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1月采用目测、触摸、称重或体重指数测定等方法,判断狐的体况。繁殖体重指数(克/厘米)为,狐100-110,貉90-100,银狐90,水貂24-26。公兽体况应略高,母兽体况应略低。少数经产狐体况偏肥难降,不必苛求,亦能正常繁殖。使动物接受自然日照周期,不可随意增加人工光照,否则会扰乱生殖周期。  相似文献   

造成母猪乏情的主要原因有 :青年母猪初配年龄过早 ;母猪断奶时失重过多 ,母猪过肥 ;内分泌失调 ,造成激素分泌紊乱。处理方法 :1 青年母猪适期初配 青年母猪配种不宜早于 8月龄 ,体重不低于 10 0kg ,如已达到配种年龄 ,但体重尚未达到要求时 ,则应以体重为主 ,适宜初配体重应达成年体重的 5 0 %以上。有经验的养猪场是让 3个发情期 ,一般一个发情周期为 18~ 2 1d ,故在初情期后约 2个月 ,即第 4次发情时才将青年后备母猪投入配种繁殖。2 正确饲养妊娠母猪 既不能使母猪在哺乳期失重过多 ,也不能使母猪过肥。如果母猪过肥影响繁殖 ,…  相似文献   

为了充分发掘巴什拜羔羊的生长潜力和提高产肉性能,对巴什拜羔羊的体尺体重增长规律进行了研究,旨在为新疆地区绵羊的选种选育提供参考。试验选取150只2020年同期发情生产的羔羊,其中公羔和母羔各75只。试验期间对母羊不进行补饲,前期舍饲,后期放牧饲养。结果表明,巴什拜公羔与母羔的体重、体高、体长、胸围、管围增长最快时期均为0~30日龄,最慢时期均为90~120日龄。公羔体长指数与管围指数增长幅度在0~30日龄最高,增长幅度分别为15.44个百分点和12.54个百分点,体躯指数在90~120日龄时增长幅度最大,为3.33个百分点;母羔体长指数、胸围指数增长在0~30日龄时增长幅度最高,分别为13.57个百分点、14.82个百分点,体躯指数在90~120日龄时增长幅度最大,增长了2.92个百分点。巴什拜羊公羔体重与体尺相关系数由高到低依次为胸围(0.971)、体长(0.954)、体高(0.948)、管围(0.890);母羔体重与体尺的相关系数由高到低依次为胸围(0.968)、体长(0.957)、体高(0.952)、管围(0.912)。说明巴什拜羔羊在0~90日龄时生长强度最大,应在此时期进行补...  相似文献   

猪体重和体尺性状与繁殖性能间的相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了母猪不同阶段的体重和6月龄体尺性状与繁殖性能间的关系,结果表明:母猪的体重、6月龄体尺性状与各繁殖性状的表型相关很小,只有6月龄体长与断奶头数的表型相关达显著水平。而各体重、体尺性状与繁殖性状问却存在很强的遗传相关,其中70日龄体重、4月龄体重、6月龄体重、6月龄体高、6月龄胸围、6月龄背膘厚与产仔数等繁殖性状呈负遗传相关,而6月龄体长与产仔数等繁殖性状呈强的正遗传相关,这表明,腿短体长、体重适宜的母猪产仔多,繁殖性能好,应该留作种用。  相似文献   

一、交配年龄的确定 马里努阿犬用于繁殖的初配年龄应以体成熟为准,据马里努阿犬生长发育统计显示:12月龄时,公犬体重、体尺约为成年的96%:母犬体重、体尺约为成年的98%,已基本体成熟,同时还发现马里努阿犬体成熟要略早于德国牧羊犬和中国昆明犬的体成熟。因此,建议马里努阿犬用于繁殖的初配年龄可根据需要适当提前,即母犬最早交配月龄为16个月、公犬最早交配月龄为19个月,但也要防止未成年马里努阿犬过早配种繁殖。  相似文献   

经过系统的体尺体重及屠宰测定和繁殖性能统计结果表明 ,简阳大耳羊是一个具有生长速度快、体格高大、繁殖能力强、屠宰率高、产肉性能好的肉用山羊品种。初生公羔重 3 2 6kg ,母羔2 89kg ;0~ 2月龄日增重公羊达 185 32 g ,母羊达到 15 7 0 0g ;周岁公羊和 1~ 6月龄母羊均可保持10 0 g以上的日增重。成年 (2 4月龄 )公羊体重平均达到 6 8 12kg ,成年母羊平均体重达到 4 7 5 3kg ,成年公羊体高平均达到 79 31cm ,成年母羊体高平均达到 6 7 0 3cm。 7月龄公羊屠宰率达到4 9 6 2 % ,净肉率 38 79%。一年产仔 1 75窝 ,第一窝产仔平均 1 5 3只 ,二至五胎平均产仔 2 17只。  相似文献   

对凉山48-50半细毛羊改良石棉县本地绵羊的效果进行了观察和测定,包括初生重、周岁重、成年体重、剪毛量、繁殖性能和体尺等.结果表明:凉×本F1代初生重平均为3.5kg,极显著高于本地绵羊(2.5kg)(P<0.01);周岁重、成年体重、繁殖性能和生产性能等都明显高于本地绵羊,凉×本杂交优势明显,值得大力推广.  相似文献   

法系獭兔数量性状遗传参数估计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
用单元内同胞相关法对法系獭兔3个世代的繁殖性状和生长发育性状进行了遗传力估计,并对6月龄的体重体尺进行了相关分析。结果表明:产仔数(0.15)和初生窝重(0.20)属中等遗传力性状;21日龄个体重(0.42)、32日龄断奶个体重(0.38)及成活数(0.42)皆属高遗传性状;3月龄体重(0.37)及体尺(0.28-0.37)属较高遗传力性状,而6月龄的相应性状遗传力值(0.47-0.63)明显地高于3月龄。3月龄体重与6月龄体重、6月龄体尺间皆有很高的遗传相关(0.81-0.96)和表型相关(0.46-0.79)。  相似文献   

萨福克与小尾寒羊杂交试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验选用小尾寒羊为母本 ,引进品种萨福克为父本 ,对杂交的小尾寒羊与没有杂交的小尾寒羊进行对比 ,试验观测两组杂交一代与小尾寒羊羔羊体重、体尺以及母羊的繁殖性能 ,并通过生物统计对杂交一代、小尾寒羊体重与体尺关系建立数学模型。试验结果表明 :萨福克对小尾寒羊杂交在杂交一代上对繁殖影响不明显 ,六月龄杂交一代体长杂种优势率为 9.3 1% ,胸围杂种优势率为 2 7.3 9% ,体重杂种优势率为 2 1.5 %。  相似文献   

母猪饲养是养猪生产中最重要的环节之一,母猪的营养状况直接影响仔猪的生长性能。近二十年,选种选育取得了巨大的成功,母猪的潜在生产力得到了提高,主要表现为多产性能和繁殖年限的提高。然而选择的结果使母猪体脂肪含量减少,性成熟体重增至过大,因此引发维持需要增加。母猪的脂肪储备与繁殖性能相关,脂肪过少,会使其断奶至发情的间隔延长,从而对营养的要求提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted on 364 male Wistar rats of which 74 were included into the "zero" group and the remaining 290 were divided into 5 experimental groups, corresponding to the dietary protein levels of 4, 5, 10, 15 and 20%. The protein source in the diet was skim milk powder. The animals were fed individually and ad libitum. The experiment was performed between the 21 and 66 days of life of the rats and during this period, the animals in each group were successively killed to determine the nitrogen content in the body. Between the N content in the body and the body mass of rats from "zero" group, the relationship N0/W0 was determined. In each experimental group, two relationships were determined: --final nitrogen against final body mass--Nf/Wf --gain of nitrogen against gain of body mass--delta N/delta W. The derivatives of both functions were used for calculation of the daily gains of nitrogen (delta Nd) 1. According to the relationship Nf/Wf there was a similar significant increase of nitrogen content in the body in all groups with increasing the body mass, according to bc = 1.0413. The percentage of nitrogen in the body increased significantly only at dietary protein levels over 10%. 2. The rate of nitrogen gain in the gain of body mass according to delta N magnitude of was relatively constant in all groups (bc = 1). Thus, N-% in delta W was also relatively constant. N-% in the body gain increased significantly only at dietary protein levels over 10%. 3. Differences in the gains of nitrogen, as calculated by the derivative dNf/dWf and by d delta N/d delta W, showed in the first line in low-protein groups (on 4 and 5% protein) due to the error of estimation of the initial-N according to the equation N0 magnitude of W0. The mean relative error of estimation the initial-N was +/- 3% but in groups on 4 and 5% protein it charged the gain of N with 9-12% in spite of excluding from the relationship delta N magnitude of delta W rats with delta W less than 10 g. 4. Only when delta N greater than or equal to 1.3 g and delta W greater than or equal to 43, the error of estimation of delta N, did not exceed 3%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

通过对30头6月龄大通牦牛公牛进行称重和体尺测量,结果实际平均体重是66.69kg,用系数0.000062计算的平均体重是62.65kg,平均误差为4.04kg,误差率为5.99%。用系数0.000063计算的平均体重是63.66kg,平均误差为3.03kg,误差率为4.47%。用系数0.000064计算的平均体重是64.67kg,平均误差是2.02kg,误差率是3.90%。用系数0.000065计算的平均体重是65.68kg,平均误差是1.01kg,误差率是1.44%。用系数0.000066计算的平均体重是66.69kg,平均误差是1.044kg,误差率是0.02%。用系数0.000067计算的平均体重是67.71kg,平均误差是1.01kg,误差率是1.59%。经非参数检验,实际体重与系数0.000062,0.000063,0.000064计算的体重差异性极显著(P﹤0.01)。实际体重与系数0.000065,0.000067计算的体重差异性显著(P﹤0.05)。实际体重与系数0.000066计算的体重差异性不显著,所以计算6月龄大通牦牛公牛体重时用系数0.000066计算误差最小。  相似文献   

最小二乘法在黄牛体重估测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文能过最小二乘法用黄牛的体长、胸围两项体尺估测黄牛的体重。不同的估测方法估测的精度不同,采用体长和胸围两项体尺建立在二元二次回归方程估测的体重Y1与实测的体重Y0的相关系数最高(r01为0.6705);用体长X1的单项体尺估测的体重Y2与实际体重Y0相关系数(r02)为0.614;用胸围X2的单项体尺估测的体重Y3与实测体重Y0的相关系数(r03)为0.626;用体长X2建立二元一次回归方程估测  相似文献   

不同粗饲料与补饲水平对肉牛育肥效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取80头8~18月龄,体重200 kg以上的生长育肥牛,按不同地点、饲草、精料各分为4个试验组和4个对照组,在不同方法处理的秸杆饲喂下,同时补饲不同营养水平的精料,百肥90 d后,育肥组的增重水平和育肥效益均明显优于对照组,其中试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组,分别增重105.2 kg、101.1 kg、77.4 kg、64.8 kg,较对照组90.9 kg、80.1 kg、62.3 kg、49.7 kg,分别提高了15.7%、26.2%、24.2%、30.4%,差异极显著。结果表明,补饲适当营养水平的精料均能提高育肥效果,且经科学加工处理过的秸杆增重效果明显,可增加肉牛育肥效益。  相似文献   

Heritabilities (?2) and genetic correlations (rG) were estimated by regression of offspring on sire in two replicate, unselected lines of mice. Traits were associated with growth, feed efficiency, fat deposition and lean tissue. The ?2 for growth traits ranged from .34 to .42, except for 3-wk body weight, which was only .05. The ?2 for feed efficiency was .28. Ranges in ?2 were .45 to .50 for fat deposition traits and .36 to .42 for lean tissue traits. The rG involving 3-wk to 6-wk feed efficiency with hind carcass and fat measurements at 12 wk were small. Antagonisms were found between the sign of rG and the direction of usual breeding goals for pairs of traits (e.g., rG greater than 0 between fat deposition and hind carcass weight and rG less than 0 between hind carcass as a percentage of body weight and body weight). Selection indexes were developed to counteract these antagonisms. Modified selection indexes were compared where responses in individual traits rather than the aggregate breeding value were of major importance. The aggregate breeding values and selection indexes included: 1) epididymal fat pad weight and body weight, 2) hind carcass weight and body weight, or 3) all three traits. Economic weights in retrospect were calculated for the modified selection indexes. In some cases, expected correlated responses in component traits were not influenced greatly over a wide range of ratios of economic weights, but in other cases the component traits changed sharply over a narrow range of ratios.  相似文献   

1. Male and female broilers of a pure line were selected over three generations on the basis of high or low plasma very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentration at 7 weeks of age.

2. Heritability of plasma VLDL was high (h 2 = 0·50 ± 0·08) and by the third generation mean values in the two lines differed by a factor of 2·5.

3. Correlated responses to selection for low plasma VLDL included a relative decrease in abdominal fat and total body lipid and an increase in body protein, together with improvements in the conversion efficiences of food and dietary protein.

4. There was no difference between the lines in 7‐week body weight.


10 0只海兰商品代 1月龄母雏 ,饲以基础日粮。随机分为 5组。A组作为对照组 ,B、C、D和E组分别添加 0 4、 0 5、 0 6、 1 0mg/kg叶酸(其他元素按标准自配 )。试验期 6周。结果表明 :随叶酸含量的增加 ,羽毛色泽亮丽 ,死亡率减少且体重有显著性增加。雏鸡正常叶酸需要量在0 7mg/kg以上。  相似文献   

To determine the effect of dietary protein intake on lean body wasting in adult canines a study was undertaken to investigate the Ubiquitin Proteasome (UP) pathway and concurrent changes in lean and fat body mass of canines fed variable sources and concentrations of dietary protein. Purpose-bred, intact female canines (56) between the ages of 2 and 3 years were fed either 12 or 28% protein diet for 10 weeks. Each diet contained variable amounts of corn gluten meal and chicken protein sources in ratios of 100 : 0, 67 : 33, 33 : 67 and 0 : 100 per cent (w/w), respectively. All diets were isocaloric with calories coming from protein : fat : carbohydrate at the respective ratios of 12 : 40 : 48% for the 12% diets, and 28 : 40 : 32% for the 28% diets. Standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry was performed to assess total body lean and fat mass at weeks 0 and 10 of the dietary trial. Muscle biopsies were also taken and processed for protein determination and standard gel electrophoresis with subsequent Western blotting for 20S proteasome and PA700 regulatory cap subunit p31. Statistical analysis revealed a moderate degree of correlation between increasing quantities of corn gluten, which is low in essential amino acids (i.e. lysine, tryptophan), and increasing loss of lean body mass over the 10-week study (R = 0.56). Furthermore, a moderate degree of correlation was observed between increasing concentrations of corn gluten protein and decreased expression of the p31 subunit of the 26S proteasome (R = 0.49). Additionally, the dogs consuming the 12% protein diets had a significant increase in fat mass regardless of the protein source. These findings suggest that lean body wasting in adult canines can be associated with the consumption of low protein diets consisting of predominantly corn gluten, which is likely due to imbalances or subclinical deficiencies of specific essential amino acids, and that low protein diets may augment accumulation of adipose tissue. Although the mechanisms remain unclear, alteration of molecular targets of skeletal muscle proteolysis, specifically involving the UP pathway occur.  相似文献   

分析杂一代荷斯坦成年母牛体尺指标与体重的相关性,并进一步进行估测体重的回归分析,指导黄牛改良的生产实际及选育工作。以门源县麻莲乡2008年测量的495头杂种荷斯坦牛相关数据为基础,分析体重与体高、体长、胸围、管围的相关系数,构建估测杂种荷斯坦成年母牛体重的回归模型。结果表明:体重与体高、体长、胸围、管围的相关系数R分别为0.712、0.785,0.889,0.514;得到了估测体重的最优回归模型,Y=-648.399+3.317X3+2.062x2+1.211x1(P〈0.01)(R2=0.877)。杂种荷斯坦成年母牛体重与体高、体长、胸围、管围存在明显的线性关系。  相似文献   

Estimates of (co)variance components and genetic parameters were calculated for birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), 6 month weight (6WT), 9 month weight (9WT), 12 month weight (12WT) and greasy fleece weight at first clip (GFW) for Malpura sheep. Data were collected over a period of 23 years (1985–2007) for economic traits of Malpura sheep maintained at the Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan, India. Analyses were carried out by restricted maximum likelihood procedures (REML), fitting six animal models with various combinations of direct and maternal effects. Direct heritability estimates for BWT, WWT, 6WT, 9WT, 12WT and GFW from the best model (maternal permanent environmental effect in addition to direct additive effect) were 0.19 ± 0.04, 0.18 ± 0.04, 0.27, 0.15 ± 0.04, 0.11 ± 0.04 and 0.30 ± 0.00, respectively. Maternal effects declined as the age of the animal increased. Maternal permanent environmental effects contributed 20% of the total phenotypic variation for BWT, 5% for WWT and 4% for GFW. A moderate rate of genetic progress seems possible in Malpura sheep flock for body weight traits and fleece weight by mass selection. Direct genetic correlations between body weight traits were positive and ranged from 0.40 between BWT and 6WT to 0.96 between 9WT and 12WT. Genetic correlations of GFW with body weights were 0.06, 0.49, 0.41, 0.19 and 0.15 from birth to 12WT. The moderately positive genetic correlation between 6WT and GFW suggests that genetic gain in the first greasy fleece weight will occur if selection is carried out for higher 6WT.  相似文献   

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