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为研究乳酸菌对菊芋茎叶青贮品质和发酵特性的影响,以菊芋茎叶为试验材料,利用青贮发酵罐调制青贮饲料。以添加0.2%乳酸菌(T)为试验组,不添加乳酸菌(C)为对照组,分别在发酵1、7、15、30、60 d开封,分析添加乳酸菌对菊芋茎叶营养品质、发酵特性及体外产气量和干物质消化率(IVDMD)的影响。结果表明:1)盛花期菊芋茎叶DM含量为320.7 g/kg(鲜样基础),可溶性糖(WSC)含量为22.60%(DM基础),缓冲能值为50.62 mEq/kg(DM基础),较适合制作青贮饲料。2)添加乳酸菌可降低菊芋茎叶青贮饲料pH值、乙酸、丁酸和NH3-N含量(P<0.05),增加乳酸含量、DM含量、WSC含量,提高感官品质(P<0.05),而对中性洗涤纤维(NDF)及酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)无显著影响(P>0.05)。3)随着发酵时间的延长,两处理青贮菊芋的pH值、DM和WSC含量均表现出逐渐下降的趋势,而乙酸、丁酸、NH3-N和乳酸含量则在第7天显著增加,之后趋缓,第60天最高。4)添加乳酸菌可以增加青贮菊芋体外24 h总产气量和I...  相似文献   

本试验以甜菜渣为主要青贮原料,研究均添加20%(占鲜重)粉碎稻秸、粉碎玉米秸、豆荚和麸皮作为吸收剂对甜菜渣青贮品质的影响,甜菜渣直接青贮为对照组。结果表明,在发酵品质方面:各组pH值组间差异不显著(P0.05);所有处理组的氨态氮含量比甜菜渣组低,且与甜菜渣组均差异极显著(P0.01);各个处理组的乳酸含量和乙酸含量差异显著(P0.05);各处理组可降低丁酸的含量,尤其是稻秸组和豆荚组,未检测到丁酸含量。而在营养价值方面:各处理组可以较多的保存可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量,各处理组达到极显著(P0.01);同时各处理组还能较好的保留干物质,干物质损失率的组间差异显著(P0.01)。综合青贮品质和经济方面考虑,本试验中20%(占鲜重)的粉碎稻秸与甜菜渣青贮效果最好,其次是添加20%(占鲜重)的豆荚、麸皮和粉碎玉米秸。  相似文献   

为研究不同晾晒时间(0h,2h,4h,6h)对菊芋青贮品质的影响,分别在不同时间(8∶00,10∶00,12∶00,14∶00)取样,在相同的条件下常规青贮50d后,对不同的处理从感官评定与发酵指标测定两个方面来分析评价不同晾晒时间的菊芋青贮饲料品质。结果表明,晾晒2h的菊芋茎叶青贮后,芳香味较浓,色泽与原料色较接近,茎叶结构保存尚好,感官评定得分较高;晾晒2h的菊芋茎叶青贮pH值最低,为4.27,显著低于对照(P<0.05),更有利于青贮长时间贮存;青贮饲料的营养成分表明,晾晒2h的饲料粗蛋白(CP)保存尚好,粗脂肪(EE)含量最高,为8.61%,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),粗灰分(CA)含量最低,为13.58%,酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)与中性洗涤纤维(NDF)含量均最低。综上所述,晾晒2h的菊芋茎叶青贮饲料品质较好。  相似文献   

1鸡肝和鸭肝鸡肝和鸭肝中粗蛋白含量(17.84%和6.54%)低于猪肝和牛肝(20%),但从氨基酸组成可以看出,鸡肝和鸭肝中必需氨基酸含量丰富,尤其含硫氨基酸(蛋氨酸+胱氨酸)超过0.5%。鸡肝与鸭肝相比,氨基酸组成相近,但鸡肝中的脂肪含量高。在准备配种期内,为了控制体况,可以用鸭肝等量替代鸡肝保证在蛋白水平不变的情况下降低脂肪的量,从而使日粮的总能下降;相反如为了增加种兽体肥度可以用鸡肝。肝脏无机盐含量较高,饲喂量要适量,日粮中过量使用,能引起毛皮动物腹泻,消化不良。水貂和狐日粮中常用量为15~30克,狐最大用量不要超过50克。2鸡架和鸭…  相似文献   

主要对水貂和狐常用的动物性饲料———禽副产品 (鸡架、鸭架、鸡肝、鸭肝、鸡肠、鸡头 )的概略养分及氨基酸组成进行分析 ,为禽类副产品在水貂、狐养殖中 ,科学合理的应用提供依据  相似文献   

本研究采用菌酶协同发酵玉米副产品型饲料,以pH、还原糖含量作为指标验证发酵质量,设计单因素试验、正交试验优化发酵参数,包括菌种、酶制剂及发酵条件。通过单菌和混合菌发酵试验确定菌种最佳添加比例。结果表明:酿酒酵母、植物乳杆菌混合发酵效果最好,添加比例为1∶1。试验添加单酶和多酶发酵玉米副产物饲料结果显示,纤维素酶和葡聚糖酶混合发酵效果最佳,比例为1∶1,最佳添加总量为200 U/g。采用3因子(发酵温度、料水比、接菌量)3水平设计正交试验优化发酵条件。最终确定最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度30℃,料水比1∶1.2(g/mL),接菌量12%,此条件下,可使饲料中粗蛋白质、粗纤维及粗脂肪含量发生大幅变化。  相似文献   

在市场上,每一种食品的背后都应该至少有一种副产品。这些副产品涵盖范围广,如甜菜渣、菜籽粕、柑橘渣、乳清、面包渣、面粉副产品、肉骨粉等。在畜牧业中,可将这些低价值的副产品转化为高品质的动物性蛋白。现重点阐释食品工业副产品中的油籽粕、小麦副产品和甜菜渣的营养特点,对养猪生产中饲喂利用以上饲料提供科学指导。  相似文献   

本研究分离鉴定了一种来源于青贮万寿菊的乳酸菌,并探索其发酵工艺。通过菌落形态、生理生化特性和16S RNA的序列分析,确定分离得到的为植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum),命名为ldr-1。在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面法优化发酵工艺条件,以碳源、氮源和起始pH值三者为响应因子,以活菌数为响应值,采用Box-Behnken模型进行三因素三水平的响应面实验设计。分析表明,该模型不显著,所以,单因素试验条件即为此三因素的最佳添加量。在发酵工艺为玉米蛋白粉15%,蛋白胨25%,起始pH6.0,30℃发酵16 h后,活菌数可达到4.0×109cfu/mL。经过海藻酸钠、氯化钙包被并冻干后,冻干存活率为84.95%,大大增加了对外界温度的稳定性。上述试验为ldr-1作为万寿菊青贮剂的开发应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

饲料青贮的实质就是青绿饲料在密闭厌氧的条件下,通过乳酸菌发酵产生乳酸,当乳酸积累到一定浓度时,青贮料中所有微生物都被抑制,其中的生物化学反应基本停止,这样就达到长期保存青绿饲料营养价值的目的。但是,这种状态的形成并不是青贮一开始就有的,而是经过一个复杂的微生物群消长及生物化学变化过程才能实现。1青贮发酵过程及其注意事项1.1植物呼吸阶段刚刈割下的青贮原料,在切碎装窖过程中,植物细胞尚未死亡,还在进行呼吸。前期为有氧呼吸。植物利用青贮原料空隙中残留的空气氧化糖分,产生二氧化碳和水,同时释放出大量的热能,残留空气越…  相似文献   

为了研究玉米秸秆青贮、玉米秸秆与桑叶青贮在体外的组合效应,试验将玉米秸秆青贮、玉米秸秆与桑叶青贮3种饲料以不同比例(分别为100∶0∶0、80∶10∶10、70∶10∶20、70∶20∶10、60∶10∶30、60∶20∶20、60∶30∶10、50∶10∶40、50∶20∶30、50∶30∶20、50∶40∶10、0∶100∶0、0∶0∶100)组合进行发酵(每个组合3次重复),检测不同组合的体外产气量、干物质降解率、氨态氮浓度、pH值和挥发性脂肪酸浓度并分析不同饲料组合的组合效应。结果表明:随着发酵时间的延长,各组合的产气量呈逐渐上升趋势,发酵第2,4小时,组合12(玉米秸秆比例为100%)产气量最高;发酵第8~72小时,组合13(桑叶青贮比例为100%)产气量最高。发酵第72小时,各组合产气量随着桑叶青贮比例的提高而增加,其中组合8(桑叶青贮比例为40%)产气量显著高于其他组合(除组合13外,P<0.05);不同饲料组合对干物质降解率和氨态氮浓度有明显影响,但对pH值影响不明显。当玉米秸秆青贮比例固定时,对应组合干物质降解率随着桑叶青贮比例的增加而增加,组合13的干物质消化...  相似文献   

In experiments carried out in three successive years an assessment has been made of the feeding value of field beans (Vicia faba L.) as a protein supplement in laying rations. When 15% beans were fed in a cereal‐based diet without methionine fortification, egg production was depressed significantly below that attainable with a diet containing fish meal as a protein supplement. When 0.1 % DL‐methionine was added to the diet, production was raised significantly to a level which in most cases was not significantly different from that supported by the fish meal diet. Whether or not methionine was added to the diets, the inclusion of bean meal at levels of 25 to 33% gave rise to lower egg production than did a level of 15%. Culling losses during the experiments tended to be higher on the bean diets.

It is concluded that field beans supplemented with methionine can be a useful source of dietary protein for laying hens but the rate of inclusion should not exceed 15% until more is known of factors which cause lowered production at higher levels.  相似文献   

To identify the effects of whole crop maize silage (MS) as a substitute for rice straw (RS) on feed intake and milk production of mid-late lactating buffalo and cattle in Tarai, Nepal, eight Murrah and eight Jersey-Hariana were fed the basal diet, RS ( ad libitum ) with concentrate (0.68% of bodyweight [BW] on a dry matter [DM] basis). A 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment was conducted in each animal species with graded levels of MS substitution for RS (0%, T1; 33%, T2; 67%, T3 and 100%, T4). The MS had higher digestibility and total digestible nutrient (TDN) than RS. The DM intake per BW of the both species was highest in T3. The substitution of MS for RS increased the crude protein intake and the TDN intake in the both species. Although the buffalo showed the highest milking performance in T4, the cattle showed no significant differences in their milking performance among the treatments. The substitution of MS for RS improved the feed intake and milk production in the buffalo. On the other hand, the milk yield was not raised in the cattle, though the feed intake was increased by the substitution.  相似文献   

The large-scale development of herbivorous animal husbandry in China has increased the demand for forage products. However, due to scarce land resources and poor soil quality, forage is in short supply. In particular, high-quality forage in China heavily relies on imports. The contradiction between supply and demand for forage grass products is increasingly notable. Therefore, the development of indigenous new forage resources with a strong ecological adaptability and a high nutritional value is a key to solving this problem. Jerusalem artichoke (JA, Helianthus tuberosus L.), a perennial herb of the genus Helianthus, has advantageous growth traits such as resistance to salinity, barrenness, drought, cold, and disease. The contents of crude protein, crude fiber, and calcium in the optimal harvest period of forage-type JA straw are comparable to those of alfalfa hay at the full bloom stage and the straw of ryegrass and corn at the mature stage. Inulin in JA tubers is a functional ingredient that has prebiotic effects in the gastrointestinal tract of monogastric animals and young ruminants. In addition, some bioactive substances (e.g. flavonoids, phenolic acids, sesquiterpenes, polysaccharides, and amino acids) in JA leaves and flowers have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant functions as well as toxicities to cancer cells. These functional ingredients may provide effective alternatives to antibiotics used in livestock production. In this review, we summarized the potentials of JA as a feed ingredient from the aspects of nutritional value and fermenting characteristics of the straw, the functions of physiological regulation and disease prevention of inulin in the tubers, and bioactive substances in the leaves and flowers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of inclusion of whole-crop pea (WCP) silages, differing in condensed tannin content, as a substitute for grass silage (GS) and soybean meal on lamb metabolism, performance, plasma metabolites, digestibility, and carcass characteristics. In both experiments lambs were offered either solely GS or a 50:50 mix on a DM basis of GS with either low-tannin (LTPS) or high-tannin (HTPS) pea silage ad libitum. Each forage mix was fed with either 400 g/d of low-protein (LP) concentrate or 400 g/d of LP with an additional 200 g/d of pelletized soybean meal (HP), resulting in 6 dietary treatments. Experiment 1 examined the effects of the diets on metabolism, digestibility, and N balance using 6 lambs in 4 periods of 21 d in an incomplete crossover design. Experiment 2 used 48 lambs and examined the effects of the diets on ADG, plasma metabolites, and carcass characteristics over 56 d. Both experiments were analyzed using a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. In Exp. 1, lambs offered the LTPS diets had a greater (P < 0.05) digestibility of DM and OM than those offered the GS diets. Lambs offered the WCP silages had an increased (P < 0.05) N intake, N output, and digestibility of GE compared with those offered GS. Mean N digestibility was greatest (P < 0.05) in lambs offered LTPS. Lambs offered HP diets had increased (P < 0.001) digestibility of DM, OM, GE and N, and N- intake, output, retention, and digestibility compared with those offered the LP diets. In Exp. 2, there was no effect (P > 0.05) of forage type on intake, slaughter BW, or feed conversion efficiency (FCE). However, lambs offered the LTPS had a greater (P < 0.05) ADG than those offered the GS diets. Feeding diets containing HP increased (P < 0.001) total DMI, slaughter BW, ADG, and FCE. Lambs offered the WCP had a greater (P < 0.05) plasma β-hydroxybutyrate and urea concentration compared with those offered the GS diets. Feeding lambs HP diets increased (P < 0.05) plasma urea and total protein. Forage mix had no effect (P > 0.05) on carcass composition except for fat depth, which was greater (P < 0.05) in lambs offered WCP silage. Diets containing the HP increased (P < 0.05) carcass weight, hind leg circumference, chop dimensions, and kidney weight. It was concluded that lambs offered LTPS performed better than those offered GS and that LTPS has a concentrate sparing effect. Additionally, the increased tannin concentration in HTPS did not increase performance over lambs offered either GS or LTPS.  相似文献   

1. Diets containing wheat and maize (control), 300 g or 500 g triticale per kg or 300 g rye per kg were fed to broiler chickens for 56 d.

2. Live‐weight at 56 d of age was not different on a diet containing 300 g triticale per kg to that on the control diet but was significantly reduced by diets containing 500 g triticale or 300 g rye per kg.

3. Food conversion efficiency was best with 300 g triticale per kg of diet.  相似文献   

试验主要研究缩合单宁对苜蓿青贮品质及营养价值的影响。试验采用第2茬初花期经过晾晒的苜蓿作为原材料。处理组的缩合单宁含量分别为16 mg/g(A组)和32 mg/g(B组),不添加任何物质的青贮苜蓿作为对照组(C组)。试验结果表明:随着青贮发酵时间的增加,pH值和NH3-N/TN值A、B组显著低于对照组(P<0.05);两处理组乳酸含量显著增加(P<0.05);青贮50 d内,乙酸的抑制效果由好到差为B组>A组>对照组(P<0.05);NDF和ADF含量在50 d后C组均显著高于B、A组(P<0.05);单宁处理可以抑制青贮过程中氨态氮的产生,改善紫花苜蓿发酵品质。  相似文献   

Studies on diet selection and feed intake of ruminants in extensive grazing systems often require the use of simple approaches to determine the organic matter digestibility (OMD) of the ingested feed. Therefore, we evaluated the validity of the one-factorial exponential regression established by Lukas et al. [Journal of Animal Science 83 (2005) 1332], which estimates OMD from the faecal crude protein (FCP) concentration. The equation was applied to two sets of data obtained with free grazing and pen-fed cattle, sheep and goats ingesting low and high amounts of green and dry vegetation of Sahelian pastures as well as millet leaves and cowpea hay. Data analysis showed that the livestock species did not influence the precision of estimation of OMD from FCP. For the linear regression between measured and estimated OMD (%) across n = 431 individual observations, a regression coefficient of r2 = 0.65 and a residual standard deviation (RSD) of 5.87 were obtained. The precision of estimation was influenced by the data set (p = 0.033), the type of feed (p < 0.001) and the feeding level (p = 0.009), and interactions occurred between type of feed and feeding level (p = 0.021). Adjusting the intercept and the slope of the established exponential function to the present data resulted in a compression of the curve; while r2 remained unchanged, the RSD of the regression between measured and estimated OMD was reduced, when compared with the results obtained from the equation of Lukas et al. (2005). Estimating OMD from treatment means of FCP greatly improved the correlation between measured and estimated OMD for both the established function and the newly fit equation. However, if anti-nutritional dietary factors increase the concentration of faecal nitrogen from feed or endogenous origin, the approach might considerably overestimate diet digestibility.  相似文献   

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