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This study focuses on the problem of irregular diameter structure in a silver fir–beech selection (plenter) forest with a “surplus” of large diameter trees and a lack of natural regeneration and small diameter trees. We sampled 274 plots (900 m2 each) in the Belevine research site (266.24 ha) in the mountain region Gorski Kotar (Croatia), where diameter (dbh) distribution, diameter increment, and natural regeneration were analyzed in detail. A low density of natural regeneration, weak annual recruitment of small (10 cm dbh) diameter trees (only five trees per hectare), delayed diameter growth of trees, and a low annual rate of trees reaching the next dbh class were attributed to the current irregular dbh structure. The stand development prediction for the next 50 years is based on a simulation model, which considers the current diameter structure, increment, recruitment, and future cutting regime. Intensive cutting in the first of five 10-year cutting cycles (intensity higher of 25%) is needed to initiate natural regeneration and to accelerate growth of young silver fir trees. In the next 50 years, the irregular diameter structure will be gradually improved.  相似文献   

A general model for comparing the profitability of natural regeneration in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) with planting of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) is developed. The model is basically a method of comparing a series of net present values. An example of using the model is given: BEECH (90–110) denotes a cyclic regime in which regeneration is initiated at age 90 of a stand, and the canopy trees are cleared at age 110. This regime is compared with the alternative of planting Norway spruce. Economic data used for the comparison are representative of the southeastern regions of Denmark. The conclusion of the comparison is as follows: BEECH (90–110) is superior to planting of Norway spruce for required real rates of return up to 3–4%. For higher required rates of return planting of Norway spruce is preferable.  相似文献   

Forest management approaches are increasingly being focused on restoring or retaining structurally complex old forest conditions. Evaluations of the long-term impacts of different management regimes on the maintenance and restoration of these conditions are critical for informing and refining current management approaches. To this end, we examined the long-term effects of differing intensities of single-tree selection harvest on stand structural attributes within northern hardwood forests in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. Stands in this study were classified as old growth at the onset of the experiment and were repeatedly treated and maintained at three residual stocking levels (11.5, 16.1, and 20.7 m2 ha−1 in trees greater than 24 cm DBH) with three different cutting cycle lengths (5, 10, and 15 years) over a 57-year period. Conditions within an adjacent, unmanaged old-growth system were used as a benchmark for comparing stand structural attributes, including abundance of downed woody debris (DWD), regeneration, and large diameter trees.  相似文献   

Virgin beech Fagus orientalis forests in northern Iran provide a unique opportunity to study the disturbance regimes of forest ecosystems without human influence. The aim of this research was to describe characteristics of natural canopy gaps and gap area fraction as an environmental influence on the success of beech seedling establishment in mature beech stands. All canopy gaps and related forest parameters were measured within three 25 ha areas within the Gorazbon compartment of the University of Tehran’s Kheyrud Experimental Forest. An average of 3 gaps/ha occurred in the forest and gap sizes ranged from 19 to 1250 m2 in size. The most frequent (58%) canopy gaps were <200 m2. In total, canopy gaps covered 9.3% of the forest area. Gaps <400 m2 in size were irregular in shape, but larger gaps did not differ significantly in shape from a circle. Most gaps (41%) were formed by a single tree-fall event and beech made up 63% of gap makers and 93% of gap fillers. Frequency and diversity of tree seedlings were not significantly correlated with gap size. The minimum gap size that contained at least one beech gap-filling sapling (<1.3 m tall) was 23.7 m2. The median gap size containing at least one beech gap-filling sapling was 206 m2 and the maximum size was 1808 m2. The management implications from our study suggest that the creation of small and medium sized gaps in mixed beech forest should mimic natural disturbance regimes and provide suitable conditions for successful beech regeneration.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the success of regeneration in gaps of variable size in pine-dominated stands in terms of seedling density. It was based on an experiment in central Lapland containing circular clear-cut gaps of 20, 40 and 80 m in diameter on typical sub-xeric and xeric pine sites with site preparation (patch scarification). The observation period covered the first five years after cutting. The average number of seedlings that had emerged after gap cutting was about 22 000?ha?1 for pine and 7 000?ha?1 for birch. The proportion of regeneration sample plots without any pine seedlings was less than 10%. The seedling density diminished constantly with greater distance from the edge stand but indicating sufficient density up to the largest gap size in the study (diameter 80 m, area ca. 0.5?ha). Site preparation promoted regeneration remarkably, and we conclude that successful regeneration would be achieved in most cases with soil scarification exposing just 10–20% of the soil surface.  相似文献   

A foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii, is associated with beech leaf disease (BLD) symptoms. Information about the types of tissues parasitized and how nematode populations fluctuate in these tissues over time is needed to improve surveys as well as understand the nematodes role in BLD. During this study, the nematode was detected throughout the known range of BLD by researchers at both Canadian and US institutions using a modified pan method to extract nematodes. Monthly collections of symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves during the growing season (May–October), and leaves and buds between growing seasons (November–March), revealed that nematodes were present in all tissue types. Progressively larger numbers of nematodes were detected in symptomatic leaves from Ohio and Ontario, with the greatest detections at the end of the growing season. Smaller numbers of nematodes were detected in asymptomatic leaves from BLD‐infected trees, typically at the end of the growing season. The nematode was detected overwintering in buds and detached leaves. The discovery of small numbers of nematodes in detached leaves at one location before BLD was detected indicates that nematodes may have been present before disease symptoms were expressed. Other nematodes, Plectus and Aphelenchoides spp., were infrequently detected in small numbers. Our findings support the involvement of the nematode in BLD and indicate that symptoms develop only when certain requirements, such as infection of buds, are met. We also found that the nematode can be reliably detected in buds and leaves using the modified pan extraction method.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of skidder traffic intensity, soil disturbance intensity, and canopy removal intensity on the richness, diversity, composition, and cover of the entire ground flora (woody and herbaceous vegetation ≤2 m tall), various individual life forms, invasive/noxious species, and species with different requirements with respect to moisture, nutrients, heat, and light (synecological coordinates) in a mesic northern hardwood stand 6 years after a clearcut-with-reserves regeneration harvest removed 50–100% of the canopy. Skidder traffic was restricted to a network of trails and a global positioning system (GPS) tracked skidder movement to quantify the number of passes at pre-established sampling points along the anticipated soil disturbance gradient on and off skid trails. Soil disturbance intensity within the top 15 cm of soil was quantified by relativized resistance to penetration (RRP) compared to untrafficked plots; post-harvest increases in RRP ranged from 81 to 272%. Regression analysis and ordination revealed a pattern of increasing difference from pre-disturbance composition with increasing skidder traffic (i.e., forest floor disturbance), with increased RRP (i.e., soil compaction) and (less so) canopy removal intensity. The ground flora shifted from interior forest species such as Anemone quiquefolia, Aralia nudicaulis, Clintonia borealis, Maianthemum canadense, and Oryzopsis asperifolia to more ruderal, invasive/noxious, and disturbed-forest species such as Aster lateriflorus, Cirsium spp., Phleum pretense, Rubus idaeus, and Trifolium spp. The relative resistance of the initial ground flora to change (inverse of the distances between pre- and post-harvest samples in ordination space) was nonlinearly related to skidder traffic intensity and linearly related to RRP, indicating that the largest compositional changes occurred with the first few passes of the skidder. Mean plot scores for the synecological coordinates revealed that the post-harvest species were on average less demanding of water and nutrients; the opposite was true for light. Plots exposed to less skidder traffic and RRP had higher herb cover and higher nutrient scores; those with more skidder traffic and higher RRP levels had higher shrub cover and higher light scores. We conclude that protection of the ground flora from forest floor and soil disturbance requires careful planning of skid trail networks. Concentrating skidder traffic to a designated skid trail system can result in less area disturbed and spatially connected networks of larger, untrafficked remnant forest patches that may maintain species that are sensitive to forest floor and soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Managing for stand structural complexity in northern hardwood forests has been proposed as a method for promoting microhabitat characteristics important to eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). We evaluated the effects of alternate, structure-based silvicultural systems on red-backed salamander populations at two research sites in northwestern Vermont. Treatments included two uneven-aged approaches (single-tree selection and group-selection) and one unconventional approach, termed “structural complexity enhancement” (SCE), that promotes development of late-successional structure, including elevated levels of coarse woody debris (CWD). Treatments were applied to 2 ha units and were replicated two to four times depending on treatment. We surveyed red-backed salamanders with a natural cover search method of transects nested within vegetation plots 1 year after logging. Abundance estimates corrected for detection probability were calculated from survey data with a binomial mixture model. Abundance estimates differed between study areas and were influenced by forest structural characteristics. Model selection was conducted using Akaike Information Criteria, corrected for over-dispersed data and small sample size (QAICc). We found no difference in abundance as a response to treatment as a whole, suggesting that all of the uneven-aged silvicultural systems evaluated can maintain salamander populations after harvest. However, abundance was tied to specific structural habitat attributes associated with study plots within treatments. The most parsimonious model of habitat covariates included site, relative density of overstory trees, and density of more-decayed and less-decayed downed CWD. Abundance responded positively to the density of downed, well-decayed CWD and negatively to the density of poorly decayed CWD and to overstory relative density. CWD volume was not a strong predictor of salamander abundance. We conclude that structural complexity enhancement and the two uneven-aged approaches maintained important microhabitat characteristics for red-backed salamander populations in the short term. Over the long-term, given decay processes as a determinant of biological availability, forestry practices such as SCE that enhance CWD availability and recruitment may result in associated population responses.  相似文献   

We studied the establishment of natural seedlings after seed tree cutting and scalping in two drained Scots pine peatland stands in northern Finland (Simo and Sievi). Approximately, 50?ha?1 of Scots pine stems were retained on both sites. During the six subsequent years, five seedling surveys were conducted. The effect of site preparation was analysed using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). The mean density of pine seedlings increased more quickly in the scalped plots and was ca. 1.1?m?2 after six years compared to 0.87?m?2 in the non-scalped plots, on average. Scalping increased the number of pine seedlings 2-fold compared to that in non-treated plots in Simo, however, in Sievi non-treated plots had 30% higher pine seedling density after six years. Downy birch seedling density was 9–10-fold compared to that of non-treated plots in both sites. In terms of seedling density, seed tree cutting led to satisfactory pine regeneration after just two growing seasons in drained pine peatlands, even without scalping. Scalping significantly increased the number of pine seedlings, but it also enhanced the germination of birch seedlings strongly.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, large forest companies began precommercial thinning (PCT) operations in young northern hardwood cutovers in New Brunswick, Canada. To provide supporting growth and yield information, an industrial experiment was established at residual stand densities of 1300, 1600, 1900, and 2200?stems?ha?1. Stand responses were examined for measurements recorded at 0 (1987), 5 (1992), 10 (1997), 16 (2003), and 23 (2010) years after establishment. Average diameter at breast height, quadratic mean diameter, stand basal area, and stand total volume growth increased as stem density decreased from PCT. There were significant linear differences for many of these variables between treatments and time periods (year). No significant differences were detected in tree height between treatments. In 2010, the four PCT thinning treatments did not exhibit any differences in potential sawlogs at 2.4?m (8?ft) and 3.6?m (12?ft) lengths. Significant differences were observed for 4.9?m (16?ft) sawlogs that were produced at the least dense spacing (1300?stems?ha?1). Results from this study and recommendations from the European literature suggest that value-added timber products may be produced from more intense PCT treatments than are currently being practiced on sites dominated by yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.).  相似文献   

Thinning treatments in second-growth forest may be a practical means of accelerating the development of certain old-growth structural features in regions where old stands are presently uncommon. We used CANOPY, an individual-tree model calibrated with data from thinned and unthinned stands, to simulate effects of thinning on growth rates and development of old-growth structural features in second-growth northern hardwoods. Three simulated, moderately heavy thinnings over a period of 45 years nearly doubled the predicted mean radial increment of canopy trees, percent of stand basal area in large trees, and area of canopy gaps. Compared to untreated stands, thinned stands had fewer dead trees per ha, but the dead trees were larger in size and the overall volume of snags and logs was little affected. In a 77-year old even-aged stand, moderately heavy thinning was predicted to reduce the time needed to attain the minimum structural features of an old-growth forest from 79 to 36 years. Simulated treatments in an older, uneven-aged stand gave mixed results; the moderately heavy treatment stimulated individual tree growth, but the removal of some medium-sized canopy trees in conjunction with natural mortality delayed the development of old-growth structure. Total volume of dead wood may still be deficient under the thinning regimes investigated in this study, but predicted live-tree structure 45 years after moderately heavy thinning was typical of stands in the advanced transition and steady-state stages of old-growth development. Results suggest that thinning can substantially accelerate the development of old-growth structure in pole and mature northern hardwoods, but response in older, uneven-aged stands is more modest, and treatments in these stands may need to be more conservative to achieve restoration goals.  相似文献   

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