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Four evolution patterns of rock permeability in damage process are summarized. And how rock pore, micro cracks and lithology form the four patterns of rock permeability evolution is analyzed. The impact of confining pressure on permeability is also presented. The permeability reduces along with the increase of confining pressure before rock failure, however, it is complex after rock failure, and it is necessary to do further research. Statistical analysis is carried out to analyze the variation range of permeability in the process of damage, which shows soft rocks vary less while hard rocks vary more. In the experiments in which the confining pressure is between 1 MPa to 40 MPa, permeability variation of 85.9% rock is within 100 times, 97% within 1000 times. Furthermore, the difference between instability of seepage and that of structure under the function of seepage is distinguished. It is proposed that the presence or absence of non-Darcy flow should be considered from the point of effective stress law.  相似文献   

The microcosmical study on many speciments of sedimentary rock by SEM and petrography theory show that rock is formed of microcrystalline and micropore with all kinds of forms.Therefrom the microstructure model of rock is established.Further the three dimensional nonlinear damage constitutive equation and damage evolution equation of layered rock including respective process of damage evolution,mechanical parameter,effective stresses,and unequal biaxial stress in different rocks are derived.The results of the experiment indicate that the theoretical curve is fairly close to the experimental curve.  相似文献   

Rock Damage Viscoplastic Constitutive Relationship with Compress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A viscoplastic constitutive relationship with compress is proposed for damaged rock materials based on a thermomechanically consistant mechanical model.The proposed relationship takes into account the compress and damage.The validity of the proposed model is verified by comparing theoretical and experimental results of rock subjected to shock loading with compress.  相似文献   

This paper comprehensively reviews various damage variables of jointed rock masses and their meaning. The practical occasion of these variables is discussed. And the paper points out the significance of appling the dynamic- damage variable into rocks engineering.  相似文献   

生物入侵已经对中国的生物多样性、生态环境和国民经济产生严重的威胁。生态安全指标体系的构建:生物入侵危害研究的深入;以及众多其他领域指标体系研究框架的成果为生物入侵危害指标体系的构建提供了依据。在总结了近年来关于生物入侵造成危害相关研究的基础上,根据频度分析法。将众多文献中的危害指标进行筛选、整理,并根据客观形势的发展和需要提出一些新的指标。结合指标体系研究中一些比较成熟的框架,尝试构建了生物入侵指标体系。旨在为政府部门及科研机构更科学的评价生物入侵危害提供一个可行的框架。  相似文献   

耕地损毁鉴定指标体系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
耕地损毁主要包括以下五种类型:耕地地面硬化、耕地地面塌陷、耕地挖损、耕地压占和耕地污染,笔者在分析耕地损毁类型特征基础之上,提出了耕地损毁鉴定体系指标选取的原则:综合性原则、分类指导原则、可操作性原则和耕地破坏程度认定与耕地恢复难易程度认定相当原则,由此得到耕地损毁程度的评价指标,采用层次分析法建立耕地损毁评价指标体系,并提出了完善法律法规,依法治理损毁、分类治理利用,推进耕地复垦、引导科学种田,加强耕地保护、创新防控机制等治理对策。研究结果可为耕地损毁鉴定、复垦方案的编制、复垦措施提供现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Damage localization in crack weakened rock mass is closely related to the crack growth pattern. Bifurcation of the alternative evolution of cracks occurs when the cracks grow to some extent, then some cracks keep on growing while other ceased evolving. It is found that damage localization in crack weakened rock mass is caused by bifurcation of the crack growth pattern, and the initial location is also determined by the crack growth pattern. Based on the analysis on the bifurcation of crack growth pattern, the critical length of wing crack and the critical stress of damage localization in crack weakened rock mass are obtained. Subsequently, the onset location of damage localization is determined by using the eigenvalue and eigenvector of coefficient matrix, and crack interaction is also taken into account in this model. Finally, the relationship between the interval between columns and rows, the orientation of crack, confining stress and the critical stress of damage localization is defined in the example.  相似文献   

以热量指数表示北疆棉区棉花延迟型冷害指标的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用乌兰乌苏农业气象试验站棉花试验的生育期、产量及旬气温资料,计算出棉花不同播期和不同生长阶段的热量指数,研究分析不同播期棉花产量、霜前花率与棉花不同生长阶段的热量指数之间的关系发现:1)随播种期推后,棉花生长前期热量指数明显增加,而棉花生长后期的热量指数则呈现出明显的下降趋势。2)现蕾—开花阶段的热量满足状况很好,热量指数稳定。3)分期播种的单产与棉花生长后期的热量指数具有很好的线性关系,霜前花率也与棉花生长后期的热量指数关系密切,生长后期的热量指数变化对棉花品质的影响较产量更加敏感。4)以减产幅度为标准,在棉花开花期以前热量充足的情况下,后期生长热量指数低于64为一般延迟型冷害年指标,低于61.8为严重延迟型冷害年指标。5)以霜前花率为标准,在棉花开花期以前热量充足的情况下,后期生长热量指数低于 70.9 会出现一般冷害年,低于63.2,会出现严重冷害年。  相似文献   

Creep Damage Failure of Rock Salt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Creep damage is one of the main failure types of rocksalt, so the creep experiment of Changshan and Qiaohou rocksalt is carried out. The relation between strain and time is built up combined with rheology model through observation of the generation, expand of crack in rocksalt sample. And the failure essence of rocksalt called dislocation failure, is analyzed in microscope.  相似文献   

The characteristic of the original damage and the breaking of the coal and rocks under the loading has been discussed by a lot of microscopic structure analysis and by whole stress strain testing on the coal and rocks. The non homogeneity causes the stress locating in a small spot. It is the essential cause of the damage developing and causing the structure breaking of the coal rocks. The failure of brittle fracturing, rubbing later on and granulating should be a major pattern in the outburst of coal and gas. The method of the examining damage by the deviator stress, is proposed. It can be used to analyse the characteristic of the coal and rocks.  相似文献   

Triaxial compression rheological experiments on carbonaceous slate specimens of deep buried tunnel were carried out on the rock rheology testing machine. Along with the increase of loading stress level and the improvement of moisture conditions, the initial attenuation creep phase, the stabilization creep phase, and the speedup creep phase were produced. By connecting Burgers model and the nonlinear viscoplastic body consisted of nonlinear viscous component η(n,t) parallel connected with the plastic component in series, the improved model could describe the speedup creep phase. Using this model to fit and analyze the rheological parameters of different moisture conditions, it is shown that η〖KG0.005mm〗 M、E M、E K and η〖KG0.005mm〗 Kwill decrease with negative exponential trend. Then water damage D(w) was introduced, and through deriving damage evolution equation, the nonlinear viscoelasticplastic model with water damage effect was established. Finally, the time effect deformation of surrounding rock under different times and different moisture conditions was studied by numerical simulation, and the results show that primary support should close in 168 h, and the best construction time for secondary lining is 360 h after the primary support is closed.  相似文献   

山东省冬小麦晚霜冻灾害的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究山东省冬小麦晚霜冻灾害的时空分布规律,利用山东省16个农业气象观测站1981—2011年逐年冬小麦拔节期、拔节—抽穗期逐日最低气温资料,运用农业气象学和统计学的方法,对该省冬小麦拔节期的变化规律进行分析,并按照作物霜冻害等级标准同时结合山东实际,制定山东省冬小麦拔节期间霜冻害标准,按此标准对霜害数据进行统计。结果表明,山东省冬小麦常年拔节期在3月27日至4月18日,平均在4月6日,拔节期在时间分布上有提前的趋势。区域分布上,鲁西南最早进入拔节期,其次是沿胶莱河两岸从莱州湾到胶州湾地区,最迟的是半岛东部。冬小麦逐日进入拔节期的概率随日序的变化符合正态分布。霜害温度出现的累积概率随拔节盛期后日序变化呈递减趋势,递减速率可以用指数方程表达。山东省霜冻概率高的区域在从莱州湾,沿胶莱河两侧,至胶州湾、半岛西部和潍坊的东部。鲁西北西部、半岛东部由于拔节期较晚,鲁南部分地区由于受冷空气影响较小,霜冻危害的概率均较小。研究结果有利于了解霜害的分布规律,对于霜害的防御具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于作物生长模型的东北玉米冷害监测预测研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马玉平  王石立  李维京 《作物学报》2011,37(10):1868-1878
在全球气候变暖背景下,东北地区的气温明显上升,但由于存在玉米相对晚熟品种越区(北扩)种植现象,区域性和阶段性的玉米低温冷害仍时有发生。因此,开展东北玉米低温冷害监测预测研究仍十分必要。本文首先利用东北玉米生长模型(NEC_MaGM)构造冷害监测指标,然后开展玉米冷害监测预测方法研究并进行个例分析。结果显示,从不利天气条件和玉米对低温响应两方面遴选的8个单项指标中,以指标2 (DC_Tas9,抽雄期到9月底的累积热量单位与同期多年平均值的差值百分率)和指标1 (DN_Tas,当年抽雄期与多年平均抽雄期的差值)对历史玉米冷害的概括能力最强;根据冷害致灾机理、单一指标的历史概括能力及其独立性等因素,构建了由指标1、2以及指标4 (DW_GrS,水分适宜条件下模拟穗重与多年平均穗重的差值百分率)和指标7 (DW_Fro,初霜冻日时模拟穗重与模拟成熟时穗重的差值百分率)组合而成的东北玉米低温冷害综合指标;基于NEC_MaGM和冷害综合指标进行单点冷害监测,确定了若45%以上站点出现玉米冷害即为区域性冷害的标准,独立样本监测检验与实际情况一致;利用NEC_MaGM在网格尺度上的监测可以得到更详细的冷害空间分布状况,有利于开展农业气象业务服务工作;根据前期天气实况加上区域气候模式预测的气象要素数据,再结合预报时效之后的多年平均气候数据,在格点尺度利用NEC_MaGM可以实现对东北玉米低温冷害的预测。预测个例表明,该方法能够反映冷害的形成过程和严重程度,但其准确性不仅与作物模型有关,还依赖于区域气候模式的模拟能力。  相似文献   

During the process of seismic design of structures, prediction of earthquake damage in future and estimation of economic loss after earthquake, it is important task to select appropriate variables to establish damage models for offering quantitatively the damage indices of structures under earthquake. In this article a few types of damage variables and some two-parameter damage models are first analyzed, then a new damage model on the basis of damage mechanics is proposed and at last the value of the parameter in the model is given.  相似文献   

为探明关键气象灾害对环洞庭湖区作物及种植模式的危害情况,为防灾减灾提供科学依据。基于1994—2013年岳阳站、常德站、益阳站的农业气象资料和《湖南农村统计年鉴》环洞庭湖区各作物的产量,对该地区农业气象灾害的灾情指数、作物产量进行分析,并对灾情指数和作物产量及种植模式产量进行灰色关联分析。结果表明,环洞庭湖区气象灾害主要是高温、干旱、低温和洪涝。环洞庭湖区各地区出现灾年的时间是不完全相同的,还是存在地区差异性。灰色关联分析表明:高温对常德和益阳地区的作物产量影响最大,而轻度干旱对岳阳地区的作物产量影响最大。对双季稻+冬闲、一季稻+油菜、油菜+棉花和油菜+玉米4种种植模式来说,高温和轻度干旱对其影响最大,其次还有倒春寒、轻度洪涝、中度干旱、轻度寒露风和4月低温等灾害影响较大。  相似文献   

能源竹种评价指标体系的建立及综合评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了促进中国竹种资源能源化利用的进程,结合竹种资源的特殊属性,按照指标体系制定的原则,建立了由生长特性、能源特性、理化性能共20个指标组成的能源竹种综合评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法,对中国9个竹种进行综合评价。经综合指数比较表明,丛生竹>散混生竹,其中大木竹、麻竹、毛竹等竹种得分最高,能源化利用前景广阔。该评分结果与实际情况基本相符,说明本研究是竹种资源能源化客观评价的有益尝试,对竹种资源的开发利用,解决中国生物质能源产业原料不足的问题有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The critical phenomenon in rock failure is analyzed with renormalization model on the assumption that strength of rock fallows probability distribution and self-similar characteristic. The experimental results are introduced. The calculation results given by renormalization model are in good accordance with experimental results. This show that the theoretical failure point of rock and evolutionary process of rock mass can be simulated accurately by renormalization model. Normalization model can be adopted to judge whether the rock start to fail or not.  相似文献   

Rockburst is often encountered in the underground engineerings of high geostress area, it is a kind of dynamic geodisaster.Depending on the examples of rockburst in the Erlang mountain highway tunnel and Jinping second powerstation tunnel, the fracture geometry shapes of rockburst are elaborated. Through the research of SEM analysis and rock mechanics tests of rockburst, three basic mechanics mechanisms of rockburst have been summarized,i.e., compression cracking, compression shear cracking,bending and breaking.  相似文献   

以红地球葡萄果实为试料,采用质构分析法(TPA)研究了不同高度跌落机械损伤对葡萄果粒感官品质及质地变化的影响,并分析各指标相互关系。结果表明:葡萄果实经不同高度机械跌落后,随着跌落高度的增加,其感官品质发生很大变化;当跌落高度小于60 cm时,外观观察无明显差异,当跌落高度≥80 cm后,外观差异明显,损伤的果粒数量和损伤级数均增加明显;损伤指数与跌落高度回归拟合度高(R2=0.985),100 cm和160 cm高度跌落时,损伤指数分别是60 cm处理的4倍和8倍之多;随跌落高度的增加,果实硬度和咀嚼性值呈下降趋势,80~160 cm处理下降幅度明显大于其他处理;果实弹性、凝聚性和回复性呈增加趋势,80~160 cm处理均与对照呈极显著差异(P<0.01),100 cm和160 cm处理凝聚性分别增加了24.5%和31.0%,回复性大于其他3个处理;机械损伤指数与硬度、咀嚼性、胶黏性呈负相关性,与凝聚性和弹性、回复性呈正相关。  相似文献   

For most evaluating methods of engineering rock mass, the integrality index is an important assessment factor. However, sometimes the value of integrality index would be more than 1.0 because of unloading effect of rock samples and differentia of frequency between the measurements of rock samples and rock mass. In order to solve this problem, unloading index and frequency correcting coefficient were put forward to revise the integrality index. Moreover, the BQ evaluating method proposed in the national standard (GB 50218-94) was improved with the revised method. With the case study of the project of water sealed underground oil tank in Huangdao, it was found that the quality of rock mass in the site was grade I or II.  相似文献   

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