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猪细小病毒N株弱毒苗田间试验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
猪细小病毒感染普遍流行于世界各地猪群,为了有效防制该病,我们研制出能预防该病感染的猪细小病毒N株弱毒疫苗(PPV-N株)[1].该弱毒苗具有良好的免疫原性和安全性[2].我们按要求制备三批PPV-N株弱毒疫苗对三个规模化猪场的后备母猪进行田间试验,现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

猪细小病毒自然弱毒N株的免疫原性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PPV-N株接种抗体阴性后备母猪,5天产生HI抗体,7天达到保护性水平(>1∶256),14天达高峰.用该毒株对4月龄猪、后备母猪和怀孕母猪进行免疫原性试验,结果攻毒后5、7、9天未检测到病毒血症和未分离到病毒.攻毒后第40天剖杀2头怀孕母猪,见胎儿正常,胎儿心血HI抗体阴性,从胎儿脏器未分离出病毒.自然分娩的母猪,产仔正常,仔猪吃初乳前HI抗体阴性,而对照猪攻毒后产生病毒血症,并产下不同组合异常仔,从死胎儿脏器分离到病毒,活仔HI抗体阳性.试验还表明豚鼠对PPV-N株的抗体应答和猪的相似,可作为PPV弱毒株免疫抗体应答检测的实验动物.本研究结果证明,PPV自然弱毒N株具有良好的免疫原性.  相似文献   

猪细小病毒N株弱毒苗的免疫效果观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
经调查,广西猪群普遍存在猪细小病毒感染[1]。为了有效防制该病,本研究室已研制出能预防猪细小病毒感染的弱毒疫苗(简称PPV-N株弱毒苗)。该弱毒苗用于预防猪细小病毒引起的繁殖失败,具有良好的免疫原性和安全性[2]。我们用四批PPV-N株弱毒苗对广西多个流行该病的猪场的后备母猪进行免疫,取得了良好的效果,现将结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 PPV-N株弱毒苗本实验室研制,种毒按蒋玉雯等[2]的方法进行培养。1.2 试验动物500克左右健康青年豚鼠,并经PPV-HI检测为阴性。1.3 猪细小病毒…  相似文献   

猪细小病毒自然弱毒N株遗传稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究将PPV-N株通过敏感猪三代、猪肾传代细胞25代,测定该毒株对敏感猪的致病性,结果表明将PPV-N株连续分别通过PPV HI抗体阴性的4月龄小猪、后备母猪、怀孕母猪三代,均未从试验猪检出病毒血症和分离到病毒,且母猪产仔正常。在IBRS-2细胞中连续传代,随着传代次数的增加其细胞病变未见异常,毒价稳定在103.5TCID50/mL。将第1、5、10、15、20、25代病毒培养物接种PPV HI抗体阴性怀孕母猪,未从母猪测出病毒血症和检出病毒,所产仔猪PPV HI抗体阴性,未从弱仔猪脏器分离到病毒,说明该毒株毒力不返强,具有良好的遗传稳定性。这为该弱毒株成为一株良好的自然弱毒疫苗株提供了依据。  相似文献   

用PCR技术鉴定犬细小病毒弱毒疫苗株   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析比较犬细小病毒(CPV)弱毒疫苗株和强毒株的基因序列,设计了3条引物并组成2对引物,对弱毒疫苗株和强毒株进行了半嵌套式PCR扩增。第1轮PCR扩增的结果为CPV弱毒疫苗株和强毒株有相同的目的片段(585bp);第2轮PCR扩增的结果为CPV强毒株有375bp目的片段,而CPV弱毒疫苗株没有375bp目的片段。对PCR产物进行电泳和酶切分析,结果证明PCR产物片段大小和酶切位点与设计的产物完全一致。特异性和敏感性测定结果表明,该方法是高度特异和敏感的,可用于弱毒疫苗毒株与强毒株的鉴定。  相似文献   

猪细小病毒弱毒冻干疫苗的检测报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪细小病毒病是引起母猪繁殖障碍的主要病因之一 ,给养猪业造成严重的经济损失。我所研制成功的猪细小病毒病油乳剂灭活疫苗已被全国各地的养猪场广泛应用 ,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。但是随着当今养猪业规模化和集约化的发展 ,仍十分需要猪细小病毒弱毒冻干疫苗 ,而且冻干疫苗拥有保存时间长、运输方便、生产工艺简单、免疫剂量小、成本相对比较低等优点 ,因此课题组又研制了猪细小病毒弱毒冻干疫苗 ,经过实验室的检测 ,取得了令人满意的结果。本文就检测试验结果报道如下 :1 材料和方法1 .1  猪睾丸 (ST)传代细胞。ST细胞的…  相似文献   

用不同批次、不同剂量、不同保存时间的猪细小病毒N株弱毒苗接种豚鼠,观察豚鼠对PPV N株弱毒苗的抗体反应。结果4种不同剂量和3个不同批次的PPV N株弱毒苗接种豚鼠后第14天均产生抗体反应,其PPV HI效价在1:16-1:64之间,0.1ml和1ml 剂量接种豚鼠产生的PPV HI抗体水平相近,抗体持续长达12个月以上。在4℃保存0天、12个月和-20℃保存2年、3年的PPV N株弱毒苗接种豚鼠,其PPV HI价在1:16-1:32之间,说明该苗在4℃至能保存12个月,-20℃能保存3年以上。比较了不同批次疫苗接种猪和豚鼠所产生的抗体反应,结果两者相似。用3批引起豚鼠产生抗体反应的PPV N株弱毒苗接种768头后备母猪,共产仔7136头,其中健活仔6575头,平均每窝产健活仔8.56头,产死仔仅0.73头。证明豚鼠是监测PPV弱毒苗抗体的首选实验动物。  相似文献   

由于猪细小病毒(PPV)血清型单一及其高免疫原性,使得疫苗接种成为控制PPV感染行之有效的方法。但检测PPV疫苗的效力要求使用PPV血清阴性的母猪,不仅成本高,而且管理和操作费时费力,同时不容易找到PPV血清阴性的母猪,为了解决这一问题,国外曾试图寻找一种实验动物模型作为PPV疫苗效力检测。Joo等[1]曾报道用豚鼠、兔和猪对PPV灭活苗的抗体反应,证明豚鼠和兔对PPV疫苗的血清学反应与猪相似,提供了用实验动物作为PPV疫苗效力试验的可能性。国内潘雪珠等[2]也证明了豚鼠对PPV灭活苗的抗体反应…  相似文献   

猪细小病毒 (PPV)是引起母猪繁殖障碍的重要病因之一 ,可引起母猪流产、死胎、木乃伊胎、弱仔等 ,对养猪业造成严重的经济损失。 1 987年 ,我所研制成功的猪细小病毒病油乳剂灭活疫苗 ,对于预防PPV引起的母猪繁殖障碍起到了积极的作用 ,并于 1 994年荣获了国家级新兽药证书。当前养猪业正趋向规模化、集约化 ,根据综合防疫的需要 ,除了有猪细小病毒病灭活疫苗外 ,还十分需要有猪细小病毒病弱毒冻干疫苗 ,供用户选择应用 ,为此 ,我们又致力于弱毒疫苗的研究工作。将PPV接种易感细胞 ,并连续传代 ,成功培育了一株安全性和免疫原性良…  相似文献   

猪细小病毒N株弱毒疫苗(PPVN株)是广西兽医研究所蒋玉雯等从广西初产母猪所产死胎脏器中分离出的一株PPV自然弱毒株,经生物学与免疫学特性研究证明该弱毒株具有良好的免疫原性和安全性,可作为弱毒疫苗用于预防猪细小病毒感染的发生。本研究对该弱毒疫苗进行了最小免疫量、免疫产生期和安全性测定,现将结果报告为下:  相似文献   

Inactivated porcine parvovirus vaccines have been available commercially in Britain since 1984 and are now widely used in breeding herds. To investigate their value in cost benefit terms an oil-emulsion vaccine developed at Weybridge was used in trials on 1243 gilts in 12 herds during the period 1984 to 1986. In each herd approximately half the gilts were given the vaccine before breeding and the remainder were left unvaccinated. Blood samples were taken at vaccination and two to four weeks later to measure the serological responses, and the reproductive performances of the two groups were compared. When the data from all the gilts in the 12 herds were combined and analysed together there was surprisingly little difference between the reproductive performance of the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. Only when the results from individual herds were analysed and interpreted against a background knowledge of wild parvovirus activity (as derived from a study of the serological results) did an understanding and evaluation of the benefits of vaccination become possible. As herds vary with respect to the absence or presence of porcine parvovirus and the epidemiology of the infection it is recommended that vaccination be used with discrimination; it should then prove highly cost effective.  相似文献   

Serological response and reproductive performance were estimated in field trials of an inactivated virus vaccine against porcine parvovirus. Experiments were carried out in 10 selected pig breeding herds. A total of 277 seronegative gilts were used. Two hundred and twenty animals were vaccinated twice before mating, fourteen days apart and revaccinated after farrowing. Blood samples were obtained from both vaccinated and non-vaccinated (57 animal) control gilts, one week after the 2nd dose of vaccination, at farrowing time and one week after revaccination. Although there were considerable variations among the herds, the number of returns to oestrus in all herds was higher in vaccinated gilts (11.81%) than in the controls (10.52%). This difference, however, was not statistically significant. The reproductive performance results revealed the absence of an increase in the total born, as pooled values, in vaccinated gilts compared to controls. However, when these results are interpreted in relation to serological data, many control gilts were already seropositive before mating, or remained seronegative at farrowing. According to our results, the duration of immunity with this vaccine is apparently short, as there is a clear decrease in the titres between the 1st and the 2nd sampling times (2.35 +/- 0.14 and 1.97 +/- 0.08, respectively).  相似文献   

The insoluble immune complexes (ICs) were prepared under the conditions of double immunodiffusion in gel, using the suspension of the ultrasound treated PK-15 cell-line infected with porcine parvovirus (PPV) containing both viral particles and viral proteins, as well as pig or rabbit anti-PPV polyclonal immune sera. The immunodiffusion performed in an agarose gel allows only viral subunits with a molecular mass equal to or less than 1000 kDa, rather than the viral particles, to diffuse through the gel and reach the point where the immunoprecipitate is to be formed. The immunoprecipitation under the conditions of the diffusion ensures the optimal, i.e. equimolar ratio of both immunoprecipitating components, antibody/antigen in the IC. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the Western blot analyses showed the ICs were composed of two proteins, a protein in which molecular mass corresponded to the VP2 of the PPV and a protein with a molecular mass of the IgG. This suggests that the ICs are mainly composed of the VP2 antigen and IgG class antibodies. The potency of the IC-vaccines prepared in the form of a water-in-oil-in-water emulsion was compared with that of a commercially available, inactivated oil vaccine. The vaccination of gilts, 6 weeks before mating, with the IC containing allogeneic pig antibodies, resulted in the development of high and long-lasting anti-PPV antibody titres, similar to those generated by the licenced vaccine (P > 0.01). The content of the virus material administered by the IC was twice lower than that in the licenced vaccine. Neither systemic nor local reactions were observed in the gilts during the period of the trial with the IC vaccine. The number of viable piglets per litter varied between 9 and 12 and no signs of the PPV infection were detected. Rabbits were used as one of the alternative laboratory animal models accepted for the testing of the vaccine against the PPV. The rabbit humoral immune response generated by the IC containing the allogeneic antibodies were higher than that generated by the ICs containing the xenogeneic pig antibodies. It was similar to that generated by two-times higher content of the virus material administered by a commercially available vaccine. The IC-based vaccines belong to non-replicating, subunit vaccines, which are both ecologically convenient and the safest vaccines of all.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus isolated from a case of haemorrhagic enteritis in a breeding kennel in England was passaged and cloned in cultured feline and canine cells. No significant evidence of pathogenicity was found during six serial passages of the modified virus back through young dogs. The attenuated virus was excreted by inoculated animals and spread rapidly to uninoculated animals held in contact. When high titre attenuated virus was given to the six-week-old offspring of a seropositive dam a prompt seroconversion was observed. When the attenuated virus was used as an experimental vaccine in 108 pups in an infected breeding colony a highly significant improvement was obtained in the accumulated morbidity and mortality compared with a parallel group vaccinated with modified live feline panleucopenia virus.  相似文献   

应用适应于番鸭胚成纤维细胞(MDEFC)上繁殖,并产生细胞病变的鹅细小病毒(GPV)弱毒疫苗株与番鸭细小病毒(MPV)弱毒疫苗,按适当比例混合,试制了MPV-GPV二联弱毒细胞苗,并测定了各项免疫指标.结果显示试制出的二联苗对1日龄雏番鸭具有良好的安全性和遗传稳定性;免疫后5 d和7 d攻击GPV强毒,保护率分别为75%和100%,同时免疫后7 d血清中MPV-胶乳凝集抑制(LPAI)抗体效价均大于21,21~28 d抗体达高峰,有效免疫期超过60 d.疫苗于-20℃保存期大于12个月.上述结果表明,二联弱毒细胞苗安全有效.  相似文献   

The performance of live, attenuated, homologous, canine parvovirus vaccines was studied in 140 puppies aged from four to 11 weeks. In the presence of maternally derived antibody the ability of the vaccines to elicit a serological response, as determined by the haemagglutination inhibition test and a standardised ELISA, was found to be dose (infectious titre) related. An experimental vaccine containing 10(7.0) TCID50 of virus induced seroconversion rates of 95, 89, 82 and 44 per cent in dogs with haemagglutination inhibition antibody titres of less than or equal to 8, 16, 32 and greater than 32, respectively. The standardised ELISA appeared to be better than the haemagglutination inhibition test with respect to variability and subjectivity, especially when titres were low.  相似文献   

为制定猪细小病毒病弱毒疫苗效力检验的标准,用3批猪细小病毒病弱毒疫苗进行接种猪与接种豚鼠的平行试验;同时进行临床免疫试验。3批疫苗接种豚鼠和猪后定期进行PPVHI抗体检测;猪于免疫后攻毒,并进行病毒分离。免疫母猪在怀孕早期进行强毒攻击,40d扑杀进行病毒分离。用3批疫苗免疫后备母猪统计产仔成绩。结果显示,豚鼠接种后21d、猪接种后7d全部产生抗体反应。免疫攻毒的猪均未从血浆和内脏中分离到病毒,而从对照猪分离到病毒;怀孕母猪强毒攻击后扑杀,胎儿病毒分离均为阴性,而对照猪胎儿病毒分离为阳性;统计数据表明免疫猪的产仔成绩比未免疫猪高,平均每窝多产活仔1.85头,少产死胎木乃伊胎0.65头。结果表明,当免疫豚鼠PPV HI≥64时,免疫猪能抵抗PPV强毒攻击,两者呈正相关;免疫母猪的攻毒试验表明免疫母猪能抵抗PPV经胎盘感染;临床免疫试验证明疫苗具有良好的免疫原性和安全性。  相似文献   

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