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Primary hereditary cataract is recorded and described in the German Shepherd Dog in the United Kingdom. The cataract is not congenital, it is bilateral and progressive to a certain point and is unassociated with any other ocular abnormality. It is due to an autosomal, recessive gene. The cataract is compared to that described by von Hippel in Germany in 1930 which was congenital and non-progressive and due to a dominant gene. The two types of cataract are therefore dissimilar.  相似文献   

相比其它品种犬,德国牧羊犬倾向于发生相当频繁的问题是免疫系统缺陷综合症。该品种有许多个体带有称作IgA的一种特殊免疫球蛋白缺乏症,这个缺陷基因可能与染色体上通常控制免疫的基因非常接近。一些兽医对此类问题的出现并不很了解,忽略了涉及免疫系统的缺陷和对症治疗,导致错误的开出处方药品,或根本无法处理。因此,有必要对犬的免疫介导疾病有所了解和认识。  相似文献   

A cutaneous melanocytoma-acanthoma in a 2-year-old female German Shepherd Dog was characterized by the presence of two populations of neoplastic cells: epithelial and melanocytic. The epithelial component consisted of nests of well-differentiated stratified squamous epithelium closely associated with neoplastic melanocytes. The epithelial cells immunoreacted with both monoclonal and polyclonal anti-cytokeratin antibodies, and immunoreaction to S-100 protein and vimentin was observed in the melanocytic cells. This rare pigmented skin neoplasm of the dog apparently has a benign behavior.  相似文献   

Case report: A 6.5‐year‐old clinically healthy German Shepherd Dog with regular oestrous cycles of 6 months was presented for pregnancy diagnosis on day 38 after ovulation (p.ov.). Ultrasonography revealed three individual placental sites in progressed resorption and two vital adequately developed foetuses sharing a joint placenta. On days 41 and 48 p.ov., sonographic signs indicated normal development of both foetuses, but on day 52 p.ov., both foetuses were found to be dead. A caesarean section was performed the same day. Examination of the removed uterus confirmed the diagnosis of a “twin” pregnancy with two foetuses sharing the same placental site but separate amniotic membranes. One foetus showed generalized oedema (anasarca). Bacterial culture of swabs taken from inside the placental cavity was negative. At histological examination of the uterus, no signs of inflammation were found. Serum relaxin concentrations (day 38, 41, 48 and 52. p.ov.) were consistent with those of bitches with normal pregnancies. Cytogenetic analysis of the two foetuses revealed dizygotic twins, one male and one female according to SRY‐PCR. By genotyping 17 high‐polymorphic canine microsatellites, it could be demonstrated that the two foetuses developed from two different oocytes.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis VII was diagnosed in a domestic shorthair cat from California. The cat was small and had multiple abnormalities, including a small body disproportionate to the size of the skull, angular deformities of the ribs, abnormally short forelimbs, luxating patellas, generalized epiphyseal dysplasia involving the vertebrae and long bones, cuboidal vertebrae, pectus excavatum, subluxation of both hips, osteosclerosis of the tentorium cerebelli and left petrous temporal bone, tracheal hypoplasia, and corneal clouding. Beta-glucuronidase activity was markedly decreased in peripheral blood leukocytes. The cat died at 21 months of age, and a complete necropsy was performed. Tissues were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Large clear, round vacuoles representing distended lysosomes were present in many epithelial and connective tissue cells, including fibrocytes, chondrocytes, smooth muscle cells, hepatocytes, astrocytes, and macrophages.  相似文献   

Objective— To report diagnosis and treatment of bilateral iliopsoas muscle contracture in a dog with spinous process impingement. Study design— Case report. Animals— German Shepherd dog. Methods— A dog with chronic progressive lameness, flexion contracture of the coxofemoral joints, severe pain, and decreased femoral reflexes had severe spondylosis bridging the vertebral bodies from L1 to L4 and enlarged dorsal spinous processes from T8 to L6 with impingement and bony proliferation. Ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were consistent with fibrosis, mineralization, and atrophy of the iliopsoas muscles bilaterally which was treated by staged tenectomy of the insertions of the iliopsoas muscles. Results— Because of severe perivascular fibrosis, the femoral vessels required ligation. Bilateral iliopsoas muscle tenectomy improved gait and provided pain relief. Histologic findings were consistent with fibrotic myopathy. Conclusions— Slow progression of severe clinical signs observed bilaterally in this dog differs from previous reports of iliopsoas myopathy. Findings were similar to the fibrotic myopathy of the gracilis or semitendinosus muscles described in dogs. Clinical Relevance— Iliopsoas muscle abnormalities should be considered in dogs with limited hip extension and pain. MRI is useful for diagnosing muscle fibrosis. Iliopsoas tenectomy may improve clinical function in dogs with fibrotic myopathy.  相似文献   

随着德国牧羊犬在国内的兴起,德牧犬犬的外貌特征、被毛种类和毛色与基因遗传的关系已经变得越来越受重视.通过对影响犬被毛颜色色度的不同类型的黑色素,以及控制色素沉着的等位基因的深入分析探讨,了解不同位点基因的纯合子和杂合子对德牧犬犬毛色、虹膜、鼻子和眼圈的色素沉着的影响.旨在全面解答人们对德牧犬犬颜色差异产生的困惑.  相似文献   

The study of sexual dimorphism in dog anatomy, especially with regard to skeletal elements, has received little attention. The present work focuses on elements of the canine stylo- and zeugopodium, less documented than the skull or pelvis in the literature. In order to identify only sex-dependent effects, we analysed a single breed: the German Shepherd Dog. Data come from 25 dogs, with a balanced sex ratio (12 males and 13 females). Four skeletal elements of the forelimb and hindlimb (humerus, radius, femur, tibia) were each measured using seven linear morphometric variables. Univariate and multivariate analyses were then performed on these 28 variables. For all measurements, males are on average larger than females, with a mean sexual dimorphism ratio of 1.07. Sexual dimorphism is significant for 92.8% of the variables. Except of femoral measurements, diaphyseal values show the highest grade of sexual dimorphism. The mean level of disparity is higher in the forelimb (1.08) than in the hindlimb (1.05). A significant dimorphism is shown for the first component of principal component analyses conducted on each skeletal element, and for the second component with humerus measurements. Discriminant functions for sex identification give success rates included between 82% for the radius and 93% for the femur, the latter providing the highest reported score for sex identification in dogs from any skeletal element. These complementary statistic methods highlight a more dimorphic forelimb in size and a more dimorphic hindlimb in shape.  相似文献   

对马里努阿犬和德国牧羊犬的精液品质(采精量、色泽、pH值、精子密度、活力等)进行分析研究。结果表明:两犬种精液品质都符合精液冷冻、人工授精的使用要求。两品种犬间精子密度差异极显著(P0.01);采精量、a级精子密度、b级精子百分率差异显著(P0.05),其余差异不显著。通过综合比较分析,马里努阿犬的精液品质较好,其鲜精活力为0.93,a、b级精子百分率为92.93%;德国牧羊犬次之,其鲜精活力0.86,a、b级精子百分率为86.47%。本研究为有针对性配制和添加稀释液提供依据,为后备种犬的选留和繁殖饲养的相关研究提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common and debilitating developmental condition of the canine coxofemoral (hip) joint, exhibiting a multifactorial pattern of inheritance. British Veterinary Association hip traits (BVAHTs) are nine radiographic features of hips used in several countries to ordinally score both the right and left hip of potential breeding candidates to assess their suitability for breeding. The objective of this study was to examine some aspects of the relationship between contralateral scores for each BVAHT in a cohort of 13 124 Australian‐registered German Shepherd Dogs. Goodman and Kruskal gamma coefficients of 0.48–0.95 and correlation coefficients of 0.50–0.74 demonstrate that the association between right and left hip scores varies between moderate and strong for BVAHTs. Principal component analysis of scores detected a sizeable left‐versus‐right effect, a finding supported by symmetry and quasi‐symmetry analyses which found that seven of the nine BVAHTs display significant marginal asymmetry. Dogs showing asymmetry for one BVAHT are significantly more likely to display asymmetry at other BVAHTs. When asymmetry is expressed as a binary trait (either symmetrical or asymmetrical), it displays low to moderate heritability. Estimates of genetic correlations between right and left scores are very high for all BVAHTs (>0.945), suggesting right and left scores for each BVAHT are largely determined by the same set of genes. The marginal asymmetries are therefore more likely to be of environmental and non‐additive genetic origin. In breeding programmes for CHD, we recommend that scores from both hips be used to estimate breeding values, with a term for side‐of‐hip included in the model to account for score variation owing to asymmetry.  相似文献   

2009年6月收治1条作为肉犬父本的幼龄德国牧羊犬病犬,通过临床症状观察、血液常规指标检查、主要病原检查和影像学检查,确诊为持久性右主动脉弓。对其进行胸部手术治疗,经术后护理该犬恢复良好。  相似文献   

<正>我国的养犬爱好者,对比利时牧羊犬(Belgian Shepherd Dog)的认识多半是来自比利时马里努阿犬(Belgian Malinois)。因为自20世纪末期开始,我国逐年进口马里努阿犬,尤其公安、军队、武警、海关等行业,  相似文献   

The clinical features, histopathology and treatment of corneal pannus (chronic superficial keratitis) in a series of eighty-four German Shepherd Dogs are reported. The aetiology of the condition and its therapeutic management are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

As in the number of mammals, the most prominent feature of the ganglion-cell layer in the retina of the German shepherd dog is the sharp increase in the density of ganglion cells in the central area. There is an area of maximum density and also a ‘cat-like’ visual streak, located dorsal to the optic disc. The isodensity lines of ganglion-cell distribution is roughly concentric. Their values vary from 5300-13 000 cells/mm2 in the central area, with the cells densely packed, to 1000 cells/mm2 or less in the periphery, where the cells are sparsely distributed. There were some individual differences amongst the animals studied, although all of them were pure-bred dogs. This suggests that the configuration of the retina in the canine species is not only dependent on the breed itself but also on some other parameters such as phylogenetic heritage, environment, aptitude, lifestyle, or even training.  相似文献   

德国牧羊犬与罗威纳犬是我国引进的大型工作犬种,这两个品种犬性情相近,应用的工作领域也大致相同.采用科学的测定方法,对决定其使用价值的探求、猎取、防御等几种主要行为性状以及胆量进行判定分析,以了解这些行为在不同品种、不同性别之间的表现差异,更好地为训练、使用以及科学研究服务.结果发现:在同一品种内,德国牧羊犬公母犬在防御反射、胆量方面存在显著差异,罗威纳公母犬防御反射存在显著差异.在不同品种间,罗威纳公母犬的衔取欲望均相应高于德国牧羊犬公母犬,并达到显著水平.  相似文献   

The incidence of pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) was investigated in 59 German shepherd dogs from two kindred. The male progenitors were the same in both kindred. In the four litters of the first kindred the incidence of PDA was 24 % (10 dogs out of 41), and there was at least one affected dog in each litter. When one of the litter bitches, later affected with PDA, was mated with one of the obligate carriers of PDA, one of the resultant seven offspring has so far been found to suffer from PDA. In the second kindred when a PDA-affected bitch and a clinically healthy male (heterozygote) were mated, two of the resultant six offspring were found to suffer from PDA.These results indicate that PDA is a disease inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, although the possibility of dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

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