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A 2-year-old Miniature Dachshund was admitted to the hospital because of fever, frequent vomiting, and watery diarrhea. An intra-abdominal mass and a gastric ulcer were detected. At laparotomy, the omentum was yellow but not icteric, irregularly thickened, and fragile, and a large mass involving the root of the mesentery and the gastrosplenic ligament was found. The histopathologic diagnosis was steatitis, and the dog was treated with prednisolone and cyclosporine for 2.5 years. After 1.5 years, the abdominal mass was not detectable. The dog died suddenly from perforation of the small intestine caused by a foreign body. Necropsy revealed severe adhesions between portions of the small intestine, and cicatrization of the mesentery. Cause of the mesenteric and omental steatitis was not apparent.  相似文献   

A 2‐year‐old female spayed Great Dane presented for inappetence and lethargy. Abdominal radiographs revealed a severely gas‐distended segment of colon. Computed tomography was performed and characterized a 180° anticlockwise colonic torsion with entrapment in a mesenteric/omental rent without vascular compromise. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed entrapment, but not colonic torsion. Computed tomography provided important information to assist clinical management decisions for this dog with colonic entrapment.  相似文献   

A case of dorsal rupture of the abdominal wall with prolapse, incarceration and partial obstruction of small bowel in a 2-year-old dog is reported. The diagnosis was made and confirmed radiographically by an upper gastrointestinal barium study and the defect was corrected surgically. The dog made an uneventful recovery. Résumé. On a rapporté, chez un chien de deux ans, un cas de rupture dorsale de la paroi abdominale avec prolapsus, incarcération et obstruction partielle de l'intestin grêle. Le diagnostic a été fait et confirmé par radiographie au moyen d'une étude de baryum dans la partie supérieure gastro-intestinale et le défaut a été corrigé chirurgicalement. Le chien s'est rétabli normalement. Zusammenfassung. Ein Fall von dorsalem Riss der Bauchdecke mit Prolaps, Inkarzeration und Teilobstruktion des Dünndarms wurde von einem 2-jährigen Hund berichtet. Die Diagnose wurde getroffen und röntgenologisch mit einer ober-gastro-intestinalen Barium Untersuchung bestätigt. Das Gebrechen wurde chirurgisch beseitigt und der Hund erholte sich, ohne weiteren Zwishenfall.  相似文献   

Schirmer I tear tests were done on 20 dogs before and during general anesthesia. Atropine sulfate reduced tear production from a mean base-line value of 20.35 +/- 3.33 mm/minute to 14.10 +/- 6.13 mm/minute, 10 minutes after its subcutaneous administration. The combination of subcutaneous atropine, intravenous thiamylal sodium, and inhalation anesthesia reduced tear production to a mean value of 0.53 +/- 1.12 mm/minute at 60 minutes after induction.  相似文献   

Polarized light biomicroscopy was used to examine the normal pre-corneal tear film in 25 dogs. Blink rates were also determined. The normal range of surface morphology of the canine tear film was established. Three categories of surface patterning of the lipid layer of the tear film were identified. These were: (a) a wave-like pattern, (b) a pattern of irregular islets, and (c) a pattern resembling the polished surface of granite. All three patterns may occur in the same eye. The inter-blink thickness of the lipid layer of the pre-corneal tear film varied between 0·013 μm (the minimum thickness discernable by this method) and over 0·581 μm (the maximum thickness at which coloured interference fringes are clearly defined) in localized areas. The mean total blink rate was 14·2/min. Overall, incomplete blinks constituted approximately 66 per cent of the total blink rate, but the ratio of complete to incomplete blinks varied considerably between animals. By dividing the dogs into thick and thin lipid layer groupings, it was possible to demonstrate a statistically greater rate of complete blinks (P < 0·05, Mann-Whitney U test) in animals with a thinner lipid layer. The applicability of polarized light biomicroscopy to veterinary clinical ophthalmology is discussed.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old cat was presented with severe neurological deficits secondary to a traumatic cervical spinal cord injury caused by an airgun pellet. This report describes, for the first time, the myelographic findings of a dural rupture in a cat and also describes a bilateral Horner’s syndrome in a cat.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, intact male, mixed breed dog was presented with a complaint of acute blindness. Ten days previously, the area where the dog was walking came under a rocket attack, and a rocket landed and exploded 300 meters away from the dog. Physical examination was unremarkable. Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed posterior segment fibrin clots and extensive vitreal hemorrhage in the right eye. A total retinal detachment (360 degrees retinal dialysis) with no evidence of hemorrhage was noted in the left eye. There was no sign of any penetrating ocular trauma, and it was assumed that the posterior segment findings were primary injuries caused by the blast wave itself. Following anti-inflammatory treatment, partial vision was restored in the right eye. Surgical re-attachment of the retina was discussed and declined by the owner. This report describes, for the first time, vitreal hemorrhage and retinal detachment as the sole injuries caused by an explosive blast wave.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old, female English cocker spaniel was examined because of a complaint of urinary incontinence. Excretory urography revealed a small right kidney and right-sided hydroureter, ectopic ureter, and ureterocele. Ureteronephrectomy and ovariohysterectomy were performed, but the distal ureter and ureterocele were left in situ. Recurrent urinary tract infections and intermittent urinary incontinence persisted after surgery. Vaginourethrography demonstrated the presence of a urethral diverticulum associated with the ureterocele. Ureterocelectomy was performed, and the dog remains continent 4 years after ureterocelectomy. Persistent urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection were attributed to failure to resect the ureterocele.  相似文献   

Eleven cases of adenocarcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract were reviewed. Six tumours were considered to be of gastric origin, three originated from the jejunum and two from exocrine pancreatic tissue. Clinical signs were variable, but intermittent anorexia and vomiting were common features. Grossly, there was marked fibrosis involving the mesentery in nine cases, the omentum in 10 cases, and the abdominal surface of the diaphragm in three cases. Neoplasms that primarily involved the stomach or jejunum caused localised thickening of the bowel wall with mucosal ulceration. Pancreatic masses were continuous with the peritoneal lesion. The major histological feature in the mesentery and omentum was small islands of neoplastic cells surrounded by abundant proliferating connective tissue.  相似文献   

Polarized light biomicroscopy was used to examine the pre-corneal tear film in 16 dogs which were suspected of, or confirmed to be, suffering from keratoconjunctivitis sicca. One animal displayed a normal tear film, while the other 15 showed variable degrees of abnormality. The abnormal features included: contamination of the ocular surface with particulate debris and plaques of mucus, discontinuity and excessive granularity of the surface lipid film, pronounced thinning of the aqueous phase, and breakup of the tear film. After parotid duct transposition, the tear film of some animals was almost indistinguishable from normal. However, in others the surface lipid layer was thinned, discontinuous, or virtual absent. Discontinuity of surface lipid was most obvious in animals with marked salivary epiphora, and was associated with a variable amount of crystalline concretion over the ocular surface. The clinical usefulness of polarized light biomicroscopy for the diagnosis, and subsequent monitoring, of keratoconjunctivitis sicca is discussed.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, standardbred mare was presented for colic of 12 h duration. Transrectal palpation revealed intestinal distension of unknown cause. The mare was euthanized. At necropsy, segmental jejunoileal incarceration and strangulation through an opening in the spleen was observed. This opening was considered to be a congenital defect.  相似文献   

A 2.5-year-old, female opossum had acute stranguria. Based on radiography and ultrasonographic examination a cystic structure was identified in the caudal abdomen associated with bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. This structure contained a neutrophilic fluid, determined to be urine. There was a neutrophilic leukocytosis. Serum chemistry values were within normal limits. The opossum was euthanized. An intra-abdominal fat pad incarceration of the urinary bladder above the trigone was present, resulting in complete obstruction of the urinary bladder and partial obstruction of the ureters. Vessels to the bladder were involved in the incarceration which resulted in vascular compromise and infarction of the bladder. Mild to moderate hydroureter and hydronephrosis were present.  相似文献   

Objective  To evaluate the circadian rhythms of intraocular pressure (IOP) and tear production in dog exposed to a natural photoperiod.
Animals studied  We used 12 clinically healthy Beagles dog housed under natural photoperiod at indoor temperature and humidity.
Procedure  Intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test (STT) I were measured every 4 h over a 48-h period in both eyes in each animal. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by one-way repeated-measures anova , Student's t -test, and single cosinor method.
Results  On each day, there was a highly significant effect of time on both parameters. A statistically significant difference of STT I values was observed comparing left and right eyes ( P  < 0.0001). Robust daily rhythms were observed for both parameters, IOP values showed diurnal acrophase (left eye: 09:33 ± 00:50 h; right eye: 09:25 ± 00:22 h), while STT I values showed nocturnal acrophase (left eye: 20:27 ± 00:46 h; right eye: 20:00 ± 00:05 h).
Conclusion  This study has demonstrated circadian rhythms in both IOP and STT I.  相似文献   

Chronic vomiting in a 2-year-old dog was suspected to be due to a neoplasm of the stomach wall. During exploratory laparotomy, a lymph node from the pyloric area was examined microscopically. Inasmuch as neoplastic cells or evidence of metastasis were not found, all visibly involved tissue was removed surgically. A diagnosis of phycomycosis was then established by histologic evaluation of the tissue removed. It was concluded that diagnosis of this disease is important inasmuch as it may be treated successfully, in contrast to the situation with malignant neoplastic conditions, which it grossly resembles.  相似文献   

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