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元江自然保护区还保留一定面积的中山湿性常绿阔叶林。在群落植物区系的分析上,热带性质的属多于温带性质的属,显示该保护区的中山湿性常绿阔叶林在属的水平上具有较强的热带性质。从种的结构分析看,只有热带亚洲成分、中国-喜马拉雅成分及中国特有成分能够贯穿于群落各层次之中;其种的区系成分以中国-喜马拉雅和中国特有成分占优势,同时热带亚洲成分也占有相当的比例,说明该植物区系具有由亚热带向温带过渡的性质;而中国特有种的进一步分析,表明本保护区中山湿性常绿阔叶林的构成种类主要起源于云南和我国南方地区。群落中温带性质的种比热带性质的种多,说明在本区山地条件下,在该群落中形成和迁入大量温带的种类。  相似文献   

广州流溪河常绿阔叶林的植物区系地理分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
常绿阔叶林是亚热带地带性植被类型。在广州流溪河上游流域,分布有少量的保存较好的常绿阔叶林,主要见于海拔200m以下的地区。由于分布面积狭小,因此其植物区系并不丰富。种子植物科、属的地理成分表明,该植被型的区系具有显的热带、亚热带性质,同时具有一定的温带成分,东亚和北美间断分布、泛热带分布和旧世界热带分布对该森林的区系性质影响很大。常绿阔叶林植被及其区系都是在中生代末起源于华夏古陆,其中少量的落叶成分也是干旱促成、华夏起源的。  相似文献   

湖南衡山萱洲国家湿地公园植被调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为调查湖南衡山萱洲国家湿地公园内植被分布情况,为生物资源的科学保护管理提供参考依据。通过标准地调查与样线调查相结合方法可知,湿地公园内植被类型可划分为57个群系,其中森林植被划分为11个群系,湿地植被46个群系,群系类型多样,物种组成丰富,森林植被表现出中亚热带常绿阔叶林的特点,湿地植被是衡山县、衡东县的典型代表。  相似文献   

通过对湖南衡山萱洲国家湿地公园种子植物资源详细调查,对其科、属组成及分布区类型、区系特征进行了统计分析。结果表明:该湿地公园共有土著种子植物130科、467属、750种,其中湿地植物有59科、164属、241种。通过对该湿地公园种植植物130科的分析,表明该区域热带性成分较强,与本区系所处的中亚热带向南亚热带过渡的环境条件相符合。通过对种子植物467属的特征分析,热带性分布属稍强于温带性属,反应了该湿地公园植物区系中亚热带性质。  相似文献   

二蹬岩林麝、猕猴自然保护区位于湖北省恩施市,是1个以保护林麝、猕猴为主的省级专类保护区。保护区共有维管植物121科309属504种。其中:包含国家级保护植物6种。保护区植物区系成分复杂,维管植物属的分布类型有14个。其中:温带属144种、热带属115 种。植物区系具温带特性,具有热带向温带过渡的性质。多心皮、古老孑遗植物的存在表明, 该植物区系起源古老。保护区的植被群落可以划分为5种类型:常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、常绿针叶林、灌草丛林及竹林,植物群落的多样性给林麝、猕猴的生存提供了良好的条件。  相似文献   

<正>中国分布着地球几乎所有的森林景观。从南到北,依次分布着热带雨林、热带季雨林、亚热带常绿阔叶林、亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林、暖温带落叶阔叶林、中温带针阔混交林、寒温带针叶林。中国山系耸峙,在较低的纬度地区还分布着一些亚高山针叶林、山地针阔混交林,甚至还有主要见于北极圈一带的苔原景观。  相似文献   

采取踏查、线路调查、样方调查相结合,同时进行标本采集和拍照的方法,对两头羊自然保护区维管束植物进行调查和分析。结果显示:两头羊自然保护区有维管束植物182科642属1 183种(含种下等级),其中野生种子植物148科划分为11个分布型,552属划分为14个分布型;植物区系属于华中植物区系,区系地理成分复杂,温带性质为主。植被划分为3个植被型组、7个植被型、35个群系。植被大致以海拔700 m为界分为2个基本带谱,海拔700 m以下的峡谷区域为落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林带;海拔700 m以上的台地上为暖性针叶林、针阔混交林以及灌草丛带。  相似文献   

正中国的常绿阔叶林是全球最典型、面积最大的常绿阔叶林。江西处于中国中亚热带典型地段,蕴育了丰富的常绿阔叶林资源,野生植物种类繁多,区系成分极为丰富多样。南北迥异的森林景观江西有发育良好的常绿阔叶林,广泛分布在全省的平原、丘陵和山地,可分为栲树林、青冈林、石栎林、润楠林、木荷林、红淡林和杂类林7个林系组29个林系。常绿阔叶林的植物区系成分以热带-亚热带成分为主,植物群落也表现出温带森林向热带森林过渡的特  相似文献   

对广东华阳湖国家湿地公园植物区系特征进行研究。结果显示,该湿地公园维管植物共有317种,隶属100科254属。优势科以禾本科、菊科和豆科为主,以莎草属(Cyperus)、榕属(Ficus)、蒲桃属(Syzygium)和大戟属(Euphorbia)为优势属。在科的分布区类型上,热带分布科占全部非世界分布科的82.26%,以泛热带分布占优势;在属的水平上,以泛热带分布为主,热带成分比例高达88.89%,具有较典型亚热带性质,反映该湿地公园植物区系与热带和温带两个地带植物区系密切相关。  相似文献   

通过对陕西省楼观台实验林场植物的调查和研究,结果表明:调查区植物群落具有较高的植物多样性水平,被子植物是调查区植物区系的主要植物组成部分,调查区主导植物区系以温带成分为主,植被类型的垂直分布特征主要以次生灌丛、落叶阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、针叶林和亚高山灌丛为主。  相似文献   

[Objective]To study the leaf calorific value of different forest types.[Method]This study focused on four common forest types widely distributed across China, including boreal coniferous forest, warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and tropical monsoon forest. The leaf calorific values of 175 dominant (or common) tree species were measured. The leaf calorific value characteristics of the trees found in the different forest types were analyzed, and the primary factors affecting leaf calorific value were investigated, including leaf morphological traits, nutrient elements, climate, and soil traits. [Result]The results showed that in these forest types, the leaf calorific values ranged from 14.84 to 21.98 KJ·g-1, with an overall mean of 19.06 KJ·g-1. The presence of organisms appeared to affect the leaf calorific value, which differed among forest types as follows: coniferous trees > broadleaf trees or evergreen trees > deciduous trees. [Conclusion]The latitudinal pattern of tree leaf calorific value, ordered from north to south, is as follows: warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest > subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest > tropical mountain rainforest. The mean leaf calorific value of boreal coniferous forest was slightly lower than those of warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. The leaf calorific values were significantly correlated with leaf carbon content (R2= 0.89, P<0.001). A multiple regression equation was established to describe the relationships among leaf calorific value, leaf carbon content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf thickness.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation of Xishuangbanna, south China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1 Introduction The tropical area of southern China is climatically and biogeographically located at the northern edge of tropical Asia, including southeastern Xizang (Tibet, lower valleys of the southern Himalayas), southern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Taiwan and Hainan Island. The largest tropical area still covered by forests is in southern Yunnan. Tropical forests of southern Yunnan were little known until the late 1950s because of poor access except for some brief descrip-…  相似文献   

无想寺森林公园麻栎次生林群落中立木密集程度因样地不同存在一定的差异,群落垂直结构分为乔木、灌木和草本3个层次,群落中木本植物占优势;群落的植物区系特征具有明显的热带性质,但温带区系成分也占有一定比例;群落的外貌是由小型叶、单叶、纸质叶、非全缘叶为主的落叶高位芽植物所决定的,具有明显的温带向亚热带阔叶林过渡的特点;由麻栎立木结构表明该群落处于旺盛生长期;在演替过程中能够保持落叶阔叶林的稳定结构。  相似文献   

西域青荚叶是亟待开发的一种珍稀野生花卉种质资源。通过对高黎贡山自然保护区西域青荚叶植物群落多项特征所作的样地调查,在该保护区西域青荚叶的分布地带共收集到维管束植物57科96属128种。对其生境植物群落区系植物成分的分析表明,该植物区系成分较为复杂,其作为东亚古老植物区系的一部分,与古热带、泛北极植物区系有密切关系,而与古地中海植物区的联系较为缺乏,热带和温带区系交错十分明显,属于从热带向温带过渡的亚热带性质;其群落成分分析表明,植物组成种类十分丰富,类型多样;生活型谱显示该群落以高位芽植物为主,地面芽植物次之。高黎贡山自然保护区所分布的西域青荚叶种群,生活于该保护区的针阔混交林或中山常绿阔叶林以及竹林中水湿条件较好的地段,生活力强,以分蘖繁殖为主。其生存环境属于从热带向温带过渡的亚热带性质。温暖湿润的气候,中或弱的光照;高或中的土壤湿度、微酸性或酸性的土壤,高或中等的土壤肥力是适合该种植物生存的生境。  相似文献   

青冈栎、落叶阔叶树混交林,是石灰岩地区广泛分布的一种森林群落。通过等级聚类、区系分析、物种多样性测定和种间联结方法,对其群落类型、区系组成、群落生态组织水平等进行研究,结果表明:这种森林群落与它所处的石灰岩生境是相适应的,是属于亚热带湿润气候条件下的一种特殊类型的顶极群落。  相似文献   

Floristic composition of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Jiulianshan Mountain was analyzed based on field investigations and community ecology. The community is rich in species diversity, with 144 spermatophyte families including 379 genera and 647 species, in which there are 6 gymnosperm families including 8 genera and 9 species, 21 monocotyledon families including 77 genera and 116 species, and 117 dicotyledon families including 294 genera and 522 species. Dominant families of the flora are Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Aquifoliaceae, Rosaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, Theaceae, Rubiaceae, Moraceae and Euphoarbiaceae, most of which are of tropical &; subtropical distribution. As for family systematic distribution, the ratio of tropical &; subtropical to temperate genera is 100:62.8 in 142 genera of 16 families. As for generic distribution in field investigation data, the tropical &; subtropical areal type accounts for the majority of genera, in which there are 205 genera belonging to the tropical &; subtropical areal type, 131 genera belonging to the temperate areal type, 35 genera belonging to the cosmopolitan areal type and 8 genera belonging to the endemic-to-China areal type. The ratio of the tropical &; subtropical to temperate genera was 100:63.9. Floristic composition of the evergreen forest community in Jiulianshan and the typical species of the zonal flora will provide a scientific foundation for stand rehabilitation and stand establishment approximating a natural evergreen broad-leaved forest community. This study also indicates that the sample data based on community research are valid and convenient for floristic and environmental analysis of the evergreen broad-leaved forest community from the Jiulianshan Mountain.  相似文献   

This article reports the regeneration dynamics of a temperate Abies–Tsuga forest in Kirishima Yaku National Park, southwestern Japan, and examines the influence of species coexistence mediated by gap disturbances on biomass production. All trees taller than 2 m in a 1-ha plot were monitored over four growing seasons. Three growth-form groups occupied different vertical layers. Evergreen conifers and deciduous broad-leaved trees tended to be spatially segregated from evergreen broad-leaved trees, which formed thickets in the understorey. The regeneration of understorey evergreen broad-leaved trees was affected by canopy gaps. The recruitment of conifers and deciduous broad-leaved species was not observed during the four growing seasons. This suggests that regeneration is sporadic and the present environmental conditions are not favorable for these canopy species. The mortality and unsuccessful recruitment of conifers and deciduous trees appeared to cause fluctuations in the productivity of the stand. However, an abundance of canopy gaps accelerates the regrowth of shorter species, and the fluctuation of productivity resulting from the population dynamics of canopy species would be partly mitigated by the regeneration of evergreen understorey species. The horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of the temperate mixed forest was a result of the patch structures of the three growth-form groups. The different regeneration patterns among the three groups, which were driven by interactions of species-specific regeneration niches and disturbance regimes, might be an important factor in maintaining the aboveground productivity in a transitional mixed forest between warm-temperate and cool-temperate zones.  相似文献   

努鲁儿虎山自然保护区植物种类繁多,植物资源丰富,部分地段植被属于植物群落演替的顶极阶段。经过调查分析,该区地带性植被为油栎类、槭类和山杏等乔木树种组成的典型温带落叶阔叶林,同时存在4种植被型和7种植被亚型10个群系20个群丛,体现出由温带草原向温带落叶阔叶林带过渡的特征,具有重要的生态价值和保护价值。在分析自然保护区植被保护中存在问题的基础上,提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

为全面掌握龙王山自然保护区落叶阔叶林的林分结构特征,设置了3个100m×100m样地,对其中的6个30m×30m样方,进行群落和林分调查。经统计分析,结果表明龙王山落叶阔叶林中树种种类多,优势树种为小叶白辛树和锐齿槲栎,林分树种组成具有一定的复杂性和多样性。林分株数密度平均为1511株/hm2,林分样地间差异不明显。胸径分布呈典型的倒"J"型;树高主要集中在4-9m的树高级,分布则呈偏左的正态分布。林分结构总体上具有多树种复层异龄的基本特征,具有良好的生物多样性保护和植物种质资源保存作用。  相似文献   

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