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Several mathematic methods used in the numerical control system of profile followed grinding robot are described. Cubic parametric Spline surface function is employed to fit the geometric model of the surface grinded with high precision. Improvement of the physics performance of blade is obtained by reconstructing the large size surface of turbine blade based on calculation geometry. Graphic linear transfer technique is provided to users with unique format of programming. Graphic non linear transfer technique is used to solve some more difficult problems successfully including transformation of the coordinates of comtrolled points in multicoordinates system, adjustment of the attitude of grinding head as well as realization of constant pressure grinding. All these mathematics methods are demonstrated feasible and efficient in actual practice and are valuable in developing large size surface grinding robots.  相似文献   

芥菜植株原位真空渗入遗传转化方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蕾期的芥菜生态型雪里蕻和圆叶芥为试材,在携带潮霉素磷酸转移酶标记基因的根癌农杆菌菌株GV3101的介导下,对影响芥菜植株原位真空渗入遗传转化效果的真空渗入时间、根癌农杆菌悬浮孢子的浓度、渗入培养基、感染方式以及根癌农杆菌菌株等进行研究。结果表明,真空渗入时间为2min/间歇30s/30s;菌液浓度OD600为0.8;渗入培养基为1/2MS无机 B5有机;菌株采用强感染型的;对花蕾进行真空渗入,可以获得最佳转化效果。  相似文献   

The characteristics of work piece's surface under precision abrasive belt grinding are analyzed.A comprehensive understanding of the reason of low roughness value's surface is found out,which the edge of grain formed compact and crossed micro grinding marks that can compensate for the inconsistence of grinding mark's height in single grinding direction.The grinding test of gear shaft is done for the sake of doing research on the main factors of surface roughness in grinding quenching stainless steel.The results indicate that decreasing the vertical pressure is beneficial to(reduce) surface roughness of work piece,and the surface roughness also can reach the requirement of precision processing when steadily grinding.  相似文献   

研磨方法对土壤速效钾测定值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定土壤经不同研磨方法处理导致速效钾含量测定值存在差异的原因,可以为土壤速效养分测试和配方施肥提供科学依据。选取吉林省中西部和内蒙古乌兰浩特市等9个县(市)共16个土样,采用手擀(处理1)、2800 r/min(处理2)和25000 r/min(处理3)的粉碎机研磨等3种方式处理,经乙酸铵溶液浸提后,用原子吸收分光光度计测定速效钾含量,同时对样本进行方差分析。结果表明:25000 r/min处理的速效钾含量极显著高于另外2种处理,手擀处理的速效钾含量高于2800 r/min处理,但差异不显著。处理3比处理1增加8.45%~181.60%,比处理2增加9.65%~238.72%,处理1比处理2增加1.11%~27.15%。在一定转速范围内,速效钾的测试值不随粉碎机转速的加快而增大。  相似文献   

花粉管通道法导入外源DNA创造燕麦新种质   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用花粉管途径将不同倍性燕麦以及花生、大豆、小麦等不同作物外源DNA导入裸燕麦早熟品种品二号、中晚熟品种冀张莜四号和晚熟品种冀张莜五号,获得了较为广泛的变异,经过逐代选择鉴定,育成了一批裸燕麦新种质。本研究以GUS报告基因为外源目的基因用同样方法导入燕麦,从其导入一代(GT)中检测出了表达GUS活性的阳性植株。  相似文献   

Genetic transfer in plants means inducing exogenous genes into recipient plants by molecular biological methods and producing exotic genetic characters in recipient plants. Transgenic technique can more quickly ,effectively and directly get a breed than traditional breed system. The technique has developed the focus of breeding researches in plants. This paper reviews progresses, problems and resolutions in the studies of transfer genes in alfalfa in recent years.  相似文献   

为提高生产果蔬谷物饮品中原料的利用率,分析了果蔬谷物皮渣湿法高速切割超细粉碎机理与关键设备技术。为了直观描述与分析果蔬谷物皮渣在切割粉碎腔内的转子刀头形式、定子刀片偏转角度、转子刀头转速以及定子刀片个数对流场的影响情况,运用Fluent软件对果蔬谷物皮渣在切割粉碎腔内流场进行可视化分析与研究,得到相关结构参数与粉碎流场的分布状态,为高纤维果蔬谷物饮品开发与清洁化生产提供一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

机器人技术在农业中的应用方向和发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
农业机器人技术的深入研究,可以使农业机器人技术更好地服务于农业生产,进而提高农业机械化程度。笔者通过对国内外大量相关资料的查阅,以及对机器人技术在农业生产中应用的深入研究,发现机器人技术在农业中的应用愈来愈广泛。农业机器人大大降低了劳动强度,提高了劳动效率,解决了劳动力不足的难题,但是在农业应用中仍存在一些不足。农业机器人技术的不断完善和创新,将会给农业生产带来更大的经济效益,成为现代化农业发展的重要途径。笔者简述了机器人技术在农业领域中最新应用及特点,分析了农业机器人的重要性及必要性,介绍了现有农业机器人的功能特点、应用领域。在此基础上,针对农业机器人应用现状存在的不足,笔者对今后机器人技术在农业中的应用方向和发展趋势提出了建议。  相似文献   

A micro piping robot is able to help people finish tasks such as inspection inside a mini pipe. Research on the mobile mechanism of the robot is very important in the robot researching area. The kinematics and dynamics characteristics of the mobile mechanism for a planetary gears driven micro robot have been studied. The operation, the principle and the affect factors of the mobile mechanism have been discussed in detail. In order to drive the robot well, the adhesion and the power of the mobile mechanism should be increased as the influence of its autoeciousness power has been reduced.  相似文献   

As a main application of information hiding technique to multimedia copyright protection, the digital watermarking technique, which embeds an invisible signal (watermark) to the original multimedia data (image, audio, and video), has been proposed as a viable solution for the copyright protection and authentication of multimedia data in a networked environment since it makes it possible to identify the author, owner, distributor or authorized consumer of multimedia data. So it has drawn extensive attention in recent years and has been widely applied. A new image watermarking scheme is proposed by incorporating the DCT transform and an edge detection technique. Experimental results show that this method is more robust against the common signal processing attacks than the traditional Cox's method.  相似文献   

同工酶电泳技术在品种纯度检验中的应用研究   总被引:25,自引:9,他引:25  
本文将同工酶电泳技术,从样品制备到图谱分析的设备和技术进行全面改进,并以北京市正在推广和将要推广的玉米杂交种子及其亲本,为品种纯度检验的主要对象,进行酯酶同工酶酶谱纯度检验,达到了准确、简便、快速和经济的实用目的。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导外源基因在棉花中的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用 5~ 6d的棉花无菌苗下胚轴切段与农杆菌共培养 ,菌株质粒中 Gus基因为标记基因 ,NPT 基因为选择基因。在含 0 .1 mg· L- 12 ,4- D和 0 .1 mg· L- 1KT的 MS培养基上共培 48h,转移到添加头孢霉素 50 0 mg· L- 1、卡那霉素 50 mg· L- 1MS培养基中诱导和筛选抗性愈伤组织 ,70~ 80 d时 ,进行 Gus检测 ,选择 Gus阳性愈伤组织 ,经体细胞分化生成转基因再生植株  相似文献   

为有效解除"旋耕播种镇压一体机"组件镇压辊在滚动过程中与表层土壤挤压形成的"鱼鳞状"板结,提升小麦抗逆节本播种保苗关键技术。通过制定技术方案,在重粘、轻粘及中壤土质的田间试验与示范,研制开发出了由支架、调节构件和疏松构件三部分组成的"小麦播种过程板结疏松装置",经播种期降雨较多年份的试用,可有效破除播种过程板结,为苗全、苗齐、苗壮提供了良好的表土微生境,符合农艺技术要求;该装置具有与"旋耕播种镇压一体机"安装拆卸简捷,生产成本低、作业效率高及机手易操作等特点。该项研究进一步完善了"旋耕播种镇压一体机"的结构与功能,拓宽了土壤适种期,为小麦抗逆节本播种保苗提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Firstly, the uncertain factors in drawing process, which cause the changes of the sensor's displacement and the sensor's vibration, are analyzed in terms of mechanics and statistics. Systemic randomictiy and non linearity affect the performance of traditional auto regulation equipment. Using the minimum error variance adaptive controlling technique to solve the uncertainty of controlled system is the ideal method. Secondly, using generalized least square method to achieve the principle and method of the system identifying model is described. Thirdly, the design steps of the minimum error variance adaptive adjustor and the method of the computer simulation are discussed. The result of test running shows that the output of the system follows the input of the system better, the system restrains the random disturbance more efficiently, and the performance of auto regulation is improved apparently.  相似文献   

地方普通本科高校向应用型转变,服务地方经济发展,是高等教育发展的必然结果。以泉州师范学院建设的“福建省海洋与食品产业应用型人才培养专业群”为例,总结食品科学与工程专业在应用型人才培养课程体系改革中的实施方案与初步成效,为地方本科院校向应用型转型背景下应用型人才培养模式的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Project bidding and assessing aim at choosing the best bidder, and then achieve the best optimization of bidder's value aim. The current method of project bidding does not qualifiedly describe the connection among the quality, time limit for the project, and investment of engineering project, so it can not exactly evaluate the bidder's value aim. Consequently, this is not beneficial to achieve the best value. Value engineering is a function analysis method achieving the necessary functions at the lowest cost of total lifetime cycle. Based on the analysis of the existing issues in the valuating system, this paper provides some improvement on the current valuating methods and scientific basis for choosing the best bidder through calculating the value coefficient such as function, cost and value.  相似文献   

上海都市农业可持续发展的产业形态研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提出上海都市农业作为与都市经济发展和人民生活息息相关的基础产业,应当优先实施可持续发展战略。上海都市农业的可持续发展,一定要走农业产业化的道路。具体来讲,就是要建设以下两大类型6种产业形态的都市农业:(1)产品型都市农业,包括生态农业、设施农业、创汇农业等;(2)服务型都市农业,包括绿化农业、旅游农业、休闲农业等。  相似文献   

湖南绿色食品产业发展对策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了绿色食品的概念和特征,分析了湖南发展绿色食品的必要性,总结了湖南绿色食品发展的现状。提出要把绿色食品产业当作一项“绿色革命”性工程来抓,从“科学统筹规划,制订目标任务;突出发展重点,打造知名品牌;加强基地建设,规范操作规程;组织专题研究,推广先进技术;建立专业网站,及时传播信息;创新管理体系,保障产销顺畅”等6个方面探讨了湖南绿色食品产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

应用15N研究前作施用有机肥对烤烟氮肥效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为进一步促进烤烟轮作周期内有机肥和氮肥的合理施用,采用田间微区试验和田间小区试验相结合的方法,应用稳定性同位素15N示踪技术,研究了前作施用有机肥(秸杆、油枯、腐熟猪粪)对烤烟氮肥效应的影响。结果显示:与对照相比,前作施用有机肥可以促进烤烟的生长,影响烤烟对氮肥的利用;有机肥的种类不同,对烟株各部位叶片中的氮含量的影响不同;前作施用油枯和腐熟猪粪后,烟株不同部位的氮来自肥料的比例增加,提高了烤烟对氮肥的利用率;有机肥前作施用可以提高上部叶的可用性,对中部叶的品质有利。试验的结果表明:前作施用油枯和腐熟猪粪较好  相似文献   

北沙柳属杨柳科柳属植物,具有萌蘖力强,耐旱、耐盐碱和抗风沙的特点,是中国西北地区固沙造林的主要树种之一,兼具生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。我们综述了国内外近年来北沙柳的相关研究成果包括生长繁殖、生理生态特征、与真菌共生作用、防风固沙、分子生物学及产业化开发与利用,并对未来发展前景做出展望,提出优良种质资源收集、分子定向育种和资源合理开发等建议,旨在为北沙柳的种质资源库管理、资源保护和合理开发应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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