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虫克星治疗牛皮蝇蚴病于洪兴宋绪春(密山市兽医卫生防疫站·158300)牛皮蝇蚴病是一种慢性寄生虫病,常在放牧牛群中流行,感染率高达40%。虫克星胶囊(北京农业大学新技术开发总公司供应)。根据当地成蝇出现时间,每年均于7月上旬投药,按每25kg体重1粒...  相似文献   

牛皮蝇蚴病在我省分布很广,其幼虫阶段主要寄生于牛的腰背部,对犊牛危害严重。冯兰洲氏于1953年在天祝松山共检查了300多头牛,几乎全部感染。甘南地区和乌鞘岭一带牦牛皮蝇蚴病亦非常严重,感染率几乎100%。农区耕牛的牛皮蝇蚴病感染率也很高,如张家川县阎家乡草川梁牛皮蝇蚴病感染率为87%,夏河县成年牛感染率为65%,临夏州全州感染率为41.1%,康乐县景古乡为100%。本病不仅使牛的产奶量损失20%,产肉量损失10—15%,硝制后皮甘损失25%,而且能造成牛只冬春季节的大批瘦弱死亡,尤其是1—2岁的犊牛,因此对牛皮蝇蚴病的防治十分必要。我们于1988年开展了倍硫磷防治牛皮蝇病的试验和推广工  相似文献   

牛皮蝇的幼虫寄生于牛的背部皮下部,最常见寄生部位在睾丸后部后两大腿之间和肛门下部10~20cm之间,皮蝇蚴常年寄生于牛身上。2007年7~10月泰宁县大龙乡张地村、显口村、双坪村等相  相似文献   

牛皮蝇是严重危害牦牛的一种寄生虫病,以往用倍硫磷防治,使成年牦牛的感染率得到了有效控制,但此药对草木有污染,国家禁用.且应用此药,幼年牛的感染率仍然呈上升趋势.从2000年10月份开始,用虫克星片对1~2岁幼年牦牛进行防治牛皮蝇试验效果观察.现报道如下.  相似文献   

八五七农场七队一养牛户饲养的25头奶牛今年3月份在皮肤上出现指头大的局部隆起,用手按压隆起部可在皮下组织移行,部分牛身上的隆起用手挤压时有白色蚴虫蹦出,经兽医临床诊断为牛皮蝇蚴病。1 症状奶牛发病时,在背上,胸部,腿部都可见到局部隆起,并逐渐增大,不久变为瘤状物,并形成绿豆大小的皮孔,幼虫以其口器向皮孔寄生。严重时可引起化脓,形成瘘管,患牛采食量下降,精神不振。2 防治方法患牛只要给于适当的治疗都能恢复健康。21 清除皮孔中的脓汁和渗出液,用2%敌百虫溶液擦瘤状肿,幼虫一般在涂药后24小时左右死亡。22 用…  相似文献   

牛皮蝇蛆病是纹皮蝇的幼虫寄生在黄牛、牦牛或水牛背部皮下组织内,所引起的慢性寄生虫病。偶尔也侵害马、驴和野生动物(獐、鹿),在发病地区患病动物附近工作的人员也会遭到侵害。由于皮蝇的寄生,可使受害动物的皮张皮革质量降低,患畜消瘦,发育不良,产乳量下降造成巨大经济损失。  相似文献   

<正> 牛皮蝇蚴病在我省尚未见报道。我们于1983年5月25日对严和公社五角口13头水牛,5月6日至11日对岳口公社状牛,双港、西坑247头耕牛(其中黄牛44头,水牛203头)进行了牛皮蝇蚴病调查,发现五角口1头水牛,双港3头水牛、1头黄牛患有牛皮蝇蚴病。其症状主要是消瘦,皮肤上(主要是顼部,其次是背部)稍隆起、黄豆至蚕豆大小、较硬的圆形结节,皮肤粗糙不  相似文献   

牛皮蝇蛆病是纹皮蝇的幼虫寄生在黄牛、牦牛或水牛背部皮下组织内,所引起的慢性寄生虫病。偶尔也侵害马、驴和野生动物(獐、鹿),在发病地区患病动物附近工作的人员也会遭到侵害。由于皮蝇的寄生,可使受害动物的皮张皮革质量降低,患畜消瘦,发育不良,产乳量下降造成巨大经济损失。  相似文献   

虫克星对羊鼻蝇病的治疗效果黑占才杨安圈(青海省海西州牧科所德令哈817000)1试验材料及方法1.1试验动物绵羊20只,是某单位于1996年4月中旬从德令哈市宗务隆乡壹克阿拉地区购买,年龄1~3岁。羊体质瘦弱,精神沉郁,食欲不振,100%表现有流脓性...  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Streptococcus bovis to various antibiotics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The transmission of Mycobacterium bovis infection to cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle is increasing rapidly in some countries, including the UK and Ireland. The organism infects a wide range of mammalian hosts, and eradication of the disease is difficult if there is an extensive reservoir in the wildlife population. Existing evidence suggests that wildlife vectors include the European badger in the UK and Ireland, the brush-tailed possum and ferret in New Zealand and ungulates in some other countries. Cattle grazing field boundaries or short swards are at particularly high risk, since the chance of contact with the intermediate host or their excreta is increased. There is evidence that the transmission of the disease between cattle following movement accounts for 10-15% of outbreaks in the British Isles and that transmission can occur across farm boundaries. The prevalence the prevalence of single reactors in herds suggested that within-herd transmission was not common. In herds with infected cattle, spreading slurry is a risk factor, which can be minimised by prolonged storage of the slurry, by spreading it on fields not used for grazing or by soil injection. M. bovis also survives in water and may enter the respiratory tract during drinking. It is concluded that M. bovis infection in cattle can be transmitted by a number of routes, some of which can be controlled by appropriate husbandry, but that circumstantial evidence suggests that the existence of a widespread intermediate host is the greatest contributor to infection in cattle.  相似文献   

The effect of viable Mycoplasma bovis on the in vitro bovine peripheral blood lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was studied. Results showed that M. bovis did not act as a mitogen for bovine lymphocytes. Viable M. bovis produced a dose and time dependent suppression of the PHA stimulated lymphocyte response. Suppression was not a result of differences in the viability of infected or control lymphocyte cultures. The suppressive effect of M. bovis was found to be independent of the concentration of PHA used in the test and the lymphocyte response could not be restored by supplementation of the culture medium with arginine. Delay for 48 h after PHA stimulation before adding M. bovis to the lymphocyte cultures diminished, but did not prevent, the suppression of the lymphocyte response. These results show that suppression of the lymphocyte response does not require the presence of M. bovis during the period of PHA stimulation, and that M. bovis was capable of interrupting [3H]-thymidine incorporation in lymphocytes which were actively synthesizing DNA.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of macrophage alternative activation in the intracellular pathogen natural disease resistance phenotype of the host. Macrophage monolayers from resistant (R) (3) or susceptible (S) (3) cattle donors were treated with 10 ng/ml of bovine recombinant IL-4 (rbIL-4), and infected with virulent and avirulent Mycobacterium bovis (MOI 10:1). Bactericidal assays were performed to assess the bacterial phagocytic index and intracellular survival. Total RNA was reverse transcribed and used to analyze the relative changes in gene expression of IL-10, IL-12, IL-18 IL-1β, TNF-α, MCP-1, MCP-2, IL-6, MIP-1, MIP-3, iNOS, ARGII and SLAM by real time PCR. Cell supernatants were collected and nitric oxide and arginase production was assessed. Apoptosis induction was measured by TUNEL. IL-4 treatment increased the phagocytic index in both R and S macrophages; however intracellular survival was augmented mainly in S macrophages. Alternative activation decreased gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide production and DNA fragmentation mainly in R macrophages. On the other hand, arginase production was not different between R and S macrophages. Alternative activation modifies the macrophage response against M. bovis. IL-4 treatment minimized the functional differences that exist between R and S macrophages.  相似文献   

Adherence of Moraxella bovis to cell cultures of bovine origin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The adherence of five strains of Moraxella bovis to cell cultures was investigated. M bovis adhered to cultures of bovine corneal epithelial and Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells but not to cell types of non-bovine origin. Both piliated and unpiliated strains adhered but piliated strains adhered to a greater extent than unpiliated strains. Antiserum against pili of one strain inhibited adherence of piliated strains but caused only slight inhibition of adherence to the unpiliated strains. Treatment of bacteria with magnesium chloride caused detachment of pili from the bacterial cell and markedly inhibited adherence of piliated strains but caused only slight inhibition of adherence by the unpiliated strains. The results suggested that adhesion of piliated strains to cell cultures was mediated via pili but that adhesins other than pili may be involved in the attachment of unpiliated strains of M bovis to cells.  相似文献   

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