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AIM: α-MSH is elevated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and has been implicated as an inflammatory mediator. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of α-MSH on the Ca2+ channels of primary DMNV cells, the effects of gastrointestinal inflammation on the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in rats, as well as the effects of proinflammatory cytokines and α-MSH on neurons from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in vitro. METHODS: In vitro studies the primary culture of neurons from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus was performed. Single-cell cytoplasmic calcium transients were determined using the fluorescence dye fura-2-AM. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: MC4R mRNA was expressed in the DMNV cells of normal rats. Activation of MC4R promoted the calcium influx of primary DMNV cells. The addition of α-MSH to thrombin or trypsin resulted in significant decreases in apoptosis compared to thrombin or trypsin alone. CONCLUSION: Functionally active α-MSH receptors are linked to Ca2+ channels in DMNV neurons. In cultured DMNV cells, α-MSH attenuates neuronal apoptosis and reverses inhibition of cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

Ganoderma lucidumhas been used as atraditional medicine in China for twomillennia,both as a general tonic and forbuilding up bodily resistance to disease[1].Polysaccharides are one of the most i mportantand effective components of theG.lucidumfruit body,and are widely used in medicinesand health foods.Decocting,boiling or steamdistillation are the main methods commonlyused to extract polysaccharide.These methodsare usually ti me-consuming and,becauseextraction efficiencies are low,result in c…  相似文献   

自从李昌平发表《我向总理说实话》(2002)(以下简称《实话》)以来,“三农”问题成了我国的大热点。许多人从经济层面出言献策,焦点是“如何提高农民的收入”。  相似文献   

苹果喷施SOD+牛奶+蜂蜜试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SOD苹果专用生物制剂是依据微生态学理论,从植物体中提取的有益多功能复合菌剂,对生物具有增强抗性、防治病害、促进生长、增进品质之作用,是新一代理想、安全、多效的高科技微生物制剂。天艺牌超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)由中国农业大学植保学院监制、秦皇岛天成生物工程研究所研制。为了进一步探讨SOD苹果专用生物制剂在苹果上的应用效果,  相似文献   

结合本地区的气候特点,探索出"早稻+再生稻+慈姑高产高效栽培技术"模式,既可满足口粮问题,又可提高单位面积的经济效益。文章对早稻+再生稻+慈姑高产高效栽培技术进行介绍,以供参考。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effect of chronic injection of L-thyroxine on Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinaseⅡ (CaMKII) and to explore whether CaMKII directly mediates hyperthyroidism-induced cardiac hypertrophy. METHODS: Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into hyperthyroid group and control group with 10 animals each. The animal model was produced by intraperitoneal injection of L-thyroxine (0.2 mg·kg-1·d-1) for 3 months. The control animals only received saline vehicle in the same procedures. Heart weight (HW), heart-to-body weight ratio (HW/BW), left ventricular-to-body weight ratio (LVW/BW) and diameter of cardiac myocytes were measured to evaluate cardiac hypertrophy. The ratio of perivascular collagen area to vascular luminal area (PVCA/VA) was used to represent myocrdial fibrosis. Moreover, the mRNA expression of CaMKII and the protein level of CaMKII were measured by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. RESULTS: Intraperitoneal injection of L-thyroxine for 3 months significantly increased HW/BW, LVW/BW, PVCA/VA and diameter of cardiac myocytes by 1.87, 1.84, 1.94 and 2.15 folds, respectively (P<0.05 or P<0.01) as compared with control group. The results of real-time RT-PCR revealed that L-thyroxine injection caused a 60% reduction in the mRNA level of cardiac CaMKII (P<0.05). Furthermore, the results of Western blotting confirmed that the protein expression level of cardiac CaMKII in L-thyroxine group diminished by 21% (P<0.05), but accompanied by a 1.58-fold enhancement of phosphorylated activity of CaMKII (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Thyroxine decreases the expression level of cardiac CaMKII and increases the activity of CaMKII in the chronic hyperthyroid-induced hypertrophic heart, suggesting that CaMKII participates in the formation and maintenance of cardiac hypertrophy induced by hyperthyroidism in a balanced way.  相似文献   

AIM: To observe the effect of ginkgolide B (GB) on the intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i) and mitochondrial function of cultured rat retinal neurons in vitro.METHODS: in vitro primary culture of rat retinal neurons was used in the experiment. The apoptosis model of glutamate-induced retinal neurons was established and co-cultured with ginkgolide B. The [Ca2+]i and mitochondrial membrane potential of the retinal neurons were detected by laser scanning confocal microscope.RESULTS: Glutamate decreased the survival rate of retinal neurons, increased the apoptosis and the [Ca2+]i, lowered the mitochondrial membrane potential. The [Ca2+]i was clearly diminished and the mitochondrial membrane potential was significantly increased with the GB intervention, and the apoptosis decreased significantly.CONCLUSION: GB protects retinal neurons from glutamate induced neurotoxicity. The effect of GB on retinal neurons might be due to its ability to decrease the [Ca2+]i and increase mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

公司+农业合作社+农户的运作模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO以来,蔬菜出口呈增长态势,2002、2003、2004年蔬菜出口额分别为26.33、30.68、37.96亿美元,年均增长20.1%。山东作为全国蔬菜出口第一大省,更是一年上一个台阶,2002年出口创汇7.73亿美元,2003年达9.84亿美元,2004年达12.49亿美元,年增长率超过全国平均水平。近几年是蔬菜进口国技术壁垒和进口设限最多的时期,也恰恰是山东蔬菜出口发展最快的时期。为什么?山东省菜篮子办公室主任刘成禄先生在谈到“绿色壁垒”应对措施时说我们在与进口国积极交涉的同时,认真抓了出口蔬菜产品的生产、收获、贮藏、加工、包装、运销全过程的标准化操作,促使多数出口加工企业按国际标准安排生产基地、指导生产、严格产品检测,建立起保障产品质量的运作模式,从而保证了出口产品的质量。这一时期,山东蔬菜出口企业发生了质的变化,变化的焦点是由指责进口国设限转向自身工作的改进与提高,标志着蔬菜生产、加工企业的操作已逐渐与国际市场接轨。在调查研究的基础上,我们总结了山东省两个出口企业的运作模式,其经验有共性,可供借鉴。  相似文献   


Various fungicides, gibberellins (A417) and their mixtures were tested for the control of russet of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit in the major apple-growing area in Israel. Four foliar applications of captan, metiram, the strobilurins kresoxim-methyl, trifloxystrobin, azoxystrobin, or the polyoxin B compound Polar from the green tip stage to the end of the petal fall stage gave similar reductions in russeting, compared with the controls, but none eliminated it. Tank mixtures of the gibberellins (A417) Regulex and Perlan with captan, each at full rate, did not improve russet control, compared with each component alone at the same rate. Similarly, both captan and trifioxystrobin, and the gibberellin (A417) Cytolin or their mixtures at full rates provided similar significant level of control of russet on fruit. Fruit in the upper part of the tree had significantly more russet than fruit in the lower part of the tree, regardless of treatment applied. In addition, russet was more severe on fruits of trees grown in the west side of the row, than those of trees grown on the east side. Data suggest that factors other than fungicides, which may act by reducing russet-inducing microorganisms, may be involved in russet development.  相似文献   

正水果有机栽培,面临的一个主要问题就是如何减少或者不施化肥逐步培肥地力,提高土壤有机质含量,创造一个健康的土壤。改善土壤健康状况可以解决许多农业问题、避免土壤侵蚀、减少水土流失和山洪暴发,同时减少杀虫剂和化肥农药的使用,减少硝酸盐和磷的污染,有利于生产有机果品。但如何  相似文献   

<正>划口18天出耳,由大单片组成朵,耳片特大特厚,黑褐色,阴阳面明显,抗杂能力强,高温高湿不烂,木段、袋栽两用,正常管理袋产干耳60g以上。十年畅销品种,耳质好,中早熟,耳厚,耳背青灰色、多筋、耐高温,耳熟落地也不烂,木段、袋栽两用,高产,在黑龙江省评为"黑木耳质量第一名"。我学会用大兴安岭野生木耳分离、片大耳厚、不烂、碗状,每根8 cm粗1.5m长的木耳段,三年可拣干耳390g,是目前适宜木段栽培产量高产菌种。  相似文献   

与‘富士’苹果相比,‘辽伏’、‘新红星’苹果乙烯释放率较高,达到高峰较早,果肉软化较快,Ca^2+、K^+外渗率呈逐渐升高趋势;外源MgSO4诱导的果肉圆片Ca^2+渗漏量明显增多,其变化动态是先下降,后回升。富士苹果的Ca^2+、K^+外渗率无明显增加。外源钙处理对新红星苹果Ca^2+、K^+外渗率的影响较小。  相似文献   

按照2023年湖南省农业主推技术的文件精神,冷水江地区结合当地的具体实际情况,推广瓜类蔬菜立体套种栽培模式及配套技术,其基本原则是高、中、低搭配,合理套种,充分利用有限空间,提高产出和收益。以冷水江地区线瓜+辣椒+苋菜的立体套种栽培模式为例,介绍了瓜类蔬菜立体套种栽培的技术要点,但不限于这些品种,具体搭配还有很多,应根据实际情况来定。  相似文献   

在甘肃省秦安县以7年生的‘超红’桃为试材,在进行标准化日常管理的同时,秋季在桃园施"沼液+麦草+鸡羊粪+尿素"配方基肥。结果表明:逐年按试验设计用量施"沼液+麦草+鸡羊粪+尿素"基肥,可提高桃园土壤有机质含量与含水量,且团粒结构增多;树体干周、新梢生长量、百叶鲜重等明显增加;桃果实品质得到改善。  相似文献   

<正>2015年5月26日,大兴新区北京电子商务中心区(CED)建设办公室举行"互联网+农业"资源对接会,来自该区的22家农民专业合作社、15家农产品电商企业现场进行资源对接。预计2015年20%的大兴西瓜将取消中间流通环节,通过互联网直接销售到全国各地。在对接会上,庞各庄镇北顿垡村瓜农张贵强与本来生活网达成提供西瓜货源协议,将以每公斤9元的价格,提供给本来生活网销售,后期将会以市场价格为准调整供货价格。四各庄村王汉良与一家电商企业预订了合作社1万箱西瓜,总重量将有4万多公斤。据了解,2015年大兴区共种植西瓜6万多亩。今后,该区将促进本土20  相似文献   

<正>麻栗坡县位于云南省东南部,人多地少的矛盾十分突出,有50%的耕地分布在海拔1 100 m以下的热带、亚热带河谷地区,全年无霜,冬春季月平均气温达1115℃,光、温、水资源较为丰富。本地农户冬春季以种植冬油菜或普通大路菜品种(如大白菜、结球甘蓝)为主,结构单一,一般每667 m2产值仅50015℃,光、温、水资源较为丰富。本地农户冬春季以种植冬油菜或普通大路菜品种(如大白菜、结球甘蓝)为主,结构单一,一般每667 m2产值仅5001 000元,农民增收十分困难。麻栗坡县经作站自"十一五"以来,成功探索出"早春菜豆+鲜食玉米  相似文献   

本文主要从培育标准桑园、桑园间套种蔬菜、沼气池建设、"三沼"利用、养蚕等方面介绍了"桑+蚕+菜+沼"生态循环生产模式及技术要点,并与传统生产模式进行了经济效益比较。  相似文献   

王园富 《中国瓜菜》2008,21(3):47-48
<正>小麦+无籽西瓜+菜青豆麦茬自然立架简易栽培技术可使秸秆还田,提高土壤有机质;麦茬高架有利西瓜通风透光,增强西瓜抗病性;省工简化栽培节约了劳力的投入;合理间作套种增加了复种指数,比7月份上市的露地西瓜多卖0.3  相似文献   

正苹果产业作为陕西省延长县的支柱产业,与农户脱贫增收、乡村振兴关系重大。近年来,与产业扶贫结合,延长县积极对接金融机构,探索创新金融扶贫模式,给小苹果嫁接上金融的翅膀,推动产业转型升级、长效发展。1实施苹果"保险+期货"的背景延长位于延安市东部,总面积2 368.7 km~2,总人口15.8万,其中农业人口12.7万,共有建档立卡贫困人口8 955户19 909人,属革命老区县、全省精准扶贫首批脱贫退出县。2018年底苹果种植面积30.63万亩,7万多人参与苹果  相似文献   

歙县地处皖南山区,气候湿润,四季分明,从20世纪80年代末开始种植设施蔬菜至今有30多年的历史。通过多年的实践与改进,形成了春番茄+夏长梗白菜+秋莴笋高效栽培模式,667 m2年收入可达2.8万元。1年3茬的栽培模式,正是贯彻落实“树立大食物观,发展设施农业,构建多元化食物供给体系”,推进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

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