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杂交棉制种技术关系到杂交棉种的成本、杂交种的纯度,影响到杂交棉产量的高低和植棉的经济效益.杂交棉的栽培方法不同于常规棉,只有采取高效的栽培技术才能充分发挥杂交棉的增产潜力,通过长期的研究与总结,本文形成杂交棉高效制种及栽培技术,利用于棉花制种和生产.  相似文献   

正又是一年要过去了,之所以叫春节不叫冬节,是盼着春的温暖而非冬的寒冷,是念着希望的开始而非悲凉的结束,是许着嫩绿的春芽而非沉睡的大地。好在这冬春之交,年来了。窗花、对联、灯笼、炮仗,火红的来了,连邻家的姑娘都换上了一年一见的花衣裳,年的色彩来了;年的味道您闻见了吗!大锅盖揭开了,热气似火箭喷发般的涌  相似文献   

我是爱茶的人。茶可消食,茶可解乏,茶可清心,茶可益思,茶的好处多得难以枚举。我喜欢茶的淡雅清香,尤其是它营造的清雅氛围,和它造就的闲适和愉悦的情调。我喝茶的历史,毫不夸张地讲,足有三十年,我几乎喝遍我国所产的名茶。这在于环境的熏陶,我  相似文献   

随着國家社会主义建設事業的發展,茶園机械化已經成为必然的發展趋势,但我國現有的旧茶園面積很小,茶樹另星分佈,給今后的机械耕作带來嚴重的阻碍,这部份旧茶園要实行机械耕作是毫無疑問的必須進行一系列的改造工作,可是各地目前正在大規模的开闢新茶園,由于对今后茶園机械耕作的思想不够明确,因此進行开闢时在茶园的规划設計上存在一些問題,例如浙江  相似文献   

制约黄、红麻纤维生产发展的主要因素与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对国内外黄麻及其纤维 2001-2005 年生产情况、纤维产量的分布特征和以黄红麻纤维及副产品为主要原料开发的新产品概况分析,结合多年从事研究工作的经验,提出制约黄红麻纤维生产的主要因素为原料生产过程中的收获、沤洗加工劳动强度大、耗工多、脱胶沤洗污染严重,纤维品质受气候及水质等条件影响大;产业链接缺乏协调、产业政策扶持力度不足;育种目标单一,种植者自我定位错位,难以适应加工业日益增长的多种需求;副产品利用程度低,影响植庥整体效益的提高.对解决这些问题提出建议增加黄红麻生产机械研究的投入,加快黄红麻纤维工厂化快速脱胶技术的研发、应用;加强产业内部协调合作,加大产业政策扶持力度;应用现代生物技术,结合行之有效的育种手段,加快多用途品种选育;充分利用成熟的副产品利用技术,提高植庥的整体效益.  相似文献   

5类茶叶对Con A刺激的小鼠脾淋巴细胞~3H-TdR掺入的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈玉春  高依卿 《茶叶科学》1993,13(2):157-160
研究了5类茶对 ConA 刺激的小鼠脾淋巴细胞~3H-TdR 掺入的影响。结果表明,用2%的茉莉花茶、绿茶、红茶和白茶灌胃,均能显著促进 ConA 刺激的正常和血虚小鼠脾淋巴细胞转化,但乌龙茶的促进作用不显著。对不同浓度 ConA 刺激的正常和血虚小鼠脾淋巴细胞的增殖反应,2%的茉莉花茶、绿茶、红茶和白茶也分别高于对照组。小鼠脾淋巴细胞活化所需的最适 ConA 浓度,健康小鼠为12.5μg/ml(绿茶、红茶和白茶)和17.5μg/ml(茉莉花茶),血虚小鼠为22.5μg/ml。上述结果表明,2%的茉莉花茶  相似文献   

一份国茶使命、一份家乡茗茶情节,让从业多年的被称为专家的中年老茶人林瑞富带着一份厚重的责任,倾注自己的真工夫全力塑造热恋家乡的好茶——坦洋工夫。他将一同带领他的团队为坦洋工夫重塑金身,再创辉煌不懈努力、不断向前……——题记  相似文献   

一、长度检验的意义麻的长度是指纤维(生麻或熟麻)的长短而言。麻的长短对品质、产量和使用价值都有一定的关系。因此,实行长度检验可促使麻农改进栽培技术,选育良种,对提高产量和质量均有一定的意义。(一)长度与农业增产的关系麻的单株纤维含量是决定单位面积产量的主要因素,而株高、茎粗、皮厚、茎重与单株的纤维重量呈正相关。也就是株高纤维产量高,株矮产量低。而麻株中的  相似文献   

抗虫杂交棉利用转基因抗虫棉的抗虫性状,又克服了转基因抗虫棉存在的铃小、衣分低、易早衰等缺陷.有效地提高了棉花的产量,实践证明,推广种植抗虫杂交棉是实现棉花增产的有效途径.  相似文献   

秦代置县的潇湘历史文化古城益阳,地处气候温和、雨量充沛的资水南岸,与烟波浩淼的八百里洞庭、驰名中外的桃花江遥相呼应。益阳是有名的文化之乡,有着深厚、持久、绵长的文化底蕴。她是爱国诗人屈原呵壁问天的洞阁,是黎锦辉曲中丽人如云的美人窝,是周立波笔下翠绿成荫的竹海,是画家眼中如诗如画的丹枫白露,是墨客骚人行道雅志的黑茶之乡。湘楚文化的灵魂,山的精神,水的灵性,竹的品质,茶的清韵,贯穿着益阳的历史,丰富着益阳的文化。  相似文献   

分别于2010和2011年对全国18和20个省(区)的130和141个大豆科技示范县进行抽样调查,收集当地大豆生产田的单产及其相关性状数据。在此基础上,按大豆栽培区划进行分区统计,并采用多元逐步回归方法判断不同地区影响产量的关键因素。结果表明,各地区大豆的播种期因耕作制度不同和气象条件多样而存在很大差异,变化幅度大小依次为南方>西北>东北>黄淮海;东北地区大豆种植密度最高,西北、黄淮海居中,南方最低。平均单产高低依次为西北>东北>黄淮海>南方。在农艺和产量性状中,株高以东北大豆为最高,其后依次为西北、黄淮海和南方;单株荚数与单株粒数2个性状的地域差异趋势一致,2010年均依次为南方>西北>黄淮海>东北,2011年均依次为西北>南方>黄淮海>东北;黄淮海地区大豆的百粒重最高,西北次之,东北及南方则相对偏低。多元逐步回归结果表明,在东北和南方地区,影响大豆产量的首要因素为单株粒数,而在西北及黄淮海地区则为单位面积株数。文中讨论了不同主产区提高大豆单产的主攻方向。  相似文献   

木薯的抗寒性及北移栽培技术研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
木薯作为中国三大薯类之一,具有良好的生物学性状,主要适宜在热带和亚热带种植,光合作用效率较高,淀粉产量在高等植物中非常突出。木薯的用途极为广泛,除食用外,可大量加工成工业产品。本文介绍了近几年木薯在抗寒性的生理生化、抗寒性的分子生物学、抗寒育种及北移栽培技术等领域的最新研究进展,并对木薯抗寒性和北移栽培的未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Large within-field variation in rice growth often causes production loss in broadcast-seeded (BC) rainfed lowland rice. The spatial variability of direct-seeded rainfed lowland rice was evaluated in 2004, 2005, and 2007 in on-station experiments at Ubon Ratchathani, northeast Thailand, in relation to soil water content and weed infestation, by adopting semivariogram and block kriging, including comparisons among BC with harrowing (BCH; no weeding), BC with no harrowing (BCNH; no weeding), and row-seeded (RS; interrow weeding once) fields. BCH and BCNH were also compared in 11 farmers’ fields in 2006 and 2007, to assess the effect of harrowing on rice growth and weed infestation. During most of the rice growing periods, flooded and non-flooded portions existed simultaneously in the fields, with different proportions among years and among seeding methods in the on-station experiment. BCH and BCNH rice had large within-field variation in seedling density, heading date, shoot dry matter, grain yield, harvest index, panicle density, and filled spikelet per panicle, as well as in weed infestation, measured by a quick visual estimation. Many of the measured variables (except mean soil water content in RS in 2007, seedling density in BCH in 2005 and 2007, shoot dry matter in BCH and BCNH in 2007, and panicle density in BCH in 2007) were spatially dependent (i.e., data from nearby locations were most similar) by geostatistical analysis. Analysis of correlations using the 420 data sets of BCH plots in 2005 and BCH, BCNH, and RS plots in 2007 revealed a positive correlation between soil water content and grain yield and negative correlations between weed infestation and soil water content and grain yield. Compared with BCH, in 2007 BCNH had much lower grain yield because of lower soil water content after establishment and more weed infestation. BCH had higher grain yield than BCNH in weedy fields in the farmers’ fields experiment. RS with interrow weeding resulted in a smaller coefficient of variation, smaller sill value, and higher grain yield than BCH, due to less weed infestation and a higher proportion of flooded water. These results indicated that reducing the spatial variability in rice growth requires careful field preparation, such as harrowing to level the soil surface and to reduce the uneven distribution of standing water and the variability in soil water content, combined with effective crop and weed management (i.e., harrowing and row-seeding). This is the first study that examined spatial variability in the growth of direct-seeded rice as a function of soil water content and weed infestation in a rainfed lowland environment.  相似文献   

耕作方式对连作大豆生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用秋旋耕起垄、秋深松旋耕起垄、春旋耕起垄和春顶浆打垄4种土壤耕作方式,进行田间大区试验,以探讨土壤耕作方式对连作大豆生长发育及产量的影响。试验结果表明,秋旋耕起垄和秋深松旋耕起垄出苗率高于春旋耕起垄和春顶浆打垄,出苗率均达85%以上,秋整地大豆生育期间干重、根瘤重和叶面积指数均高于春整地,秋旋耕起垄大豆根际微生物总数最多,细菌和放线菌数量明显高于春顶浆打垄。秋季整地地下害虫——蛴螬(Holotrichia diomphalia Bates)危害率比春季整地低10%左右,春顶浆打垄危害率高达34.3%。秋整地大豆的灰斑病发生程度、籽粒紫斑粒率和虫食率均低于春整地,秋整地产量较春整地增产16%以上,从本试验可以看出黑龙江省黑土平原区秋整地对连作大豆效果更好。  相似文献   

酿造大麦挥发性风味物质组成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给啤酒风味的稳定性研究提供借鉴,利用固相微萃取与气-质联用分析了两个优质酿造大麦品种Sabastian和Gairdner中的挥发性风味物质组成.在两个大麦品种中共分析鉴定出34种化合物,Sabastian中检出28种,Gairdner中检出32种.在Sabastian中共检出醛类化合物11种,占总质量分数的17.58%;醇类化合物7种,占总质量分数的7.32%;酮类3种,占总质量分数的13.08%;酸类化合物2种,占总质量分数的8.41%;其他类化合物5种,占总质量分数的9.54%.在Gairdner中共检出醛类化合物10种,占总质量分数的38.36%;醇类化合物9种,占总质量分数的25.36%;酮类化合物4种,占总质量分数的9.07%;酸类化合物2种,占总质量分数的6.81%;其他类型化合物7种,占总质量分数的7.77%.两个大麦品种中含量较高的成分为正己醛(Sabastian,13.56%;Gairdner,30.76%)、丙酮(Sabastian,12.82%;Gairdner,8.39%)、乙酸(Sabastian,8.00%;Gairdner,4.86%).作为大麦特征风味物质的异戊醛和2-甲基丁醛的含量在Sabastian中分别为0.51%和0.79%,在Gairdner中分别为1.93%和1.72%.  相似文献   

长春地区土壤中重金属含量及其在玉米子粒中的积累规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对长春地区部分农田土壤及玉米中重金属含量进行调查和分析。结果表明,研究区域内土壤中Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb、Cd、Cr、Hg、As 8种重金属含量符合土壤环境质量标准的要求;相应地块玉米中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Hg、As 7种重金属含量符合粮食重金属元素限量要求,达到食用标准;土壤和玉米中Pb、Cd、Hg含量相关性不显著,Ni、Cr、As含量相关性显著,Cu、Zn含量相关性极显著。  相似文献   

Watermelon yield loss due to Fusarium wilt is increasing in the U.S., due in part to the emergence of the virulent race 2 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, and to the shift in production to triploid cultivars, which generally have less host resistance than previously grown diploid cultivars. One potential management strategy is the use of soil-applied fungicides to reduce Fusarium wilt. The U.S. national program, interregional project 4 (IR-4) supported multistate trials of soil-applied chemicals to manage Fusarium wilt of watermelon. Greenhouse trials were conducted in Maryland, Indiana and Georgia to test the efficacy of 14 chemicals on Fusarium wilt. Based on the performance of these chemicals in the greenhouse, six in Maryland and Delaware and eight in Indiana were selected for subsequent field evaluations. These chemicals were applied once, as a drench at planting, in field trials in Maryland, Indiana, and Delaware in 2008. The fungicides prothioconazole, acibenzolar-S-methyl, and thiophanate-methyl resulted in the greatest reduction in Fusarium wilt, and caused no phytotoxicity. In Maryland and Indiana in 2009, these chemicals were applied through the drip irrigation line alone and in combination, at 0, 2 and 4 weeks after planting. The experiment was repeated in 2010 in Maryland. Prothioconazole alone and in combination with acibenzolar-S-methyl or/and thiophanate-methyl resulted in the greatest decrease in the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of Fusarium wilt of watermelon in Maryland in 2009. The same trend was observed in 2010 in Maryland where three of the prothioconazole treatments ranked the lowest of all treatments and prothioconazole in combination with thiophanate-methyl had significantly lower Fusarium wilt AUDPC compared to the non-treated control. All chemical applications except for acibenzolar-S-methyl in combination with prothioconazole reduced Fusarium wilt AUDPC in Indiana in 2009. Prothioconazole alone and prothioconazole in combination with thiophanate-methyl ranked lowest in Fusarium wilt AUDPC, although not significantly lower than most other treatments. These studies are the first to demonstrate that the soil-applied fungicides prothioconazole and thiophanate-methyl may provide an additional field management option for Fusarium wilt of watermelon.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to analyze selected minerals in leavesof plants, belonging to 166 species growing in alluvial, low pH, brownforest and serpentine soils. Mineral characteristics of the soils involved werealso determined.For the macronutrients, in trees grown in alluvial soil, N, P, Ca, and Mgconcentrations of leaves were higher in recently evolved plants than inplants with a longer period of evolution; K concentration remained constantregardless of evolution. In grasses grown in alluvial soil, it was difficult todetect the general tendency of mineral concentration. N, P, and Kconcentrations in alluvial soil were closely related to those in low pH andserpentine soils. Ca concentration in alluvial soil was lower than that in lowpH and serpentine soils. Mg concentration in alluvial soils was higher thanthat in low pH soils, while lower than that in serpentine soil. Therefore, N,P, and K accumulated according to the plant characteristics for theseelements, while Ca and Mg accumulation was strongly affected by the soilproperties.For the micronutrients, in trees, Fe and Mn remained constant regardlessof evolution; Zn concentration was lower in recently-evolved plants than inplants with a longer period of evolution. In grasses, Fe, Mn, and Znconcentrations in Caryophyllids were high. Except for Caryophyllids, Fe andCu concentrations remained constant, Mn concentration decreased withevolution, Zn concentration was higher in recently-evolved plants than inplants with a longer period of evolution.  相似文献   

Malnutrition is one of the major problems inmost of the developing countries, especially amongwomen, infants and children. Biofortification is a verynew strategy to enhance the bioavailability ofmicronutrients in staple food by using advancedbreeding meth…  相似文献   

水稻强弱势籽粒核酸和蛋白质代谢差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以两系杂交稻两优培九和培两优500为试验材料,对强弱势粒核酸和蛋白质含量进行了测定。水稻抽穗当天,强势粒单位质量子房中总RNA、mRNA含量都高于弱势粒,蛋白质含量却低于弱势粒。抽穗后第5天,强势粒单位质量子房中总RNA含量仍然高于弱势粒,mRNA含量两者差异不大,蛋白质含量依然低于弱势粒。不论是强势粒还是弱势粒,从抽穗到开花后第5天,其总RNA、mRNA和蛋白质单粒含量都有显著的增加,且各时期强势粒都高于弱势粒。抽穗当天强势粒有两条特异蛋白质带出现,而弱势粒没有,抽穗后第5天弱势粒才出现其中的一条。这说明强势粒与籽粒灌浆有关的基因表达比弱势粒早,强度高。  相似文献   

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