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Geographic Information System(GIS) is playing more and more important role in information management of power system. The popular GIS platform products include GeoMedia, Arc/Info, MapInfo and MicroStation. The choosing and using of power GIS platform should obey the rule in power system reality. Based on their preponderant application in geographic industry, Arc/Info and MapInfo have been successfully used in power system. The scheme of power GIS platform is put forward in this paper, referenced to the judgement and analysis of these prevailing platform, and the example of "GIS information system in Chongqing YuBei Power Supply Bureau" is given. This example shows the powerful twice developing ability, the profound network topology analysis ability of this method, which could also satisfy the needs of excessive and separate work nodes and parallel operation. All researches showed in this paper demonstrate the method could satisfy the need of power GIS.  相似文献   

为了构建复合系统协调发展度模型,以经济、社会、资源、环境4个系统为研究对象,运用主成分分析、回归分析以及隶属度函数方法,借助SPSS 17.0对保定市1999-2009年间的相关数据进行处理分析和评价,结果表明,保定市复合系统协调性整体水平尚可处于协调发展状态;但系统间协调发展水平仍有待提高,经济、环境、资源三系统间矛盾尤为突出。经济、环境系统协调性较差,保定市走循环经济路线,使用清洁能源发展低碳经济是解决此问题的关键;资源、环境系统间协调性亦差,应提高资源利用率,保护耕地、改变燃料结构,发展新能源产业。社会、经济子系统发展态势突出,应注重资源、环境子系统的均衡发展,走可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

农业可持续发展中的土壤肥料问题与对策   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文介绍了可持续发展的含义、实施农业可持续发展的必要性以及中国农业可持续发展的主要内容。论述了土壤和肥料两大农业资源在农业可持续发展中的重要作用,针对土壤质量下降、土壤污染、耕地减少、肥料资源紧缺、化肥利用率低、不合理施肥造成环境污染等问题,从建立和健全耕地资源保护法、增施有机肥料,保育耕地、加强土壤肥料基础性研究工作、研制新型化学肥料、改进施肥技术和实行养分资源综合管理战略等方面提出解决对策。  相似文献   

范金宝 《中国农学通报》2007,23(12):465-465
重视和发展农业是中国实施可持续发展战略的关键。当前传统农业发展模式制约了农业经济的发展和劳动生产率的提高。为探寻适合农业快速发展的方式,对传统农业和现代农业两种发展方式进行了比较,得出发展现代农业不仅是增加农民收入,实现农业可持续发展,保证国家粮食安全的需要,而且也是提高中国农产品国际竞争力和建设新农村的必然选择。农民是新农村建设的主体,因此,要发展现代农业必须首先提高农民对发展现代农业的认识,并依靠科技培养现代化的新型农民;为加快解决农村富余劳动力转移问题,必须完善土地承包经营权流转制度;为满足新农村建设的需要,还应构建符合现代农业发展要求的新型农村金融服务体系,以及加大财政资金转移支持力度等措施。  相似文献   

To embed or heap industry solid wastes somewhere will occupy the earth and pollute the environment seriously. So utilizing the industry solid wastes as regeneration resource is important for sustainable development of city. Based on application and research for years in utilizing industry wastes and widely investigation, the produce status of industry solid wastes in Chongqing such as fly ash, desulfuration gypsum, blastfurnace slag and chromium slag are introduced. At the same time,this paper introduces application and research on these wastes in field of building material in Chongqing. Analyze problems and countermeasures during utilizing industry solid wastes as regeneration resource in Chongqing. As a further the prospect of utilizing industry solid wastes as regeneration resource of building material is discussed.  相似文献   

Before the gap enlarging among the areas in the western region, and on the basis of the theory and model of development pole, this paper studies the way of optimizing of industry structure of Chongqing in order to accelerate the rate of progress of the development of the western region, and to advance its economy power during it. By indexing the system's construction and analysing the demonstration, we consider that the instrument manufacturing sector, building, transport equipment manufacturing, general machinery, finance and insurance, and service industry of IT should be cultivated and supported as the cut-in industries in Chongqing.  相似文献   

Master towns of Chongqing includes Wanzhou, Fuling, Jiangjin, Huochuan and Yongchuan. According to the stratage of developing Western China and urbanization, this article discusses tendency of sustainable development in towns of Chongqing. Applying `evaluation method of arrangement model' and `analyze method of equal difference ', the authors find the short wming of the quality of urbanization and the sustainable development in five towns. So the article takes center city and towns construction and set up cooperation mechanism between the five cities that will be sure to increase momentum and ability of Chongqing for Sustainable development object.  相似文献   

罗非鱼供给侧结构改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了提高罗非鱼养殖的三大效益,总结了罗非鱼产业供给侧存在的突出问题如供需失衡、生产成本持续上涨、市场结构单一,抗风险能力小等,分析其成因包括中国罗非鱼主要依赖出口市场,出口消费不景气、加工厂盲目扩大产能,产品附加值低等。笔者从罗非鱼苗种生产、成鱼养殖,产品加工和出口贸易四个产业主要环节概述了中国罗非鱼产业生产现状,提出了罗非鱼供给侧结构改革的技术经济与政策路径,即通过推广健康养殖模式、加强加工产品关键配套技术研发、加大产品质量安全检测力度、开拓国内市场和大力发展产业化经营组织等措施,以促进罗非鱼产业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了弄清重庆市风能资源的真实状况,分析地形对风能资源的影响,对重庆市6座专业梯度测风塔连续12个月的测风数据进行审查订正,并结合参证站的测风资料对重庆市风能资源进行计算分析。结果表明:(1)利用气象站测风数据不能准确评估重庆风能资源;(2)重庆具有目前技术水平下可开发的风能资源;(3)风速垂直廓线符合幂指数关系。最终,可以肯定在目前技术条件下,重庆市东北及东南部高山地区存在可开发利用的风能资源。  相似文献   

The authors summarize the emerging backgroun technology, development trend of green remanufacture. The d, definition, current situation in China and aboard, key signification to establish industrialization integration-base of automobile and motorcycle of Chongqing. According as current scale, technological level, development trend of automobile and motorcycle industry of Chongqing, the feasibility to establish industrialization remanufacture-base of automobile and motorcycle of Chongqing is analyzed.  相似文献   

中国农村生物质能发展现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了中国农村发展生物质能源的意义,分析了发展现状和今后以生物质发电、沼气工程、生物液体燃料和生物质固体成型燃料为重点的发展领域,以及在做好农村生物质能源调查、全面系统研究的基础上,加强规划、技术攻关、部门合作和宣传教育,实现生物质能源发展的预期目标。  相似文献   

北京密云库区生态经济模式的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
实现“保护水源”和“发展经济”是密云库区可持续发展的目标,探寻库区可行的生态经济模式有重要的研究意义。根据北京的发展规划、密云的过去的发展经历、目前实际情况以及发展目标,把适宜密云库区的生态经济模式构想为“一圈四带三循环”模式,即实现水库可持续发展为中心的圈层;建立生态保育带、观光旅游带、特色产业带、加工增值带;构建带内外的物质、能量和经济循环模式,使库区内外达到合理的能量等级。并就模式运行的关键技术(绿色技术与蓝色技术)与战略对策(政府管理与生态补偿)进行了探讨  相似文献   

产学研结合培养广西木薯产业专业技术人才的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
木薯生产是广西一大优势产业,占全国木薯种植面积的60%,产量占全国的70%。木薯是优质的淀粉作物,又是一种重要的生物质能源作物。随着广西木薯产业的迅速发展,培养木薯产业专业技术人才已成为木薯产业企业发展的重点需求。实践证明,产学研结合教育是当今高等教育发展的必然趋势,是促进企业、高校和科研院所有机结合,培养高素质专业技术人才的有效途径。通过产学研结合,可改善学校人才培养模式,提高人才培养质量和就业竞争力,为木薯产业培养出高素质木薯产业专业技术人才,促进木薯产业的大力发展。  相似文献   

基于能值生态足迹的陕川渝三地可持续性发展对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
能值生态足迹法(EEF)是一种基于生态足迹的对区域生态系统的可持续发展状况予以评估的能值分析方法。以陕川渝三省(市)为研究对象,利用人均能值生态承载力和人均能值生态足迹以及万元GDP对2007年三地生态经济系统可持续状况进行了分析,并就陕川渝区域之间合作的优先性从可持续发展的角度予以客观评价。结果表明:2007年陕川渝三地的能值生态赤字分别为3.604hm2、1.467hm2、1.268hm2,万元GDP生态足迹分别为3.162hm2、2.31hm2、1.632hm2;三地均处于不可持续发展状况,且陕西的情况最为严重,资源利用效率最低;陕川渝三地的发展各自面临一定的资源短缺问题,依靠进口或者过度开发来为维持社会经济的高速发展,势必会引发一系列的生态问题,在新的时期原有的以环境为代价发展经济的传统发展模式遇到了挑战,只有因地适宜地对这种模式进行优化调整,才会使陕川渝各地的发展持续化,从而推动西部发展。  相似文献   

技术创新与烟叶可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
烟叶是烟草行业发展的基础,其可持续发展事关行业发展全局。技术创新是实现经济社会可持续发展的原动力,对烟叶可持续发展起着推动作用。笔者以技术创新的概念为切入点,结合烟叶自身的特殊性,阐述了烟叶技术创新的涵义,并对农业可持续发展及其与技术创新的关系作了论述。在此基础上,立足于烟草行业改革发展的现状,结合农业可持续发展的三大目标,依靠技术的创新,从而保持烟叶生产农业资源的可持续性发展。即实现市场供给、保护生态环境、优化劳动力资源、创新烟草科技、加大资本投入和加快体制机制改革,是实现烟叶可持续发展的根本保障。  相似文献   

在人们需求提升和自然资源禀赋有限的大环境下,果品产业面临发展空间不足、经济效益徘徊不前、产品卖难等一系列问题。依靠科技对产业进行延伸和改造是果品产业实现可持续发展的根本出路。本研究通过对北京市平谷区果品产业的实地调研,总结了果品在生产、贮藏加工、销售方面存在的主要问题,同时提出了果品产业可持续发展的科技需求对策。  相似文献   

发展现代农业对农业科学技术自主创新的要求与任务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要阐述了中国发展现代农业的基本任务,分析了发展现代农业对农业科学技术自主创新的要求,提出了发展农业科学技术的目标、任务和优先领域,重点对种质资源创新与遗传改良、农业资源高效利用、优质高产安全高效生产、重大农业生物灾害防控制、农业环境控制与修复、特色农业生产、工厂化农业、现代设施与装备、农业信息与市场服务、农产品深加工、农业质量与标准、绿色农业生物制品、工业原料生产、农村新能源与社区环境建设、小城镇建设与新材料等研究重点进行了探讨  相似文献   

河西地区沙产业可持续发展刍议   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对河西走廊荒漠化现状的分析评价,从河西地区的资源与区位优势、水土资源条件、农林牧业发展状况、产业结构布局等方面,分析了河西地区沙产业发展的必要性和现实意义。提出了河西地区沙产业发展的方向是:以水资源的持续、合理利用为目标,农林牧、粮经草全面、协调发展,发展生态产业,培育产业经济带,延伸产业链,形成结构合理的沙产业发展格局。引进节水、高效的植物种、品种和优良家畜,发展苜蓿草产业、麻黄、甘草、黄芪等中药产业、肉羊和肉牛等暖棚式舍饲畜产业、棉花和马铃薯产业、酿造葡萄产业和日光温室蔬菜、花卉产业等,构建河西走廊复合的农林牧生产系统,促进荒漠绿洲沙产业的持续发展。  相似文献   

The provision of quality industrialized housing in Chongqing to meet demand is perceived by the Chongqing Construction Commission to be a key feature of the local construction industry's future development. The growing strategic importance of Chongqing as a developing municipality, at the junction of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, will ensure continuing economic development in the region. To facilitate such development the local construction industry will need to react accordingly to provide new infrastructure, commercial development, and housing and recreation facilities. Clearly, this must be achieved in accordance with a robust Master Plan, which addresses all issues associated with the built environment and other environmental considerations relating to pollution, conservation and sustainability. Throughout the World it is becoming increasingly recognized that traditional forms of construction are not sustainable in the long term and that new concepts and methods of construction must be developed. Construction must more effectively utilize and re-cycle resources that would otherwise become depleted or exhausted. Further, all aspects of the in-use performance of buildings, especially housing, must be significantly improved. The situation in Chongqing is no exception to this perception and hence the purpose of this paper is to evaluate locally available resources and relevant resources elsewhere in China to assess the potential for adaptation for effective use in industrialized housing. A broad approach will be taken covering all forms of human and non-human resources, especially those resources which can be re-cycled rather than being consigned to waste. By-products from other industries will be considered, such as those from agriculture and manufacturing. A key aspect of this paper is the articulation of a framework to facilitate the realization and development of an industrialized housing system by the creation of an integrated supply chain capable of delivering the necessary design and performance features geared to affordability, conservation and sustainability. The paper will be concludes by presentation of recommendations regarding the introduction of a development strategy geared to an incremental timetable for implementation.  相似文献   

我国都市农业发展模式研究和可持续发展建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
都市农业是中国改革开发的重要成果之一,也是现代农业的有机组成部分。为在工业化、城镇化快速发展的同时加快都市地区农业现代化的发展,加强都市地区农业发展理论与实践规律的探讨,通过对北京、上海、南京、深圳、武汉等大城市都市农业发展模式等案例的分析,对中国都市农业发展模式和可持续发展相关因素进行了初步研究,提出了应制定有利于都市农业发展的法律和规划、加强都市农业人才培养、促进都市农业一体化发展、通过科技引领都市农业创新、大力发展循环农业以及培育都市农业社会组织等有利于都市农业健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

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