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有机酸对石灰性潮土有机磷组分的影响 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
采用小麦盆栽试验的方法,研究了有机酸对石灰性潮土有机 P 组分含量及土壤 P 有效性的影响.结果表明:石灰性潮土的 4 种有机 P 组分中,以中度活性有机 P 为主,其次为高稳性有机 P 和中稳性有机 P ,活性有机P的含量最低;施用磷酸二氢钾和氟磷灰石后,土壤有机P总量和有机P各组分发生了变化;土壤经有机酸处理后,有机P总量增加,有机P总量的增加主要是中度活性有机P和活性有机P的增加.而中稳性有机P和高稳性有机P主要表现为下降,说明有机酸能够促进土壤有机P由有效性较低的形态逐步向有效性高的形态转化,从而进一步矿化为无机P或者被植物根系直接吸收,其中草酸的作用效果总体上较腐殖酸强;在P素供应不足的情况下,有机酸(草酸和腐殖酸)能够提高石灰性潮土中P的有效性,促进植物的正常生长. 相似文献
长期秸秆还田对潮土土壤各形态磷的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
基于黄淮海低平原区潮土上33年长期肥料定位试验,采用蒋柏藩―顾益初的石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法,研究冬小麦―夏玉米轮作中长期不同氮磷用量下秸秆还田对土壤全磷、有效磷(Olsen-P)及各形态无机磷的影响。结果表明:黄淮海低平原区潮土上冬小麦―夏玉米轮作中P2O5用量0~240 kg hm~(-2),随磷肥用量的增加,土壤全磷、Olsen-P、无机磷总量及无机磷中Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe-P均显著增加,O-P和Ca10-P无显著变化;当土壤输入磷量低于作物输出磷量时,无论秸秆还田与否,土壤全磷、无机磷总量、Olsen-P和无机磷中除Ca8-P外的其他各形态磷均无显著变化;当土壤输入磷量高于作物输出磷量时,随秸秆用量的增加土壤全磷、Olsen-P和无机磷中的Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P均显著增加,其中以Olsen-P增幅最大,无机磷中以Ca2-P增幅最大,其次为Ca8-P,再次为Al-P;土壤磷素盈余和亏缺量与土壤中各磷形态含量均呈显著正相关关系。 相似文献
低分子量有机酸对石灰性潮土无机磷形态转化的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
无菌培养条件下,模拟缺磷胁迫时植物根系分泌的低分子量有机酸种类和数量,采用石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法,研究了低分子量有机酸对石灰性潮土无机磷形态转化的影响。结果表明:①在石灰性潮土中无机磷主要以有效性较低的磷酸钙盐(Ca10-P等)形式存在,而有效性较高的形式(Ca8-P等)含量较少,Ca2-P就更少。②有机酸通过结合土壤中可以使磷固定的Ca、Fe及Al,致使根际范围酸化,促进磷酸盐的形态转换,增加磷的有效性。这种促进能力因有机酸种类和性质的不同而异,其促进能力大小顺序为草酸>柠檬酸>酒石酸。 相似文献
大多数土壤的有机磷(Po)占全磷30% ~ 65%,矿化后可被植物直接利用,成为生态系统生物有效磷重要来源。准确测定Po形态组成及矿化速率是科学利用土壤Po库的基础。本文目的是对目前常见土壤Po形态组成和矿化速率测定技术的优缺点、适用范围进行总结分析,为研究人员选择合适测定技术提供依据。搜集并分析近20年来中国知网和Web of Science数据库中92篇关于Po形态组成与矿化速率方法研究论文。介绍了3种常用Po形态测定技术(连续分级法、酶水解法和核磁共振法)和近年来兴起的3种Po矿化速率测定技术(同位素稀释技术、连续观测-差减法和模型法)的基本原理,分析了几种技术适用范围、主要优缺点和互补性。尽管目前仍无针对土壤Po形态组成和矿化速率“最佳”测定方法,但是,研究人员可根据待测土壤理化性质和实验目的选择“合适”的测定技术。提出未来应在酶水解技术标准化、13C和31P核磁共振技术联用、发展包含植物因素Po矿化速率测定技术、联用形态和矿化速率测定技术等方面开展深入研究。 相似文献
合成磷源在石灰性潮土中的形态转化及氮肥形态对其的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用盆栽试验研究了几种人工合成磷源在轻粘质潮土根际和本体土壤中的形态转化及配施不同形态氮肥对其形态转化的影响,结果表明,作物耗竭引起根际所有形态无机磷不同程度的下降.施入土壤的DCP(CaHPO4*2H2O)、OCP(Ca8(PO4)6)、Al-P(AlPO4*nH2O)等大部分转化为其它形态无机磷,而Fe-P(FePO4*nH2O)和FA(Ca10(PO4)6F2)大部分以自身形态存在,尤其是FA很少向其它形态转化,根际条件促进了它们向其它无机磷形态的转化.Al-P和FA等的形态转化明显受氮肥形态的影响,Al-P配施NO-3-N下,绝大部分转化为磷灰石,NH+4-N配施下促进了FA向其它形态的转化,在所有的磷源处理中,根际和本体磷酸铁都有显著地增加,NH+4-N和CO(NH2)2处理下存在磷酸铁的根际累积;其次是磷酸二钙和磷酸铝也有明显地增加,二者存在根际的亏缺.不同磷源的形态转化规律与其有效性大小相一致. 相似文献
长期施肥对褐潮土磷素积累、形态转化及其有效性的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
系统研究了14年定位试验不同施肥处理对褐潮土磷素积累、形态转化及其有效性的影响,结果表明:长期不施磷肥土壤的全磷、速效磷、无机磷总量以及各组分含量较长期休闲处理均明显降低;施用磷肥的处理则相应提高。施肥对Ca2-P含量的影响最大,减少幅度最高为94.7%,几乎耗竭;施磷增加幅度最高可达34倍。其次是Ca8-P和Al-P。有机肥配施磷肥更有利于土壤中积累磷素的有效性转化,转变成的Ca2-P为34.5%,明显高于单施磷肥所形成的23.1%,转变成的Ca10-P和O-P(闭蓄态P)仅为7%和1.6%,明显低于单施磷肥所形成的11.4%和2.6%。 相似文献
粪肥对不同磷水平土壤磷流失潜力的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
田间试验结果表明,因施肥方式不同,粪肥施用对不同磷水平土壤磷流失潜力的影响也不相同。在施用的粪肥与表土混合的情况下,粪肥对土壤磷流失的增加量随土壤磷水平的提高而升高。但当粪肥表施不与土壤混合时,情况有所不同。在粪肥表施初期,无论是高磷土壤还是低磷土壤,地表径流中磷浓度都达到较高水平,施肥引起的土壤磷流失的增加量以低磷土壤更为明显。但粪肥表施较长时间后,粪肥对土壤磷流失的增加量也随土壤磷水平的提高而升高。总的来说,控制地表径流磷流失的效果是粪肥与土混施优于表施,流域内粪肥处置应优先施于土壤磷水平较低的土壤中。 相似文献
采用室内培养方法,研究了磷与富啡酸(fulvic acid,FA)配施对石灰性潮土中磷锌有效性及锌形态转化的影响。结果表明:潮土中速效磷含量随外加磷量的增加而显著增加,且随着培养时间的延长发生了明显的固定,而且外加磷越高,土壤对其的固定越明显。土壤速效磷含量随添加FA量的增加而增加,即FA提高了磷有效性,但在低磷处理下,FA对磷的活化作用很小,而在高磷处理下作用明显;土壤速效磷含量随添加锌量的增加而降低,即高锌降低了速效磷的含量。土壤DTPA-Zn含量随锌添加量的增加显著增加,且随培养时间的延长而显著降低;低量磷可提高DTPA-Zn含量,但当土壤磷添加量太高时(高于120 mg kg-1或160 mg kg-1)则降低DTPA-Zn含量。土壤DTPA-Zn含量随FA添加量的增加而增加,但FA对长时间培养土壤锌的活化作用不明显。对土壤锌分级表明,土壤锌主要以残渣态(RES)形式存在,而交换态和有机质结合态锌在石灰性土壤中含量极低。同时,外源可溶性锌明显提高了土壤中RES-Zn、CAB-Zn、OFe-Mn-Zn和EX-Zn含量,但OM-Zn增加趋势不明显,且随着培养时间的延长,土壤中有效性较高的EX-Zn和OM-Zn逐渐向无效态RES转化,FA对土壤锌形态转化作用不明显。 相似文献
有机酸对不同磷源施入石灰性潮土后无机磷形态转化的影响 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
采用室内培养和化学分析的方法研究了几种有机酸对石灰性潮土无机磷形态转化的影响。结果表明,1)石灰性潮土中磷素主要以有效性很低的磷酸盐(Ca10-P等)形式存在,而有效性较高的磷酸盐(Ca8-P等)含量较少,Ca2-P就更少。2)不同磷源施入土壤后,无机磷总量相应增加。磷酸二氢钾与磷酸二钙主要向Ca8-P、Al-P等有效性相对较差的磷素形态转化,磷酸八钙、氟磷灰石、磷酸铁、磷酸铝等有效性较差的磷源,在较短的时期内主要以自身的形态存在。3)施加各种有机酸可以不同程度地降低土壤中Fe-P、Al-P和Ca10-P含量,增加Ca2-P、Ca8-P和O-P含量,总的趋势是促进土壤中植物难以利用的无机磷形态向植物可以利用的形态转化。这种促进能力因有机酸种类和性质的不同而不同,其作用大小顺序为草酸柠檬酸酒石酸。 相似文献
长期施肥对褐潮土磷素积累、形态转化及其有效性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
系统研究了14年定位试验不同施肥处理对褐潮土磷素积累、形态转化及其有效性的影响,结果表明:长期不施磷肥土壤的全磷、速效磷、无机磷总量以及各组分含量较长期休闲处理均明显降低;施用磷肥的处理则相应提高。施肥对Ca2 P含量的影响最大,减少幅度最高为94 7%,几乎耗竭;施磷增加幅度最高可达34倍。其次是Ca8 P和Al P。有机肥配施磷肥更有利于土壤中积累磷素的有效性转化,转变成的Ca2 P为34 5%,明显高于单施磷肥所形成的23 1%,转变成的Ca10 P和O P(闭蓄态P)仅为7%和1 6%,明显低于单施磷肥所形成的11 4%和2 6%。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(9-10):1418-1435
In the Mediterranean region, much emphasis is placed on the role of fertilizers in enhancing crop production to achieve food security. Given the complex nature of phosphorus (P) reactions in soils, considerable research has dealt with fertilizer aspects related to efficient P use, but comparatively less emphasis has been given to plant variation with respect to P efficiency. In this study, selection and adaptation of P‐efficient corn genotypes was seen as one possible approach to enhancing P efficiency. Thus, a greenhouse experiment with 10 corn genotypes (traditional to modern), five P application rates (0–200 mg kg?1), and four field trials with three genotypes for 2 years were carried out on various calcareous soils (Vertic Torrifluvent, Vertic Calciorthid, Entic Chromoxerert, and Typic Xerofluvent). Measurements were made of root characteristics. Treatments in the field trials were five P application rates as main plots (0–68 P ha?1) and three corn genotypes as subplots. Genotypes were selected for the field trials from the greenhouse experiment as “efficient‐responsive,” “efficient‐nonresponsive,” and “inefficient‐responsive.” Dry‐matter (DM) yield and plant P uptake by plants increased with P application rates in the greenhouse experiment. Root length and mass were considerably increased by increasing P levels. Genotypes were classified for P efficiency. The studies indicated that because corn genotypes respond to P‐fertilizer application differently, this trait could be utilized to exploit native and applied P more efficiently, especially at low levels of available P and when P‐ fertilizer use is limited. This differential response derives from morphological, physiological, and genetic variability among the genotypes. Although genotypic efficiency is important for fertilizer management, the contribution of the efficiency is not a substitute for fertilizers, especially if high yields are required. Nevertheless, breeding for P‐use efficiency should be a component of any program to improve crop yield potential. 相似文献
Adel Reyhanitabar Saber Heidari Shahin Oustan Robert Gilkes 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2018,49(11):1281-1288
In this research, phosphorus (P) desorption was investigated using DMT-HFO as an “infinite” sink for 10 calcareous soils over a period of 1–35 days and the kinetic data was related to soil properties and P uptake by maize (Zea mays L.). First- and second-order, and simple Elovich equations adequately described P desorption kinetics, however parabolic, exponential and zero order equations provided the best fits to the data. A systematic relationship exists between the second order rate parameter (k2) and the clay content of the soils. There are positive relationships between P desorption rate constants (for zero order, Elovich and parabolic equations), and both dry matter and P content of maize shoots and also for roots. These relationships indicate that P desorption rate may be a limiting factor for maize growth in these soils. The DMT-HFO technique may be used to assess the long-term availability of P to plants. 相似文献
滴灌下酸性物质对石灰性土壤磷有效性及作物吸收的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
大田滴灌条件下研究了少量多次施用硫酸和磷酸对石灰性土壤pH、磷有效性以及改善作物磷营养的效果。结果表明,施用磷酸和硫酸降低局部土壤pH,且随施用次数的增加,酸化效果趋于加强,在第5次施用酸化剂时下降到最大。水平方向上,滴灌带附近pH降低最大,随距离增加酸化效果减弱,pH最大降幅0.26个单位。垂直方向上,0~10 cm酸化最为强烈,pH最大降幅0.29个单位。pH降低提高了土壤磷的有效性,0~20 cm土层深度酸化剂处理有效磷含量均显著高于对照(P0.05),且硫酸与磷酸酸化效果接近。相同养分用量投入和管理水平下,酸化剂处理棉花吸磷量增加17.6%~23.4%,皮棉产量提高9.9%~11.4%。滴灌条件下施用酸化剂提高石灰性土壤养分有效性是一种可行的提高养分资源利用效率的方法。 相似文献
山东石灰性潮土、褐土无机磷的形态、转化和有效性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
应用蒋柏藩、顾益初提出的“石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法”研究了山东省石灰性潮土、褐土、砂姜黑土的无机磷组成、转化和对作物的有效性。结果表明,石灰性土壤无机磷中以Ca10-P占绝对优势,约占无机磷总量的54.52%,其次为O-P,占21.55%,Al-P、Fe-P,Ca8-P分别占5~10%,Ca2-P只有1.08%;在土壤剖面中各级无机磷皆随剖面深度增加而减少;水溶性磷肥施入土壤后,在作物一个生长季节内主要转化成Ca8-P,占全部转化量的50~70%,其次是Ca2-P,占10~30%,Al-P占11~13%,Fe-P很少,占5%左右;在各级无机磷中对作物有效性顺序是Ca2-P>Al-P、Fe-P>Ca8-P>O-P、Ca10-P。 相似文献
石灰性菜园土壤中各形态磷素的富集与变异特征 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
由于长期种植蔬菜,石灰性菜园土壤中的磷素在剖面中发生了分异,直接影响到其它营养元素的吸收和蔬菜的产量及品质。通过对不同植菜年限石灰性菜园土壤剖面磷素形态分级及其变异规律的研究,探讨了全磷、有效磷和无机磷不同形态的变异特征以及其磷素形态分布与其它土壤性质的关系。研究结果表明,石灰性菜园土壤耕层全磷、有效磷、无机磷与有机磷均比粮田富集强烈,有效磷源的无机磷形态含量与植菜年限呈明显的正相关,各形态无机磷含量的垂直分布与粮田存在显著关系,Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Fe-P含量为表层强烈富集,向下骤减的垂直分布特征。溶度较高的Ca2-P、Ca8-P与有机质等养分呈极显著的正相关,而与CaCO3含量和pH值的降低呈显著的负相关,随植菜年限的延长,有机质及其它养分含量的提高以及CaCO3含量和pH值的降低也促进了难溶杰礁的有始化. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(2):208-219
Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the kinetics of phosphorus (P) desorption in different calcareous soils of Hamadan Province of Iran. Soils were fertilized with poultry manure at 50 ton ha–1 and incubated at 25 ± 1 °C at 15% moisture for 6 months. The release rate of P was studied by successive extraction with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) over a period of 1–1752 h. Also, available P was determined. The results showed that available P in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 13.3 to 55.1 and 10.0 to 50.1 mg kg–1, respectively. Phosphorus desorption from the fertilized and unfertilized soils began with a fast initial reaction, followed by a slow secondary reaction. The amount of P released after 1752 h in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 319.2 to 623.9 and 309 to 586.7 mg kg–1, respectively. The amount of P released was significantly correlated with available P. The kinetics of cumulative P release were evaluated using the five kinetic equations. Phosphorus desorption kinetics were best described by the parabolic diffusion law, first order, and power function equations. Rate constants of these equations different in fertilized and unfertilized soils. 相似文献
Developing a fast and reliable soil testing method is critical for improving soil testing efficiency and ensuring reliable fertilizer recommendation. The objectives of this study were to evaluate Mehlich-3 (M-3) as a replacement for ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) to extract phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and to determinate the relationships between extractable P and K and their uptakes by crop in calcareous soils. M-3 and AB-DTPA were compared by using two approaches. In the first approach, the amounts of extracted P and K were compared by analyzing soil samples collected from agricultural production areas; in the second approach, snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were grown in pot to determine the P and K uptakes by crop. There were significant correlations between M-3 and AB-DTPA for both soil test P and K based on soils collected from the agricultural field and the pot study. Soil test P and K by both extractants were significantly correlated with their uptakes by snap bean. The critical value of M-3-P regarding snap bean uptake was 47 mg kg?1 and was higher than that (18 mg kg?1) for AB-DTPA-P, whereas critical soil test K levels were similar between M-3 and AB-DTPA. M-3 was identified as an alternate improved extraction method instead of AB-DTPA in calcareous soils based on this study. However, more work will be needed to identify the correlation of the two extractants and crop responses under a field condition. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(13):1773-1789
The application of partially decomposed animal manure can acidify the soil by nitrification and may cause problems with phosphorus (P) availability. This study investigated the influence of applying wood ash to two soils amended with partially decomposed cattle or chicken manure on pH and P. The treatments consisted of two soils, a clay loam and sandy loam, each amended with partially decomposed chicken or cattle manure applied at 0, 5, or 15 t ha?1, and wood ash was applied to each manure treatment at rates of 0 or 2 t ha?1. The addition of wood ash significantly increased pH, thereby making more P available in soil and maize (Zea mays L.) tissues for both soils after being amended by manure. Both chicken and cattle manure significantly increased all the measured variables compared to the unamended soils. These results suggest that wood ash is an important amendment that could be used to amend partially decomposed manure, thereby not jeopardizing P availability to crops. 相似文献
采用室内恒温培养试验法对施入不同量磷(P)肥的石灰性潮土的各种理化特性进行为期180d的模拟研究,结果表明,磷肥的加入使土壤pH值发生了显著的变化,由原来的8.76下降到最小值7.36。高施P量处理F1、F2、F3、F4和F5的Olsen-P浓度分别为2338.5、1576.7、713.6和316.9mgkg-1,0.01molL-1 KCl溶液提取P浓度分别为1226.3、1189.2、880.2和382.9mgkg-1。各处理Olsen-P和0.01molL-1KCl溶液提取P浓度在同一培养时间随施P量的增加而增大,而对同一施P量处理而言,随着培养时间的延长其值呈下降趋势,且随施P量增大下降幅度加大。培养土中有机磷含量随培养时间延长而增加。各处理的无机磷分级体系中,钙磷在无机磷中占绝对优势,Ca2-P、Ca8-P和Al-P含量随P肥加入量的增加而增大,Fe-P含量很小,O-P含量和Ca10-P含量变化不大,随着培养时间的延长,Ca2-P含量减少较多,而Ca8-P含量大量增加,且Ca8-P含量均大于Ca2-P含量。 相似文献