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Adaptation in forest management is often framed as a scientific challenge, relying on more accurate modelling and better communication from science practice. However future scenarios of extreme uncertainty such as those characterising the Anthropocene may require a more flexible and interactive approach, drawing on a wider range of knowledge. The role of the practitioner in this is often highlighted, but little understood. This paper therefore seeks to contribute to empirical understanding of forest practice and its implications for adaptive forest governance. In the UK, devolved forest administrations are addressing new structures and politics, reduced budgets and staff, and several high impact tree health disasters. In the absence of scientific and operational guidance, foresters are finding new spaces in which to use their silvicultural knowledge, and work flexibly, generating new knowledge and practice through observation and local experiments. The capacity of state forestry organisations to learn and adapt is constrained by resource cuts, reorganisation, poor record keeping, increasingly top-down policy control, and de facto pre-eminence given to timber as the management objective. Individual relationships and personalities can nevertheless support communication and learning. The new circumstances are stimulating an approach which is both creative and grounded in silvicultural knowledge and experience. Important parts of the adaptive process lie with practice and innovation in the forest, rather than hierarchical, science-led approaches, but reality does not present us with a simple dichotomy between deterministic, reductionist forest management, and indeterministic, adaptive, ecosystem approaches. Further attention to practitioners' realities and contribution to knowledge is needed.  相似文献   

应国际标准化组织第94技术委员会第14科学分会以及第四届消防员防护服国际研讨会组委会的邀请,我局派出5人代表团,分别于2005年3月9~11日、13~18日参加了在日本东京举办的第四届消防员防护服国际研讨会和个人安全-防护装备标准会议第五次分会。会议期间,应日本建伍集团的邀请,代表团参观了建伍公司,并就有关技术问题交换了意见。现就会议及有关情况报告如下。1会议及有关情况1.1关于第四届消防员防护服国际研讨会1.1.1会议主要内容此次会议由日本国家消防研究所主办,旨在对消防员防护服的安全性和适用性方面进行国际交流。会议共有来自美…  相似文献   

结合广西与周边地区之间在资源、资金、信息、技术、商品或劳动力方面存在的差异性和互补性,应用区域经济的主要思想和理论,阐述了广西区域经济的产业结构与布局对其物流趋向的决定作用,并分析了广西的物流趋向与其运输布局的关系.  相似文献   

介绍了匈牙利林业的基本情况、主要政策目标和措施以及经营管理方式等。结合我国林业建设的实际,提出要加强对全国造林绿化的战略研究,加大森林经营工作的力度,积极调整造林技术措施,开展林业知识宣传教育等建议。  相似文献   

基于区域经济增长模式的第三方物流探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用区域经济增长模式的基础理论以及第三方物流的相关概念,针对国内外区域经济理论研究和实践的发展,结合广西某地区经济的实际和其独特的区位地理优势,进行了第三方物流产业在该地区发展的环境分析.阐明了发展第三方物流产业,对拉动区域经济、阔整产业和经济结构、培育新的经济增长点具有重要意义,同时探讨性地提出了构建第三方物流产业的有关建议和模式.  相似文献   

亚欧森林保护与可持续发展国际研讨会于 2 0 0 1年 7月 1 6~ 2 0日在中国贵阳举行。本次会议由中国科技部、国家林业局、贵州省政府、芬兰贸工部联合举办 ,亚欧会议 2 2个成员国及欧盟的 70多名政府官员、 1 0 0多名专家学者和企业界代表参加。会议在友好及富有创造性的气氛中就森林经营、保护及其在亚欧国家乃至全世界可持续发展的作用进行了深入探讨 ,并就进一步加强亚欧国家森林保护与可持续发展科技合作达成了共识 ,即“贵阳宣言”。根据“贵阳宣言”所确定的合作原则与方式 ,全体与会人员希望向第四届亚欧领导人会议倡议如下 :长期目…  相似文献   

用ERDAS IMAGINE遥感图像处理软件对遥感影像运用监督分类方法进行土地利用类型信息提取,在此基础上对利用遥感影像分析土地利用信息的方法进行探讨。结果显示:使用TM影像进行监督分类得到的土地利用类型数据相对精度均超过了90%,能较真实的反映当地土地类型的基本特征,使用遥感检索山丹县土地利用类型信息的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Hangzhou is a typical city on the establishment of urban forest in China, so it was identified as a case study site in Urban Forestry Policy Project Co-funded by EC. The name of the project is "Developing Policy Formulation and Implementation Tools for Providing Support for Ecological Forest Management in China’s Urban and Peri-Urban Areas". Experts from the project team have conducted a field survey on urban forestry policy in Hangzhou for one week. Through the field survey and the workshop, the experts un...  相似文献   

Small-scale forestry-based enterprises connected with wood processing are becoming of growing importance in the rural economy of developing countries. Little attention has been paid to the characteristics of these enterprises and their role in supporting economic development. The objectives of this study are to: (1) determine the socioeconomic characteristics of the operators of these enterprises; (2) assess the contribution of the informal carpentry sector to operators’ income; and (3) identify the factors limiting the expansion of the sector. The study was carried out in the Singa district, Sinnar State in 2011. Snowball sampling was used to select 250 operators from five markets in the district. The quantitative and qualitative data were collected using Participatory Rural Appraisal methods. The results revealed that most operators involved in the informal carpentry sector are males aged <30 years and their businesses have been in existence for <10 years. Operators’ incomes ranged between USD 100 and 500 monthly on average. The results also indicated that the operators face many constraints (e.g. finance shortage, lack of raw materials, insecure market, lack of technology and lack of organization) to expanding the informal carpentry sector. The study concluded that the informal carpentry sector has potential to contribute to rural economic development through increasing income and reducing rural poverty.  相似文献   

木塑复合材料是一种新型结构用材,目前已经大量应用于建筑装饰以及汽车、飞机制造等行业,是一种性能较为稳定的建设材料,但是在木塑复合材料的生产过程中由于其粘合性能的好坏直接影响着木塑复合材的强度,本文通过对木材或塑料等高分子基材进行相应处理方法的讨论,提出了提高木塑复合材性能的方法与途径。  相似文献   

澳大利亚和新西兰作为林业发达国家,有着不同的林业管理体制、机制和政策,但两国都以森林可持续经营作为林业实践的共同理念,实施天然林保护,加快人工林培育,坚持林业科研与生产的紧密结合.借鉴其经验,建议加快推进我国国有林区森林资源管理体制改革,坚持实施森林资源的宏观调控,加速推进森林分类经营,建立和培育森林生态系统,发展优质高效的速生丰产用材林,进一步扩大对外交流与合作,充分利用两种资源两个市场,全力推进林业的跨越式发展.  相似文献   

吉林三岔子林业局天保工程实施情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三岔子林业局自实施“天保工程”以来,公益林建设、木材生产、资源管理,人员分流以及资金管理和发展后续产业等各项工作均取得了成效。然而,在林权界定、限额采伐、资金投入、企业经营自主权、职工福利与返贫等各方面,影响“天保工程”的开展与林业企业的生存与发展。据此,要继续深化国有林区管理体制改革,增加国有林区的政策性投入,进一步明晰林权,调整采伐限额管理办法和落实林区职工最低生活保障制度等法律、法规措施。  相似文献   

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