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修剪方式对柑桔树枝梢生长和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着三峡库区规模化柑桔园面积的不断扩大,尤其是0.67万 hm2多移民柑桔基地的建成,柑桔产业已成为移民经济收入的主要来源.随着柑桔基地规模化、集约化程度的提高,传统修剪技术常因耗时多、劳动强度大、技术复杂等原因,很难在大规模基地中应用[1-3],进而导致许多柑桔园缺乏合理修剪,出现果园过早郁闭、植株内膛空虚、结果部位过早外移、果实着色不良和风味下降等问题,严重影响了果园产量和果实品质[4].  相似文献   

近年来在我国大部分柑桔栽培区都发现有部分柑桔园有相当部分植株被脚腐病、流胶病、星天牛、褐天牛、绿桔天牛和爆皮虫等不同程度为害 ,尤以部分老果园受害最重 ,造成植株衰弱 ,甚至整株枯死。个别幼龄桔园也有部分植株试花前就造成根颈腐烂甚至环割 ,丧失结果能力 ,失去经济价值。由于这些病虫主要为害主干和大枝 ,故暂将其统称为“枝干病虫害”。究其原因 ,主要是忽视常规管理 ,防治不及时所致。主要由于以柑桔红蜘蛛和矢尖蚧为主的螨、蚧类在各柑桔园为害引起落叶落果或枝叶干枯 ,给产量和品质造成很大损失 ,为此果农每年都要投入很多的…  相似文献   

闽北柑桔园多数立地条件差,土壤有机质含量多数仅为1%左右,很少达到2%。加上近年来柑桔价格暴跌,果农投入积极性不高,造成果园肥料尤其是有机肥料不足的现象普遍存在。因此,加强果园管理,实行用地养地结合的果园生态管理技术,特别是合理间作绿肥,对于提高土壤有机质水平,促进果树良好发育、提高果品产量和质量具有重要的意义。近年来,我们对典型的绿肥覆盖和清耕二种柑桔园土壤管理方法的效果作系统调查。表明绿肥覆盖对于调节闽北柑桔土壤温度、湿度、抑制杂草、提高柑桔产量、改善柑桔品质等具有显著的效果。1覆盖绿肥的适…  相似文献   

沙县是我省柑桔新区。柑桔园分布于沙溪两岸和丘陵山地,以丘陵山地栽培为主。至1981年止,全县已种植柑桔7,393亩,已结果的柑桔园1,936亩。1977年以来,沙县柑桔的单位面积产量徘徊于600~800斤/亩之间,影响着柑桔生产的进一步发展。果园土壤肥力特性  相似文献   

2011年在南丰县、衢州市分别选126个和61个柑桔园,取土壤样品和叶片样品进行锌含量分析。结果表明,南丰县柑桔园土壤有效锌含量平均值为1.29 mg/kg,土壤缺锌果园比例为50.8%,叶片锌平均含量为22.8mg/kg,叶片缺锌果园比例为39.7%;衢州市柑桔园土壤有效锌含量平均值为4.34mg/kg,土壤缺锌果园比例为4.9%,叶片锌含量平均值为25.5mg/kg,叶片缺锌果园比例为35.3%。  相似文献   

一、前言 果园防护林,是改善果园生态环境,防止冻害和干旱的一项综合性措施。关于农田防护林的气象效应及其对农作物产量的影响,国内外学者均进行过不少报道。护田林带的小气候特征也有人专门进行过研究。果园防护林的防寒防冻作用,曾引起有关单位讨论。防护林对柑桔园的防风作用及效应,上海市农科院等(1980)和上海市前卫农场曾进行过观测研究。不过,在丘陵地的柑桔园,防护林的气象效应及其对柑桔树生育、冻害及产量的影响问题,至今还未见到详细报道。本文根据1983—1984年冬季的小气候观测结果及1984年春季的调查资料,对上述问题作了初步探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

良好的果园土壤管理方法,不仅可以改善果园上壤的理化性状,而且可以促进果树的生长发育,提高单位面积产量和改进果实品质.因而,国内外对果园土壤管理方法都极为重视.本试验从1980~1984年连续五年在柑桔园采取不同的土壤管理方法,测定、分析和比较不同管理方法的效果,以期为我区果园土壤管理方法的改进提供理论依据,现将结果整理报告如下.  相似文献   

宜昌市西陵区窑湾乡是一个“柑桔之乡” ,具有四十年栽培柑桔历史。由于种植时间长 ,果园内空旷而郁闭 ,为增加果园收益 ,我们在柑桔园中进行了套种平菇的实验 ,并获得成功。1 套种原理1 1 套种原理 柑桔园套种平菇 ,充分利用两者优势 ,避开劣势。柑桔园地下部分土地闲置 ,  相似文献   

我场在20世纪90年代初,共种植柑桔面积约3hm^2,株行距2m×3m,大多种植在平坦的低丘山地(黄壤),有的地块地下水位高,栽培管理粗放,病虫害发生严重,柑桔树势衰弱,产量低,每公顷产量只有825kg。1998—1999年.为了新建高档果园,遂将大部分柑桔园挖掉,只保留了现在0.4hm^2柑桔园(温州蜜柑)。  相似文献   

利用柑桔园的空隙地间种白花草,能有效抑制柑桔红蜘蛛的危害,减少农药施用,提高经济效益。白花草是很好的绿肥作物,产量高,肥效好;同时也是良好的园土覆盖作物,对改善果园小生态环境很有益处。其种植方法简便,值得生产上推广。 1.白花草的生物学特性白花草又名藿香蓟。为菊科的一年生草本野生植物,常生在山谷,山坡林下或林缘,河边草地,田边荒野。植株高50—100厘  相似文献   

通过随机区组试验,研究了果园生草覆盖条件下不同施肥模式对红富士苹果生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:苹果园在生草覆盖条件下不同施肥模式处理均能提高叶片质量,促进新梢生长,其中以有机无机配施(NPKM)处理效果最为显著;同时各个施肥处理也能提高叶片矿质元素的含量,以NPKM处理最高;施肥能增加单株产量和单果重,改善果实品质,与CK对照比较,传统施肥(NP)、单施有机肥(M)、单施化肥(NPK)和有机无机配施(NPKM)处理分别增产15.40%、19.27%、30.15%和54.49%,在一定程度上降低了可滴定酸含量,果形指数、可溶性固形物、维生素C、可溶性糖含量和糖酸比也有不同程度的提高。综合分析,从土壤可持续效用的角度,M处理和NPKM处理的效果最为明显,既能增强树势,又能提高产量和改善果实品质。  相似文献   

1988—1990年桃树高度密植栽培试验结果表明:多主枝自然形整形修剪,树高1.3—1.6m,结果枝比率高,花芽质量好,丰产、稳产;集约化整形修剪树体内膛通风透光虽好,但对提高结果枝比例和花芽质量无显著促进作用,可用于树冠部分交替更新;机械化整形修剪经重短截后,剪口萌发的新梢木质化程度与花芽着果率均低,经一年培育能形成良好树冠,宜用于隔年结果栽培制度.试材所用3个品种中以锦绣密植栽培表现最佳,果实质量较好,3年生树累积产量每666.7m~2为3382.7kg,金晖最差仅336.0kg,雨花露为1158.7kg.锦绣密植园栽后3年累积经济收入比同期种植的传统园高26倍.因此高效省工的桃树密植栽培制度有广泛推广应用价值.  相似文献   

‘Sunred’ nectarine trees were grown in a meadow orchard system of 19,000 plants per hectare. By cutting back all tree top down to the lowest 5 cm of one-year-old wood, immediately after cropping, renewed growth was initiated, flowers differentiated, and the original size of the well-feathered tree was recovered at the end of the growing-season. Thus annual cropping was obtained with a rhythmic change of tree size between two constant levels. Three such consecutive cycles were completed with no sign of tree decline. Bud opening was delayed by about 2 weeks. Fruit bearing was very early, with fruit size smaller and ripening-time later than fruit from conventional mature trees. Yields were about 37, 62 and 94 % of the yield of a conventional adult orchard in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons respectively.  相似文献   

In a dwarf-pyramid apple orchard, rows of Cox’s Orange Pippin adjacent to rows of Janies Grieve had greater initial and final fruit sets than rows between other Cox rows. Flowers on the south sides of trees tended to have a greater set of fruit than those on the north sides.

In a sweet-cherry orchard containing a block of five rows of Early Rivers with pollinizer rows on each side, most fruit was set on the two outside rows and least in the centre row. Trees in the outside rows set more fruit on their sides facing the pollinizers than on their far sides. In another sweet-cherry orchard, Frogmore trees set more fruit on their south sides than on the other parts.

In a dwarf pyramid orchard of Comice, the trees with one graft of Conference (every tenth tree) set more fruit than trees without a graft. However, the fruit set on Conference dwarf and standard trees (two orchards of each) did not differ with their distance from pollinizers.  相似文献   

The fruit set on plum trees decreased greatly with increase in distance from pollinizer trees, and less so with increase in distance from honey-bee colonies. Trees adjacent to pollinizers had a greater set on the sides facing the pollinizers than on their far sides. Parts of trees touching “ bouquets ” had a greater set than parts without bouquets.

In an apple orchard with main variety and pollinizer trees in separate blocks, the fruit set was greater on the main variety trees adjacent to the pollinizers than on trees farther away. In an apple orchard with a pollinizer tree as every third tree in every third row, main variety trees had a greater fruit set, more seeds per fruit, and more carpels with seeds per fruit, on the sides near to their adjacent pollinizers than on their far sides. The fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, and number of carpels with seed per fruit, were greater the nearer the trees were to the adjacent pollinizer.

These results are discussed in relation to the foraging behaviour of honey-bees and to methods of arranging pollinizer and main variety trees in orchards.  相似文献   

连续4年对苹果园树下铺设园艺地布和行间种草进行观测,结果表明,此项技术增加土壤含水量、增加有机质含量、强壮树体、增加中短枝量,对提高果实产量和品质效果明显,应在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

连续3年对庆丰和燕红桃树进行研究,结果表明,与传统短枝修剪技术相比较,长枝修剪后,树体丰产性能好、产量高,果实着色好,且在大多数情况下,果实可溶性固形物含量高,提高了品质。长枝修剪对果实生长的影响与品种的成熟期有关,早熟品种庆丰无显著作用,晚熟品种燕红采收时平均果重显著增加。采用长枝修剪技术,能显著地提高花芽的质量,尤其是枝条下部的花芽质量,从而可增强对晚霜冻害的抵抗能力,还对在长枝修剪条件下树体保留一年生枝的长度和姿势与果实大小的关系进行了研究,并对长枝修剪早果、丰产、稳产和优质的生物学基础和果园管理特点进行了讨论表示处理间存在P=0.01差异水平。2.2开花物候期修剪方式对树体初花期及花期待续时间无影响。1994年,长枝修剪和短枝修剪的庆丰、燕红的花期分别均为4月14~18日和4月14~19日。但是,开花动态在处理间存在差别。在初花期(4月14日和15日)长枝修剪树花朵开放率显著地高于短枝修剪树。另外,长枝修剪处理树体之间开花较整齐(变异系数小)。2.3坐果和产量1993年花期连续低温,经观察短枝修剪早久保和大久保受到严重冻害,坐果率低,负载量严重不足,而长枝修剪树对低温抵抗力强,坐果率显著高,从而获得?  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,92(2):113-123
To investigate the variation in quality of ‘Hass’ avocado fruit within an orchard, fruit were harvested at commercial maturity from 15 ‘Hass’ trees of similar appearance, growing in three adjacent rows on the same soil type, and receiving similar management. Fruit were harvested at commercial maturity, and either ripened at 22 °C or stored at 2 or 7 °C for 3 or 5 weeks and then ripened. Significant positive correlations (based on the mean for each datum tree) were noted between fruit flesh calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations and the (Ca+Mg)/potassium ratio, and the number of days for the fruit to reach the eating ripe stage (DTR). Negative correlations were also observed between these minerals and anthracnose and mesocarp discolouration (MD) severity. Negative correlations were observed between fruit potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) concentrations and DTR. Fruit from trees with high fruit yield were generally smaller, with lower anthracnose and MD severity, ripened more slowly, and had higher flesh Ca concentrations. It is likely that cultural practices that maintain moderate to high fruit yield and reduce variation in yield will improve avocado fruit quality and reduce variability in quality. Since the main differences between adjacent trees in this trial were the seedling rootstocks of unknown origin, it is suggested that rootstocks can have a significant impact on avocado yield and fruit quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of high temperatures in the pre-blooming and blooming periods on the growth of sexual gametes and yield of ‘Granada’ peach. The experiment was carried out in the commercial orchard of Charqueadas, under the subtropical conditions of the Central Depression at Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (28°57′S; 51°37′W; 30 m alt.). Two treatments were tested: (1) trees in the greenhouse with partial ventilation and (2) trees in the orchard. The phenology, morphologic constitutions of the pollen grains, ovule growth, yield and germination (%) of pollen grains and fruit set were evaluated. High temperatures in the pre-blooming and blooming periods anticipated the break of dormancy and blooming. These conditions also delayed the female gametophytes (embryo sac) and promoted anomalies in the formation of male gametophytes. Those factors promoted low pollen viability and a lack of synchrony in fertilization, thereby generating low fruit set percentages and yield.  相似文献   

不同保果方式和气象因子对鲍威尔脐橙冬季落果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了鲍威尔脐橙在重庆市奉节铁佛果园和巫山县福田果园两个点的冬季落果情况。结果表明,自然情况下,奉节铁佛果园的鲍威尔脐橙落果率明显低于巫山福田果园的落果率,至翌年2月底,后者的落果率是前者的5倍左右;和对照相比,11月和12月上旬喷两次保果剂处理能够明显降低脐橙的落果率。结合两个点的不同生态气候条件,对落果的原因进行了分析,认为低温特别是-2℃温度持续时间的长短是影响落果的主要原因。  相似文献   

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