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在北方设施菜地雨季休闲敞篷期种植填闲作物(甜玉米),通过现场采样及室内分析测试,研究了正常施肥条件下休闲和填闲前后NO3--N的淋失状况、土壤电导率的变化以及对下茬作物产量和品质的影响。结果表明,种植填闲作物较休闲处理0~100cm土壤硝态氮表观损失量减少了28.4kg·hm-2,剖面NO3--N的累积峰也低于休闲处理;种植填闲作物可以显著降低表层土壤(0~20cm)的电导率,较正常休闲处理低41.4%;种植填闲作物并未造成下茬作物产量的降低,同时可显著降低下茬作物果实中硝酸盐含量,较休闲处理降低了28.9%。从降低NO3--N淋失的角度看,雨季敞篷休闲期种植填闲作物可以作为减少氮素淋失的一种有效手段,同时,对提高下茬作物品质,降低可食部分硝酸盐含量有明显的作用。  相似文献   

为控制我国南方太湖地区设施蔬菜管理体系中夏季休闲期氮素淋失,减轻其对地下水污染的风险,本田间试验在太湖地区设施菜地夏季揭棚休闲期种植填闲作物(甜玉米),研究了不同施氮条件下甜玉米填闲处理对土壤硝态氮含量、电导率和pH变化的影响,并通过收集淋洗液的方法观测了甜玉米对土壤氮素淋洗及对下茬作物莴苣产量的影响.结果表明:与休闲相比,甜玉米填闲处理可使表层0 ~ 10 cm土壤硝态氮含量从251.4 mg kg-1下降至143.5 mg kg-1,0 ~ 50 cm土壤硝态氮残留减少4.19%~ 30.72%;种植甜玉米可显著降低土壤(0 ~ 10 cm)电导率,降幅达30%以上,但对pH影响不显著.从减少氮素淋洗角度看,甜玉米填闲处理虽不影响淋洗液体积,但可使农民习惯施氮量条件下淋洗液中总氮浓度从102.6 mg kg-1降低至53.7 mg kg-1.与休闲相比,甜玉米填闲处理可减少总氮淋洗30.4%,且对下茬莴苣产量无显著影响.在南方设施菜地夏季休闲期,利用种植填闲作物甜玉米的方式降低土壤氮素淋失风险是较直接有效的措施.  相似文献   

保护地菜田土壤氮素淋溶阻控措施及其效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在保护地菜田条件下,以水果苤蓝为供试作物,研究优化施肥、C/N调控、种植填闲作物等3种不同措施对土壤硝态氮累积与淋溶的影响。结果表明,种植当季,优化施肥和C/N调控处理均可有效阻控硝态氮淋溶。综合考虑水果苤蓝生长期和填闲/休闲期,3种措施阻控硝态氮淋溶的强度,由强到弱依次为:种植填闲作物>优化施肥>C/N调控。建议控制施肥量的同时,采用合理的管理方式,多方面阻控硝态氮的累积与淋溶,保护环境安全。  相似文献   

为筛选出吸氮效果明显的北方设施菜地夏季填闲作物,在北京郊区设施菜地,以甜玉米、高丹草、红叶苋菜、空心菜和小麦等5种不同作物为处理设置试验小区,开展田间监测、土壤和植株样品采集及检测,进行试验数据和资料的统计分析。结果表明,5种作物中,甜玉米生物量大、吸氮量大且速率快,阻控硝酸盐向深层土壤淋溶能力强。本试验条件下,甜玉米生物量和吸氮量分别达到92335kg·hm^-2和330kg·hm^-2;种植甜玉米后,0-120cm土层的硝酸含量减少近140kg·hm^-2,均显著大于同等种植条件下的其他4种作物(P〈0.05)。就减少土壤硝态氮淋失的效果而言,甜玉米是北方设施菜地夏季填闲作物的较好选择。  相似文献   

通过夏季填闲的方式来解决设施农业次生盐渍化在20世纪初就已被提出,但相关研究在天津黄瓜温室土壤次生盐渍化改良方面还没有开展。通过盆栽试验研究了4种填闲作物(毛苕子、苏丹草、甜玉米和苋菜)对天津地区黄瓜温室土壤次生盐渍化的改良作用。结果显示,与对照土壤相比,4种填闲作物均能显著降低土壤可溶性盐分和Na^+的含量(P〈0.05),显著降低土壤养分和有机质的含量(P〈0.05);毛苕子、甜玉米和苋菜能显著增大土壤K^+/Na^+的比值;高种植密度对次生盐渍化土壤的改良效果更为突出;4种填闲作物相比,毛苕子对黄瓜温室土壤次生盐渍化的改良效果最佳。既为改良天津黄瓜温室土壤次生盐渍化提供实践参考,也为延长设施土壤使用年限,促进天津设施蔬菜产业发展提供一种可行途径。  相似文献   

填闲作物对日光温室土壤环境作用效果比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了探讨温室土壤可持续利用的栽培模式,以连作3年黄瓜的日光温室土壤为研究对象,连续两年在夏季温室休闲期间引入甜玉米、大葱、菜豆(毛苕子)、速生叶菜等几种填闲作物,研究了其对土壤环境的影响.结果表明:在温室夏季休闲期种植大葱后,0~30 cm土层土壤中的细菌和放线菌数量明显增加,细菌和真菌的比值(B/F)显著增大,土壤微生物总量增加,且土壤微生物生物量增加,同时抑制了黄瓜致病菌镰刀菌的繁殖.土壤中的线虫总量、根结线虫数量、寄生性线虫数量受到抑制;在温室休闲期间种植速生叶菜和甜玉米后,土壤中的速效养分含量大量减少,土壤EC值减小.从本试验的结果来看,在温室夏季休闲期种植大葱可以明显改善土壤的生物环境,种植速生叶菜和甜玉米可显著降低土壤的养分积累,减缓次生盐渍化的形成.  相似文献   

根系密集层以下土壤剖面硝态氮累积导致的土壤氮淋溶是活性氮损失的主要途径,然而不同养分管理措施对菜田土壤硝酸盐累积和淋溶的系统性影响尚不清楚。该研究通过搜集整理2000-2021年间发表的国内外相关文献数据,分别以农民传统施肥(TF)、单施化肥(CF)和不添加抑制剂(WI)为对照组,应用Meta分析方法整合分析了减量施氮(RF)、有机无机配施(OF)和抑制剂调控(IF)三种主要优化养分管理措施对菜田土壤硝酸盐累积淋溶的影响。结果表明,与各自的对照相比,三种养分管理措施均可以有效降低0~100 cm土壤剖面的硝酸盐累积量及淋溶量。RF、OF和IF分别显著降低0~100、60~80和0~80 cm土层硝酸盐累积量;RF的氮淋溶阻控效应值为-4.301,硝酸盐淋溶量下降43.19%;OF的氮淋溶阻控效应值为-4.279,淋溶量下降36.79%,但有机氮肥替代率大于60%时阻控效应反而下降;对于IF来说,单施脲酶抑制剂或硝化抑制剂,以及二者同时配施对硝酸盐淋溶均具有显著的阻控效应,但以二者同时配施最好,效应值为-4.373,淋溶量下降37.12%。施氮量和水分投入量是影响菜田硝酸盐累积淋溶的两个主要因素,二者总的贡献度达43.2%~47.3%。综合分析表明:对于减氮施肥措施而言,水分、纯氮投入量分别为430.74 mm和646.53 kg/hm2左右时,减氮比例以30%~50%为宜;对于有机无机配施措施而言,在土壤有机质含量较高的土壤上,水分、纯氮投入量分别为360.28 mm和432.18 kg/hm2左右时,有机肥替代化肥比例以30%~60%为宜;抑制剂调控氮素转化则以脲酶/硝化抑制剂配合施用效果最佳。该研究可为蔬菜生产中制定适宜的养分管理策略提供依据。  相似文献   

藏东南绿肥品种筛选及抢闲填茬的肥效研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
箭舌豌豆、启东茹子适合在藏东南抢闲填茬种植;留种适宜播种期均为3月26日至4月5日;抢闲填茬种植箭舌豌豆压青后,可使后作胡萝卜比休闲田增产107.78%,投入与产出比为1:3.11;连续种植绿肥一年半后,土壤的有机质含量增加了0.15%,速效磷(P2O5)、速效钾(K2O)含量分别增加了22.4mg/kg、23.5mg/kg,土壤全氮、水解氮含量分别增加了0.054%、9.09mg/kg。  相似文献   

海南稻菜轮作休闲期适宜填闲作物初筛   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国内外研究表明休闲期种植填闲作物可减少土壤氮淋洗损失,提高氮素循环利用,而填闲作物应具备生物量大、深根、吸氮量大等特点。在海南稻菜轮作休闲期(4~6月)通过田间试验比较研究了10种作物的株高、干物质累积量、吸氮量以及根长密度等。结果表明:高丹草在播后5周时的株高达66.4 cm,显著高于其它作物(9.5~47 cm,多数甚至低于20 cm),因此如果休闲期在5周以内,高丹草适合作为填闲作物。休闲期延长至63 d,田箐、王草、墨西哥玉米草的生物量、吸氮量和20~40 cm根长密度都显著高于其余作物,可作为填闲作物。其中王草一般采用种茎移栽,耗时、耗工,因此田箐和墨西哥玉米草作为填闲作物容易被农民接受。另外田箐吸氮量极显著高于王草和墨西哥玉米草,而且抗旱性和抗涝性都较强,因此在海南稻菜轮作休闲期干湿季交替的气候条件下,田箐更适合作为填闲作物。  相似文献   

箭舌豌豆、启东苕子适合在藏东南抢闲填茬种植;留种适宜播种期均为3月26日至4月5日;抢闲填茬种植箭舌豌豆压青后,可使后作胡萝卜比休闲田增产107.78%,投入与产出比为1:3.11;连续种植绿肥一年半后,土壤的有机质含量增加了O.15%,速效磷(P2O5)、速效钾(K2O)含量分别增加了22.4mg/kg、23.5mg/kg,土壤全氮、水解氮含量分别增加了O.054%、9.09mg/kg.  相似文献   

设施菜地因大水大肥管理方式导致的氮素淋失已成为当前关注焦点。探寻氮素淋失阻控技术需要首先探明土壤中NO_3~--N的运移和淋失过程,找到淋失阻控的关键点,从而实现蔬菜栽培高产量低环境成本。本研究以京郊设施菜地黄瓜-番茄轮作系统为研究对象,通过田间试验获取土壤温度、湿度、NO_3~--N含量等数据,对反硝化-分解(DNDC)模型进行参数校验,并以农民常规种植模式为基线情景,设置改变土壤基础性质、灌溉量、施氮量等不同情景,运用DNDC模型对设施菜地系统土壤氮素运移及淋溶损失进行定量评价。结果表明:经验证后的DNDC模型能够较好地模拟蔬菜产量、5 cm土壤温度和0~20 cm土壤孔隙含水率变化以及NO_3~--N的迁移过程,是模拟和评价氮素运移和损失的有效工具。模拟不同情景表明,设施菜地0~60 cm土壤NO_3~--N累积主要受灌溉水量和氮肥施入量的影响,此外土壤pH和土壤有机碳的变化也是影响NO_3~--N运移的重要因子。节水节肥是设施菜地氮素淋失减量的最有效方法,相比常规措施,同时减少20%灌溉量和20%施氮量可明显降低59.04%的NO_3~--N淋失量。同时,在节水节肥的基础上改变灌溉方式并提高20%土壤有机碳含量,在保证蔬菜产量的前提下,能够进一步降低69.04%的NO_3~--N淋失量。可见, DNDC模型为设施菜地NO_3~--N淋失评价和阻控提供了一个较好的解决方案。在当前重点关注减氮节水等管理措施的同时,提高土壤本身的质量,不失为一种更有效的减少设施菜地氮素淋失的途径。  相似文献   


To determine the relationships between microbial biomass nitrogen (N), nitrate–nitrogen leaching (NO3-N leaching) and N uptake by plants, a field experiment and a soil column experiment were conducted. In the field experiment, microbial biomass N, 0.5 mol L?1 K2SO4 extractable N (extractable N), NO3-N leaching and N uptake by corn were monitored in sawdust compost (SDC: 20 Mg ha?1 containing 158 kg N ha?1 of total N [approximately 50% is easily decomposable organic N]), chemical fertilizer (CF) and no fertilizer (NF) treatments from May 2000 to September 2002. In the soil column experiment, microbial biomass N, extractable N and NO3-N leaching were monitored in soil treated with SDC (20 Mg ha?1) + rice straw (RS) at five different application rates (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 Mg ha?1 containing 0, 15, 29, 44 and 59 kg N ha?1) and in soil treated with CF in 2001. Nitrogen was applied as (NH4)2SO4 at rates of 220 kg N ha?1 for SDC and SDC + RS treatments and at a rate of 300 kg N ha?1 for the CF treatment in both experiments. In the field experiment, microbial biomass N in the SDC treatment increased to 147 kg N ha?1 at 7 days after treatment (DAT) and was maintained at 60–70 kg N ha?1 after 30 days. Conversely, microbial biomass N in the CF treatment did not increase significantly. Extractable N in the surface soil increased immediately after treatment, but was found at lower levels in the SDC treatment compared to the CF treatment until 7 DAT. A small amount of NO3-N leaching was observed until 21 DAT and increased markedly from 27 to 42 DAT in the SDC and CF treatments. Cumulative NO3-N leaching in the CF treatment was 146 kg N ha?1, which was equal to half of the applied N, but only 53 kg N ha?1 in the SDC treatment. In contrast, there was no significant difference between N uptake by corn in the SDC and CF treatments. In the soil column experiment, microbial biomass N in the SDC + RS treatment at 7 DAT increased with increased RS application. Conversely, extractable N at 7 DAT and cumulative NO3-N leaching until 42 DAT decreased with increased RS application. In both experiments, microbial biomass N was negatively correlated with extractable N at 7 DAT and cumulative NO3-N leaching until 42 DAT, and extractable N was positively correlated with cumulative NO3-N leaching. We concluded that microbial biomass N formation in the surface soil decreased extractable N and, consequently, contributed to decreasing NO3-N leaching without impacting negatively on N uptake by plants.  相似文献   

上海郊区蔬菜田氮素流失的研   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Nitrogen (N) leaching in vegetable fields from December 2002 to May 2003 with equal dressings of total N for a sequential rotation of Chinese flat cabbage (Brassica chinensis L. var. rosularis) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in a suburban major vegetable production base of Shanghai were examined using the lysimeter method to provide a scientific basis for rational utilization of nitrogen fertilizers so as to prevent nitrogen pollution of water resources. Results showed that leached N consisted mainly of nitrate N, which accounted for up to more than 90% of the total N loss and could contribute to groundwater pollution. Data also showed that by partly substituting chemical N (30%) in a basal dressing with equivalent N of refined organic fertilizer in the Chinese flat cabbage field, 64.5% of the leached nitrate N was reduced, while in the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) field, substituting 1/2 of the chemical N in a basal dressing and 1/3 of the chemical N in a top dressing with equivalent N of refined organic fertilizers reduced 46.6% of the leached nitrate N. In the twoyear sequential rotation system of Chinese flat cabbage and lettuce, nitrate-N leaching in the treatment with the highest amount of chemical fertilizer was up to 46.55 kg ha^-1, while treatment plots with the highest amount of organic fertilizer had only 17.58 kg ha^-1. Thus, partly substituting refined organic fertilizer for chemical nitrogen in the first two seasons has a great advantage of reducing nitrate-N leaching.  相似文献   

The effects of various measures introduced to increase nitrogen (N)‐use efficiency and reduce N losses to water in a 6‐yr crop rotation (winter wheat, spring barley, green manure, winter wheat, spring barley, spring oilseed rape) were examined with respect to N leaching, soil mineral N (SMN) accumulation and grain yield. An N‐use efficient system (NUE) with delayed tillage until late autumn and spring, direct drilling of winter wheat, earlier sowing of winter and spring crops and use of a catch crop in winter wheat was compared with a conventional system (CON) in a field experiment with six separately tile‐drained plots in south‐western Sweden during the period 1999–2011 (two crop rotation cycles). Total leaching of NO3‐N from the NUE system was significantly 46 and 33% lower than in the CON system during the first and second crop rotation cycle, respectively, with the most pronounced differences apparently related to management strategies for winter wheat. Differences in NO3‐N leaching largely reflected differences in SMN during autumn and winter. There was a tendency for lower yields in the NUE system, probably due to problems with couch grass. Overall, the measures for conserving N, when frequently used within a crop rotation, effectively reduced NO3 concentrations in drainage water and NO3‐N leaching losses, without severely affecting yield.  相似文献   

Grazing of winter forage crops is a common management option used in the dairy industry of New Zealand, particularly in the South Island, where they are used to feed nonlactating, pregnant dairy cows prior to calving. However, there is concern that the large crop yields per hectare grazed, combined with a high stocking density of cows, lead to large amounts of urinary nitrogen (N) deposited on bare, wet soil that, in turn, could lead to large nitrate leaching losses. We report the results of a simulated winter forage grazing event using field lysimeters planted with a kale (Brassica oleracea L.) crop. The effect of sowing a ‘catch crop’ of oat (Avena sativa L.) following the simulated winter forage grazing on nitrate leaching losses from urine applied at different times throughout the winter was measured. A catch crop sown between 1 and 63 days after the urine deposition in early winter reduced N leaching losses from urine patches by ~34% on average (range: 19–49%) over the winter–spring period compared with no catch crop. Generally, the sooner the catch crop was sown following the crop harvest, the greater the uptake of N by the catch crop and the greater the reduction in nitrate leaching losses. The results indicate that sowing of a catch crop following winter crop grazing could be an effective management strategy to reduce nitrate leaching as well as increase the N‐use efficiency of dairy winter forage grazing systems.  相似文献   

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