieties were studied through monovarietal wines elaborated in the laboratory: Chardonnay (24 samples), Chenin (24), Petit Manseng (7), Sauvignon (37), Semillon (24), and Ugni Blanc (9). Homemade mixtures were elaborated from authentic monovarietal wines according to a Plackett-Burman sampling plan. After protein peak area normalization, a matrix was elaborated containing protein results of wines (mixtures and monovarietal). Partial least-squares processing was applied to this matrix allowing the elaboration of a model that provided a varietal quantification precision of around 20% for most of the grape varieties studied. The model was applied to commercial samples from various geographical origins, providing encouraging results for control purposes.  相似文献   

Antioxidant capacity, as measured by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC(PE)), total phenolic, total and individual anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidin fraction contents were evaluated in red and white wines from grapes. A comparison in terms of antioxidant capacity is made with nontraditional wines made from highbush blueberry. Blueberries are among fruits that are best recognized for their potential health benefits. In red wines, total oligomeric proanthocyanidin content, including catechins, was substantially higher (177.18 +/- 96.06 mg/L) than that in white wines (8.75 +/- 4.53 mg/L). A relative high correlation in red wines was found between ORAC(PE) values and malvidin compounds (r = 0.75, P < 0.10), and proanthocyanidins (r = 0.87, P < 0.05). In white wines, a significant correlation was found between the trimeric proanthocyanidin fraction and peroxyl radical scavenging values (r = 0.86, P < 0.10). A moderate drink (1 drink per day, about 140 mL) of red wine, or white wine, or wine made from highbush blueberry corresponds to an intake of 2.04 +/- 0.81 mmol of TE, 0.47 +/- 0.15 mmol of TE, and 2.42 +/- 0.88 mmol of TE of ORAC(PE)/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Aging, free radicals, and antioxidants in wheat seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Free radical oxidative attack is considered a major cause of disruption and deteriorative changes observed in aged seeds. Antioxidant defense mechanisms may remove potentially damaging molecular species, and carotenoids may act as radical scavengers. The content of lutein, the major carotenoid in wheat seeds, was determined in the flours. It showed a rapid decrease during seed aging. In addition, the content of free radicals in glutens made from flours of wheat seeds after long-term storage was studied. The concentration of radicals appeared to be age dependent, because the highest content of radicals was detected between 13 and 15 years of aging over 36 years of storage. Specific spin labeling of the sulfhydryl groups of gluten proteins enabled comparative EPR studies of the rigidity of the protein chains. A progressive stiffening of polymeric gluten with seed storage was found.  相似文献   

GC-MS in electron ionization mode (EI) was used as a simple, sensitive method for assaying sotolon [4,5-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-2(5) H-furanone] in various dry white wines. The impact of barrel-aging conditions, that is, whether yeast lees were present or not, on the formation of sotolon in dry white wines was then studied. The sotolon content was highest in dry white wines aged in new barrels without lees, often exceeding the perception threshold (8 microg/L). These results demonstrated that yeast lees were capable of minimizing the formation of sotolon in dry white wines during aging. The sotolon and oxygen contents of several bottle of the same white wine were also compared 7 years after bottling. At the range of dissolved oxygen concentrations generally measured, between 5 and 100 microg/L, the sotolon content remained below its perception threshold in wine. The perception threshold was exceeded only in wines with oxygen concentrations above 500 microg/L. The presence of dissolved oxygen in the wine samples analyzed also resulted in a decrease in their free sulfur dioxide content.  相似文献   

A new method for measuring the antioxidant power of wine has been developed based on the accelerated electrochemical oxidation of 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS). The calibration (R = 0.9922) and repeatability study (RSD = 7%) have provided good statistical parameters. The method is easy and quick to apply and gives reliable results, requiring only the monitoring of time and absorbance. It has been applied to various red and white wines of different origins. The results have been compared with those obtained by the total antioxidant status (TAS) method. Both methods reveal that the more antioxidant wines are those with higher polyphenolic content. From the HPLC study of the polyphenolic content of the same samples, it is confirmed that there is a positive correlation between the resveratrol content of a wine and its antioxidant power.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) were determined in four different groups of dry-cured Iberian hams, based on the feeding received by pigs and their degree of crossbreeding. After lipid extraction, GC-FID for cholesterol determination and GC-MS to analyze COPs were used. Cholesterol content ranged from 30 to 34 mg/100 g of muscle. Some of the COPs analyzed, such as 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol, 7beta-hydroxycholesterol, and 7-ketocholesterol, were detected in all of the samples. The major cholesterol oxide was 7-ketocholesterol; its concentration ranged from 57 to 71 microg/100 g of muscle. The content of cholesterol and cholesterol oxides in intramuscular lipids of hams was not affected by diet or crossbreeding of Iberian pigs.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of free sulfite in wine by flow injection analysis (FIA) is described. The method involves liberation of sulfur dioxide from the wine at pH 2.2, with detection by decolorization of a malachite green solution. The method was collaboratively studied, and the results indicated an average reproducibility of 12% for white wine samples (average level 12.1 ppm SO2) and 26% for red wine samples (average level 3.1 ppm). When the FIA method was compared to an aeration/oxidation method, the results indicated a high degree of correlation between the 2 methods. The FIA method has been adopted by AOAC official first action.  相似文献   

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