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The efficacy of a Bordetella bronchiseptica bacterin was evaluated in 2 commercial swine herds affected with mild and severe enzootic atrophic rhinitis (AR). In the 1st herd study, (mild AR), the degree of clinical AR, nasal turbinate evaluation, blood serum titer to B bronchiseptica antigen, and adjusted days from birth to 100 kg were determined for individual pigs. Bacterin inoculation reduced the incidence and severity of gross turbinate atrophy 57% and reduced clinical AR over 93%. Inoculated swine had an average blood serum-agglutinating titer greater than 1:2,793 and noninoculated (control) swine had an average titer of 1:112. Increased serum titer significantly (P less than 0.05) correlated with decreased degree of nasal turbinate atrophy. Inoculated and control pigs reached 100 kg in an average of 171 and 178 days after birth, respectively. In the 2nd study (severe enzootic AR), inoculated and control pigs were individually evaluated for clinical AR and total average daily weight gain. Inoculation reduced clinical AR over 90%. The total average daily gain for the inoculated and control pits was 435.84 g and 340.50 g, respectively. Inoculated pigs and control pigs reached 100-kg market weight in 184 and 238 days, respectively.  相似文献   

A total of 163 pigs from nine farrow-to-finish herds representing various levels of atrophic rhinitis (AR) were selected for postslaughter examination of AR and pneumonia. Nasal swabs and lungs were cultured for detection of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida. Seventy-three pigs were examined at eight weeks of age and 90 contemporaries at six months of age. Mean AR scores were 1.21 and 1.11 for the eight week and six month old pigs, respectively (0 = normal, 3 = severe). In individual pigs increasing AR score was related to increasing pneumonia score in eight week old pigs but not in six month old hogs. In eight week old pigs, B. bronchiseptica and P. multocida were isolated more frequently from pigs with higher AR scores. From nasal swabs of six month old hogs, Bordetella was almost never recovered while Pasteurella was frequently isolated score. Toxigenic type DP. multocida was isolated from nasal cultures of only seven (4%) pigs and from lung cultures of only one pig. Pasteurella was never isolated from lungs of the eight week old pigs and Bordetella never from the six month old hogs. The isolation rate of P. multocida, predominantly type A, from lungs of six month old pigs increased from 11% in grossly normal lungs to 86% in lungs with severe pneumonia. Pigs from one herd free from lesions of AR and pneumonia were also examined; type AP. multocida was isolated from nasal cultures of one of six eight week old pigs. Somatic antigens of P. multocida were determined for 94 nasal and 20 lung isolates. Somatic serovar 3 was found in 93% of the nasal isolates and in all lung isolates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

传染性萎缩性鼻炎(Swine infectious atrophic rhinitis,AR)又称慢性萎缩性鼻炎或猪萎缩性鼻炎,主要是由支气管败血波氏杆菌(Bordetella bronchiseptica,Bb)和产毒素多杀巴氏杆菌(Toxigenic Pasteurella multocida,T+Pm)引起猪的一种多发的慢性呼吸道传染病.该病的主要特征为慢性鼻炎、颜面部变形和鼻甲骨萎缩.哺乳仔猪感染本病后,除引起鼻甲骨甚至鼻腔变形、萎缩或消失外,还可以引起全身钙代谢障碍,致使仔猪发育迟缓、饲料利用率降低,有时伴发急、慢性支气管炎,导致仔猪死亡.T+Pm和Bb感染猪后损害呼吸道的正常结构和功能,使机体抵抗力降低,导致其他病原继发性感染,诸如支原体、嗜血杆菌、猪流感病毒、猪生殖.呼吸道综合征病毒等,引起猪呼吸道综合征,增加猪的死淘率川.  相似文献   

Intranasal infection with Bordetella bronchiseptica in gnotobiotic piglets.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nineteen gnotobiotic piglets, four to six days old, from three different litters, were inoculated intranasally on three consecutive days with a pure culture of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Necropsy 10 to 30 days after inoculation revealed atrophic rhinitis lesions in all and pneumonia in 13 (73 per cent)infected piglets. One died of septicaemia two days after inoculation. Agglutinating antibodies were detected in the sera of all piglets necropsied from 17 to 30 days after inoculation. Five control piglets showed no lesions or serological changes.  相似文献   

猪萎缩性鼻炎支气管败血波氏杆菌PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对表现猪萎缩性鼻炎临床症状的猪群中分离得到的34株支气管败血波氏杆菌(Bordetella bronchiseptica,Bb),采用针对Bb flagellum gene的一对引物进行PCR扩增,结果所有分离物均能扩增出237bp特异性DNA条带,与传统生化鉴定结果相一致,且其最小检出量为0.64pg;而猪鼻腔和肺组织中常见的多杀性巴氏杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽胞杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、变形杆菌及大肠埃希氏菌均未能出现任何DNA条带。这表明,本试验建立的PCR方法具有特异性强、灵敏度高、可靠性好等特点,可用于猪萎缩性鼻炎的临床诊断。  相似文献   

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