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<正>母猪子宫内膜炎是繁殖障碍中的主要疾病之一,此病对规模化猪场影响很大,许多猪场均存在此病,发病率20%左右,有的猪场高达40%以上。患猪若得不到及时治疗,往往会转为隐性或慢性感染。如果发展成顽固性子宫内膜炎,则会增加生产母猪的淘汰率。笔者根据对猪场的调查发现,因子宫内膜炎导致淘汰生产母猪的比例达到40%~55%。1病因分析母猪子宫内膜炎的发病率与不同的胎次、季节和不同饲养场的生产管理有明显的关系。母猪子宫  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是一种母猪常见的生殖道疾病,在规模化养猪场发生的疾病中占有一定的比例。近年来母猪子宫内膜炎在集约化养猪场的发病呈上升趋势,尤其是夏天高温季节,母猪产后发病率明显增加,有的场发病率高达40%。60%。子宫内膜炎发病率高,治愈率低,时间长则变成慢性或隐性子宫内膜炎,严重影响母猪的发情配种受孕(纯种母猪尤为突出)。在屡配不孕的淘汰母猪中,约有半数是因为子宫炎所导致。该病使养猪业蒙受较大的经济损失。笔者根据多年的实际工作经验对该病做一探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,母猪子宫内膜炎的发病率呈上升趋势,在屡配不孕的淘汰母猪中约有半数是因为子宫内膜炎所致,该病给养猪业带来了较大的经济损失。为了有效地防治母猪子宫内膜炎,笔者于2004年开展了母猪子宫内膜炎的防治试验,用下述方法防治母猪子宫内膜炎取得很好的疗效,现将具体情况报告如下。  相似文献   

刘东军 《中国猪业》2009,4(4):42-44
母猪子宫内膜炎常发生于母猪分娩后数天之内。如不及时治疗,炎症易发生扩散。引起子宫浆膜或子宫周围炎。并常转为慢性炎症。最终导致长期不孕。慢性子宫内膜炎是造成母猪繁殖障碍的主要原因。因为子宫内膜炎导致的产胎间隔延长。产仔数减少等给养猪业造成了严重的损失。氧氟沙星和甲硝唑联合用药等措施对子宫内膜炎治疗效果明显。通过加强饲养管理。改善产后母猪饲养环境和护理.可以有效降低发病率。  相似文献   

母猪子宫内膜炎为子宫黏膜的急性或慢性炎症过程,以卡他性或卡他脓性炎症多见。该病临床发病率较高,对母猪健康及繁殖力造成较大危害。笔者1996~2002年共诊治母猪子宫内膜炎200余例,采用中西医结合,治疗取得90%的疗效,现报告于后。1病因1.1急性子宫内膜炎母猪怀孕期间饲养管理不良,尤其是蛋白质、矿物质不足或缺乏,造成抵抗力下降;生殖道黏膜损伤;胎衣碎片或死胎遗留子宫内;助产时手、器械及母猪外阴消毒不严;产后母猪外阴部松弛,外翻的黏膜接触垫草、污水等导致母猪子宫感染引起炎症。母猪本身有慢性炎症,在分娩后转为急性炎症等为常见病…  相似文献   

近年来,规模养殖场如雨后春笋般的发展,但由于各场饲养管理水平不同,而导致其产生的经济效益出现较大的差距。在当前良种猪场的母猪于养殖过程中,产后子宫内膜炎的发生已直接导致猪场经济效益的下滑。  相似文献   

<正>目前养猪生产方式中母猪子宫内膜炎的高发病率是目前困扰规模化猪场生产的主要问题之一。由于诱发母猪子宫内膜炎的因素十分复杂,虽然猪场采取了多种措施,但发病率依然居高不下;加之临床上兽用抗生素的不规范使用,耐药性致病菌问题无法得到解决。在2012-2014年期间,本实验室共接诊207例来自豫南地区养猪场的母猪子宫内膜炎病例,通过调查及实验室诊断工作,初步查明了本地区猪场母猪发生子宫内膜  相似文献   

随着我国养猪业的发展,规模化、标准化、集约化养猪模式逐渐替代了传统家庭散养式的养猪方法。而在规模化猪场中,母猪子宫内膜炎作为一种常见的繁殖障碍疾病较为常见。通常造成现代规模化养猪场母猪淘汰率高的疾病有肢蹄疾病和母猪的子宫内膜炎。肢蹄性疾病,很容易被发现,多年来已引起了大家的足够认识,但是由于母猪子宫内膜炎对生产直接影响不直观,仍然被忽视,或者重视程度不够,对后续生猪生产影响较大。本文作者根据多年生产实践对母猪子宫内膜炎发病原因及防治措施进行归纳总结,供广大同行参考。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,武山县养猪业发展迅速,母猪存栏量由2008年的1.52万头发展到2011年的2.5万头,而母猪子宫内膜炎的发病率也呈上升趋势,在屡配不孕的淘汰母猪中约有半数是因为子宫内膜炎所致,该病给养猪业带来较大的经济损失。为了有效地防治母猪子宫内膜炎,减少养殖户的经济损失,本人于2010年10月~2011年4月在滩歌、四门、桦林等乡镇开展了母猪子宫内膜炎  相似文献   

近年在农业科技人户项目中,一些饲养二元杂种母猪的农户反映,母猪子宫内膜炎较为常见,由于该病的病因复杂,不易对症治疗,临床疗效不显著,给生产带来较大损失.本人采用冲洗术结合药物治疗猪子宫内膜炎,效果显著,现简述如下.  相似文献   

不同规模工厂化养猪的成本及效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国生猪养殖规模和水平参差不齐,本文以26家规模化猪场为研究对象,其中包括规模Ⅰ(2000头以下基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅱ(2000~3000头基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅲ(3000~4000头基础母猪)4家、规模Ⅳ(4000头以上基础母猪)16家,比较不同养殖规模工厂化养猪场的生产成本和生产效率。结果表明:不同规模的工业化猪场在生产成本与生产效率方面有显著差异。随着规模增加,生长育肥期饲料成本、兽药疫苗、固定资产折旧及人工费用降低,生长育肥阶段成本明显下降,出栏猪成本与规模呈现负相关。仔猪哺乳及仔猪保育阶段对管理水平要求较高,随着养殖规模增大,管理难度相应加大,需要强调实施精细管理,以维持平均每头基础母猪年提供断奶仔猪头数(PSY)以及平均每头基础母猪年提供出栏猪头数(MSY),达到最大限度的规模效益。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine feeding, cropping, and manure-handling practices of swine operations of various sizes. DESIGN: Producer survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 85 sow units and 132 finish floors. PROCEDURE: Swine producers were surveyed by mail and during farm visits for information regarding herd characteristics and management practices, with emphasis on the 3 components of the nutrient cycle: cropping, feeding and nutrition, and manure handling. Farms were categorized by operation type as sow units or finish floors and, subsequently, stratified by size as small sow units (< 600 head), large sow units (> or = 600 head), small finish floors (< 2,000 head), and large finish floors (2 > or = 2,000 head). RESULTS: Large sow units and large finish floors were approximately twice as likely to use environmentally sound nutrient management practices as small sow units or small finish floors. These large operations were more likely to use progressive feeding practices, to be aware of their nutrient flows, and to be capable of using these nutrients properly. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There is a need for greater environmental awareness among all swine producers, especially among small producers. This provides a possible growth area for large-animal veterinary consultants. Economy of scale and increased governmental regulations allow large farms to use environmentally sound practices. Thus, large swine farms are not necessarily harmful to the environment.  相似文献   

To set productivity standards and targets, and investigate inter-relationships between key measurements in swine breeding herds, farm productivity measurements were analyzed on 87 Japanese commercial farms in 14 prefectures. The 87 herds were ranked on the basis of number of pigs weaned per mated female per year (PWMFY), and 23 herds in the upper 25th percentile of this ranking were designated as high-performing farms. Productivity measurements on the high-performing farms were compared with values for the remaining farms. The high-performing farms had shorter farrowing intervals, greater litters per mated female per year (LMFY), greater pigs weaned per sow (PWS), and greater mean parity of culled sows than the remaining farms (P<0.01). No difference in lactation duration was found between the two groups (P>0.10). For both farm groups, correlations of key reproductive measurements were determined. Lactation duration was not correlated with LMFY, PWS and PWMFY on the high-performing farms, while short lactation duration was correlated with greater LMFY and PWMFY on the remaining farms (P<0.01). In contrast to lactation duration, farrowing interval was correlated with PWS on the high-performing farms, but not on the remaining farms. Mean parity of culled sows were correlated to PWS and pigs born alive per sow on the high performing farms, but not with any measurements on the remaining farms. These results suggest that high-performing farms have used different herd management from the remaining farms.  相似文献   

When a large-scale epidemic of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) occurred in 2013 in Japan, feedback feeding (feeding feces and gut tissues of infected piglets) was attempted to impart immunity to sows and immunize nursing piglets via breastfeeding. This study evaluated the effect of feedback feeding on PED control at 172 farms in Kagoshima and Miyazaki Prefectures. Univariable and multivariable generalized linear models were used to analyze the associations between conduct of feedback feeding and damage from the outbreak (outbreak period and the number of piglet deaths) at the farm level. The within-farm outbreak period shortened over time after the regional outbreak began on Kyushu Island (P=0.009) and was longer on large-scale farms (mean 66.0 days, P=0.003) than small-scale farms (29.4 days) and on farms that used feedback feeding (145.2 days, P=0.059) than those that did not (66.0 days). The number of dead piglets decreased over time since the first regional case (P<0.001) and was higher at farrow-to-finish farms (3.8 piglets/sow, P<0.001) than reproduction farms (0.7 piglets/sow). The effect of feedback feeding on the number of dead piglets was not significant, but its interaction term with farm style had a significant effect (5.0 more piglet deaths at reproduction farms than fallow-to-finish farms, P=0.001). These results suggest that feedback feeding made the damage from PED worse, though it was well established at a later stage of the regional PED epidemic.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a disease of domestic swine characterized by exceptionally high clinical variability. This study addresses the question of whether clinical variability in PRRS results from (a) genetic variation among viral isolates and/or (b) variation in management practices among farms on which isolates are found. Genetic data (open reading frame 5 gene sequences) and data on farm characteristics and associated clinical disease signs were collected for 62 PRRS virus (PRRSV) field isolates, representing 52 farms. Clinical disease signs were interrelated — confirming that a true reproductive syndrome exists (involving abortions, infertility in sows, deaths of sows and preweaning mortality).

Pairs of farms experiencing deaths in their sow populations also tended to share viral isolates which were more similar to one another than expected by chance alone. This implies that sow death (one of the more-severe manifestations of PRRS) is under genetic influence. Large herd size was a significant risk factor for the death of sows and for respiratory disease in nursery pigs. All-in–all-out management practices in the nursery were protective against reproductive signs in the sow herd. All-in–all-out management practices in the finishing stages of production were protective against respiratory disease in nursery pigs — but were paradoxically associated with an increased risk of infertility in sows. These results suggest that farm-management practices can also influence which PRRS clinical signs are manifested during an outbreak. In general, signs associated with PRRS appear to result from a combination of genetic factors and herd-management characteristics. The relative contributions of these two influences differ depending on the specific clinical sign in question.  相似文献   

The investigations were carried out with 484 sows from two farms (farm A: housing the sows in small groups of 8 animals each, farm B with a large group of 100 sows) and a total number of 982 inseminations. The number of agonistic interactions was registered for each sow during 48 h after mixing soon after weaning the piglets at farm A. The individual rank place in the social hierarchy was calculated on the basis of wins and defeats and the sows were divided in high and low ranking sows. At farm B the rank position was estimated on the basis of the daily feeding order at two electronic feeding stations (first half of the sows in the feeding order = high ranking, second half = low ranking). Additionally, the following parameters were recorded for each sow: parity, genotype, farrowing rate and litter size (total and alive born piglets). The analysis showed that sows with a high rank position had a significantly higher farrowing rate (88.8%) compared to group-mates with low rank places (82.8%, p = 0.051) (farm A). Sows with a high rank position reached a significantly higher litter size of total born piglets (12.66, 16.14 piglets per litter respectively) than the low-ranking group-mates (12.13, 14.83 piglets/litter respectively — farms A and B). When mixing sows, the time and the conditions (e.g. group size, space allowance per sow) have to be considered to prevent the negative influence of low rank order on fertility.  相似文献   

An exploratory spatial analysis of Aujeszkys disease virus infection from 2003 to 2007 was conducted in Catalonia (north eastern Spain), the largest pig-producing region in the country. The analysis was divided into four periods in relation to the different eradication phases of the programme established in the region. Different purely spatial analyses, based on the Bernoulli model, were run with SaTScan v6.1 in each period. Clusters of positive sow farms (farrow to weaning and farrow to finish) and/or fattening farms were identified in the four study periods in the western part of the region, in the three first periods in the central part and in the last three periods in the north eastern part of the region. The prevalence ratio values of these clusters increased throughout the study period due to the fact that the risk of disease decreased faster outside the clusters than inside the clusters. In order to study the evolution of the disease, we explored for areas where more negative sow farms became infected and areas where more sow farms eliminated the infection. These analyses demonstrated areas with significantly higher proportions of sow farms that became negative, which indicates that the eradication of the disease had a spatial component. Clusters of negative sow farms that were infected again (reinfections) were also detected in the four study periods. The relative risk values of these clusters were much higher compared to the other cluster analyses. There was a geographical association between the clusters of positive sow farms, positive fattening farms and re-infected sow farms. This association could be attributable to the local spread of Aujeszkys disease virus. Pig farm density could be a factor influencing the local spread of infection and was therefore evaluated for clusters of re-infected sow farms and clusters of sow farms that eliminated the infection. The mean density of pig farms was 0.40 farms/km(2) (median of 0.28 and standard deviation of 0.33) in clusters of sow farms that became negative and 1.51 (median of 0.70 and standard deviation of 1.61) in clusters where more sow farms became positive (p-value<0.05).  相似文献   

To study the relationship between on-farm welfare and reproductive performance in the sow, the TGI 35L Animal Needs Index was modified for use in Finnish pig production. The modified index had a maximal total score of 100. It was comprised of six categories: 'locomotion' (maximal score 21 for dry sows and 11 for lactating sows), 'social interaction' (12/8), 'floor quality' (16/9), 'stable climate' (16/21), 'feeding' (16/23) and 'health and stockmanship' (19/29). Index scorings were performed separately in farrowing, breeding and gestation units on 28 representative Finnish sow farms. One-year production parameters were collected. Multiple linear regression was used for statistical analysis. Total ANI-points varied between 36.5-68.0 for lactating and 39.5-86.0 for dry sows. Litter size increased with increasing scores for 'feeding' in the dry sow unit. Controlling for breed, high scores for 'health and stockmanship' and 'floor quality' shortened the reproductive cycle, probably because of good leg health. The number of weaned piglets per sow per year (PSY) increased with increasing scores for dry sow 'health and stockmanship', 'floor quality' and an interaction of 'feeding' in the farrowing and mating units. PSY increased with decreasing scores for farrowing pen 'climate'. High-quality floors and stockmanship appear to correlate positively with reproductive performance in the sow. Effects of a welfare-promoting feeding strategy on reproduction are contradictory.  相似文献   

为了比较不同规模猪场不同胎次母猪繁殖力的高低,本研究采集了106家不同规模猪场母猪的详细生产数据。按母猪实际存栏头数将猪场划分为<1 000、1 000~5 000、5 000~10 000和≥10 000头4个规模,分析不同规模猪场母猪1~9胎次活仔率、健仔率、畸形仔率、死胎率、木乃伊率、断奶活仔率及窝均产总仔数、窝均产活仔数、窝均产健仔数、窝均产死胎数、窝均断奶活仔数、窝均出生个体重、窝均出生窝重等相关繁殖指标的差异。结果表明,在胎次相同的情况下,猪场活仔率、健仔率和断奶活仔率随着饲养规模的扩大呈逐渐升高的趋势,而畸形仔率、死胎率和木乃伊率则呈相反趋势。母猪实际存栏头数≥10 000头的猪场1~7胎次(第4胎除外)的活仔率、健仔率和断奶活仔率均显著高于<1 000头猪场(P<0.05),而与其他两个规模猪场差异不显著(P>0.05)。母猪存栏数<1 000头的猪场1、2、3、5、7胎次的死胎率显著高于其他3个规模猪场(P<0.05)。各个胎次的窝均产总仔数、产活仔数、产健仔数、畸形仔数、死胎数、木乃伊数、出生窝重都随着猪场饲养规模的扩大呈逐渐降低的趋势。<1 000头的猪场第2、3胎的母猪窝均产总仔数、产活仔数、产死胎数、窝均断奶活仔数、窝均出生窝重均显著高于其他3个规模猪场(P<0.05)。综上,养殖规模对不同胎次母猪生产力均产生较大影响,中大规模猪场(≥1 000头)的母猪繁殖力整体上低于小规模猪场(<1 000头),但仔猪的体况和成活率要优于小规模猪场。  相似文献   

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