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In the experiment, the denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB) was cultivated by high phosphorus and low carbon source influent. It was cultivated successfully by the 2 stage mode for about 100 d. The first stage was about 40 d, which was with the mode of anaerobic/aerobic to enrich the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). The maximum amounts of the phosphorus release, phosphorus uptake and phosphorus removal were 77.2 mg/L, 89.4 mg/L and 250 mg/L respectively. The second stage was 60 d, which was with the mode of anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic. In this stage, the ratio of denitrifying phosphorus uptake amount to the total phosphorus uptake amount had an ascending tendency. The cultivation of nitrifying activated sludge was about 100 d, with the 50 mg/L ammonia removal amount and more than 98.5% ammonia removal efficiency. Nitrification rate fitted zero order kinetic equation, and the specific nitrification rate constant was 0.002 4 h-1. Phosphorus uptake rates fitted first order absorption kinetic equation. The uptake rate constants under aerobic and anoxic conditions were 0.377 and 0.740 L/(g·h-1). The cultivated DPB sludge and nitrifying activated sludge were used in an anaerobic/anoxic/nitrification sequencing batch reactor(A 2N-SBR) process to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. When the concentrations of influent COD, ammonia and phosphorus were 188.0 mg/L, 54.8 mg/L and 725 mg/L, the removal efficiencies of COD, ammonia and phosphorus were 935%, 76.7% and 94.1% respectively.  相似文献   

Substantially, the process of biological treatment for wastewater is the process of bacterial energy metabolism. In this paper, from the viewpoint of energy and based on the conservation of mass and energy, an energy metabolism equation is constructed. Through the experimentation, the parameters in equation are measured. Through this equation the reason for SRT choice of activated sludge system is explained from the viewpoint of microcosmic. This equation is adaptable to optimizing the SRT of activated sludge system in the condition of low-organic load thereby to optimizing the energy distribution of activated sludge system for energy saving  相似文献   

马涛 《中国农学通报》2020,36(35):134-138
研究裂解温度对污泥生物质炭基础理化性质的影响,为安全、合理、高效处置污泥提供理论依据。将干燥污泥分别在200、300、500、700℃下进行热裂解处理(SBC200、SBC300、SBC500、SBC700),获得污泥生物质炭,测定其基础理化特性。结果表明:不同温度制备的污泥生物质炭表面颗粒结构完好,孔径范围均集中在10~50μm,其中低温生物质炭SBC200表面较光滑,最可几孔径和中值孔径最大,分别为20.1μm和14.8μm,高温生物质炭SBC700表面较粗糙,比表面积最大,为5.98 m2/g。随裂解温度的提高,污泥生物质炭的产率、含水量、电导率、挥发分、阳离子交换量显著下降,全碳、氧、全氮、氢含量、有效磷和铵态氮均逐渐降低,pH和灰分含量显著增加。将污泥制备成生物质炭,是安全处置污泥的有效途径,低温制得的污泥生物质炭具有更大的提高土壤肥力的潜力,而高温制得的生物质炭在改良土壤酸性的应用上具有更大的潜力。  相似文献   

2013年极端高温对合肥一季稻的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究一季稻生长对高温胁迫的响应,更好地补充和完善一季稻高温热害气象指标,本研究利用2013年合肥夏季高温数据和田间试验数据,运用统计分析方法对2013年合肥地区出现的极端高温对田间试验的一季稻‘徽两优6号’抽穗扬花过程以及结实率产生的影响进行分析。结果表明:一季稻抽穗扬花期是对高温最敏感的时期;验证了已建立的高温热害气象指标,并对其补充完善:抽穗扬花当天和前后2~5天的持续高温对一季稻的影响最为严重。进一步分析表明:高温天气直接造成空秕率明显上升,结实率下降。  相似文献   

M. O. Akoroda 《Euphytica》1990,49(1):25-32
Summary Studies during 1980–1987 relating to seed production of the fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook. f.) are summarized. Essentially, the dioecious nature of the crop makes sex-ratios of plants affect the number of fruit-bearing females. Overall, about 50% of plants are female, of which some 15% are fruitless. Each fruit-bearing female has 1.5 fruits that contain 60 seeds. The mean weight of seeds is 15 g, and 74% of this total seed weight comprise the seed kernel which contains about 40% oil. Thus, a yield estimate of seed kernels reaches 1.9 t/ha; an output that is superior to that of most other oil seeds now being exploited for seed oil and cake in Nigeria. Measures to raise seed yields and the possibility of breeding work are discussed.  相似文献   

In response to the characteristic of oxidation ditch and its limitation in removal of phosphorus and nitrogen,the research of the biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal in micro-environment and macroenvironment was reviewed.The process of enhancing phosphorus and nitrogen removal was discussed,the way to improve the phosphorus and nitrogen removal was presented:(1)the proper sequential arrangement of the locations of aerator,influent,effluent and return sludge to form the reversed A~2/O process;(2)forming more rigorously anaerobic zone by means of vertical flow circle;(3)the proper supply of oxygen,to avoid insufficiency of aerobic phosphorus uptake and nitrification with low oxygen supply;While to keep from overmuch waste of carbon source going against de-nitrification,and high oxygen concentration going against anaerobic phosphorus release due to high oxygen supply;(4)the proper hydraulic parameter and oxygen supply mode.  相似文献   

对育苗移栽棉苗期的生理时间研究结果表明:育苗移栽棉由于播种提前和苗床覆膜合计增温约11.5个PD。苗床日增温效应受苗床人为管理与天气情况的双重影响,平均苗床期较气温日增温8.59℃,较床外土表日增温4.8℃,其增温主要是通过提高苗床日最高温度。根据苗床内外温度的相关性与函数关系,建立了利用日气温、日有效积温估计苗床温度与生理时间的公共回归方程。并探讨了棉花生理时间与害虫防治决策的关系。  相似文献   

潍坊市1951—2014年气温和高低温日数变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
高学芹 《中国农学通报》2015,31(32):217-222
为了掌握潍坊市的气温变化特征,利用1951—2014年潍坊市气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、累积距平和信噪比等统计方法,研究分析了近64年潍坊市气温及高、低温日数变化特征。结果表明:潍坊市气温无论年际变化还是年代际变化,升温趋势明显,最低气温的增温速率高于最高气温。气温的年和年代际季节性变化呈现出非对称性,春季升温最明显,冬季次之,夏季最不明显。潍坊市近64年高、低温日数均呈减少趋势,高、低温日数减少的主要时段分别在1970s和2000s。高温日数与平均气温、平均高温均呈正相关,相关性最好的为7月。低温日数与平均气温、平均低温均呈负相关,相关性最好的为1月。潍坊市近64年平均气温、平均高温、平均低温和高、低温日数在随时间序列的变化过程中未发生突变。  相似文献   

前处理及初始油炸温度对油炸薯片品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过一系列实验及定量分析,探讨了不同的漂烫温度、漂烫时间和初始煎炸温度对油炸薯片的含油率、色泽及质构的影响。  相似文献   

Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), which is an outcrossing hexaploid, is one of the most important starch-producing crops in the world. During the last decade, new sweetpotato cultivars, e.g. ‘Quick Sweet’, which have approximately 20°C lower pasting temperature, slower retrogradation and higher digestibility of raw starch than ordinary cultivars, have been developed in Japan. Genetic analysis of these variants with low pasting temperature starch was conducted in this study. Using 8 variants and 15 normal clones, 26 families were generated. The results from analyzing these progenies suggested that this trait is a qualitative character controlled by one recessive allele (designated spt), which is inherited in a hexasomic manner. A dosage effect of the wild-type Spt allele was found for starch pasting temperature, although the effect was not linear. These results will aid breeders to develop sweetpotato cultivars with a range of starch pasting temperatures.  相似文献   

利用改进的基于DNA测序仪的荧光糖电泳法对我国不同品质类型水稻品种和部分外引水稻品种的支链淀粉链长分布特征进行了测定,在尽量排除直链淀粉含量(amylose content,AC)对淀粉理化特性影响的基础上,分析了支链淀粉结构与稻米淀粉理化特性的相关性。结果表明,根据∑DP≤11/∑DP≤24的链长比值,可将50个供试品种的支链淀粉分为I型和II型两种结构类型,I型支链淀粉的链长比值小于0.22,II型支链淀粉的链长比值大于0.26。15个粳稻品种的支链淀粉结构属II型,35个籼稻品种中有15个品种的支链淀粉结构属I型,20个品种属II型。相关分析结果表明,∑DP6~11和链长比值与起始成糊温度(pasting temperature,PT)和相对结晶度(relative crystallinity,RC)呈极显著负相关;∑DP28~34与PT呈极显著负相关,与RC的相关性不显著;∑DP13~24和∑DP39~49与PT呈极显著正相关,与RC呈显著正相关。在糯稻、低AC和高AC品种中,∑DP6~11、∑DP13~24和链长比值与PT的相关性与在全部品种中的相关性一致,与RC的相关性也与全部品种中的相关性基本一致。∑DP28~34与PT在低AC品种中,∑DP39~49与PT在糯稻和高AC品种中、与RC在高AC品种中的相关性也与全部品种中的相关性具有一致性。不同链长范围的支链数量比例与GC(gel consistency)和RVA谱特征值的相关性基本不显著。可见支链淀粉不同链长范围的支链数量比例主要与淀粉的PT和RC相关,而与淀粉的GC和RVA谱特征值关系不密切。  相似文献   

The study on the temperature evolutionary trend under both the ground stress and gas pressure is significant in the process of coal gas absorption and desorption. However, the valid signal is difficult to gain because of much noise in the experimental data, so according to the characteristics of the temperature signal gained under different experimental conditions of coal gas absorption and desorption, this essay filtrates noise and restores the valid signal by using the wavelet denoising of MATLAB to obtain the valid temperature evolutionary curve. Through contrasting and analyzing wavelet basis function and different decomposition levels, the essay chooses the sym8 wavelet basis function which has a higher order of vanishing moments and better smoothness. The reconstructed signal filtrates most of high frequency signal, and keep low frequency, as well as smooth signal. The result shows that the de-noising effect is good and the temperature evolution rule can be well reflected in the process of the coal gas absorption and desorption.  相似文献   

为了研究转基因水稻花粉活力在各种气象条件下的变化规律,以含bar基因的抗Basta转基因籼稻B68-1为材料,分别在温度20℃、25℃、30℃、35℃及相对湿度30%、50%、70%、90%的不同温湿组合条件下进行处理,用2,3,5-氯化三苯基四氮唑(TTC)染色法测定了这些组合条件处理下B68-1转基因水稻花粉离体0、1、2、3、4、5、6、8、10、12、14 min后的活力。试验结果表明,B68-1花粉离体后活力变化在各种条件下呈现为"S"型或"S"型的一段;B68-1花粉离体后活力在一定湿度条件下随着温度先升后降,各湿度条件下花粉在25℃时活力最强,高温对花粉活力的胁迫作用更大;B68-1花粉离体后活力在一定的温度条件下随着湿度也是先升后降,各温度条件下花粉在相对湿度70%时活力最强,高湿对花粉活力的胁迫作用更大。通过指数形式的生长曲线(Logistic方程)分段函数,拟合构建了B68-1花粉活力在不同湿度下的温度模型,可精确预测花粉存活时间和寿命,为进一步准确估算转基因水稻基因飘移距离提供基础数据。  相似文献   

E. M. M. Paul 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):467-473
Summary At present research into the inhibition of plant growth by sub-optimal temperatures is concerned with the examination of a large number of factors. No single aspect of the response to temperature has been found to be of paramount importance. As a consequence selection for low temperature tolerance is complicated.Here a new approach is proposed in which inhibition of cell division is regarded as a limiting process in growth under sub-optimal temperatures, and the role of other processes as the supply of substrate for cell division. This approach may be of use in the examination of the response of plant growth to temperature and could form the basis of a method for screening and selection for cold tolerance using cells in culture.Guestworker Project Group Tomato Physiology.  相似文献   

摘 要:针对于蘑菇菇渣在蔬菜育苗上的应用尚无研究、报道,采用蘑菇+珍珠岩+炉渣的不同配比得到不同基质,测定其物理、化学、养分性状,与理想基质性状相比较;同时,在这些基质中进行姜柄瓜的播种,以烤烟漂浮育苗基质为对照,在苗龄30天时,测定不同处理基质中姜柄瓜的壮苗指数、G值。结果表明,以6:1:1(蘑菇菇渣:珍珠岩:炉渣)的基质无论是在物理、化学、养分性状,还是播种姜柄瓜的壮苗指数、G值,均较其他处理和对照为好,可以初步确定为育苗替代基质。  相似文献   

A total of 257 parental wheat and 38 triticale lines were used for anther culture. On average, 2.1 green wheat haploids were obtained per spike. This response occurred irrespective of the origin of the material (Germany, France, Sweden or UK) and 5 years of testing. Triticale responded with 5.3 green haploids per spike. Using the criterion that one parental line should give at least one green haploid per spike in the screening experiment, green haploids were produced from 88 out of 91 F1 wheat breeding combinations and from each of 21 F1 and F2 triticale breeding combinations. An average of 4.7 green plants were obtained per spike from the wheat production programme, while the triticale programme gave an average of 6.2 green plants per spike. A single medium supplemented with different hormones for anthers and embryos was used for culture of both crops.  相似文献   

基于生命周期法的中国2004—2015年油菜生产氮足迹分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The loss of reactive nitrogen in agriculture has increasingly become serious, systematic analysis of reactive nitrogen emissions from agricultural production is conducive to promoting the green and healthy development of agriculture in China. Based on the statistical data of crop yield and farmland investment in the oilseed rape production of China, the spatiotemporal dynamic change of nitrogen footprint (NF) and its composition of oilseed rape during 2004-2015 in China was estimated using the theory of NF and life cycle assessment method in the agricultural sector. The NF of oilseed rape was 7572.0 g N-eq ha -1 during 2004-2015, and decreasing year by year, with an average annual decline of 1.0%. The main components of the NF were from fertilizer application (20%) and NH3 emission (54%) in the oilseed rape production. Obvious differences also were observed among mainly agricultural provinces in China, that is, the higher nitrogen footprint per area (NFa) and nitrogen footprint per yield (NFy) in Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, and Jiangsu region. The NFa and NFy in high yield region were significantly higher than those in low yield region. Among them, the NF of nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and compound fertilizer increased by 80.6%, 76.9%, and 57.8%, respectively (P < 0.05). The NFa of rapeseed in China showed a trend of increase with the increase of rapeseed yield, but there was no significant correlation. The results suggest that improving crop management practices that limit fertilizer consumption is an important measure for the green and healthy development of rapeseed in China.  相似文献   

以内蒙古羊后腿为试验原料,采用KCl部分替代NaCl(75%NaCl+25%KCl)和100%NaCl分别对羊腿进行干腌后,结合低温风干、中温发酵以及强化高温成熟工艺(温度由36℃逐渐升至40℃,速率为2℃/d,相对湿度为90%±5%,成熟30 d)制备干腌羊火腿。通过测定加工过程羊火腿的水分含量、水分活度、盐分含量、亚硝酸盐含量以及颜色变化,研究盐替代协同强化高温工艺对干腌羊火腿理化性质的影响;再利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析加工过程干腌羊火腿挥发性风味物质的变化规律。结果表明:盐替代组与食盐组羊火腿加工过程中各理化指标变化趋势相似,其中KCl盐替代可显著降低最终产品总盐分和亚硝酸盐含量(P<0.05)。两组火腿亮度(L*值)整体呈下降的趋势,a*值先下降后上升,b*值总体呈上升趋势,说明KCl部分盐替代在不影响干腌羊火腿色泽的情况下使钠含量降低了25%,且具有较好的感官可接受性;GC-MS结果表明,25%KCl盐替代协同强化高温能促进来自碳水化合物和氨基酸代谢、β-脂质氧化及酯化反应等挥发性化合物的形成,显著增加了产品中3-甲基丁酸、3-甲基丁醛、烷烃、烯烃及酯...  相似文献   

为了研究不同雪被处理下土壤温度变化对土壤理化性质影响的动态贡献,采集三江平原小叶章湿地原状土样品,通过室内模拟实验对4个雪被处理W0(31.05%)、W1200(42.66%)、W3000(51.21%)和W6000(76.66%)下的土壤理化性质进行检测.结果表明:W6000处理显著的增加了土壤pH;3个雪被添加处理...  相似文献   

Monitoring and detection of invasive alien plant species are necessary for effective management and control measures. Although efforts have been made to detect alien trees using satellite images, the detection of alien herbaceous species has been difficult. In this study, we examined the possibility of detecting non-native plants using deep learning on images captured by two action cameras. We created a model for each camera using the chopped picture method. The models were able to detect the alien plant Solidago altissima (tall goldenrod) and obtained an average accuracy of 89%. This study proved that it is possible to automatically detect exotic plants using inexpensive action cameras through deep learning. This advancement suggests that, in the future, citizen science may be useful for conducting distribution surveys of alien plants in a wide area at a low cost.  相似文献   

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