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The first attempts at applying aquacultural techniques to sharpsnoutseabream (Diplodus puntazzo) have proved very promising.One of the factors to keep in mind when analysing the viability of a speciesforindustrial farming is that of consumer acceptance of the product, a variablethat can be measured by sensory evaluation tests. To that end, 107 participantsfrom a number of work centres were assessed with hedonic sensory tests usingsharpsnout seabream samples. For reference purposes, the tasting also includedgilthead seabream samples. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnairethat included questions concerning their preferences for any one fish. Weanalysed the sensory attributes of both fish species using a hedonic scale, andalso their acceptability (disposition to purchase) to consumers. The resultsproved fairly encouraging with a view to sharpsnout seabream large-scaleproduction. All attributes tested in the sensory profile analysis werepositively rated. About 60% of the surveyed population would consider buyingsharpsnout seabream at a price similar to that of gilthead seabream (10),and 85% found it to be pleasing to the eye. Aside from flavour, its texture,juiciness and fat level are the most important appraisal attributes. Efforts toimprove the organoleptic characteristics of the species should focus mainly onthese attributes.  相似文献   

The first attempts at applying aquacultural techniques to sharpsnoutseabream (Diplodus puntazzo) have proved very promising.One of the factors to keep in mind when analysing the viability of a speciesforindustrial farming is that of consumer acceptance of the product, a variablethat can be measured by sensory evaluation tests. To that end, 107 participantsfrom a number of work centres were assessed with hedonic sensory tests usingsharpsnout seabream samples. For reference purposes, the tasting also includedgilthead seabream samples. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnairethat included questions concerning their preferences for any one fish. Weanalysed the sensory attributes of both fish species using a hedonic scale, andalso their acceptability (disposition to purchase) to consumers. The resultsproved fairly encouraging with a view to sharpsnout seabream large-scaleproduction. All attributes tested in the sensory profile analysis werepositively rated. About 60% of the surveyed population would consider buyingsharpsnout seabream at a price similar to that of gilthead seabream (10∈),and 85% found it to be pleasing to the eye. Aside from flavour, its texture,juiciness and fat level are the most important appraisal attributes. Efforts toimprove the organoleptic characteristics of the species should focus mainly onthese attributes.  相似文献   

Macronutrient selection and responses to dietary protein dilution were investigated in 95-g sharpsnout seabream, an omnivorous fish species of interest for Mediterranean aquaculture. Five groups of 18 sharpsnout seabream were distributed among circular 450-l tanks and allowed to self-feed from 3 feeders each of which distributed feeds composed of different pairs of macronutrients: PC (75% protein, 25% carbohydrate), PF (75% protein, 25% fat) or FC (50% fat, 50% digestible carbohydrate). Regardless of self-feeders position, the fish composed a diet containing 63% protein, 19% fat and 18% carbohydrate. When the protein-containing diets (PC and PF) were diluted 50% with cellulose, the fish increased their food intake to compensate for the energy dilution (170 kJ/kg BW/day vs. 168 kJ/kg BW/day after dilution), and dietary composition (63% protein, 16% fat and 21% carbohydrate) did not change significantly. These results demonstrate that sharpsnout seabream can select from incomplete diets to compose a balanced diet, and the fish are also able to compensate for a dietary dilution to regulate both energy intake and the relative proportions of macronutrients.  相似文献   

Shape ontogeny of Diplodus puntazzo was studied during the larval and metamorphosis phase (2.6–33.0 mm total length (TL)) by means of geometric morphometrics. Additionally, shape comparison was performed between newly settled wild individuals of D. puntazzo (11.0–18.0 mm TL) and reared of the same TL range. Results clearly demonstrated that shape ontogeny of D. puntazzo is not continuous during the studied period, but it is characterized by the presence of two inflection points (at 6.2 and 11.4 mm TL), which define three phases of significantly different rates of shape development (P<0.05). Spline diagrams demonstrated that shape ontogeny mainly correlated with the development of fins, caudal peduncle, snoot and the ventral abdominal profile. Concerning the comparison of reared fish with wild fish, morphometric analysis revealed a significant effect of fish origin on the shape of D. puntazzo (Wilks' λ=0.147, P<0.001). Shape differences between the two populations were mainly demonstrated at the caudal peduncle and at the ventral profile of the abdominal area. Combined with the results of shape ontogeny, spline diagrams showed that shape differences between the two populations were related to the comparatively more advanced ontogenetic state of reared fish, at the studied size range.  相似文献   

The effects of different feeding rates on the lipids fatty acid profile of sharpsnout seabream (Diplodus puntazzo) tissues were studied. During a 15‐day period, four fish groups were allowed to feed to satiation, at two‐thirds and one‐third of satiety, and starved, respectively. Reducing food intake progressively increased the n‐3:n‐6 relationship by increase of n‐3 (mainly Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids) and decrease of n‐6 fatty acid percentages. In perivisceral fat, this n‐3:n‐6 value was already statistically significant lower for the group fed to satiety (1.29 versus 1.71, 1.80 and 1.65 for the two‐third‐fed, one‐third‐fed and fasted groups, respectively), whereas in the white muscle (1.69 versus 2.13 and 2.12) and liver (0.83 versus 1.40 and 2.66) the differences were statistically significant only for the one‐third‐fed and fasted groups. Linoleic acid was the main contributor to the n‐6 drop, whereas the n‐3 fatty acids preferentially preserved were for the most part essential fatty acids. Fat quality indices (thrombogenic and atherogenic) were not affected by food restriction except for liver, being the former significantly lower in the one‐third‐fed and fasted groups. Food intake restriction to one‐third of satiety levels was enough to trigger the mechanisms that preserve essential fatty acids.  相似文献   

Although the growth of intensively reared sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (DP) has been suggested to improve in duoculture with gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (SA), the stocking ratio for most effective duoculture rearing has not been investigated. For this purpose, juvenile D. puntazzo (1.68±0.011 g) and S. aurata (1.43±0.007 g) were reared in duplicated groups of 165 specimens each, in two monoculture (100% DP, 100% SA) and four duoculture combinations (80% DP–20% SA, 60% DP–40% SA, 40% DP–60% SA, 20% DP–80% SA) for 96 days under recirculated water system conditions. Both species exhibited the highest growth when stocked at 20% and the poorest growth when stocked at 80%. For each species, no major differences for coefficient of weight variation and carcass proximate composition were detected. As the percentage of stocked S. aurata increased, D. puntazzo aggressiveness and weight variability of whole population were reduced, while total biomass, food consumption and food conversion ratio were increased. The results obtained are discussed in relation to fish behaviour and social interactions. From the fish farming point of view, it is indicated that under the present experimental conditions, juvenile S. aurata should be reared in monoculture and D. puntazzo in duoculture 40% DP–60% SA.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of oxolinic acid (OA) were investigated after a single intra‐vascular injection (20 mg kg?1 fish) in sharpsnout sea bream (90 g), a promising new euryhaline species for Mediterranean fish farming. The distribution half‐life (t1/2α) and the elimination half‐life (t1/2β) of OA were calculated to be 0.4 and 10 h respectively. The apparent volume of distribution at steady‐state (Vd(ss)) and total clearance rate (CLT) of the drug were found to be 2.1 L kg and 0.2 L kg?1 h?1 respectively. The bioavailability (F%) of OA following oral administration (40 mg kg?1 fish) was estimated to be 15%. The results indicate a rapid distribution and elimination of the drug, moderate tissue penetration, but low absorption in sharpsnout sea bream. The kinetic profile of OA found in this species is comparable with that observed in another well‐known sparid, gilthead sea bream.  相似文献   

The performance of silver perch fed a commercially available diet based on meat meal (38%), grain legumes (18%), oilseeds (10%), wheat millrun (20%), fishmeal (5%) and fish oil (3%) was compared with experimental diets based on alternative protein sources in two experiments. In Experiment 1, two experimental diets contained similar contents of fishmeal and fish oil as the commercially available reference diet, but soybean (25%) and wheat millrun (>31%) were used to reduce animal protein meals by approximately 50%. The digestible protein and digestible energy of the two experimental diets was either slightly lower (31.5% and 12.8 MJ kg?1) or slightly higher (34.9% and 14.3 MJ kg?1) than the reference diet (32.1% and 13.2 MJ kg?1). In Experiment 2, the two experimental diets contained no fishmeal but included higher amounts of rendered animal meals (41–48%). One of the diets had similar digestible protein to the reference diet (32%) while the other had only 25% digestible protein. Silver perch (38 g for Experiment 1 and 59 g for Experiment 2) were stocked into each of nine 0.1 ha earthen ponds with fish in three ponds fed each diet for 191 days (Experiment 1) or 187 days (Experiment 2). Survival was >94% in all ponds in both experiments. In Experiment 1, growth rates and feed conversion ratios (FCRs) ranged from 2.1 to 2.4 g fish?1 day?1 and 1.7 to 1.9 respectively. Growth rates were significantly (P<0.05) lower for fish fed the experimental diet with the lowest digestible energy content. Growth rates for fish fed the other experimental diet and the reference diet were similar (P>0.05). In Experiment 2, growth rates and FCRs ranged from 2.3 to 2.4 g fish?1 day?1 and 1.6 to 1.7. There were no significant differences in fish performance indices for any of the three diets although experimental power was low (power=0.31). A blind consumer sensory evaluation (taste panel) of fish fed the three diets in Experiment 2 rated fish as ‘highly acceptable’. The diet with the lowest digestible protein content produced the best fish in terms of ‘smell liking’, ‘flavour liking’, ‘muddy flavour strength’ and ‘fresh flavour strength’. These results confirm that soybean meal and/or rendered animal protein ingredients including meat meal and poultry offal meal, and wheat can form the basis for high‐performance, low‐cost diets for intensive pond culture of silver perch.  相似文献   

An 83‐day feeding trial was carried out to determine the effect of different dietary protein and lipid levels on the growth performances and carcass composition of white seabream. Juveniles (10.7±0.2 g) were fed to satiation on four diets, varying in protein (15% and 28%) and lipid (12% and 16%) levels. The best growth performance was observed in fish fed on diets with higher protein level. Dietary lipids did not affect growth performance. Voluntary feed intake decreased with a increasing dietary protein level at both dietary lipid levels. Feed conversion ratio improved with the increase in dietary protein and lipid levels. Carcass composition remained unaltered by dietary protein levels (P>0.05). Carcass protein content tended to decrease, while lipid content tended to increase in groups fed on 16% lipid, compared with the 12% lipid groups. Additionally, protein retention was higher in fish fed on low‐protein and low‐lipid levels, compared with the high‐protein and high‐lipid group (29% vs. 19%). Lipid retention increased significantly with dietary protein level (P<0.001). Energy retention improved with dietary protein, but was not affected by dietary lipid levels. On the basis of our results, feeding white seabream on 15% dietary protein had a negative effect on growth and feed utilization. Dietary lipid did not induce a protein‐sparing action in Diplodus sargus juveniles.  相似文献   

A histological study was made of the reproductive cycle of captive sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo during the 3rd year of life. All specimens contained both ovarian and testicular tissue. Ovarian tissue prevailed in 64 out of 120 fish sampled throughout one year. The ovary underwent a long resting phase from October to August, during which time it contained oogonia, primary growth phase (PGP) and occasional yolk vesicle stage oocytes. Intense ovarian development took place in September leading to the formation of advanced vitellogenic oocytes. Final maturation and spawning were not achieved in any of the fish. The testicular area in the predominantly female gonads contained only spermatogonia and was found to be histologically normal in 76% of individuals, but severely regressed in the remaining fish. The testicular portion was found to be dominant in 56 out of 120 fish sampled throughout one year. These underwent a resting phase from November to July, a maturing/pre-spawning phase in August, and a spawning phase with spontaneous sperm release in September to October, as in the natural environment. The ovarian portion in the functional male gonads contained only oogonia and oocytes which did not develop beyond the perinucleolus stage at any point during the reproductive cycle. Apart from the pre-spawning/spawning phase, during which the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was comparable in the two groups, the GSI values were approximately ten-fold higher in those fish in which the ovary predominated than in those in which the testis predominated.  相似文献   

The effect of replacing fishmeal with soybean meal in the diet and also partial dietary protein replacement with carbohydrates, on sharpsnout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo) total lipid fatty acid profile was studied. A group of sharpsnout sea bream of 200 g were fed a diet containing either 0%, 20%, 40% or 60% of protein from soybean meal. In a second experiment, fish (126 g) were fed diets with reduced protein and increased carbohydrate percentages. Fishmeal replacement with soybean meal increases the fish polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content, mainly due to linoleic acid, which is present in high quantities in soya. But as a consequence, the inclusion of soybean meal produces a significant decrease of the n‐3/n‐6 relationship (from 2.21±0.07 to 1.66±0.05). Replacement of protein with carbohydrate hardly modifies the diet fatty acid profile. As the fishmeal content decreases, there is a slight reduction of saturated fatty acids, the diet with lowest protein percentage having the highest monounsaturated fatty acids and lowest PUFA proportions. Fat quality indices are similar to those reported in previous studies, and in the case of fish under soy‐containing diets, they are favourables. However, fishmeal replacement causes a loss of n‐3 fatty acids that is important to compensate using other sources rich in this type of fatty acids.  相似文献   

This experiment was done to study the effects of dietary soybean meal (SBM) and inulin (a prebiotic) on the capacity for digestive hydrolysis and amino acid absorption by Atlantic salmon, and how a dietary supplement of the broad-spectrum antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC) modulated these responses. A control diet (FM) was made from fish meal, fish oil and extruded wheat. Two similar diets were made with 250 g soybean meal (SBM) or 75 g inulin kg− 1. Each diet was made with or without a supplement of 3 g OTC kg− 1. All six diets contained yttrium oxide for estimation of apparent nutrient absorption. Each diet was fed to two groups of 172 g salmon kept in 1 m2 tanks with 9 °C saltwater for 3 weeks. Intestinal organs were then sampled and weighed. Gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) were sectioned for analyses of brush border alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activities. Tissue from the distal intestine (DI) was also fixed for histological examination. Digesta from the different sections were freeze dried for estimation of trypsin and amylase activities, and of apparent absorption of amino acids (AA), nitrogen (N), and sulphur (S). About 85% of the trypsin activity, 70% of the amylase activity, 85% of the ALP activity, and 82% of the LAP activity were found in the proximal (PI) and mid (MI) intestine of fish with functional DI, and the absorption of AA, N, and S was quantitatively completed in the MI. Dietary OTC resulted in lower relative liver weight, but apart from increased ALP and LAP activities in DI when feeding OTC in combination with inulin, OTC did not modify the responses to dietary SBM or inulin. Dietary SBM resulted in lower relative liver weight, and induced pathomorphological changes in the DI mucosa, thus lower the ALP and LAP activities in the DI. SBM also stimulated absorption of AA, N, and S in the PI, but at the same time increased the activities of trypsin and amylase in the DI, indicating reduced re-absorption and increased faecal losses of these endogenous enzymes. Dietary inulin did not damage the DI, and stimulated intestinal growth and higher relative mass of the GIT. Inulin without OTC did not affect the hydrolytic and absorptive capacity of the salmon GIT.  相似文献   

Changes in biological indices (weight, length, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, hepatosomatic index, intraperitoneal fat ratio and fillet portion), and body composition were examined in sharpsnout seabream (30 to 500 g) maintained in culture for one and a half years. Growth was rapid during May–September, and slow from October to April. Gonadal development took place between August and October, and gonadosomatic index peaked in October (GSI: 1.14%). The condition factor, the hepatosomatic index and the intraperitoneal fat ratio varied (CF: 1.83–2.51, HSI: 0.80–2.47%, IPF ratio: 1.27–2.95%, minimum and maximum values, respectively), falling during the warmer months of the year (May–Oct). The fillet portion (the eviscerated fish with the head, fishbone and tail removed), represented a 55% of body mass. There were inverse correlations between relative fat and moisture contents associated with growth periods and sexual maturation (fat: 13.5–18.5%, moisture: 59.9–64.6%, minimum and maximum values, respectively), whereas proportions of minerals and protein were more stable (ash: 3.8–4.8%, proteins: 17.5–21.4%, minimum and maximum values, respectively).  相似文献   

Two digestibility trials and two growth trials were carried out to evaluate the influence of top‐sprayed phytase on apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of protein and mineral and utilization in rainbow trout fed with soybean meal‐based diets. In Trial 1, a semi‐purified diet containing 50% soybean meal was supplemented with graded levels of phytase (0, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 U kg?1 diet), and fed to triplicate groups of fish. In Trial 2, commercial‐type extruded feeds containing 36% soybean meal with either 0 or 2000 U phytase kg?1 were fed to five replicate groups of fish. Phytase clearly decreased phytic acid content of feces from 35 to 5 mg and from 34 to 14 mg phytic acid per g faecal dry matter in Trials 1 and 2 respectively. Apparent digestibility coefficient of P improved from 23% to 83% in Trial 1 and from 35% to 54% in Trial 2 by phytase. Apparent protein increased by 1.2% and 3.2%‐units by phytase in Trials 1 and 2. Zinc digestibility was significantly increased in Trial 1, but not in Trial 2. Trials 3 and 4 were conducted to evaluate the influence of phytase on dietary P (Trial 3) and lysine (Trial 4) utilization. Three diets were prepared for each trial: P (Trial 3)‐ or lysine (Trial 4)‐deficient basal diets, basal diets with phytase supplementation (2000 U kg?1) and P (Trial 3)‐ or lysine (Trial 4)‐fortified diets. Rainbow trout (initial weight 20 g) were fed for 10 weeks using four and six replicates for Trials 3 and 4 respectively. Phytase increased P utilization in Trial 3 as demonstrated by an increase in vertebra ash from 24.1% to 45.4%, and by an increase in weight gain from 243% to 459% of the initial weight. Phytase did not increase lysine utilization, since neither protein retention nor weight gain were enhanced by phytase. Supplemental lysine increased protein retention and weight gain to 43.1% and 514%, respectively, and also decreased whole‐body lipid contents significantly from 120 to 123 g kg?1 in fish fed the basal diet and phytase‐supplemented diet to 106 g kg?1 in fish fed with lysine‐fortified diet.  相似文献   

Effects of thermal and enzymatic treatments of soybean meal on apparent absorption of total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus, nitrogen (protein), ash, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, strontium and zinc were examined using rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), as the test species. Absorption of the test nutrients was estimated using yttrium as an inert non-absorbable indicator. Thermal treatments (microwaving, dry roasting, steam heating, cooking) had no measurable effect on the apparent absorption of phosphorus and other minerals. Phytase supplementation increased the apparent absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen (protein), ash, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, strontium and zinc in low-ash diets containing soybean meal, but had little effect in high-ash diets containing both soybean and fish meal. In low-ash diets, the apparent absorption of phosphorus increased in accord with the level of phytase added to the diet, from 27% (no phytase added) up to 90% (phytase added, 4000 units kg−1 diet) or 93% (predigested with phytase, 200 units kg−1 soybean meal). In high-ash diets, dietary acidification with citric acid decreased the effect of phytase, whereas in low-ash diets, acidification markedly increased the effect of the enzyme. Excretion of phosphorus in the faeces of fish fed a low-ash diet containing phytase-treated soybean meal was 0.32 g per kg diet consumed, a 95%−98% reduction compared with phosphorus excretion by fish consuming commercial trout feeds.  相似文献   

The suitability of cottonseed meal (CSM) as a major source of plant protein in feeds for tilapia ( Oreochromis sp.) was tested by examining growth and feed intake, feed digestibility, liver gossypol concentrations, feed utilization, and body mineral composition. Juvenile tilapia at an initial average size of 11.8 ± 1.6 g were divided into triplicate groups per dietary treatment and offered five different formulated diets. In these feeds fish meal (FM) protein was gradually replaced by protein from CSM (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%; diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively). The experiments were conducted in a recirculation system at a water temperature of 27 ± 1°C in glass aquaria for 16 weeks. Tilapia growth did not differ significantly ( P  > 0.05) with up to 50% substitution of FM with CSM. Fish meal replacement above 50% resulted in significant growth decline with time. Fish fed with 100% FM and diets including 50% CSM had significantly better daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed efficiency ratio than those fed with 100% CSM. Fish fed with 75% CSM and above had lower concentrations of body iron, calcium and phosphorus than controls (100% FM). Concentrations of total gossypol in diets (ranging from 0.11 to 0.44% in diets 2–5) resulted in proportional increase of total gossypol in fish liver (32.3, 72.3, 99.4 and 132.1 μg g−1 wet weight) in groups fed with diet 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. We concluded that CSM can partially replace FM as a main source of protein in feed for tilapia at not more than 50%. The presence of gossypol in CSM was identified as the major limiting factor for acceptance and utilization of CSM-based diets in tilapia farming.  相似文献   

A feeding trail was conducted to evaluate the effect of lowering dietary fishmeal (FM) levels while increasing levels of dehulled soybean meal (SBM) on growth, nutrient utilization and body composition of juvenile kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicas. Five experimental diets were formulated to be isoenergetic, isolipidic and isonitrogenous with decreasing FM levels from 40 to 16% while increasing SBM from 0 to 33% respectively. Quadruplicate groups of shrimp (initial wt = 1.5 g) were fed the test diets for 56 days under the flow‐through system. There were no significant differences in final weight (g) and specific growth rate (SGR, % day) among shrimp fed FM40, FM34, FM28 and FM22 diets respectively. Growth parameters significantly decreased in shrimp when fed FM16 diet, which was the lowest level of FM. Feed intake was positively correlated with the SGR of shrimp, and the lowest one was found in shrimp fed FM16 diet. Protein gain and retention, whole body lipid, arginine and methionine significantly decreased in FM16 fed group. Thus, it is concluded that dietary FM could be reduced down to 22% with SBM without compromising growth, nutrient utilization and retention, and whole body composition of kuruma shrimp.  相似文献   

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