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In view of the different of the underground heat storage water tank of solar position arrangement, make use of the Fluent software program numerical simulation and calculation, it is concluded that under different conditions the heat storage water tank temperature field distribution of the soil around. At the same time, establishing physical model and mathematical model of underground heat storage water tank and combined with practical engineering, verify the underground storage tank for heat and energy storage, to obtain the relationship between the tank roof loss and total heat release. Calculation results show that under the same conditions, outdoor storage tank at the top of the heat dissipating capacity to reduce, so the method can be used to offset at the top of the energy required collector to reduce, so the method can be used to offset this part of the energy required collector area of the cut, improve thermal efficiency and reduce the user store hot water tank of the store.  相似文献   

针对拱板仓储粮度夏粮温偏高、分层明显和温差较大的特点,利用自来水自动循环装置对仓顶屋面进行喷水降温,最大限度地减少了盛夏仓顶曝晒后的积热,缩小了仓顶与粮堆之间的温差,延缓了粮温的上升速度,从而有效地改善了储粮在盛夏的高温环境,抑制了害虫的生长繁殖和粮食品质的陈化,是拱板仓储粮安全度夏的有效方法。  相似文献   

分析了彩钢板屋顶高大平房仓喷涂太阳热反射隔热涂料对仓顶温度、仓温、粮温的影响,为彩钢板屋顶高大平房仓控温储粮寻找一种有效方法。试验结果表明,喷涂太阳热反射隔热涂料对控制彩钢板屋顶高大平房仓仓温效果明显,同时可以达到延缓仓顶彩钢板老化、改善仓内工作环境和节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

According to different construction ways and materials, three kinds of roof, that is ,passive evaporated roof with freedom water surface , water stored roof by means of pore material and hygroscopic roof,are introduced in this paper . Meanwhile the theory of heat insulation and energy efficiency on passive evaporation roofs and suitable weather and places to be used are also discussed .The results show that all kinds of passive evaporated roofs have high efficiency in heat insulation because of water's high specific heat and large quantity of absorbed latent heat,and that they can be adopted according to the practical local weather ,natural resource and economical development.  相似文献   

Thermal performance of the green roof is an important basis for energy-efficient design and evaluation. However, the current studies on the thermal performance of the green roof seldom involve thermal inertia of the green roof. Based on a long-term experiment of an extensive green roof in natural ventilation state and a five-month ongoing measured data in summer, thermal inertia of the extensive green roof was studied by statistical analysis method. The results show that thermal decay to outdoor climate effect through green roof was increased by more than 100% and delay time of thermal response to outdoor climate on internal surface of the green roof was reduced in comparison with that of the bare roof.  相似文献   

高水分稻谷安全度夏控温及隔热储粮的综合应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粮食收购市场化后,部分高水分的粮食进入粮库,严重影响储粮的安全.一年来我库对部分轮换入库高水分的稻谷首先采取边入库边通风降水,然后通风降温有效控制粮温;再采取薄膜密闭、稻壳覆盖隔离粮堆和屋面喷水隔热等多种隔热及控温储粮技术的综合应用,探索出一条高水分稻谷安全度夏的途径.  相似文献   

重庆村镇空气源热泵供暖系统夜间性能实测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对重庆山地村镇迫切的供暖需求,选取该地区典型村镇搭建了空气源热泵供暖系统实验平台,分析了空气源热泵系统性能影响因素,并从供回水温度、系统耗电量、供热量、性能系数COP等角度对运行过程中的阶段特性(启动、稳定运行及全阶段)进行阐述,发现系统在3个阶段特点差异很大:启动阶段初始温度对COP影响较为明显,除霜时系统性能下降25%;稳定阶段特性与初始温度无关,室外条件较好时,降低设定温度,COP提高明显;总体来看,启动阶段COP最高,全阶段次之,稳定阶段COP最低。  相似文献   

粮食的干燥过程实质上是多孔介质热湿耦合传递的过程.基于多孔介质热质传递理论,通过数值模拟的方法,针对利用太阳能辅助热泵干燥粮食时热风随时间变化的情况,采用综合温度和空气绝对湿度作为瞬态边界条件来对干燥过程中粮食内部温度和水分的变化进行模拟研究.模拟结果显示小麦水分在干燥150 h后达到安全水分13.6%(干基),而实验结果显示小麦水分在干燥135 h后达到安全水分13.6%(干基),二者对比相差不大,并且模拟温度与试验温度吻合较好.  相似文献   

采用太阳热反射涂料对粮仓仓顶外表面和外墙进行涂刷处理,通过试验对比,该涂料具有抗腐蚀性、防渗透性和耐候性,对仓温能起到一定的隔热保温效果,在储粮度夏期间能有效降低仓温和表面粮温上升幅度,与对照仓相比分别能降低5℃以上,从而增加储粮稳定性、延缓粮食品质变化。  相似文献   

8种屋顶绿化木本植物的耐热性比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
筛选适应屋顶特殊环境的木本植物,对于丰富屋顶绿化植物种类、发挥屋顶绿化的生态和美化功能具有重要的现实意义。高温胁迫是植物正常生长发育的限制因子,为了探索屋顶绿化木本植物的耐热性,研究其在屋顶高温环境下的适应能力,笔者以屋顶上生长的白榆、柳树、构树、杠柳、小叶杨、金银木和较适宜屋顶绿化的金叶榆、珍珠梅8种木本植物为试验材料,测定不同梯度热处理条件下叶片相对电导率,配合Forstst2.1统计分析,对8种木本植物耐热性进行了研究,结果表明:叶片经梯度高温处理后,处理温度与细胞伤害率之间呈“S”形曲线。通过Logistic拐点确定半致死温度LT50,由高到低依次为:杠柳65.30℃、金银木63.80℃、小叶杨57.85℃、柳树56.84℃、白榆55.87℃、珍珠梅49.94℃、构树44.81℃、金叶榆43.98℃。8种植物材料中,杠柳、金银木的耐热能力最好,柳树、白榆、小叶杨次之,珍珠梅、构树、金叶榆耐热性较差。  相似文献   

本研究主要对新引进的日光温室与当前厚墙体温室的光热性能进行对比研究,为呼和浩特地区日光温室的建设提供参考依据.根据4种类型日光温室小气候监测数据,分析温室内外日平均温度、温室内外日最低温度、温室内外日最高温度、温室内光照度等气象要素变化规律.双膜双被日光温室为室内温度水平最高的日光温室,越冬期间(1月12日-2月21日...  相似文献   

A new kind of evaporative heat transfer experiment for the cooling process of condensers is conducted. The test coil is immersed in an air-water bubbling layer. The air-water two-phase flow passes through the heating tubes of the coil. Due to the motion of the air bubbles in the water, a thin water film forms on the surface of the heating tubes. As the air bubbles passing by the tubes the water is evaporated into the air. The tubes of coil reject heat to the water film, and the evaporation of the water film then rejects heat to the air bubble stream. This heat transfer mode significantly increases the heat transfer coefficient between tubes and air. The consumption of the power of a water pump can be decreased. Moreover, the airflow rate required is less than that of an air-cooled condenser.The pressure drop of air through air-water bubbling layer and the heat transfer between the tubes and water are experimentally investigated in the paper. The results show that the factors affecting the pressure drop and the heat transfer coefficient involve the pore geometry of sieve plate, the height of the air-water bubbling layer, the air flow rate through the sieve plate and the heat flux of tubes. The heat transfer coefficient between tube and water is two times larger than that of falling film of water on the outer surface of tube.  相似文献   

粮仓反光隔热改善低温储粮效果研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用新型反光隔热涂料处理仓房屋面和向阳墙面,试验表明:该涂料具有一定的反光隔热效果,能够明显延缓高温季节粮堆温度上升,提高低温储粮的效果,缩小粮堆冷热边界的温差值,提高储粮的稳定性。另外,该涂料还有防止墙面涂料龟裂的作用,保持墙面完整。  相似文献   

采用聚氨酯发泡材料、聚苯乙烯泡沫板、棉胎、PEF保温隔热板4种隔热材料在高大平房仓中进行隔热效果试验。试验结果表明所采用的4种隔热材料均有一定的隔热效果,可在一定程度上延缓高温季节粮温的回升及减缓粮食品质的变化。4种隔热材料中聚氨酯覆盖仓顶隔热效果明显,采用聚苯乙烯泡沫板和棉胎在粮面压盖隔热效果稍差。  相似文献   

塑料温棚在星洲红鱼安全越冬与提早繁育中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄永春 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):403-407
本实验主要是对星洲红鱼的温室大棚安全越冬和亲鱼的早春繁殖进行研究。结果表明:利用温室大棚进行保温,可以使棚内的平均气温和水温分别保持在28.3℃和25.2℃以上,分别比室外温度高出8.1℃和6.1℃,亲鱼越冬期间成活率93.7%,比室外越冬池的82.9%提高13.0%;棚内温度高而稳定增加了星洲红鱼的性腺生长发育积温,性腺由入温棚时(1月份上旬)的第Ⅲ期,成熟度0.98%,经温棚内强化培育40-50d,2月中旬达成熟的第Ⅳ期,成熟度为3.12%,繁殖积温1280.5℃.d,而自然环境中星洲红鱼性腺在4月中下旬才能达到成熟,繁殖积温需2198.7℃.d ,减少41.8%,使其繁殖时间提前了2个月,为延长星洲红鱼的养殖时间增加产量提供了保障。棚内产后亲鱼,经40d左右产后强化培育,4月上旬再次达成熟,1#温棚和3#温棚在2-4月间比露天池多生产100万尾鱼苗量,增加60.6%。  相似文献   

针对深部大跨度切眼顶板自稳能力差、变形剧烈、支护困难等问题,以赵固二矿1105大采高工作面切眼支护为工程背景,综合现场调研、理论分析、顶板探测等方法,分析了深部大跨度切眼冒顶机理和不同顶板的控制关键,提出了以接长锚杆支护为主导的顶板分区控制技术,阐明了不同顶板分区的控制原理。据此,对赵固二矿1105切眼二次成巷进行了支护设计,并进行了顶板下沉量和顶板失稳垮落规律监测,结果表明:接长锚杆与中部层位顶板共同形成的“锚固体岩梁”呈现出较好的稳定性,各层位顶板均得到了有效控制,保证了切眼顶板安全与正常服务。  相似文献   

Roof planting is widely recognized as a ecological thermal insulation for roof. A lightweight green roof in climatic conditions of shanghai was investigated as a case study by applying PMV index to calculate thermal comfort compared with that with traditional roof in air conditioning. It is found that the PMV value of green roof is 0.2 lower than that of traditional roof, while the fluctuating range of green roof was only 1/4 of that of traditional roof. And the equivalent thermal insulating roof of green roof was obtained by computing. Furthermore, it is shown that green roof has lower interior surface temperature than equivalent insulating roof in the condition of higher indoor temperature.  相似文献   

从储粮生态系统控制的角度阐述了粮仓保温隔热性能的重要性和实用性,突出粮仓设计和使用的协调统一;针对新建粮食储备房式仓使用中多数出现仓顶隔热性差、门窗洞口气密性差、仓内粮面温度过高的问题,结合实践经验,对房式仓朝南墙面门窗的设计、保温隔热屋面的设计、仓内地坪适当下挖装粮的设计等进行了探讨,提出了实用性设计方法和"半地下储粮房式仓"新仓型的设计思路.  相似文献   

为解决地铁站冷却塔设置难题,提出了一种采用低速电机驱动旋转布水装置的间接蒸发冷却器,在两种布置方式下,对其换热性能进行了单因素实验,并运用正交实验法对较优布置方式下影响换热器换热的因素进行了分析。结果表明:两种布置方式下,喷嘴与蒸发冷却器的间距、两组换热管束间距均存在最佳值,喷嘴双侧旋转布水优于单侧旋转布水;换热器平行气流布置且喷嘴双侧旋转布水为较优布置方式,此时,换热器换热量随喷水量、转速、空气速度、冷却水进口温度的增加以及喷水温度、空气温度的降低而增大,其中,冷却水进口温度对换热器换热影响最为显著,其他因素对其换热的影响从主到次顺序为:喷水量、空气温度、空气速度、喷水温度、转速、冷却水流量。  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) is a heat analysis method which studies matters' thermodynamic properties according the measured energy differential by temperature scanning under the control of linear temperature programme.Differential scanning calorimetry technique is used for the temperature and latent heat determination when some tissues in vitro such as pig muscle,fat,liver and beaf chang phase during the temperature rises.Then the latent heat and phase change temperature are derived.It is conclusion that the main influencing factors of latent heat and phase change temperature are water and fattiness in tissues;the more of water and the fewer of fattiness,the larger of latent heat and the boarder of the temperature area changing phase.  相似文献   

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